Awesome List Updates on Feb 26, 2019
24 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Eosio
Blogs / Services
- cc32d9 - cc32d9 blog, EOSIO developer related publications.
- Dallas Rushing - Blog of Dallas Rushing, EOSIO user related content.
- Iang - Blog of Iang, EOSIO user and developer related content.
- EOS Canada - EOS Canada blog, user related content and videos.
- Cypherglass - Cypherglass blog, user related content and videos. News.
- EOS New York - EOS New York blog, user and developer related content.
YouTube Channels / Services
- EOS Go - ESO Go community meetings, podcasts, live streams. News and discussions.
- Investing with a difference - EOSIO ecosystem overview, news and market discussions.
- nsjames - Scatter related content.
- Crypto Dunker - Crypto Dunker channel. EOSIO DApps related content and news.
- EOS Authority - EOS Authority. Useful tutorials, developers related.
2. Awesome Godot
GDScript/C# editor support / Godot version unknown
- Kakoune - Syntax highlighting.
3. Awesome Product Design
Methods / Research Plan
- Interaction Design - One Page User Research Plan.
Methods / Competitive Analysis
- Hootsuite - Competitive Analysis Template To Help You Outsmart The Competition.
Testing / Storyboard
- Optimal Workshop - User Research Platform that helps you and your team make design decisions with confidence.
Guidelines / Storyboard
- Methods 18F - Collection of tools to bring human-centered design into your project.
Articles / Storyboard
- A List Apart - List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content.
Tools / Storyboard
- Huge - Tool to make creating and maintaining styleguides easy.
Resources / Storyboard
- Awesome Design Systems (⭐17k) - Curated list of design systems, patterns libraries, and everything in between.
- Awesome Sketch (⭐732) - Curated list of awesome Sketch videos, articles, plugins, whatever, for designers, developers, or neither.
Softwares / Storyboard
- Framer - All-in-one design workflow.
4. Awesome Dash
Component Libraries
- dash-color-picker (⭐2) - Wrapper around react-color.
- dash-dual-listbox (⭐12) - Wrapper around react-duallist.
5. Awesome Ddd
Free eBooks
- The Anatomy of Domain-Driven Design - The Infographic - An infographic on the anatomy of Domain-Driven Design.
- Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft Azure - Provides end-to-end guidance on building monolithic web applications using DDD, ASP.NET Core, and Azure. eShopOnWeb sample (⭐9.8k)
- CQRS Journey - Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing.
- DDD Reference - A summary of the patterns and definitions of DDD.
- Domain Driven Design Quickly - Domain Driven Design Quickly is a short, quick-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD.
- Effective Aggregate Design - In this three-part series, Vaughn Vernon walks through some common design pitfalls, discusses the pros and cons of various aggregate modeling choices, and provides rules of thumb to guide modeling of aggregates.
- Getting Started with DDD when Surrounded by Legacy Systems - Describes three strategies for getting started with DDD when you have a big commitment to legacy systems.
- Living Documentation by Design, with Domain-Driven Design - Discover how a Living Documentation can help you in all aspects of your projects, from the business goals to the business domain knowledge, architecture and design, processes and deployment, even if you hate writing documentation.
- .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications - An introduction to developing microservices-based applications and managing them using containers. eShopOnContainers sample (⭐25k)
- The Semantic JavaScript Backend for Event-Driven Development - A 68 pages long free ebook on what DDD, CQRS and event-sourcing are, and how they fit each other.
6. Awesome Agriculture
Climate, Environment and Weather
- frostline (⭐153) - A dataset, API, and python parser for USDA plant hardiness zones.
- GSODR (⭐92) - Global summary daily weather data in R.
- iem (⭐147) - Code that makes the Iowa Environmental Mesonet run.
- PyETo (⭐155) - Python package for calculating reference/potential evapotranspiration (ETo).
- pyTSEB (⭐139) - A python two source energy balance model for estimation of evapotranspiration with remote sensing data.
- soilDB (⭐85) - R library for simplified access to NCSS soil databases.
Crop Modeling, Phenotyping, and Pathology
- Open Plant Pathology - A community that values open data and computational tools for advancing epidemiology and pathogen population biology and ecology.
Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs
- AgGateway’s ADAPT Toolkit - Open Source project providing tools to simplify communication between growers, their machines, and their partners.
- API-Code-Samples (⭐9) - Contains aWhere's API platform code samples.
- ClearAg-API-Examples (⭐1) - A collection of code examples using the ClearAg APIs.
- Open Ag Data Alliance - OADA is an open project designed to bring interoperability, security, and privacy to agricultural data.
- SampleData (⭐29) - Sample datacards, shapefiles, and other files you can use for testing.
Farm Management Systems and Record Keeping
- farmOS (⭐1k) - Web-based farm record keeping application built with Drupal and PHP.
