Awesome List Updates on May 02, 2019
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
- lottie-ios (⭐26k) - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations.
- Telegram Bot SDK (⭐378) 🐧 - Unofficial SDK.
Keychain / Barcode
- Latch (⭐57) - A simple Keychain Wrapper for iOS.
Thread / Barcode
- Schedule (⭐1.8k) 🐧 - A missing lightweight task scheduler with an incredibly human-friendly syntax.
2. Awesome Ocaml
Web Development
- Frameworks:
- Opium (⭐771) – Sinatra like web toolkit for OCaml.
- Ocsigen Eliom – Eliom is a full-featured multi-tier framework, for developing multi-platform Web and mobile apps as 100% OCaml distributed applications. It can also be used for more traditional Web or mobile apps: Web sites, single page applications, REST API, etc.
- Dream - Tidy Web framework for OCaml and ReasonML
- webmachine (⭐223) – A REST toolkit for OCaml. OCaml webmachine is a layer on top of cohttp that implements a state-machine-based HTTP request processor. It's particularly well-suited for writing RESTful APIs. As the name suggests, this is an OCaml port of the webmachine project.
- incr_dom (⭐387) - A library for building dynamic webapps, using Js_of_ocaml
- fmlib_browser - a library which helps to write web applications which run in the browser in a pure functional style.
- ocaml-vdom (⭐201) - Elm architecture and (V)DOM for OCaml
3. Awesome Beacon
Stackoverflow Q&A
4. Awesome React Hooks
- React Today and Tomorrow and 90% Cleaner React - Dan Abramov and Sophie Alpert.
- Making Sense of React Hooks - Dan Abramov.
- React Hooks and Suspense - Kent C. Dodds.
- React Hooks & testing: Stepping through React code - Kent C. Dodds.
- My Thoughts on React Hooks - Ben Awad.
- Are React Hooks Slower than Class Components? - Ben Awad.
- Building a Todo List with React Hooks useState - Ben Awad.
- Using React Hooks vs. Class Components - Ben Awad.
- Using Immer with Reducers and React Hooks - Ben Awad.
- React Hooks useContext - Ben Awad.
- Everything you need to know about React Hooks - Carl Vitullo.
- Hooks in react-spring, a tutorial - Paul Henschel.
- React Hooks: Notes Taken - Tomáš Konrády.
- Getting Started with React Hooks - Chris Sevilleja.
- React hooks: not magic, just arrays - Rudi Yardley.
- Why React’s new Hooks API is a game changer - Rudi Yardley.
- Writing Custom React Hooks for GraphQL - Nader Dabit.
- Manage global state with React Hooks - Charles Stover.
- Primer on React Hooks - Austin Johnston.
- React Hooks - A deeper dive featuring useContext and useReducer - Austin Johnston.
- v6 Candidate Preview: Use React Hooks for connect (⭐22k) - Mark Erikson.
- RFC: React Hooks (⭐4.5k) - Sebastian Markbåge.
- Using Hooks in React Native (⭐105k) - Héctor Ramos.
- Color Match - Color Match Game.
- React Hooks counter - Counter using useState of React Hooks.
- Toggle component - Toggle component made with React Hooks.
- Hooks test (⭐199) - Somewhat complicated use case solved relatively nicely with React Hooks.
- React Navigation Hooks (⭐577) - React hooks for convenient react-navigation use.
- Haunted (⭐2.4k) - React's Hooks API implemented for web components.
- useHooks - Easy to understand React Hook recipes by Gabe Ragland.
- Collection of React Hooks - Collection of React Hooks.
- React Spring demo - Demo of how react-spring could use React Hooks as a new API.
- React Hooks - React Hooks useState() and useEffect().
- Hooks Todo App - App made with React Hooks.
- redux-react-hook (⭐2.2k) - React Hook for accessing state and dispatch from a Redux store.
- react-use (⭐34k) - Collection of essential React Hooks.
- The Platform (⭐4.4k) - Browser API's turned into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React elements for common situations.
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks - This plugin enforce rule of hooks to avoid common mistakes.
- react-hooks-lib (⭐531) - A set of reusable React Hooks.
- use-immer (⭐2.4k) - A hook to use immer as a React hook to manipulate state.
- react-hanger (⭐1.8k) - A small collection of useful hooks for React 16.7.
- react-firebase-hooks (⭐2.9k) - A set of reusable React Hooks for Firebase.
- react-intersection-visible-hook (⭐50) - React hook to track the visibility of a functional component based on IntersectionVisible Observer.
- use-timer (⭐169) - Simple React hook to handle timer.
- react-native-hooks (⭐2.9k) - React Native APIs turned into React Hooks for use in stateless React components.
- react-with-hooks (⭐152) - Ponyfill for the proposed React Hooks API.
- use-http (⭐2.2k) - React hooks for making isomorphic HTTP requests.
5. Awesome Keycloak
6. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_swagger (⭐64) - Convenient tools for using Swagger to define and validate your interfaces in a Pyramid webapp. (Swagger 2.0 document)
- pyramid-openapi3 (⭐78) - Validate Pyramid views against an OpenAPI 3.0 document. Similar to pyramid_swagger but for OpenAPI 3.0.
7. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Erdal TAŞKESEN - All in one developer.
8. Awesome Java
Template Engine / Other
- Pebble - Inspired by Twig and separates itself with its inheritance feature and its easy-to-read syntax. It ships with built-in autoescaping for security and it includes integrated support for internationalization.
- Prev: May 03, 2019
- Next: May 01, 2019