Awesome List Updates on Dec 03 - Dec 09, 2018
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Recommended reading / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Blockchain-based Machine Learning Marketplaces - Fred Ehrsam, March 13, 2018.
2. Awesome Decentralized
- Mastodon: Social networking, back in your hands. Follow friends, discover new ones. Publish anything you want: links, pictures, text, video. A platform that is community-owned and ad-free.
3. Awesome Composer
Private Packagist / IRC
- Private Packagist Cloud - A Composer Repository as a Service for private packages and to mirror packages from other repositories.
- Private Packagist Enterprise - On-premise self-hosted version of Private Packagist.
- Private Packagist API Client (⭐33) - A PHP client for the Private Packagist API. The client handles authentication, signature generation and access to all endpoints.
4. Awesome Java
JVM and JDK / Text-Based User Interfaces
- OpenJ9 (⭐3.4k) - High performance, enterprise-calibre, flexibly licensed, openly-governed cross-platform JVM extending and augmenting the runtime technology components from the Eclipse OMR and OpenJDK project.
5. Awesome React Native
- react-native-hotspot ★2 (⭐30) - A React Native component that displays hotspots over desired components to help lead your users through an onboarding flow or direct them towards new UI elements
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Password Managers
- PassIt - Simple password manage with sharing features by group and user, but no administration interface. (Demo, Source Code)
- Psono - A promising password managers fully featured for teams. (Demo, Source Code)
7. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Videos
8. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Blogging/news
- Snotra_RSS (⭐16) - Snotra_RSS is an Atom and RSS news aggregator app for Wagtail.
Apps / Content Management
- Wagtail Tag Manager (⭐77) - A Wagtail addon that allows for easier and GDPR compliant administration of scripts and tags.
Open-source sites / Lists
- Project TIER (⭐13) – Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research.
9. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS
- Mobile Security Wiki - A collection of mobile security resources.
- Apktool (⭐19k) - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files.
- jadx (⭐39k) - Command line and GUI tools for produce Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files.
- enjarify (⭐916) - A tool for translating Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode.
- Android Storage Extractor (⭐15) - A tool to extract local data storage of an Android application in one click.
10. Awesome Wicket
- wicket-crudifier (⭐11) - Library to easily create CRUD's with wicket.
- wicket-jersey (⭐4) - Adapter to run JAR-RX resources on Jersey2 under Wicket.
11. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Cognito
- cognito-sample-nodejs 🔥 (⭐124) - Sample App for Node.js.
12. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- stb-image (⭐28k) - STB single-header image loading library. [Public Domain]
13. Awesome Jamstack
Videos / Automation
- Gatsby JS Crash Course - Traversy Media.
14. Awesome Captcha
Crack / General
- arunpatala/captcha (⭐176) - Breaking captchas using torch.
- zakizhou/CAPTCHA (⭐67) - Implement classification for CAPTCHA in TensorFlow.
- nladuo/captcha-break (⭐711) - Captcha break based on opencv2, tesseract-ocr and some machine learning algorithm.
- ypwhs/captcha_break (⭐2.6k) - Captcha break using CNN with Keras.
- ptigas/simple-captcha-solver (⭐528) - Simple CAPTCHA solver in python 🐍.
- rickyhan/SimGAN-Captcha (⭐424) - Solve captcha without manually labeling a training set.
- arunpatala/captcha.irctc (⭐204) - Reading irctc captchas with 98% accuracy using deep learning.
- JackonYang/captcha-tensorflow (⭐930) - Image Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow and CNN Model.
- skyduy/CNN_keras (⭐280) - CNN | Keras | CAPTCHA recognition(卷积神经网络、Keras框架、验证码识别).
- PatrickLib/captcha_recognize (⭐536) - Image Recognition captcha without image segmentation.
- zhengwh/captcha-svm (⭐201) - Use svm to hack simple captcha.
- chxj1992/captcha_cracker (⭐167) - Crack captcha with CNN.
