Awesome List Updates on May 30, 2019

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Software Architecture

Design Patterns

2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Oberon / PicoLisp

3. Awesome Linguistics


4. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust

5. Awesome Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

6. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities

7. Awesome Quantum Computing


8. Awesome Cpp




9. Awesome React

React General Resources

React Tutorials

React Native General Resources

10. Awesome Gbdev

Documentation / Opcodes

11. Awesome Electron

Open Source / Other

12. Awesome List

Programming Languages

Computer Science

13. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Job queues