Awesome List Updates on Feb 27, 2019
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
2. Awesome Actions
Official Resources
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Semantic Versioning
Static Analysis / Testing
GitHub Pages / Code Coverage
- Google Dataset Search Metadata - And other extractors to make datasets discoverable from GitHub pages.
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
Deployment / Code Coverage
External Services / Terraform
Frontend Tools / Terraform
- JS Build Actions (⭐53) - Run Grunt or Gulp build tasks and commit file changes.
3. Awesome Ddd
- Applying Domain Driven Design with CQRS and Event Sourcing - A walkthrough of using EventStorming and other modeling techniques to build a CQRS and Event Sourcing-based prototype for a fictional business domain.
- CQRS - Notes by Mark Nijhof from his experiences learning DDD and CQRS from Greg Young. There is an extensive sample project that accompanies this book.
- Domain-Driven Design Distilled - Very good starter book before you read Implementing Domain-Driven Design or Domain-Driven Design: Tackling the Complexity at the Heart of Software.
- Domain-Driven Design in PHP - Real examples written in PHP showcasing DDD Architectural Styles, Tactical Design, and Bounded Context Integration.
- Domain-Driven Rails - Domain-Driven Rails describes 11 techniques (from Bounded Contexts to Event Sourcing) that you can use separately and together in new and old Rails apps to achieve better architecture.
- Event Sourcing and CQRS with .NET Core and SQL Server - A walkthrough of using Domain-Driven Design with Event Sourcing and CQRS using ASP.NET Core and SQL Server in production.
- Microsoft .NET - Architecting Applications for the Enterprise (2nd Edition) - A software architect’s digest of core practices, pragmatically applied.
- Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (1st Edition) - Methods for managing complex software construction following the practices, principles and patterns of Domain-Driven Design with code examples in C#.
- Specification by Example - This book distills from the experience of leading teams worldwide effective ways to specify, test, and deliver software in short, iterative delivery cycles. Case studies in this book range from small web startups to large financial institutions, working in many processes including XP, Scrum, and Kanban.
User Groups / Ruby
4. Awesome Scala Native
Tutorials and Examples
- Giter8 template for a minimal Scala Native project (⭐67) - Official Giter8 template for a minimal Scala Native project.
- Hands on Scala Native (⭐27) - Tutorial for implementing a bandwidth monitor with Ncurses.
- Starter for Scala Native (⭐26) - Scala Native project that links to a custom C library.
- Building C code using sbt-jni (⭐3) - Example for compiling C code in a Scala Native project using sbt-jni (⭐115).
- Example project with external dependencies (⭐50) - Example project that uses external dependencies to generate HTML and run a test suite.
Functional Programming
- Shapeless (⭐3.3k) - Library for generic programming.
- Squants (⭐877) - DSL for quantities, units of measure and dimensional analysis.
- scalaz (⭐4.6k) - Type classes and instances for data structures.
- PPrint (⭐183) - Pretty-print values and types.
- SourceCode (⭐484) - Implicits providing meta data similar to
in C.
- reactify (⭐78) - Functional Reactive Programming framework for Scala.
- chimney (⭐887) - Boilerplate-free data transformations.
Unit Tests
- scalaprops (⭐273) - Library for property-based testing.
- scalaprops-shapeless (⭐9) - Generation of arbitrary ADT instances.
- scalaprops-cross-example (⭐2) - Cross-platform example.
- Makeshift (⭐1) - Library for unit tests.
- cmark (⭐13) - Bindings for the cmark (⭐1.4k) CommonMark parser library.
- libuv (⭐8) - Bindings for libuv (⭐20k), a library for asynchronous I/O.
- Cocoa (⭐20) - Bindings for the macOS graphical framework Cocoa.
- Gtk+ (⭐26) - Bindings for the GTK+ graphical toolkit.
File Formats and Parsers
- msgpack4z (⭐3) - Implementation of MessagePack, a binary serialisation format.
- scala-json (⭐61) - JSON parser.
- argonaut (⭐536) - Purely functional JSON parser and library.
- slogging (⭐49) - Typesafe-logging (⭐882) and SLF4J-compatible logging library based on macros.
- scopt (⭐1.4k) - Command-line argument parser.
- Potassium (⭐18) - Framework for writing robot software.
- WPILib (⭐7) - Reimplementation of the FIRST Robotics WPILib libraries.
- sglgears (⭐15) - Port of GL gears.c (⭐11).
- k8s-cli (⭐3) - CLI tools to generate Kubernetes resources for Akka, Play Framework and Lagom-based applications.
- scala-native-sbt-docker (⭐4) - Docker image for Scala Native and sbt.
5. Awesome Slack
6. Awesome Swift
- Real-time Chat with Firebase (⭐768) - Functional real-time chat app with Firebase Firestore using MessageKit.
UI / Barcode
- GradientProgressBar (⭐535) - An animated gradient progress bar.
UITableView / Barcode
- CollapsibleTableSectionViewController (⭐353) - A library to support collapsible sections in a table view.
7. Awesome Roadmaps
Web Development
- React Developer Roadmap (⭐19k) - Roadmap to becoming a React developer in 2019
8. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
Papers / The others
9. Awesome Broadcasting
- libadm (⭐39) - Audio Definition Model (ITU-R BS.2076) handling C++11 library.
Multimedia content processing
- libbw64 (⭐30) – Header-only Broadcast Wave 64 (ITU-R BS.2088) C++11 library.
10. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- Jamovi and JASP - Desktop software for both Bayesian and Frequentist methods, using a UI familiar to SPSS users.
Machine Learning
- anomalize (⭐339) - Tidy Anomaly Detection using Twitter's AnomalyDetection method.