- chxj1992/slide_captcha_cracker (⭐134) - Crack solution for slide captcha with Canny algorithm.
- JasonLiTW/simple-railway-captcha-solver#english-version (⭐755) - Simple captcha solver based on CNN and a training set generator by imitating the style of captcha.
- lllcho/CAPTCHA-breaking (⭐225) - Breaking the captcha.
Crack / Chinese
- burness/chinese_hand_write_rec (⭐1.1k) - Handwritten chinese recognition.
- taosir/cnn_handwritten_chinese_recognition (⭐470) - As the name shows, handwritten_chinese_recognition with cnn.
- soloice/Chinese-Character-Recognition (⭐198) - This project shows how to use CNN to perform Chinese character recognition, a much more complicated task compared to MNIST digit recognition.
- muchrooms/zheye (⭐779) - Chinese captcha recognition program for handstand character of zhihu.
- aaronshan/12306-captcha (⭐274) - Recognize 12306 captcha with deep learning.
15. Awesome Dotnet
- Veldrid (⭐2.5k) - A low-level, portable graphics and compute library for .NET
16. Awesome Postgres
Contents / High-Availability
- pglookout (⭐183) - Replication monitoring and failover daemon.
Contents / Backups
- Barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL by 2ndQuadrant.
- pgBackRest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore.
- pghoard (⭐1.3k) - Backup and restore tool for cloud object stores (AWS S3, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack Swift).
Contents / GUI
- DBeaver - Universal Database Manager with excellent support for PostgreSQL.
Contents / Distributions
- - The Easiest Way to Get Started with PostgreSQL on macOS.
Contents / Extensions
- pg_partman (⭐2k) - Partition management extension for PostgreSQL.
- pgTAP - Database testing framework for Postgres
Contents / Optimization
- PoWA - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer gathers performance stats and provides real-time charts and graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers.
Contents / Utilities
- PostgREST (⭐23k) - Serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database.
- sqitch (⭐2.8k) - Tool for managing versioned schema deployment
Contents / Language bindings
- Perl: DBD-Pg
Resources / Blogs
Resources / Videos
- Citus Data Youtube channel - Citus related videos
- EnterpriseDB Youtube channel - EnterpriseDB related videos
17. Awesome Ada
Applications / Apache License
- railway-simulation (⭐5) - Program simulating a railway network with trains, switches and signaling. The signaling system is proven with SPARK/Ada to ensure that trains cannot collide.
Generators / Apache License
- svd2ada (⭐66) - An Ada binding generator from SVD descriptions for bare board ARM devices.
18. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- SCM Breeze (⭐2.9k) - Set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git.
19. Awesome Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
20. Awesome Mental Health
- Computing And Mental Health - Bringing together communities.
- Developers, Entrepreneurs And Depression - Business Of Software 2015 - By Greg Baugues.
21. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
22. Awesome Laravel Education
Misc / Case Study
23. Public Apis
API: 24 Pull Requests
Description: Project to promote open source collaboration during December
Auth: No
Test Data
API: Dicebear Avatars
Description: Generate random pixel-art avatars
Auth: No
API: Transport for Manchester, England
Description: TfGM transport network data
24. Terminals Are Sexy
Base Shells
- Ammonite-Shell (⭐2.5k) - An object shell with a Scala-like scripting language.
- antibody (⭐1.7k) - Faster and simpler antigen written in Golang.
- antigen (⭐7.3k) - Plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle.
- dotzsh (⭐210) - Community driven framework for zsh.
- oh-my-zsh (⭐151k) - Delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
- powerlevel9k (⭐13k) - Super flexible awesome powerline ZSH theme.
- prezto (⭐13k) - Configuration framework for Zsh.
- pure (⭐12k) - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt.
- slimzsh (⭐576) - Small, usable configuration for ZSH.
- zgen (⭐1.4k) - Lightweight and simple plugin manager for ZSH.
- zplug (⭐5.2k) - Next-generation plugin manager for zsh.
- zsh-autosuggestions (⭐24k) - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh.
