Awesome List Updates on Mar 14, 2019
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome WSL
Supported Distributions / Pengwin
- Because Pengwin is based on Debian, most Debian and Ubuntu documentation also applies to Pengwin.
Supported Distributions / Pengwin Enterprise
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / STMicroelectronics
-- Generic HAL implementation for all MCUs of the stm32f4 series
3. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-currency-input (⭐666) - Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.
4. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Release
- clog (⭐859) - A conventional changelog for the rest of us.
5. Awesome Cpp
- Restinio (⭐1.2k) - A header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP/Websocket server. [BSD]
- CppChat - A (sometimes) weekly look at what's going on in the world of C++ chatting with a guest from the community.
Other Awesome Projects
- Prev: Mar 15, 2019
- Next: Mar 13, 2019