Awesome List Updates on Jan 04, 2019
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- Entity Framework Core (⭐14k) - Familiar developer experience to previous versions of EF, including LINQ, POCO, and Code First support.
- EFCore.BulkExtensions (⭐3.6k) - EntityFrameworkCore Bulk Batch Extensions for Insert Update Delete Read (CRUD) ops
- EFCore.Visualizer - View Entity Framework Core query plan directly in Visual Studio.
- EntityFramework-Plus (⭐2.2k) - Entity Framework Utilities | Bulk Operations | Batch Delete | Batch Update | Query Cache | Query Filter | Query Future | Query Include | Audit.
- EntityFramework.Exceptions (⭐1.2k) - Use typed Exceptions for EntityFrameworkCore when your SQL query violates database constraints in SqlServer, MySql, or PostgreSQL.
- EntityFramework.Triggers (⭐372) - Trigger events for EF.
- EntityFramework.Rx (⭐133) - Reactive hot observables of your EF operations.
- Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL (⭐1.5k) - Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL.
- EntityFramework.PrimaryKey (⭐44) - Easily get the primary key of any entity (including composite keys).
- EntityFramework.TypedOriginalValues (⭐32) - Get a proxy object of the original values of your entity (typed access to Property("...").OriginalValue).
- EntityFramework.VersionedProperties (⭐40) - Classes which auto-magically keep an audit history of the changes to the specified property.
- EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.SimpleBulks (⭐151) - Simple library that can help to sync a large number of records in-memory into the database. Lambda Expression is supported.
- LINQKit (⭐1.6k) - A free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users.
- Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql (⭐2.7k) - Entity Framework Core provider for MySql built on top of mysql-net/MySqlConnector.
- spectre.query (⭐40) - A simple query language for Entity Framework Core.
2. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- Dwarf (⭐1.3k) - GUI for reverse engineering
3. Awesome Nextjs
- Oh My Fullstack (⭐175) - Full stack web application skeleton (Next.js, Redux, RxJS, Immutable, Express)
4. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / Python
5. Awesome Groovy
Language Utilities
- Fuzzy-CSV (⭐17) - Simple lightweight data processing library, useful for shaping/processing your tabular data before its consumed by another service or library.
6. Awesome Ant Design
- Generator Antd Pro (⭐33) - An easy way to build your Ant Design Pro application.
- Prev: Jan 05, 2019
- Next: Jan 03, 2019