Awesome List Updates on Jan 25, 2019
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cryptography
Standalone / Hash functions
- ves - End-to-end encrypted sharing via cloud repository, secure recovery through a viral network of friends in case of key loss.
C / Git
- libVES.c (⭐37) - End-to-end encrypted sharing via cloud repository, secure recovery through a viral network of friends in case of key loss.
JavaScript / Git
- libVES.js (⭐8) - End-to-end encrypted sharing via cloud repository, secure recovery through a viral network of friends in case of key loss.
2. Awesome Javascript
Templating Engines / Runner
- nunjucks - A rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript from Mozilla.
Form Widgets / Input
- At.js (⭐5.3k) - Add GitHub like mentions autocomplete to your application.
Generators / Other
- Gatsby.js (⭐56k) - React-based static site generator.
3. Awesome Mac
Proxy and VPN Tools / Audio Record and Process
- Windscribe - Gives 10GB free bandwidth monthly on the spot and gives limited server location options (for users on free plan). Connection also takes very less time.
4. Awesome Vulkan
- vkQuake2 (⭐890) - id Software's Quake 2 v3.21 with Vulkan support (Windows and Linux). [GPL]
- q2vkpt (⭐948) - Real-time path tracer VKPT integrated into q2pro Quake 2 client. [gpl]
5. Awesome Bigdata
- Polyaxon (⭐3.6k) - A platform for reproducible and scalable machine learning and deep learning.
6. Awesome Android
Game Development
- Cocos2d-x - Cross-platform 2d game framework.
7. Awesome Software Patreons
Other kinds of content / Videos
- The Coding Train - Programming tutorials.
- ThreatWire - Hak5 security show.
Other kinds of content / Podcasts
- Destination Linux - Linux discussion and news related podcast.
- This Week in Linux - Linux News Podcast, 2-3 times more topics per episode than other podcasts.
8. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Games
- Solitaire (⭐245) -A Solitaire clone made by Deven Joshi.
Contents / Productivity
- Habbit (⭐140) - Habbit is an ultra simple habit tracker that just works by Li Zhong (⭐140).
9. Awesome List
10. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / USENIX Security
11. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
Packages / Examples
12. Engineering Blogs
Companies / E companies
Companies / S companies
- Stackshare
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- Jesal Gadhia
- Junior Grossi
13. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Server
- AgensGraph - Powerful graph database based on the PostgreSQL.
Contents / Utilities
- PGXN client (⭐138) - Command line tool to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
- Prev: Jan 26, 2019
- Next: Jan 24, 2019