- zsh-pony (⭐169) - Covers customizing ZSH without a framework.
- zsh-quickstart-kit (⭐579) - Simple zsh quickstart for using zsh and zgen.
- zsh-syntax-highlighting (⭐16k) - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- zshdb (⭐249) - ZSH debugger.
- zunit (⭐173) - Powerful unit testing framework for ZSH.
- liquidprompt (⭐4.2k) - Full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh.
- aliases (⭐439) - Contextual, dynamic, organized aliases for the bash shell.
- bash-it (⭐13k) - Collection of community Bash commands and scripts.
- bash-sensible (⭐1.9k) - Attempt at saner Bash defaults.
- bash-git-prompt (⭐6.3k) - Informative and fancy Bash prompt for Git users.
- git-extra-commands (⭐816) - Collection of useful extra commands for git
- git-radar (⭐2.6k) - Heads up display for git
- git-sh (⭐725) - Customized Bash environment suitable for Git work.
Terminal Emulation Applications
- Alacritty (⭐42k) - Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
- Cmder (⭐24k) - Lovely console emulator package for Windows.
- ConsoleZ (⭐2.9k) - Windows console window enhancement. It is a fork of Console project.
- Hyper (⭐39k) - Terminal built on web technologies.
- iTerm2 (⭐13k) - Terminal emulator for macOS that does amazing things.
- Termite (⭐2.8k) - Keyboard-centric terminal, aimed at use within a tiling window manager.
- Tilix - Advanced GTK3 tiling terminal emulator that follows the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines.
- ZOC - SSH/Telnet Client and Terminal Emulator for macOS and Windows.
- asdf (⭐16k) - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
- basher (⭐971) - Package manager for shell scripts.
- composer - Composer is a package manager for PHP.
- pip - Package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python.
- homebrew - Missing package manager for macOS.
- oneget (⭐2.3k) - PackageManagement (aka OneGet) is a package manager for Windows.
Text Editors
- micro (⭐20k) - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
- nano - Text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface.
- vim - Extensively configurable, cross-platform and highly efficient text editor.
- vis (⭐3.9k) - Highly efficient text editor.
Tools and Plugins
- add-gitignore (⭐549) - An interactive CLI that generates a .gitignore for your project based on your needs.
- asciinema (⭐11k) - Terminal session recorder.
- autojump (⭐14k) - cd command that learns
- bcal (⭐565) - Storage conversion and expression calculator.
- buku (⭐5.3k) - command-line bookmark manager.
- cointop (⭐3.4k) - The fastest and most interactive terminal based UI application for tracking cryptocurrencies.
- colorls (⭐4.2k) - Beautify the terminal's
command, with color and font-awesome icons.
- ddgr (⭐2.4k) - DuckDuckGo from the terminal.
- dockly (⭐3.4k) - Docker console UI and Dashboard for quickly managing and inspecting Containers and Services.
- exa (⭐20k) - Replacement for 'ls' written in Rust.
- fselect (⭐3.3k) - 'find' replacement with SQL-like syntax.
- fzf (⭐48k) - Command-line fuzzy finder.
- gcalcli (⭐2.9k) - Google Calendar command line interface.
- (⭐132) - Checking the latest news headlines from various news outlets on the web.
- googler (⭐5.8k) - Search Google from your terminal.
- homebrew-cask (⭐20k) - CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries.
- hub - Command-line wrapper for git that makes working with GitHub easy.
- imgp (⭐901) - Multi-core batch image resizer and rotator.
- jq.node (⭐402) - Command-line JSON/string processor, JavaScript and Lodash in your shell.
- jrnl (⭐30) - Simple command line journal application that stores your journal in a plain text file.
- lexis (⭐8) - word counting made easy. Retrieve the number of words in a string or stdin.
- lf (⭐5k) - Terminal file manager.
- mps-youtube (⭐7.2k) - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader
- neofetch (⭐16k) - Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. Alternative to screenfetch.