- Ekylibre (⭐428) - Farm management information system for farmers and small enterprises built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
- Tania (⭐777) - Free and open source farming management system for everyone built with Go and Vue.js.
Geospatial and GIS / GIS Resources
- Awesome GIS (⭐4.6k) - Awesome GIS is a list collecting abundant GIS related sources.
Geospatial and GIS / GIS Platforms
- QGIS - QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system.
Geospatial and GIS / Shapefiles
- pyshp (⭐1.1k) - Reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
- rgeo-shapefile (⭐97) - RGeo Shapefile is an optional module for RGeo for reading geospatial data from ESRI shapefiles in Ruby.
IoT, Hardware / Shapefiles
- AgOpenGPS - Ag precision mapping and section control software.
- DRO-Matic (⭐315) - Fully Automated Hydroponic OS for DIY DRO-Matic cabinets - Nutrient dosing, irrigation, topoffs, timers, EC & pH drift fixing.
- OpenMinder (⭐40) - Open Source Rootzone Monitoring, API and open source hat for the RaspberryPi.
Knowledgebases and Learning Resources / Shapefiles
- Harvest Helper (⭐86) - Provides growing, harvesting and recipe information for the 45 plants in the database as well as a JSON API.
- OpenFarm (⭐1.6k) - A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge built with Ruby on Rails.
Remote Sensing and Imagery / Shapefiles
- Awesome Sentinel (⭐549) - A curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs related to data from the Copernicus Sentinel Satellites.
- Raster Vision (⭐2.1k) - Deep learning for aerial/satellite imagery.
- Sen2Agri (⭐116) - Software system processing high resolution satellite images for agricultural purposes.
7. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Nordic
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52810 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52832 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52840 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
HAL implementation crates / Nordic
Board support crates / Nordic
8. Machine Learning with Ruby
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2013
- Sentiment Analysis using Support Vector Machines in Ruby by Matthew Kirk [video | code (⭐12)]
- Recommender Systems with Ruby by Marcel Caraciolo [slides]
- Detecting Faces with Ruby: FFI in a Nutshell by Marc Berszick [post]
9. Awesome Algorithms Education
Courses / Introductory
- Algorithm course for smart programming - Korean / Inflearn.
Competitive programming / Advanced
- Codeforces - English, Romanian, Russian.
- CS Academy - English, Russian, Arabic.
- Infoarena - Romanian.
- LeetCode - English, Chinese.
- URI - English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese.
- PKU JudgeOnline - English, Chinese.
- AIZU ONLINE JUDGE - English, Japanese.
- Project Euler @kr - Korean.
- Baekjoon - Korean.
- Algospot - Korean.
- Dovelet - Korean.
- JUNGOL - Korean.
- Koistudy - Korean.
- CodeUp - Korean.
- Codingdojang - Korean.
- Programmers - Korean.
- Codeground - English, Korean.
- SW Expert Academy - Korean.
Visualizations / Advanced
- VisuAlgo - English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese.
Interviews / Advanced
Videos / Advanced
- How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin.
- Algorithms - Oresoft LWC.
- Computer Sc - Programming and Data Structure - Nptelhrd.
- AlgoRythmics - Sapientia University.
Books / Advanced
- Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies - Korean.
Articles / Advanced
- Study data for algorithm - Korean.
10. Css Protips
Translations / Demo
11. Awesome Plotters
Hardware / Plotters
- Line-us - A cute little kickstarted robotic drawing arm.
- WaterColorBot - XY art robot and software to plot with watercolor paints.
- EggBot - Pen plotter for egg-shaped and spherical objects.
- HP Pen Plotters - Vintage desktop and floor-standing pen plotters from the creator of the HPGL standard. Model 7475A is very common and can usually be found on eBay.
- Roland Pen Plotters - Vintage flatbed HPGL pen plotters. Search eBay for "roland dxy".
Hardware / Motor Controllers
- grblShield (⭐132) - All the stepper motor control hardware needed to turn an Arduino into a G-code-based motion controller using the grbl firmware. (adafruit)
- TinyG (⭐910) - More featureful and robust 6-axis G-code-based motion control hardware. (adafruit)
- Raspberry Pi CNC Hat - Raspberry Pi add-on board w/ stepper controllers and a microcontroller running grbl. Interfaces with the Pi's serial pins.
Hardware / Accessories and Adapters
- WiFi232 - Wifi to RS-232 serial via a DB25 plug. Control your serial plotter wirelessly.
- Plotter Cable Pinout - Schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for
DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable
or similar to find them for sale.
Hardware / Pens
- Pens for AxiDraw - List of pens suitable for general plotter abuse.
- Pens for EggBot - Egg- and glass-focused pen recommendations but still generally applicable information.
