Awesome List Updates on May 29, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
Profiler and Optimization
- rbspy (⭐2.5k) - Sampling profiler for any Ruby process.
2. Awesome List
- CSV (⭐791) - A text file format that stores tabular data and uses a comma to separate values.
3. Awesome Npm
- release-it (⭐8.3k) - Automate releases for Git repositories and/or npm packages. Changelog generation, GitHub/GitLab releases, etc.
4. Awesome Ember
Packages / Web Components
- shadow-dom (⭐29) - Write templates for your components inside of a Shadow DOM root.
Packages / Webpack
Packages / Weird
- ember-dynamic-render-template (⭐14) - Render DOM from a template string.
5. Awesome React Native
Analytics / Navigation Demos
- react-native-flurry-sdk ★15 (⭐40) - Official React Native wrapper for Flurry SDK. Supports Android, iOS and tvOS.
6. Awesome Keycloak
7. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Spacex-Go (⭐891) - Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker. jesusrp98.
- Superhero Interaction (⭐220) - Cool Superhero interaction animation by Pinkesh Darji
8. Awesome Cpp
Memory Allocation
- C Smart Pointers (⭐1.6k) - Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language. [MIT]
- libhttpserver (⭐911) - C++ library for creating an embedded Rest HTTP server (and more). [LGPL2.1]
9. Awesome Remote Job
- Remote Indian - Remote workers from India.
10. Awesome Ios Books
11. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Free Content / Commerical Tools
- R2D3 - A website with explanations on topics from Machine Learning to Statistics. All helped with beautifully animated infographics and real-life examples. Available in various languages.
Learning / Commerical Tools
- Awesome Community Detection (⭐2.3k) - Clustering graph structured data
- Awesome Decision Tree Papers (⭐2.4k) - Decision tree papers from machine learning conferences
- Awesome Gradient Boosting Papers (⭐1k) - Gradient boosting papers from machine learning conferences
- Awesome Fraud Detection Papers (⭐1.7k) - Fraud detection papers from machine learning conferences
12. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Other Tools
- HEIC Converter - Convert HEIC images to JPEG or PNG.
13. Awesome Roadmaps
- A Roadmap To Become A Better Android Developer - A collection of articles to provide a proper roadmap to become a better Android Developer
14. Awesome React Components
- 🚀 react-toastify (⭐12k) - demo - best bet out there at the moment. Hooks support. No refs.
15. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Algorithms and AI
- gdx-ai (⭐1.2k) - Artificial Intelligence framework featuring Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines.
Resources / Controllers
- gdx-controllerutils (⭐60) - Adds Scene2D button input support, user configurable button mappings and hotplugging for LWJGL2.
Resources / Services
- steamworks4j (⭐483) - A thin wrapper which allows Java applications to access the Steamworks C++ API.
Resources / User Interface
- gdx-dialogs (⭐78) - Provides cross-platform support for native dialogs.
- InGameConsole (⭐132) - Allows a developer to add a console (similar to how it is featured in Source games) to their game.
Resources / Visual Effects
- Box2DLights (⭐256) - 2D lighting framework that uses Box2D for raycasting and OpenGL ES 2.0 for rendering.
- Particle Park (⭐69) - A showcase of downloadable particle effects with live previews.
Resources / Others
- gdxGifRecorder (⭐37) - A utility class that records a GIF and saves it automatically.
- noise4j (⭐102) - Simple map generators based on various procedural content generation tutorials.
- Prev: May 30, 2019
- Next: May 28, 2019