Awesome List Updates on Feb 05 - Feb 11, 2018
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Math
- Multivariable Calculus - G. Cain, J. Herod (Georgia Tech)
Number Theory / Algebraic Number Theory
- 📝 A Course In Algebraic Number Theory - Robert Ash
Algebra / Analytic Number Theory
- 📝 A Course in Universal Algebra - S. Burris, H.P. Sankappanavar
- 📝 A Course in Commutative Algebra - Robert Ash
Algebra / Abstract Algebra
- 📝 Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra - E.H. Connell (University of Miami)
- 📝 Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year - Robert Ash
Algebra / Linear Algebra
- 📝 Elementary Linear Algebra - Keith Matthews
Combinatorics / Lie Algebras
- 📝 generatingfunctionology - Herbert Wilf
Geometry and Topology / Graph Theory
- 📝 A=B - M. Petkovsek, H. Wilf, D. Zeilberger
- 📝 Elements - Euclid
- 📝 Euclid's Elements Redux - Daniel Callahan
Geometry and Topology / Differential Geometry
- 📝 The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds - W. Thurston
Analysis / Real Analysis
- 📝 MIT OpenCourseWare Lectures on Calculus - G. Strang
Analysis / Complex Analysis
- 📝 Complex Analysis - G. Cain (Georgia Tech)
Analysis / Partial Differential Equations
- 📝 Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics - E. Harrell, J. Herod (Georgia Tech)
Probability and Statistics / Probability Theory
- 📝 An Introduction to Probability and Random Processes - Gian-Carlo Rota, Kenneth Baclawski
2. Awesome Mastodon
User scripts
- BirdSite - Browser extension for cross-posting Mastodon toots to Twitter.
3. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- parse-next-json-value (⭐1) - Parse next JSON value from string allowing extraneous characters after value.
4. Awesome Electron
For Electron / Other
- electron-serve (⭐429) - Static file serving (Useful for routing, like
5. Awesome Ava
- Stickers, t-shirts, etc - The products are sold at production price without any markup.
6. Awesome Dotnet
SDK and API Clients
- Countly SDK for Windows (⭐25) - Windows SDK for Countly analytics and marketing platform for product and marketing managers
7. Awesome Unity
- Crystal AI (⭐466) - Crystal is a fast, scalable and extensible utility based AI framework for C# and Unity.
8. Awesome Captcha
Tools / Chinese
- MotionCAPTCHA (⭐825) - MotionCAPTCHA jQuery Plugin - Stop Spam, Draw Shapes.
9. Awesome Humane Tech
- Machine Learning Ethics References (⭐47) - Machine Learning and Data Science discrimination, bias and ethics.
10. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- AudioNodes - Modular audio production suite with multi-track audio mixing, audio effects, parameter automation, MIDI editing, synthesis, cloud production, and more.
11. Awesome Json Datasets
12. Awesome Ctf
- Root-Me - Hacking and Information Security learning platform.
13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C++ / Non-X86
- Thinking in C++, Second Edition, Vol. 1. - Bruce Eckel (Vol. 2)
14. Awesome Erlang
Text and Numbers
- miffy (⭐3) - Jiffy wrapper which returns pretty maps.
- rec2json (⭐47) - Generate JSON encoder/decoder from record specs.
Algorithms and Datastructures
- datum (⭐115) - A pure functional and generic programming for Erlang
15. Awesome Standard
build tools
- rollup-plugin-standard - Lint Rollup builds with Standard
16. Awesome Broadcasting
Radio Production
- RAAR (⭐20) - A ruby application to manage and browse an audio archive.
17. Awesome Leading and Managing
Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents
18. Awesome Smart Tv
Navigation libraries / Official resources
- lrud (⭐30) - Left, Right, Up, Down. A spatial navigation library for devices with input via directional controls.
19. Awesome Saltstack
Blogposts and opinions
- Network-Automation with Salt, NAPALM and Kubernetes - How to manage legacy devices that are not able to install software natively on themselves.
20. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers
- couchbase-lite-net (⭐437) - A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- HdrHistogram.NET (⭐176) - High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- Fake JSON Server (⭐385) - Fake REST API for prototyping or as a CRUD Back End. No need to define types, uses dynamic typing. Data is stored to a single JSON file. Has authentication, WebSocket notifications, async long running operations, random generation for errors/delays and experimental GraphQL support.
21. Awesome Git Addons
git secret reveal
$ git secret reveal
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Test User <[email protected]>"
2048-bit RSA key, ID #######, created 2015-01-01 (main key ID #######)
gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session
File `hideme.txt' exists. Overwrite? (y/N) y
done. all 1 files are revealed.
Prevents you from committing passwords and other sensitive information to a git repository.
TBD - PR Welcome!
$ git diff --cached -U0
diff --git a/ b/
index 0c700d1..7a57cef 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1330 +1330 @@ $ git secret hide
-done. all 1 files are hidden.
+done. all 3 files are hidden.
