Awesome List Updates on Feb 04, 2019
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects / Games
- Cxbx-reloaded - Xbox emulator for Windows.
Open Source Projects / Hardware related
- DIGImend - Improving Linux support for (non-Wacom) graphics tablets.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Ryan C. Gordon, #2 - Linux ports of games, game-related utilities.
2. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Adapter - Free audio, video and image conversion software.
- Audacity - Free, open-source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
- Carol (⭐115) - A minimal and beautiful lyrics app for macOS.
- Hydrogen - Professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming for GNU/Linux.
- Kodi - Award-winning free and open-source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more.
- LosslessCut (⭐30k) - Cross platform tool for quick and lossless video and audio trimming using ffmpeg.
- LyricsX (⭐4.9k) - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox.
- Metadatics - Advanced Audio Metadata Editor.
- Mixxx - The most advanced free DJ software.
- Movie Catcher - Movie movie and online viewing offline download software, with Baidu cloud to make offline download and online playback.
- mpv - Free, open-source, and cross-platform media player.
- MuseScore - Free, open-source music notation software.
- Perian - (No longer under active development) Let QuickTime play all the common formats of free plug-ins.
- Sonora (⭐938) - Minimal, beautifully designed music player.
- Stringed 2 - Music practice software designed to help users learn how to play their favorite songs.
- Synfig Studio - Synfig Studio is free, open-source 2D animation software.
- VLC - Free, open-source, cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
- VOX Player - High-definition audio player for Mac and iPhone. Music just sounds better!
- XLD - Tool to decode, convert and play various 'lossless' audio files.
3. Awesome Haxe Gamedev
Articles / Video
4. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- mORMot (⭐742).
Client-Server ORM/ODM SOA MVC framework for Delphi 6 and higher, or FPC 2.7. Direct SQL/NoSQL database access, ORM/ODM over objects, RESTful ORM and SOA services via interfaces over high performance HTTP server, MVC/MVVM web sites, testing including mocks and stubs, logging, cryptography, compression, command line parser, threading, service/daemon support; huge documentation.
- Audorra.
Digital audio library for Delphi and Freepascal. Using a flexible plugin architecture, it allows you to exchange the audio backend (e.g. WaveOut, OpenAL), add protocol classes (e.g. file, http) and decoders.
- PasLibVlc.
Interface to VideoLAN libvlc.dll and VCL player component for Delphi / FreePascal based on VideoLAN
- fevh264 (⭐18).
Baseline h.264 encoder. Windows and Linux are supported
- Graphics32 (⭐317).
Designed for fast 32-bit graphics handling on Delphi, Kylix and Lazarus. Optimized for 32-bit pixel formats, it provides fast operations with pixels and graphic primitives, and in most cases Graphics32 outperforms the standard TCanvas classes. It is almost a hundred times faster in per-pixel access and about 2-5 times faster in drawing lines.
- Delphi Twain.
The library allows you to easily access scanning functions from Delphi and Lazarus.
Game dev
- Kraft Physics Engine (⭐92).
Open source Object Pascal physics engine library that can be used in 3D games. Compatible with: Delphi 7-XE7 (but not with the Android and iOS targets), FreePascal >= 2.6.2 (with almost all FPC-supported targets including Android and iOS)
- Allegro-Pas (GitHub (⭐18)).
Wrapper to use the Allegro game library with Pascal/Delphi.
- SFML (⭐51).
Pascal SFML Headers. SFML provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network. Currently Delphi and FPC/Lazarus are supported. However, due to a compiler incompatibility with the Delphi compiler (solved with workarounds), FPC is recommended at the moment.
Pascal headers for SDL from JEDI. Works with Delphi, Kylix, Free Pascal, Gnu Pascal and TMT Pascal.
- ATBinHex for Delphi (⭐44)
, ATBinHex for Laz (⭐19).[FPC]
Viewer for files of unlimited size like in Total Commander.
- ATImageBox for Delphi (⭐44)
, ATImageBox for Laz (⭐6).[FPC]
TScrollBox with embedded TImage. Control can auto position image inside.
Other GUI
- PascalSCADA.
