Awesome List Updates on May 21, 2019
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Java
Related Awesome Lists / Mocking
2. Awesome Crystal
- spectator - Feature rich spec framework that uses the modern expect syntax
3. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
4. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Tockler (⭐863) - Tracks your time.
5. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- DeleteFB (⭐2.7k) - Selenium script to delete all of your Facebook wall posts.
6. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Storybook (⭐379) - Development environment for UI components.
7. Awesome Storybook
Official resources
- Practical Guide to Storybook-Driven Development - A tutorial on how to use the Storybook tool as a means of templating and driving forward your development efforts.
- Adding Storybook Style Guide to a Create React App - A tutorial on how to add Storybook in an application generated with Create React App.
- Build your components with Storybook - A tutorial on how to create your components and exposing them in a Storybook.
Blog posts
- Storybook 5.0 - A features' showcase about the biggest release to date.
- Using Storybook with VueJS - Learn how to build a component library with Vue and Storybook to create modular and reusable components.
- Setting up a Component Library with React and Storybook - Learn how to set up a component library with React and Storybook to create modular and reusable components that can be shared across projects.
- Storybook - UI component development tool for React, Vue, and Angular (Article focusing on React) - A brief presentation of Storybook and how to setup on a React application.
- Storybook vs Styleguidist - A comparison of the top UI component explorers.
- Five Reasons to Use Storybook Tests - A complete walkthrough of different testing solutions for Storybook: Easy Cross-Browser Visual Checks, Interaction Testing and StoryShots for Snapshot Testing.
8. Awesome R
Graphic Displays
- plot3D - Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data
- plot3Drgl - Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'
Reproducible Research
- officer - An R package to generate Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML reports.
- flextable - An R package to embed complex tables (merged cells, multi-level headers and footers, conditional formatting) in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML reports. It cooperates with the [officer] package and integrates with [rmarkdown] reports.
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- glmmTMB - Generalized mixed-effects models, handling user-specified matrix of residual covariance, relevant for the anaysis of repeated observations in longitudinal trials.
- lme4 (⭐626) - Generalized mixed-effects models.
- nlme - Mixed-effects models, handling user-specified matrix of residual covariance, relevant for the anaysis of repeated observations in longitudinal trials.
- scorecard (⭐161) - Credit Risk Scorecard
- GWmodel - Geographically-Weighted Models
9. Awesome Cpp
- Vince's CSV Parser (⭐939) - A fast, self-contained, streaming C++17 CSV parser with optional type-casting and statistics. [MIT]
Web Application Framework
- Drogon (⭐12k) - A C++14/17 based, high-performance HTTP application framework. [MIT]
10. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- NISQAI (⭐38) - Library for performing quantum artificial intelligence on near-term quantum computers.
- Qurry (⭐24) - Quantum probabilistic programming language based on functional and probabilistic paradigms.
- Prev: May 22, 2019
- Next: May 20, 2019