Software / HPGL
- Chiplotle (⭐34) - Python library for generating HPGL and interfacing with serial plotters.
- HPGL Reference Guide - HTML-based HPGL Reference.
- HP 7475A Interfacing and Programming Manual - Scanned PDF manual that contains a full HPGL reference.
- djipco/hpgl (⭐39) - A Node.js library to communicate with HPGL-compatible plotters and printers.
- hp2xx - GNU tool to convert HPGL into other vector and raster formats. Can also be used as a previewing in X11.
- vec (⭐26) - Example C code for generating HPGL, with a turtle graphics interface.
- d3-hpgl (⭐20) - An adapter for the HTML Canvas API so you can output HPGL using the popular D3 library.
- HPGL Viewer (⭐19) - An HPGL Viewer using JavaScript and HTML5 canvas.
- HPGL Sender (⭐10) - A web interface for previewing HPGL and sending it to your plotter.
Software / G-code
- grbl (⭐5.7k) - A high-performance G-code interpreting firmware for the Atmega 328 microcontroller and Arduino.
- cncjs (⭐2.3k) - A web-based interface controlling CNC machines running grbl, TinyG, or other G-code-based firmware.
- Universal-G-Code-Sender (⭐2k) - Java-based grbl-compatible cross-platform G-code sender.
- ChiliPeppr Hardware Fiddle - Modular web-based workspaces to visualize G-code and control hardware.
Software / Plotter Control
- axi (⭐277) - Unofficial Python library for the AxiDraw v3.
- xy (⭐70) - Utilities for the Makeblock XY Plotter Robot Kit.
- LaserGRBL (⭐1.3k) - Laser-optimized Windows GUI for grbl controllers. Could be repurposed for DIY pen plotters that use a solenoid for pen up/down movements.
- PenPlotter (⭐123) - Polargraph controller that uses repetier firmware.
- Makelangelo-firmware (⭐158) - Firmware for the Makelangelo polargraph robot.
- RoboPaint (⭐127) - Software for the WaterColorBot.
- AxiTurtle (⭐15) - Turtle graphics for AxiDraw in Processing.
- GRBL-Plotter (⭐728) - Plotter-optimized Windows GUI for grbl controller with SVG and DXF import, and flexible pen up/down control.
- saxi (⭐479) - Driver and library for the AxiDraw. Uses constant-acceleration motion planning and automatically resizes to paper.
Software / Vector Creation
- Inkscape - Popular cross-platform open source vector graphics editor.
- p5.js - "JavaScript library that makes coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners".
- Paper.js - "The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting".
- ln (⭐3.3k) - Vector-based 3D renderer written in Go.
- autotrace (⭐557) - Converts bitmap images to vector graphics.
- stipplegen (⭐437) - Creates interesting stippled drawings from bitmap images. (blog post)
- SquiggleDraw (⭐321) - "SquiggleDraw will create a SVG file from an image, using the brightness to change the amplitude of sine waves".
- svgurt - Web-based PNG to SVG creative noodler.
- maptrace (⭐124) - Produce watertight polygonal vector maps by tracing raster images.
- Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2 (⭐167) - Creates G-code for use on drawbots.
- blackstripes (⭐97) - Turns a PNG image into a SVG line drawing.
- Ribbon (⭐244) - Ribbon diagrams of proteins in written in Go.
- penplot (⭐269) - A development environment for plotter art in JavaScript.
- penkit (⭐146) - A Python library for creating line-based SVG graphics.
- generativeExamples (⭐63) - Example Processing code that generates plottable PDFs.
- Let's make map - Web-based tool to export an SVG map from Mapzen tiles.
- SuperformulaSVG for web - A generative line art web app.
- scribbleplot (⭐48) - Scribbly image transformations in Processing.
- Maker.js - Library for creating 2D vector drawings for CNC and laser cutter machines.
- Turtletoy - Browser-based JavaScript turtle graphics API with SVG export.
Software / Vector Utilities
- svgsort (⭐256) - Path planning for plotting SVG files, reduces time spent moving with the pen up.
- svgo (⭐21k) - Node.js-based tool for optimizing SVG files.
- Polargraph Optimizer (⭐57) - Optimize drawing plan for a polargraph.
- penkit-optimize (⭐146) - An SVG optimizer that uses a vehicle routing solver to minimize plot time.
- svg-crowbar (⭐841) - Chrome-only bookmarklet for extracting SVG from an HTML document.
Software / Fonts
- Summary of single line fonts - Good information and links to other resources and fonts.
- Hershey Vector Font -
format of vector fonts from the 60s. Includes a good overview of the original data format of the fonts.
- hershey-fonts (⭐59) - C library and original font data for the Hershey fonts.
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Pen Plotter Programming: The Basics - Some basics of programming vector paths, including sorting, joining, and simplifying.
- On Generative Algorithms - Nice 13-part walkthrough of interesting algorithms.