Set of components (framework) for Delphi/Lazarus to make easy the development of industrial applications (HMI=Human Machine Interface/SCADA=System Control And Data Acquisition). It runs on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD.
- ZeosLib.
Set of database components for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL, Sybase, Oracle and SQLite.
- tDBF.
Native dBASE III+, dBase IV and dBase 2k data access component for Delphi, BCB, Kylix, FreePascal. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don't need any special installer programs. The DB engine code is compiled right into your executable.
- tiOPF (⭐19).
Object Persistent Framework written in Object Pascal, for use with Delphi and Free Pascal (FPC) compilers. tiOPF simplifies the mapping of an object oriented business model into a relational database. Persistence layers are available for Firebird, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, NexusDB, XML, CSV, TAB, Remote (via HTTP) and many more. It also allows you to use your choice of database connection components, like IBX, dbExpress, DOA, SqlDB, FBLib etc.
- Pascal Script (⭐398).
Free scripting engine that allows you to use most of the Object Pascal language within your Delphi or Free Pascal projects at runtime. Written completely in Delphi, it is composed of a set of units that can be compiled into your executable, eliminating the need to distribute any external files. Pascal Script started out as a need for a good working script, when there were none available at the time.
- Python for Delphi (P4D) (⭐769).
Set of free components that wrap up the Python dll into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). They let you easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. You can create Python extensions as dlls and much more
- chakracore-delphi (⭐124).
Delphi and Free Pascal bindings and classes for Microsoft's ChakraCore JavaScript engine library.
- SynMustache (⭐135).
Delphi implementation of the Mustache template language, supporting Delphi 6 up to Delphi 10 Seattle (and FPC/Lazarus compilation).
- QuickLogger (⭐273).
Delphi/freepascal/.NET (Windows/Linux) library for logging on files, console, memory, email, rest, telegram, slack, eventlog, redis, ide debug messages and throw events..
Other non-visual
- FLRE (⭐84).
FLRE ( F ast L ight R egular E xpressions) is a fast, safe and efficient regular expression library, which is implemented in Object Pascal (Delphi and Free Pascal) but which is even usable from other languages like C/C++ and so on.
- ZEXMLSS (⭐60).
Lazarus/Delphi component for read/write ods, excel xml, xlsx.
- BaseNcodingPascal (⭐42).
Library for encoding of binary data into strings using base32, base85, base128 and other algorithms for FPC and Delphi.
- TSMBIOS (⭐186).
Allows access the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) using the Object Pascal language (Delphi or Free Pascal). The SMBIOS (System Management BIOS) is a standard developed by the DMTF. The information stored in the SMBIOS includes devices manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS version, asset tag, processors, ports and device memory installed.
- WinSparkle and its Delphi wrapper (⭐19). WinSparkle is an easy-to-use software update library for Windows developers. WinSparkle is a heavily (to the point of being its almost-port) inspired by the Sparkle framework originally by Andy Matuschak that became the de facto standard for software updates on macOS.
5. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- TailorMade (⭐328) - Managing a Fashion designer's daily routine using a mixture of ReBLoC w/ Firebase Cloud Store & Functions by Jeremiah Ogbomo
6. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Documentation for Strawberry Fields - Background information on the photonic continuous-variable approach to quantum computation, as well as tutorials for Xanadu’s SDK.
- Quantum Machine Learning - Learn about the benefits quantum technologies can provide to machine learning.
- Introduction to Quantum Programming - The why and how of quantum programming with a focus on the Python Forest SDK from Rigetti.
- D-Wave Leap Community - D-Wave System's Leap Community Forum.
- Pennylane Discussion Forum - Discussion forum for quantum machine learning, both using simulations and on near term hardware.
- Strawberry Fields Community - Slack channel for Xanadu and Strawberry Fields photonic/CV quantum computing discussions.
7. Awesome Coins
☤ Reading Material
- Binance Academy — Open access education provided by Binance.
☤ Coin Exchanges / Physical Coin Wallets
- Binance — Exchange the world.
8. Awesome Phalcon
- ansible-phalcon (⭐2) - Ansible Role to install Phalcon Framework in Debian (provides PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 packages)
- Prev: Feb 05, 2019
- Next: Feb 03, 2019