Awesome List Updates on Mar 07, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Web Performance Budget
- Performance Budget - Performance Budget by Addyosmani.
Tools to measure Performance Budget
- Performance Budget Calculator - Calculate A Performance Budget For Your Site.
Build Tools to set up performance budget
- Bundle Size (⭐4.5k) - Keep your bundle size in check.
- Concept of Performance Budget - Performance Budget with Tim Kadlec.
2. Awesome Java
Database / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Apache Drill - Distributed, schema on-the-fly, ANSI SQL query engine for Big Data exploration.
3. Awesome Purescript
Asynchronicity and Parallelism
- purescript-queue (⭐3) - An asynchronous queue library for PureScript.
- purescript-signal (⭐251) - An asynchronous signal library for PureScript, similar to Elm.
- purescript-zeta (⭐5) - An alternative signal implementation in PureScript.
Effect Management
- purescript-effect (⭐49) - The Effect monad, for handling native side effects in PureScript v0.12.x.
Json Serialization
- purescript-argonaut (⭐59) - Json encoding and decoding typeclasses.
- purescript-simple-json (⭐131) - Json encoding and decoding through Generics.
Binary Serialization
- purescript-arraybuffer (⭐6) - Bindings to the ArrayBuffer JavaScript type.
- purescript-arraybuffer-class (⭐5) - Typeclasses for ArrayBuffer encoding and decoding.
4. Awesome
Videos / Plugins
5. Awesome Actions
Static Analysis / Linting
6. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Videos / Commerical Tools
- Reinforcement Learning in Motion - This live-video breaks down critical concepts like how RL systems learn, how to sense and process environmental data, and how to build and train AI agents.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Trilium Notes (⭐28k) - Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.
8. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / Go
- Bongo (⭐489) - ODM based on mgo
- mgo (⭐2k) - Community Go driver
- minquery (⭐62) - MongoDB cursor that paginates
- mongo-go-driver (⭐8.2k) - Official Go driver
Libraries / Java
- Morphia (⭐1.7k) - Java ODM
9. Awesome Nextjs
- Next.js with Express and Babel (⭐4) - An application skeleton for those who want to transpile their Express as well as their Next.js code using Babel.
10. Awesome Humane Tech
- Cookie-AutoDelete (⭐1.4k) - Browser extension that deletes cookies as soon as the tab closes, unless site is allowListed.
11. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Release
- release-it (⭐8k) - Automate releases for Git repositories and/or npm packages. Changelog generation, GitHub/GitLab releases, etc.
- np (⭐7.6k) - A better
npm publish
Utilities / Network Utilities
- get-port-cli (⭐144) - Get an available port.
- is-reachable-cli (⭐24) - Check if hostnames are reachable or not.
Data Manipulation / JSON
- fx (⭐19k) - Command-line JSON viewer.
- vj (⭐90) - Makes JSON human readable.
Data Manipulation / Text
- figlet - Creates large text out of ASCII characters.
12. Awesome React Native
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-iphone-se-helper ★0 (⭐8) - utils for developing iphone SE size.
13. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Courses
- AI for Everyone by Andrew Ng (2019)
14. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / STMicroelectronics
15. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- Trello - A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into Kanban boards.
- Prev: Mar 08, 2019
- Next: Mar 06, 2019