Awesome List Updates on Feb 13, 2019
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Templates / Preferences
- Feather (⭐670) - Beautiful weather application. Application includes RxDart, Dio, BLoC, i18n, unit and widget tests. by Jakub Homlala
2. Awesome Ada
Communication / Apache License
- sensortile (⭐19) - This project shows how to initialize a SensorTile and how to send sensor data over BLE from a SensorTile to a suitable host.
3. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
- Some other books I have read - Some books listed here are less related to deep learning but are still somehow relevant to this list.
4. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Full Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node.js by Haider Rehman, Packt. (January 2019)
5. Awesome Osint
Other Tools / Steam
- Belati (⭐542) - The Traditional Swiss Army Knife For OSINT. Belati is tool for Collecting Public Data & Public Document from Website and other service for OSINT purpose.
- Outwit - Find, grab and organize all kinds of data and media from online sources.
- Pown Recon (⭐420) - Target reconnaissance framework powered by graph theory.
- SecApps Recon - Information gathering and target reconnaissance tool and UI.
6. Awesome Dart
Dependency Injection
- package: inject (⭐867) - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter
7. Awesome Smart Tv
Samsung Tizen / Official resources
- Wits (⭐86) - A tool for reloading tv app's JavaScript/CSS without reinstalling the app every time you make a change.
8. Awesome Prometheus
Alertmanager / Miscellaneous
- Awesome Prometheus Alerting Rules (⭐6.3k) - Awesome List of Prometheus alerting rules.
9. Awesome Xamarin
- Fusillade ★216 (⭐306) - Set of HttpMessageHandlers that make your mobile applications more efficient and responsive.
- Showcase View (⭐18) - Xamarin.Android Native showcase view. An easy-to-use customizable show case view with circular reveal animation.
- Animated Circle Loading View (⭐8) - A determiante/indetermiante loading view animation.
10. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Poland 🇵🇱
Anton Babenko
Topics: Terraform, AWS, Devops
11. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Discord - All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
- Prev: Feb 14, 2019
- Next: Feb 12, 2019