$ git fixup 6d623f6525dd94b4aaea6f6ae2e7a59edc39bdb8
24aa3d9c10cc02fe813dc83d1ac792cc2e7d705d [F] add screenshot of git-stats <[email protected]>
6d623f6525dd94b4aaea6f6ae2e7a59edc39bdb8 [L] changed gif with text <[email protected]>
$ git recent
$ git rebase -i master
$ git fiddle -h
Edit commit meta information during an *interactive* rebase.
`git-fiddle(1)' is a lightweight wrapper around `git-rebase(1)' that
annotates each commit with it's *author* date, the author name, as well
as the commit message. Changes to any of these will then be applied
using an 'exec' script during the git-rebase sequence.
$SCRIPT [--[no-]-fiddle-messages] [args...]
--[no-]fiddle-messages Do not edit commit messages. Useful for quick edits
to author or date. This value can also be set using
`git config fiddle.messages`.
[args...] These arguments are passed verbatim to git-rebase.
# add a work profile for Henry
$ git user add work "Dr. Henry Jekyll" [email protected]
Added profile 'work'
# add a personal profile for Edward
$ git user add home "Edward Hyde" [email protected]
Added profile 'home'
# list out our saved profiles
$ git user list
Global Profile:
User: Henry <[email protected]>
Saved Profiles:
home: Edward Hyde <[email protected]>
work: Dr. Henry Jekyll <[email protected]>
# set the current git repository user to the home profile
$ git user set home
The user for the 'project' repository has been set too 'Edward Hyde <[email protected]>'
# list profiles again, notice how the current repository profile is now set
$ git user
Project Profile:
Path: /path/to/git/project
User: Edward Hyde <[email protected]>
Saved Profiles:
home: Edward Hyde <[email protected]>
work: Dr. Henry Jekyll <[email protected]>
TBD - PR Welcome!
TBD - PR Welcome!
$ git recall
# By default (without options), the command will display commits from yesterday and
# for the current user.
$ git recall -d 5 -a "Doge"
# Show all Doge's commits from 5 days ago.
$ git recall -d 5 -a "all"
# Show commits of all contributors from 5 days ago.
$ git recall -f
# Fetch commits beforehand.
$ git standup
2f50b39c - docs(commit messages): use commitizen to generate Conventional Commits (12 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
9af3600e - fix tests (12 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
7f17ba97 - docs: title case (12 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
a6d6203c - do not scroll when search is open (12 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
53fe681a - chore(pkg): add repo url (12 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
5e952ac0 - subtitle should be generic (13 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
adbc5423 - add ci/cd to readme. (13 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
a1097116 - add versioning to readme (14 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
6b6e7465 - add test coverage (15 hours ago) <Steve Mao>
$ git cz
[email protected], [email protected]
Line 1 will be cropped at 100 characters. All other lines will be wrapped after 100 characters.
? Select the type of change that you're committing: (Use arrow keys)
❯ feat: A new feature
fix: A bug fix
docs: Documentation only changes
style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi
-colons, etc)
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
perf: A code change that improves performance
test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
TBD - PR Welcome!
$ git fs
Mounting readonly filesystem on ./git/fs
22. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / PHR
- HealthLocker (⭐72) - Elixir-based personal health record.
23. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
24. Awesome Electronics
Inventory Management and Purchasing / Altium
- Part-DB (⭐159) - Another open source web service for managing part inventory with a permission system and a good barcode generator.
25. Awesome Mqtt
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- speedtest2mqtt (⭐14) - Run speedtest-cli and publish results via MQTT.
26. Awesome Hacking Locations
United Kingdom 🇬🇧 / Scotland
Edinburgh Hacklab
Edinburgh Hacklab is part of the worldwide movement of Hackerspaces - shared spaces for people who mess around with technology for fun.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL | Open night every tuesday |
27. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Boot (⭐43) - Deploying verticles from a HOCON configuration.
28. Awesome Dev Fun
- No Code (⭐54k) - The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
29. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- mph-table (⭐91) - Minimal Perfect Hash Tables are an immutable key/value store with efficient space utilization and fast reads.
- splitmap (⭐18) - A parallel bitmap implementation.
- reactive-grpc (⭐754) - Reactive gRPC is a suite of libraries for using gRPC with Reactive Streams programming libraries.
- bytestacks (⭐33) - Turn JVM bytecode execution into flame graphs.
30. Awesome Machine Learning
R / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- CatBoost (⭐8.2k) - General purpose gradient boosting on decision trees library with categorical features support out of the box for R.
JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Keras.js (⭐5k) - Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support provided by WebGL 2.
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- lime (⭐12k) - Lime is about explaining what machine learning classifiers (or models) are doing. It is able to explain any black box classifier, with two or more classes.
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python (⭐7.6k) - Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python"
- Pydata book (⭐23k) - Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media
31. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Security
- RiotGames/cloud-inquisitor 🔥🔥 (⭐452) - Tool to enforce ownership and data security.
Social / Twitter Influencers
32. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- Crypto Jobs List - #1 job board to find and post crypto, bitcoin and blockchain jobs.
