Awesome List Updates on Jan 17, 2019
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Testing
Software / Visual Testing
- Fluxguard - Screenshot pixel and DOM change comparisons.
2. Awesome Transit
Native Apps (open source) / Rust
- Offi Directions - An Android app that provides trip planning, schedules, live departure times, and disruption information for transport authorities in Europe and beyond.
3. Awesome Flutter
Templates / Preferences
- Starter Kit (⭐795) - App Store implementation to learn Bloc, RxDart, Sqflite, Fluro and Dio. by King Wu
Presentation material / Game Engine resources
- Logo - Logo for stickers impressions
4. Awesome Educational Games
- Clips the Game - A demanding logic game based on the clips rule engine.
5. Awesome Homematic
Community Ressources (mostly german language)
- Haus Automatisierung - News, Blog, Youtube, Tutorials, ...
6. Awesome Deno
Resources in Other Languages / Chinese
7. Awesome Swift
- Hue (⭐3.5k) - Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.
Payment / Barcode
- MFCard (⭐364) - Easily integrate Credit Card payments in iOS App.
8. Awesome Clojure
Editor Plugins
9. Nlp with Ruby
Spelling and Error Correction / Constituency Parsing
- gingerice (⭐479) - Spelling and Grammar corrections via the Ginger API.
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Constituency Parsing
- 2018
- Natural Language Processing and Tweet Sentiment Analysis by Cassandra Corrales [post]
- 2017
- The Google NLP API Meets Ruby by Aja Hammerly [post]
- Syntax Isn't Everything: NLP For Rubyists by Aja Hammerly [slides]
- Scientific Computing on JRuby by Prasun Anand [slides | video | slides | slides]
- Unicode Normalization in Ruby by Starr Horne [post]
Related Resources / Constituency Parsing
10. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Visual Paradigm - All-in-one UML, SysML, BPMN modeling platform.
11. Awesome WSL
Supported Distributions / Fedora Remix for WSL
Supported Distributions / Pengwin Enterprise
- Demo Microsoft Store Link
- Prev: Jan 18, 2019
- Next: Jan 16, 2019