- rebound (⭐3.9k) - Command-line debugger that instantly fetches Stack Overflow results when you get a compiler error.
- reddit terminal viewer (⭐4.6k) - Browse Reddit from your terminal.
- ripgrep (⭐34k) - Code-searching tool like ack and the_silver_searcher, but faster.
- streamlink (⭐8k) - CLI for extracting streams from various websites to a video player of your choosing.
- taskwarrior - Command-line TODO list manager.
- the_silver_searcher (⭐24k) - Code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- tldr (⭐41k) - Simplified and community-driven man pages.
- tmux - Terminal multiplexer.
- tmuxinator (⭐12k) - Manage complex tmux sessions easily.
- - Quickly upload and share files from your shell.
- wal (⭐721) - generate and change colorschemes on the fly.
- whereami (⭐151) - Get your geolocation information from the CLI.
- irssi - Self proclaimed client of the future and my favorite IRC client.
- slack-term (⭐6.1k) - Slack client for your terminal.
- Slackadaisical (⭐273) - Simple Slack client for the CLI.
Other Sexy Lists / Misc
- the-art-of-command-line (⭐112k) - Master the command line, in one page.
25. Mind Expanding Books
Science and Medicine
Name: How to Find a Habitable Planet
Author: James Kasting
Goodreads Rating: 3.93
Year Published: 2010
Fiction / Classics
Name: Jane Eyre
Author: Charlotte Brontë
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 1847
26. Webcomponents the Right Way
History / 2018
History / 2015
History / 2014
History / 2011
27. Awesome Swift
Style Guides
- Google - This style guide is based on Apple’s excellent Swift standard library style and also incorporates feedback from usage across multiple Swift projects within Google.
28. Vertx Awesome
Language Support
- EcmaScript (⭐886) - EcmaScript >=6 (JavaScript) support.
29. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain
- Meadow (⭐141) - An integrated Ethereum implementation and tool suite focused on Solidity testing and development.
30. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
Caching technologies / Memcached
Caching technologies / Redis
31. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- is-wsl for Node (⭐187) - Check if the current process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux, useful for scripting.
32. Awesome Saltstack
- salt-pepper - A CLI Frontend to the salt-api systems.
33. Awesome Flutter
UI / Effect
- Wave (⭐1.1k) - Displaying some waves with custom color, duration, floating and blur effects by RockerFlower
State management / Standard
- Bloc (⭐12k) - Collection of packages that help implement the BLoC design pattern by Felix Angelov
Top / Game Engine resources
- Transform Widget (⭐26) - Image widgets as 3D game engine sprites by Paul Thomas
34. Awesome C
Documentation Generation
- Doxygen - The de-facto standard tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Can generate a large range of formats.
35. Awesome Creative Coding
Math / Other
- Practical use of Vector Math in Games - In-depth article on vectors for game math.
Machine learning • Computer Vision • Ai / Other
- Runway - Toolkit that adds artificial intelligence capabilities to design and creative platforms.
- Lobe - Build, train, and ship custom deep learning models using a simple visual interface.
- ModelDepot - Platform for discovering, sharing, and discussing easy to use and pre-trained machine learning models.
Blogs • Websites / Other
- - Blog about generative art algorithms and techniques, by Manohar Vanga.
36. Awesome Esolangs
- Charcoal (⭐196) - Concise language for sketching ASCII art.
37. Awesome Laravel
Starter Projects / Videos
Miscellaneous / Meetups
- LaravelLinks - A Telegram Channel dedicated to sharing great Laravel Resources
38. Awesome Material
- AngularJS (⭐17k) — Material design for AngularJS.
- Angular (⭐23k) — Material design for Angular.
39. Awesome Serverless
Blog posts
- Serverless sea change - Article which defines and explains how serverless is different from other application architectures.
Related projects
- Firecracker (⭐20k) - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- Cirrus (⭐102) - Serverless machine learning framework.
40. Js Must Watch
41. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- DevicePilot - Operational analytics for connected devices (includes free-forever tier).
42. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
43. Awesome Piracy
- Get DLC Info from SteamDB For use with CreamAPI and similar tools.
Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers
- CheckServers.OVH Checks the availability of OVH servers.
DDL Tools / Free Indexers
- youtube-dl-gui A cross-platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython
- youtube-dl-helper Uses youtube-dl to download video/audio from many sites without requiring you to use the command-line (for Windows)
- RapidLeech (⭐574) a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as,, and more than 127 others.
- MegaCrypt.js (⭐106) MegaCrypt.js lets you share your files without actually having to share any links by encrypting them to create a secure proxy for your files.
- netclix (⭐84) A simple CLI tool to get movie streaming premium links from VodLocker's API
- MEGAsync Easily automated synchronisation between your computer and your MEGA account. Can stream Mega videos directly.
- wget for Windows A command-line utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols.
- FlixGrab FlixGrab+ is a unique application for downloading entire NetFlix serials, TV shows, documentaries, movies.
DDL Search Engines and Crawlers / Free Indexers
- Alluc Search engine with over 80 million streaming-links from over 700 VOD services, video hosters, and file-hosters
DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers
- Another German site for movies
- DDL-Warez German site for movies, shows, books and games
- DDL-Music German site for music
- AppNee Freeware Group Massive DDL site, eBooks, Programs, Games, Operating Systems, etc.
- 480mkv 480p DDL for TV Shows
Open Directories / Free Indexers
- The Eye 🌟 The Eye is a non-profit website dedicated to content archival and long-term preservation.
- /r/opendirectories Unprotected directories of pics, vids, music, software, and otherwise interesting files.
Streaming Sites / Big Media Libraries
- Streaming Multireddit Reddit with all types of Streaming Links
Streaming Sites / Specialty Sites
- Einthusan Foreign
- WatchAsian Foreign
- Layarkaca Foreign
- DramaCool Foreign
- Club MST3k Every episode of MST3K
- Old movies
Streaming Sites / Third Party Hosts
- MovieZion Openload
- MovieJagg Openload
- IWannaWatch Openload, Streamango
- UWatchFree VidPlayer, ViDeoZa
- Oakmovies Openload, NT, NY, NW
- Vexmovies Openload, NY, NW, MC-2
- Openload, Vivo, Streamcloud, Flashx, Streamango
- cinebloom Openload, Streamango
- HDEUROPIX Openload, Rapidvideo
- OpenLoad
- HD MOVIES OpenLoad, Streamango, Streamcherry
- VodLocker Openload, Streamango
- StreamCouch Openload, Streamango
- Qwemovies OpenLoad
- movies2k Openload, Streamango, Streamcloud, Rapidvideo, Upvid
- Googledrive
- MegaShare Openload
- XMovies8 Openload, FServer, PTServer
- IceFilms Openload, FileUpload
- 1Movies Openload, FServer
- WatchFullMovie Openload
- FMOVIES Openload, MyCloud, RapidVideo, Streamango
- WatchFree Openload, FServer
Media Centre Applications / Third Party Hosts
- OpenPHT (⭐593) a community-driven fork of Plex Home Theater
- Streama (⭐9.3k) Self-hosted streaming media server.
- Stremio Multi-platform video content aggregator with a comprehensive add-on system for extending the functionality
Plex Scripts and Tools / Third Party Hosts
- plex-sync (⭐293) A simple command-line utility to synchronize watched/seen status between different Plex Media Servers.
- PlexIPTV (⭐185) This app simulates a DVR device for Plex by providing a layer to any IPTV provider (that provide an m3u8 playlist)
Kodi / Third Party Hosts
- Placenta a Fork of Exodus / Covenant with more options and links from Mr. Blamo and Muad'Dib
- Elementum Elementum addon is an addon for Kodi, that manages your virtual library, syncs with your Trakt account.
- kodi-headless A headless install of Kodi in a docker container, most useful for a MySQL setup of Kodi to allow library updates to be sent without the need for a player system to be permanently on.
