Awesome List Updates on Jun 15, 2019
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
2. Awesome Eosio
Wallets and Toolkits / Mobile
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- EOSIO/eosio-java (â127) - Official Java SDK.
- eosiojava API - API documentation.
- EOSIO⢠Software Release: Native SDKs for Swift and Java - Article.
- EOSIO/eosio-swift (â61) - Official Swift SDK.
- EOSIO SDK for Swift - API documentation.
- memtrip/eosreach-android (â38) - Kotlin / Android library.
Libraries and Frameworks / Authentication and Wallet Signing libraries
- EOSIO/universal-authenticator-library (â128) - A library for allowing apps to easily use different auth providers.
- EOSIO/eosio-webauthn-example-app (â38) - Example web app demonstrating EOSIO signing via WebAuthn.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-chrome-extension-authenticator-app (â25) - Chrome extension reference app demonstrating how users could sign transactions using various EOSIO Labs tools.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-ios-authenticator-app (â66) - iOS reference app demonstrating inter-application transaction signing for EOSIO blockchain apps.
- EOSIO/ual-scatter (â14) - Authenticator meant to be used with Scatter and Universal Authenticator Library.
Developer Tools / Services
- EOSIO/eosio.cdt (â513) - EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts.
- EOSIO/ricardian-template-toolkit (â45) - Renderer for the Ricardian Contract specification.
Code examples / Services
- EOSIO/eosio-java-android-example-app (â31) - Application demonstrating integration with EOSIO-based blockchains using EOSIO SDK for Java.
Block Producer tools / Services
- eosdetroit/bp-playbook (â8) - A set of playbooks to make managing EOS.IO nodes easier.
- eoseoul/eos-ramcost (â6) - Adjusting supply of a token and connector balance of bancor during final phase of boot.
Other in Developers / Services
- OracleChain/EOSBenchTool (â36) - A client side tool for EOS performance testing.
- breakstring/savemyeosram (â5) - Saving RAM on EOS.
Other in DApps / Services
- EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia (â154) - The Everipedia Network protocol.
3. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Software-specific
- A Userâs Guide to Network Analysis in R, by Douglas A. Luke (2015).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Colorado Index of Complex Networks (ICON) - Large collection of networks described and indexed by Aaron Clausetâs research group.
- Network Science Book - Network Datasets - Network data sets from Albert-LĂĄszlĂł BarabĂĄsiâs Network Science book. Includes data on IMDB actors, arXiv scientific collaboration, network of routers, the US power grid, protein-protein interactions, cell phone users, citation networks, metabolic reactions, e-mail networks, and Web pages.
Professional Groups / Topic-specific
- APSA Political Networks - Organized Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Twitter: @PolNetworks.
- ECPR Political Networks SG - Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research. Twitter: @politicalnets.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (USA)
- Network Dynamics Group at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. Twitter: @NDGannenberg.
- Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab - Non-profit study group of ecological networks (âfood websâ).
Review Articles / Archeological and Historical Networks
- Networks in Historical Research (in The Historianâs Macroscope, 2013).
Review Articles / Bibliographic, Citation and Semantic Networks
Review Articles / Complex and Multilayer Networks
- Multilayer Networks in a Nutshell (Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2019).
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Basic Models and Questions in Statistical Network Analysis (Statistics Surveys, 2017).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Networks and Trade (Annual Review of Economics, 2018).
- Social Networks and Crime: Pitfalls and Promises for Advancing the Field (Annual Review of Criminology, 2019).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Deux traditions dâanalyse des reseaux sociaux, by Michael Eve (English version; RĂŠseaux, 2002).
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Node Overlap and Segregation Software - Web-based tool to compute Strona and Veechâs node overlap and segregation measures.
- SparklingGraph - Cross-platform tool to perform large-scale, distributed network computations with Apache Sparkâs GraphX module; written in Java and Scala.
Varia / Tutorials
- (@) Network Fact - Twitter account on networks, graph theory, and related topics.
- (@) Network Science - A thematic list of Twitter accounts, curated by Katherine Ognyanova.
Varia / Blog Series
- TNT: The Network Thinkers - Valdis Krebsâ blog.
- Under Roquentinâs Chestnut Tree - Moses Boudouridesâ blog on analyzing (mostly) networks with Python.
4. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
- All about Appium Desired Capabilities - All about Appium's desired capabilities.
5. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Reply (â559) - 'Reply' Material Design case study by Frederik Schweiger
6. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Notable (â23k) - The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
7. Awesome List
- Algorithms (â22k)
- Education (â833) - Learning and practicing.
- Game Datasets (â802) - Materials and datasets for Artificial Intelligence in games.
8. Awesome Jquery
- Code School - Learn the basics of jQuery, a JavaScript library, to modify elements on a webpage and improve user interaction.
- Codecademy jQuery track - Beginners track for learning jQuery.
- Learning jQuery - Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library.
Books / Free Books
- jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, mobi, epub) (Registration required).
Blogs / Paid Books
- Smashing Magazine - jQuery tag, useful jQuery articles and tutorial alike blog posts.
Plugins / Paid Books
- Plugins - Registry of jQuery plugins, previous one is now in read-only mode.
Editors / Paid Books
- TinyMCE - Popular WYSIWYG editor with jQuery build and a jQuery integration plugin.
Menus / Paid Books
- mmenu (â2.6k) - App look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus.
Modals and Popups / Paid Books
- iziModal (â2.2k) - Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery.
Tables / Paid Books
- Bootstrap table - A powerful table control designed for bootstrap.
Server-side Integrations / Paid Books
- Python:
- django-static-jquery - jQuery packaged in an handy Django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
- Prev: Jun 16, 2019
- Next: Jun 14, 2019