- Roland DG DXY-990 - Quickstart guide for a Roland flatbed plotter.
- The Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm - Detailed explanation and examples of an interesting algorithm.
- Vera Molnár - OG plotter artist.
- Hektor - The original cable-based drawbot from 2002.
- Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms - A two-part intro to creating generative graphics for plotting.
- Fractal Generation with L-Systems - Techniques for creating line-based fractal graphics.
- Introduction to TSP art - Resources for traveling salesman problem (single path) art.
- Hidden wireframe removal - Discussion and links to code for wireframe removal of STL files.
12. Awesome Cl
- eql, eql5, eql5-android - Embedded Qt4 and Qt5 Lisp, embedded in ECL, embeddable in Qt. Port of EQL5 to the Android platform. MIT.
13. Awesome Minecraft
Mod Loaders / Archives
- RopeMC (⭐8) - A lightweight, reflection based mod loader which aims to be user friendly and later version independent.
14. Awesome Kde
Internet & Networking
- KNetworkManager - A KDE client for the back end NetworkManager software 📌.
- Amarok - Amarok is a powerful music player for Linux, Unix and Windows with an intuitive interface 📌.
Office & Productivity
- Calligra - Includes efficient and capable office components 📌.
Development & Programming
- KDevelop - A cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP 📌.
Plasma desktop / KCM Modules and Systems
- kded_rotation (⭐64) - A small, hacky KDED module for handling automatic screen rotation on tablets and hybrid laptops.
Plasma desktop / Qt and GTK+ Applications Appearance
- breeze-gtk (⭐76) - A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze 📌.
Documentation and Resources / Display Manager
- KDE Wikis - The KDE wikis are a source of information and documentation for the KDE desktop, applications, teams, events and more 📌.
Articles / Display Manager
- - The official KDE news website 📌.
- Planet KDE - Blogs of KDE contributors 📌.
Communities / Display Manager
- KDE Store - Official KDE Store for developers to share Plasma customizations 📌.
15. Awesome Android
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Vogella Tutorials - Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
Flutter / Custom Dialog
- Flutter - Google's mobile app SDK for high-quality native interfaces for Android and iOS in very quick time.
16. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Bot
- BotSharp (⭐2.1k) - The Open Source AI Chatbot Platform Builder in 100% C# Running in .NET Core with Machine Learning algorithm.
- Telegram.Bot (⭐3.1k) - C# Telegram Bot API library.
- Funogram (⭐106) - F# Telegram Bot Api library.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation
- cake-build (⭐3.9k) - Cross platform build automation system.
- Colorful.Console (⭐1.3k) - Style your C# console output!
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing
- AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks (⭐4k) - Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
- BeatPulse (⭐603) - Enable load balancers to montior the status of deployed Web applications
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- JWT Simple Server (⭐193) - A lightweight, dynamic jwt server for ASP.NET Core.
17. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Tarpits
- Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) - POSIX-compliant Bash script that scans a host for various signs of malware.
18. Awesome Actionscript3
Development Tools / Code Editors
- Visual Studio Code - An AS3 & MXML language extension for Visual Studio Code. Runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
User Interface / UI Components
- Flex-Android-Material-Skins (⭐33) - Android Material Design skins for Flex Mobile components.
Utilities / Data
- AS3Commons Collections (⭐106) - Sophisticated and high-performance collections & iterators for AS3.
19. Awesome CoreML Models
Text - Metadata/Text
- Personality Detection - Predict personality based on user documents (sentences). Download (⭐17) | Demo (⭐17) | Reference (⭐17)
- Artists Recommendation - Recommend an artist based on given location and genre. Download (⭐18) | Demo | Reference
20. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Q# (⭐166) - Domain-specific programming language used for expressing quantum algorithms.
- Minecraft (⭐483) - Sandbox video game.
- NoSQL Guides (⭐290) - Help on using non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable databases.
- CSS Learning (⭐3.6k) - Mainly about CSS – the language and the modules.
- Board Games (⭐324) - Table-top gaming fun for all.
21. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) - Wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible.
- Who Killed My Battery - An interesting paper about websites' power consumption.
22. Awesome Mac
Browsers / Audio Record and Process
- Vivaldi - The browser that puts you in control.
23. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- Stelligent/mu 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐972) - Command line tool to simplify ECS deployments via CodeBuild and CodePipeline.
24. Awesome Piracy
Trackers / Private Trackers
- PolishTracker (PT) PolishTracker is the oldest private Polish tracker existing to this day
- PolishSource (PS) PolishSource is a big private Polish ratio-less tracker
Streaming Sites / HD Streaming
- YMovies Unique design, HD server with additional hosts, nice speeds, YIFY and other releases (+ torrents)
- Prev: Feb 27, 2019
- Next: Feb 25, 2019