Awesome List Updates on Jan 21, 2019
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Neural Networks
- layer (⭐558) - Neural network inference from the command line
2. Awesome List
- Xamarin (⭐1.9k) - Mobile app development IDE, testing, and distribution.
Programming Languages
Front-End Development
- Aurelia (⭐309) - App framework.
- Electronics (⭐6k) - For electronic engineers and hobbyists.
3. Awesome Mqtt
- MyQttHub - Cloud MQTT broker.
- SurgeMQ - High Performance MQTT Server and Client Libraries in Go.
Location tracking / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- OwnTracks - Location tracking and geofencing for MQTT.
4. Awesome Vapor
Sublimate (⭐59) – Fast prototyping with synchronization and authentication based on Sourcery.
5. Awesome Cpp
- check (⭐1.1k) - Check is a unit testing framework for C. [LGPL-2.1] website
6. Awesome Okr
- Measure What Matters: A handbook for setting and achieving audacious goals by John Doerr.
7. Awesome Swift
- iOS project template (⭐399) - iOS project template with fastlane lanes, Travis CI jobs and GitHub integrations of Codecov, HoundCI for SwiftLint and Danger.
- Tomorrowland (⭐117) - Lightweight Promises.
Utility / Barcode
- TSAO (⭐140) - Type-Safe Associated Objects.
8. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
9. Awesome Saltstack
- salt-deconstructed - Video and presentation (slides & PDF) by Carson Anderson.
10. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Perkeep - Personal storage system.
- Webpack - JavaScript module bundler.
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
- Flarum - Forum platform.
Open Source Projects / Libraries
- Musl libc - The Musl libc project.
- Phalcon - Web framework delivered as a C extension for PHP.
Open Source Projects / Games
- Xenia - Xbox 360 emulator.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Daniël Klabbers - Contributor to Flarum and other PHP projects.
11. Awesome Ddd
- Svaťa Šimara - DDD series - language, domain, modeling, infrastructure, implementation in PHP
12. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Blogging/news
- Puput - Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system.
Apps / Widgets
- wagtail-autocomplete (⭐119) - Autocompleting choosers for
, andManyToMany
Apps / Testing
- Wagtail Foliage (⭐17) - Utilities for programmatically building page trees in Wagtail.
Apps / Misc
- Wagtail Cache (⭐88) - A simple page cache for Wagtail using the Django cache middleware.
- Wagtail GraphQL (⭐38) - App to automatically add GraphQL support to a Wagtail website.
- Wagtail Orderable (⭐66) - Mixin support for drag-and-drop ordering in admin panel.
Resources / Getting started
- Présentation de Wagtail, le dernier CMS Django - Wagtail est un CMS relativement récent dans l’écosystème Django. Pour autant, son jeune âge ne l’empêche pas de posséder de nombreuses fonctionnalités que nous découvrirons dans cet article.
Resources / Articles
- Wagtail Tutorials: Build Blog Step by Step - The tutorials teach you how to create a standard blog from scratch step by step.
- Python CMS Framework Review: Wagtail vs Django-CMS - Talk about the difference between Django-CMS and Wagtail, the two most popular CMS framework in Python world.
- Amplify a Wagtail/Django site - Prepare you Wagtail site for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
Resources / Presentations
- Introducing Draft.js in Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018 by Thibaud Colas. Presentation.
- Wagtail in 2018 – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Tom Dyson.
- What the Wagtail Docs Don't Tell You – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Lacey Williams Henschel.
- Django Logging for Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Ryan Sullivan.
- Scaling Wagtail for 100 Million Girls – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Lisa Adams and Codie Roelf.
- Using Wagtail to Fight for Press Freedom – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Harris Lapiroff.
- Choosing Wagtail for Columbia University – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Zarina Mustapha.
- Running a Multi-Site Newsroom in Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Ryan Verner.
- Wagtail in the Cloud – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Daniele Procida.
- Beheading Wagtail: Wagtail as a Headless CMS – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Michael Harrison.
- Learning Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Dawn Wages.
- Sharing is Caring – Wagtail Space US 2018 by Andy Chosak.
Resources / Showcases
- Made with Wagtail - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
Resources / Lists
- PyPI - Python Package Index - Wagtail packages on the Python Package Index.
Community / Lists
- Dutch Wagtail Meetup - This is a group for anyone interested in working and developing with Wagtail.
- Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - The first Wagtail CMS meetup in New Zealand!
- Wagtail Space - Wagtail training sessions, Wagtail (lightning) talks and a Wagtail sprint. From March 13th until 15th 2019, Wagtail Space takes place in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
- Prev: Jan 22, 2019
- Next: Jan 20, 2019