- Cryptocurrency Jobs - Location filter -> Remote
33. Awesome Ocaml
Security and Cryptography
- Digestif (⭐88) - Hash algorithms (like SHA* or BLAKE2*) in OCaml and C.
34. Awesome Ros2
Presentations / ROS Industrial Conference 2017
- micro Robot Operating System: ROS for highly resource-constrained devices Slides
- ROS2 - it's coming Slides
Presentations / ROSCon 2017
Presentations / ROSCon 2016
Presentations / ROSCon 2015
35. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Drawing / Others
- Witeboard - A real-time whiteboard for your team. No signups required.
36. Awesome Javascript
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- hyperapp (⭐19k) - 1kb JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
API / Runner
- Rails Ranger (⭐32) - An opinionated REST client for Ruby on Rails APIs.
37. Awesome Cl
- dufy (⭐45) - exact color manipulation and conversion in various color models. MIT.
38. Awesome React Native
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Joplin (⭐33k) - A note taking app for desktop, CLI, and mobile (linked here is the mobile app).
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
- Adding Authentication to a React Native Project - This tutorial shows how to easily add authentication to a React Native application using AWS Mobile Hub
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- - Show and tell for React Native developers
39. Awesome Cpp
- SQLiteC++ (⭐2.3k) - SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. [MIT]
- sqlite_modern_cpp (⭐912) - Header only C++14 wrapper around sqlite library. [MIT]
40. Awesome Webgl
Others / Particles
- ClayGL - WebGL graphic Library for building scalable Web3D applications.
41. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Animate On Change (⭐17) - Add CSS3 animation when properties change.
- Preact Async Route (⭐138) - Async route component for preact-router.
42. Awesome Ios
Utility / Collection View Layout
- MKUnits (⭐342) - Unit conversion library for Swift.
43. Awesome Maintainers
- @ariya, PhantomJS (⭐29k)
- "Maintainer Stories: Ariya Hidayat" (interview)
- @boneskull, Mocha (⭐22k)
- "Maintaining a Popular Project and Managing Burnout" (interview)
- @freakboy3742, PyBee
- "Maintainer Stories: Russell Keith-Magee" (interview)
- @gaearon, React (⭐196k), Redux (⭐59k)
- "Maintaining Open Source Projects: Dan Abramov" (interview)
- @janl, CouchDB (⭐5.5k)
- "Sustainable Open Source: The Maintainers Perspective or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love Open Source" (post)
- @jeresig, jQuery (⭐57k)
- "Walking Away From Your Open Source Project: John Resig" (interview)
- @jessfraz, Kubernetes
- "Maintainer Stories: Jess Frazelle (interview)
- @kris-nova, kubernetes-kops (⭐14k)
- "Maintainer Stories: Kris Nova" (interview)
- @lmccart, p5.js (⭐18k)
- "Design, Software, and Open Source" (interview)
- @mlavin, Django (⭐67k)
- "Maintaining Your Sanity While Maintaining Your Open Source App" (video)
- @nolanlawson, PouchDB (⭐15k)
- "What it feels like to be an open-source maintainer" (post)
- @Schneems, Sprockets (⭐863), CodeTriage
- "Saving Sprockets - What happens when a maintainer leaves" (video, post with transcript)
- @Seldaek, Composer (⭐27k)
- "Behind the Scenes of Maintaining an Open Source Project" (video)
- @steveklabnik, Ruby on Rails (⭐52k)
- "How to be an open source gardener" (post)
- @stewartsmith, Skiboot (⭐94)
- "Organizational Change: Challenges in shipping open source firmware" (video)
- @tgamblin, Spack (⭐3k)
- "Open Source and Supercomputers (Spack)" (interview)
- @timgraham, Django
- "Maintainer Stories: Tim Graham" (interview)
44. Awesome Cmake
Examples / Templates
- cpp-boilerplate (⭐312) - Template that aims to be a reference for modern CMake and CI.
45. Awesome Clojure
46. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
47. Awesome Rest
API Gateway / Symfony2
- Kong (⭐40k) - Scalable, distributed, and plugin oriented API gateway backed by Nginx.
- Tyk API Gateway (⭐9.9k) - Lightweight API gateway with analytics logging, written in Go.
- API Umbrella (⭐2k) - API management platform for exposing web services, with web interface and analytics, written in Lua.
SaaS Tools / Symfony2
- 3scale - Nginx based API gateway to integrate internal and external API services with 3scale's API Management Platform.
48. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- Quipper - Embedded, scalable, functional programming language for quantum computing.
49. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue.js debugging in Chrome and VS Code (⭐5.9k) This recipe shows how to use the Debugger for Chrome extension with VS Code to debug Vue.js applications generated by the Vue CLI.
Resources / Examples
- Skeleton Vue+TypeScript (⭐25) - TypeScript, VueJS, ElementUI, Vue Router, Vuex, Material Icons, BrowserSync, Dockerfile
Resources / Books
- Mastering Vue.js by Oleksandr Kocherhin. (January 2018)
- Prev: Feb 12 - Feb 18, 2018
- Next: Jan 29 - Feb 04, 2018