Awesome List Updates on Mar 13, 2019
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Eduards Sizovs (⭐0) - Software architect, blogger, trainer, speaker, and a conference organizer.
2. Awesome Sass
- avalanche - Framework for building the foundation for a package based CSS workflow.
- Bulma (⭐46k) - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
- Kickoff - Kickoff is a lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, performant and responsive sites.
- Materialize - Modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design.
- Scooter - SCSS framework built to provide base styles, CSS components, and rapid static prototyping for Dropbox.
- Sierra - Micro SCSS library to help you build websites, without all the arbitrary selectors.
Libraries and Mixins / Grid
- Avalanche - Lightweight, responsive, Sass-based, BEM-syntax grid system.
- Griddle - Extremely flexable CSS grid constructor.
- Jeet (⭐3k) - Simple fractional grid system for Sass and Stylus.
- SCSS Flexible Grid System - SCSS flexible grid system.
Libraries and Mixins / Media Queries
- Breakpoint (⭐2.1k) - Breakpoint makes writing media queries in Sass super simple.
- mq-scss (⭐126) - An extreamly powerful but easy to use Sass media query mixin.
Libraries and Mixins / Color
- scss-blend-modes (⭐821) - Using standard color blending functions in Sass.
Libraries and Mixins / Typography
- Typi (⭐866) - Sass mixin to make responsive typography easy.
Libraries and Mixins / Animation
- Sass Burger (⭐666) - Sass mixin for creating animated hamburger icon.
- SpinThatShit - Set of SCSS mixins for single element loaders and spinners.
Libraries and Mixins / Miscellaneous
- Angled Edges (⭐971) - Sass mixin for creating angled edges on sections by dynamically encoding SVGs.
- csstyle - A SCSS library to help you build modular CSS that generates your selectors for you and deals with specificity automatically.
- Family.scss - Set of 26 smart Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child’ified elements, in an easy and classy way.
- Juice - Collection of Sass mixins and functions.
- normalize-scss (⭐1.4k) - Sass/Compass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers.
- Pretty checkbox (⭐1.8k) - SCSS/CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons.
- Sass flexbox mixin (⭐1.1k) - Set of mixins for those who want to mess around with flexbox using the native support of current browsers.
- Sassdash (⭐384) - The Sass implementation of lodash (API documentation).
- Scut (⭐769) - Collection of Sass utilities to ease and improve the implementations of common style-code patterns.
Tools / Miscellaneous
- dart-sass (⭐3.3k) - Dart implementation of Sass.
- diamond - Dependency management built for Sass, Less, and CSS.
- libsass-python (⭐522) - Binding of libsass for Python.
- node-sass-magic-importer (⭐293) - Custom node-sass importer for selector specific imports, node importing, module importing, globbing support and importing files only once.
- OctoLinker (⭐5.1k) - Navigate through *.scss and *.sass files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub.
- sass-extract (⭐187) - Extract variables from scss files. Use scss to describe styles for use in javascript by extracting computed styles into js objects. Supports imports and advanced language features.
- SassDoc - Documentation system (like JSDoc for JavaScript) to build pretty and powerful docs in the blink of an eye.
- Scout-App - Process your Sass and SCSS files into CSS without needing any knowledge of the command line.
- stylelint - A mighty, modern CSS linter that helps you enforce consistent conventions and avoid errors in your stylesheets. Supports CSS-like syntaxes, including SCSS.
3. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
4. Game Datasets
- OpenDota - Platform providing Dota 2 data.
Artificial Intelligence
- Dungeon and Cave Generation (⭐16) - Constructive generation methods for dungeons and levels.
- irrlamb - Puzzle game with physics effects in 3D.
- Robocode - Robot battle tank competition.
5. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- ThreatIngestor (⭐801) - Build automated threat intel pipelines sourcing from Twitter, RSS, GitHub, and more.
6. Awesome Cl
Utils / Third-party APIs
- trivial-monitored-thread - a Common Lisp library offering a way of spawning threads and being informed when one any of them crash and die. MIT.
7. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- xargo (⭐1.1k) Rust package manager with support for non-default std libraries — build Rust runtime for your embedded system.
- xargo is great, but since it's in maintenance mode, cargo-xbuild (⭐260) is catching up as its intended replacement.
- Prev: Mar 14, 2019
- Next: Mar 12, 2019