Awesome List Updates on Jan 23, 2019
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
- PInvoke Interop Assistant (⭐436) - Converts C to managed P/Invoke signatures or verse visa.
- SolrExpress (⭐66) - A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way
2. Awesome Open Source Supporters
- Cron job monitoring.
3. Awesome Ethereum
- OpenZeppelin - Battle-tested framework of secure, reusable smart contracts.
- Truffle Framework - Development environment for blockchain applications.
- Ganache - Personal Ethereum blockchain to run tests.
- Remix Online IDE - A useful in-browser IDE that can compile and publish smart contracts to various Ethereum networks. Includes a linter.
- Embark Framework (⭐3.7k) - Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms.
- Ethereum YouTube Channel - Mostly older videos of Devcon 1 and before.
- Ethereum Foundation YouTube Channel - Most up to date events and streams including the Ethereum Devcon conferences and dev meetings.
- ETH Gas Station - A tool to check the current price of gas for transactions.
- Whisper (⭐15k) - A communication protocol for DApps to communicate with each other.
- Web3.js (⭐16k) - Ethereum's JavaScript API.
- Mastering Ethereum (⭐16k) - A developers guide to the operation and use of Ethereum.
- Introduction to Ethereum and Solidity - Learn Solidity development from concept to deployment.
- Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - Learn about Ethereum (and blockchains) from an IBM blockchain liason.
4. Awesome Nextjs
5. Awesome Mqtt
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- IoT OnOff - Configurable iOS/Android app.
6. Awesome Django
Resources / Educational
- Simple is Better than Complex - Regularly updated website with many tutorials and tips on Django.
- Full Stack Python's Django Page - Explanation of Django philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials.
Projects / Open Source Projects
Django REST Framework / DRF Resources
Django REST Framework / DRF Tutorials
7. Awesome Serverless
- Spiderless (⭐181) - A web spider / scraper / website change detector built with Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and SNS.
8. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Packages and Libraries supporting salesforce
- Apex Chainable Batch (⭐38) - Apex Batches can be chained by calling the successor batch from the
method of the previous batch. But such hardcoding makes this model inflexible. It's hard to build the chain from outside, neighter from a central class nor on runtime dependant on business logic.
9. Awesome Geojson
editors & viewers
- web-based editor from HERE XYZ
10. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Business
- Invoice Ninja (⭐1.6k) - Companion app for the Invoice Ninja by Invoice Ninja.
- Flutter Jobs App (⭐229) - Flutter job board app by Raouf Rahiche (⭐229).
Contents / Personalization
- Furniture (⭐324) - Code for Furniture app dashboard created by Raja Yogan.
Contents / Productivity
- GSYGithubAppFlutter (⭐15k) - An open source Github client App developed by Flutter by Shuyu Guo.
Contents / Tools
- Trovami (⭐258) - A Live location app created in Flutter using Firebase as the backend by ManojNB
Contents / Travel
- Tourism (⭐304) - A Flutter tourism app by Abdulmomen Kadum
11. Awesome Mac
Download Management Tools / Audio Record and Process
- youtube-dl (⭐135k) - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
- Prev: Jan 24, 2019
- Next: Jan 22, 2019