- L0Learn - Fast algorithms for best subset selection
11. Awesome Laravel
Community / Local User Groups
12. Awesome Msr
- SIR - Software-artifact infrastructure repository; Java, C, C++, and C# software together with test suites and fault data.
- PROMISE - About 20 datasets related to software engineering research.
- FLOSSmole - Collaborative collection and analysis of free/libre/open source project data.
- Zenodo - Software data collections in CERN's open-access repository.
Data Sets
- AndroidTimeMachine - Graph-based dataset of commit history of 8,431 real-world Android apps.
- AndroZoo - Collection of Android Applications.
- Bug Prediction Dataset - Collection of models and metrics from Eclipse JDT Core, PDE UI, Equinox Framework, Lucene, Mylyn, and their histories.
- Code Reviews - Code reviews of OpenStack, LibreOffice, AOSP, Qt, Eclipse.
- CoREBench - Collection of 70 realistically Complex Regression Errors that were systematically extracted from the repositories and bug reports of four open-source software projects: Make, Grep, Findutils, and Coreutils.
- Defects4J (⭐465) - Collection of 395 reproducible bugs collected with the goal of advancing software testing research.
- Enron Spreadsheets and Emails - All the spreadsheets and emails used in the paper 'Enron's Spreadsheets and Related Emails: A Dataset and Analysis'.
- Findbugs-maven (⭐1) - Set of FindBugs reports for the Java projects of the Maven repository.
- GHTorrent - Scalable, queriable, offline mirror of data offered through the GitHub REST API.
- GitHub on Google BigQuery - GitHub data accessible through Google's BigQuery platform.
- KaVE - Developer tool interaction data.
- Maven metrics (⭐0) - Collection of software complexity & sizing metrics for the Maven Repository.
- Maven Dependency Graph - Snapshot of the whole Maven Central taken on September 6, 2018, stored in a graph database.
- mzdata (⭐7) - Multi-extract and multi-level dataset of Mozilla issue tracking history.
- npm-miner (⭐0) - The dataset contains the analysis results of 5 open source software quality tools eslint, escomplex, nsp, jsinspect and sonarjs for 2000 popular (in terms of stars and downloads) npm packages.
- OCL Expressions on GitHub (⭐4) - Data set of 9188 OCL expressions originating from 504 EMF meta-models in 245 systematically selected GitHub repositories.
- RepoReapers Data Set - Data set containing a collection of engineered software projects from GHTorrent.
- STAMINA - (STAte Machine INference Approaches) data are used to benchmark techniques for learning deterministic finite state machines (FSMs).
- Stack Exchange - Anonymized dump of all user-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network.
- TravisTorrent - Provides free and easy-to-use Traivs CI build analyses.
- Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) - Data about various aspects of Debian (e.g. packages, bugs, mainteners) in the same SQL database.
- Unix history (⭐5.8k) - Git repository with 46 years of Unix history evolution.
- Boa - Domain-specific language and infrastructure that eases mining software repositories.
- ckjm - Chidamber and Kemerer Java Metrics.
- Diggit (⭐18) - Agile Ruby Tool to analyze Git repositories.
- GrimoireLab - Free/Libre/Open Source tools for Software Development Analytics.
- MetricMiner - Lean Java DSL to mine and extract data (e.g. commits, developers, modifications, diffs) from Git and SVN repositories.
- Maven-miner (⭐25) - Java tools and infrastructure to resolve the whole Maven dependency graph, hosted in Maven Central, in the form of a Neo4j Graph.
- PyDriller (⭐631) - Python Framework to analyse Git repositories.
- qmcalc (⭐54) - Calculate quality metrics from C source code.
- reaper (⭐99) - Python tool to compute a score for a repository from GHTorrent. The score quantifies the extent to which the project contained within the repository is engineered.
- VulData7 (⭐32) - Java framework enabling the automated collection of commits fixing vulnerabilities that are reported in NVD (links NVD with Git).
13. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- CSS (⭐5.1k) - Style sheet language that specifies how HTML elements are displayed on screen.
- PICO-8 (⭐2.7k) - Fantasy console.
14. Awesome Actionscript3
AIR Native Extensions / Analytics ANE
- HockeyApp (⭐2) - ANE for the Hockeyapp testing & distribute platform.
15. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Diki Ananta (⭐1) - Freelance full-stack developer working with Laravel.
16. Public Apis
Description: REST API for random Kanye West quotes
Auth: No
17. AwesomeCSV
- ParaText (⭐1.1k) - CSV parsing at 2.5 GB per second.
18. Awesome Amazon Seller
- JumpSend - Authored by Greg Mercer and Adam Zlotnik. Tips for sellers on how to increase reviews and listing optimization.
- JungleScout - The most recent Amazon seller resources in the universe. Stay up to date and ahead of the competition with the latest Amazon strategies.
- SellerEngine - A blog with regular updates with an awesome Amazon Account Holder Digest series.
- SellerLabs - A blog from SellerLabs with awesome ICYMI: Amazon Seller News series.
- Sellics - Sellics provides strategic advice for sellers.
- Tamebay - Tamebay is the leading provider of intelligence & news for all businesses and business people who ply their trade on online marketplaces, whether they are experienced powersellers looking to boost sales, or beginners seeking advice and best practice.
- WebRetailer - WebRetailer is a treasure trove of information for sellers and one of the leading resources on the web.
- FBA Catalog - Software catalog for Amazon Sellers. Find tools that fit your business in no time!
- FBA Monthly - FBA Monthly newsletter is an across-the-board summary of the month's most important news articles and blog posts regarding Amazon businesses.
- Prev: Feb 28, 2019
- Next: Feb 26, 2019