Gaming / Third Party Hosts
- CreamAPI "A Legit DLC Unlocker" for Steam
- cream-api-autoinstaller A python script to automatically install Cream API for Steam games
ROMs / Third Party Hosts
- Old Games Finder Old Games Finder is an automated old game search engine. (avoid ISO Zone links, as that site is dead)
Homebrew and Custom Firmware / Third Party Hosts
- /r/WiiHacks This Subreddit is for people interested in modifying their Wii.
Music / Third Party Hosts
- MOOVAL Easily move your playlists, tracks, and likes from one streaming service to another.
Music Downloading / Third Party Hosts
- Deezloader Remaster Tool for downloading music from Deezer
- Deezloader Remix Another program with the same purpose, both based on the original, now defunct Deezloader.
- KHInsider Site collecting soundtracks, mostly MP3, some FLAC, OGG or M4A.
- VGMLoader (⭐60) Tool for bulk downloading from KHInsider.
Ebooks / Third Party Hosts
- BookStack BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organizing and storing information.
- The idiot-proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC Posted by /u/Servaplur
- Apprentice Alf's Blog Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks but were afraid to ask.
Courses and Tutorials / Third Party Hosts
- Lots of Udemy courses for free; Has Adblock detector
Comicbooks / Third Party Hosts
- GetComics GetComics started as an alternative place to get downloaded comic files, particularly US-based comics published by DC and Marvel.
- Gazee! A WebApp Comic Reader for your favorite digital comics. Reach and read your comic library from any web-connected device with a modern web browser.
Manga / Third Party Hosts
- Madokami Requires sign-up (currently closed), see mirrors below.
- NineAnime Updated/Active Manga Site
TV Automation / Third Party Hosts
- Sonarr (⭐8.7k) 🌟 Smart PVR for newsgroup and BitTorrent users.
File Renaming and Tagging / Third Party Hosts
- docker-filebot (⭐33) A Docker container for FileBot
- MediaElch Media manager for Kodi. Metadata & artwork retrieval, as well as renaming.
Mobile Apps / Third Party Hosts
- nzb360 🌟 nzb360 is a full-featured NZB manager that focuses on providing the best experience possible for controlling all of your Usenet needs.
- Blokada Blokada is a compact app that transparently blocks unwanted content like ads, tracking, malware, and other annoyances.
- 4PDA is the biggest Russian forum about mobile devices. You can find an endless amount of APKs and Mobile software there. For download, registration is required
Streaming Apps / Third Party Hosts
- Kokotime Kokotime is an addon-based, simple, free and elegantly designed app that will let you watch all your favorite media content in a unique and elegant user-friendly design
IPTV and DVR / Third Party Hosts
- tvheadend (⭐2.4k) Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV, SAT>IP, and other formats through the Unix pipe as input sources.
- A channel-hoppable live streaming site with a chat room
IRC Networks / Third Party Hosts
A nice, friendly IRC channel for trading ebooks
IRC Search Engines / Third Party Hosts
- ixIRC ixIRC lets you search through 17 IRC networks, 32 channels, and over 189915 user-supplied XDCC packs.
Content Discovery / Third Party Hosts
- Flox (⭐1.2k) Flox is a self-hosted movie, series and anime watch list.
Dashboards and Homepages / Third Party Hosts
- Anonmasky Anonmasky is a beautiful start page for geeks out there. Clone of
Proxy Sites / Third Party Hosts
- Unblocked 🌟 a Proxy site for accessing your favorite blocked sites
Stream Synchronisation / Third Party Hosts
- SyncLounge 🌟 A third-party tool that allows you to watch Plex in sync with your friends/family, wherever you are.
- CyTube Channel-based shared streaming platform for synchronized viewing of YouTube and Google Drive videos
Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts
- TheTrove The Trove is a non-profit website dedicated to content archival and long-term preservation of RPGs.
- serials Serial keys for software that may or may not work.
- Prev: Dec 10 - Dec 16, 2018
- Next: Nov 26 - Dec 02, 2018