Awesome List Updates on Jan 31, 2019
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Bigdata
Graph Data Model
- JanusGraph - open-source, distributed graph database with multiple options for storage backends (Bigtable, HBase, Cassandra, etc.) and indexing backends (Elasticsearch, Solr, Lucene).
2. Awesome Elixir
Command Line Applications
- ratatouille (⭐768) - A TUI (terminal UI) kit for Elixir.
- git_hooks (⭐164) - Add git hooks to Elixir projects.
Examples and funny stuff
- (⭐2.7k) - CMS that runs built with Phoenix 1.4.
- hexpm (⭐1.1k) - Source code for the hex package manager site built with Phoenix 1.3.
- tilex (⭐497) - Source code for Hashrocket's TIL website built with Phoenix 1.3.
- optimal - A schema based keyword list option validator.
3. Awesome Ruby
CLI Builder
- cmdparse - An advanced command line parser supporting nested commands.
Database Tools
- SecondBase (⭐219) - Seamless second database integration for Rails. SecondBase provides support for Rails to manage dual databases by extending ActiveRecord tasks that create, migrate, and test your application.
- Standby (⭐87) - Read from standby databases for ActiveRecord (formerly Slavery).
- Utilities
- algorithms (⭐2.7k) - Library with documentation on when to use a particular structure/algorithm.
- jaro_winkler (⭐200) - Ruby & C implementation of Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm which supports UTF-8 string.
- primes-utils (⭐3) - A Rubygem which provides a suite of extremely fast utility methods for testing and generating primes.
- Roots (⭐1) - A Rubygem which provides utilities to find all the nth roots of real and complex values.
- smarter_csv (⭐1.5k) - Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes.
4. Awesome Umbraco
Backoffice extensions
- Translation Manager* - lets you handle all of the steps of the translation process from within Umbraco.
5. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tutorials
- A PICO-8 Spaceshooter in 16 GIFs - Screencaptures of writing a Spaceshooter game step by step.
- Token optimization (⭐143) - tips&tricks for saving tokens.
Contents / Tools
- picoDeploy (⭐225) - Deploy Pico-8 carts as standalone applications on desktop (Electron) and mobile (Ionic).
- Fillp Tool - A simple helper tool for generating fillp patterns.
Contents / Clones
- TIC-80 by Nesbox - Tiny Computer, available on HTML 5, Windows, Linux 32/64bit, Android & MacOSX
6. Awesome Swift
Calendar / Barcode
- CalendarView (⭐606) - Calendar Component, It features both vertical and horizontal layout (and scrolling) and the display of native calendar events.
UITableView / Barcode
- DGElasticPullToRefresh (⭐3.8k) - Elastic pull to refresh.
7. Awesome Food
API for Food services
- tacofancy-api (⭐101) - An API for the repo Tacofancy.
- Spoonacular - Spoonacular offers its food parsing, matching, and searching technology for businesses and developers to create outstanding applications.
- Edamam - API developer portal for Nutrition Analysis, Food Database Lookup, Recipe Search API and others.
- RecipePuppy - This api lets you search through recipe puppy database of over a million recipes by keyword and/or by search query.
8. Awesome Mental Health
- SelfCare.Tech - A repository of self-care resources for developers & others.
9. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Other Tools
- AppIconBuilder - Export icons for multi-platform
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Overkill (⭐527) - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
10. Awesome Flutter
Desktop / Game Engine resources
- Rust Desktop Embedder (⭐2.1k) - Rust embedder for desktop by juju.
- Prev: Feb 01, 2019
- Next: Jan 30, 2019