Awesome List Updates on Nov 26 - Dec 02, 2018
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Houston We Have a Podcast - Official Johnson Space Center NASA's podcast. Hosted weekly, its topics are in general about space and the ISS.
- Risky Business - Risky Business was established in February, 2007. It take a lighthearted look at information security news and features.
2. Awesome Jamstack
- Netlify - All-in-one platform for automating modern web projects.
Static Site Generators
- Gatsby - Blazing-fast static site generator for React.
- Next.js - Lightweight framework for static and server-rendered applications.
- Hugo - Hugo is a static site generator written in Go.
- Jekyll - Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites.
- Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- Metalsmith - An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
- Phenomic - A modular website compiler.
- Contentful - Content infrastructure for digital teams.
- ButterCMS - Headless CMS and Content API.
- Scrivito - Cloud-based JavaScript CMS built for digital agencies and medium to large-sized businesses.
- GraphCMS - The GraphQL Headless CMS.
- Prismic - Headless API CMS for both developers and marketers.
- Siteleaf - A friendly CMS for your static site.
- DatoCMS - The API-based CMS your editors will love.
- Prose - Prose is a content editor for GitHub designed for managing websites.
- Coisas (⭐329) - A client-side CMS for editing GitHub Markdown (and other) files.
- Cockpit - A self-hosted headless and api-driven CMS.
API / Authentication
- Auth0 - Single sign on and token based authentication.
- Netlify Identity - Brings a full suite of authentication functionality, backed by the GoTrue API.
API / Comments
- Disqus - Global comment system that improves discussion on websites and connects conversations across the web.
- Facebook Comments - The comments plugin lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook account.
API / Forms
- Netlify Forms - Built-in form handling on building time by parsing HTML files directly at deploy time.
API / E-commerce
- Flatmarket (⭐1k) - Flatmarket is a free, open source e-commerce platform for static websites.
- Snipcart - A powerful shopping cart platform for developers.
- Moltin - eCommerce API for developers.
API / Search
- Algolia - The most reliable platform for building search into your business.
- Lunr - Search made simple (on frontend).
API / Database
- GraphQL - Query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- Graphcool - Open-source and self-hosted backend-as-a-service to develop serverless GraphQL backends.
- FaunaDB - Relational NoSQL database with joins, indexes, and multi-region ACID transactions in the cloud or on-premise.
API / Automation
- Zapier - Trigger actions connecting more than 1000 apps together.
Serverless / Automation
- Netlify Functions - Netlify lets you deploy Lambda functions without an AWS account, and with function management handled directly within Netlify.
- Amazon Lambda - Lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure Functions - Serverless compute service that enables you to run code on-demand without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure.
- Azure Logic Apps - Simplifies building automated scalable workflows that integrate apps and data across cloud services and on-premises systems.
- Google Cloud
- App Engine - Serverless application that completely abstracts away infrastructure so you focus only on code.
- Cloud Functions - Serverless environment to build and connect cloud services.
- Cloud Datastore - Highly-scalable NoSQL database with automatic sharding and replication.
- Cloud Storage - Geo-redundant object storage for high QPS needs.
- Cloud Pub/Sub - Geo-redundant real-time messaging for all message sizes and velocities.
- Apigee - Enterprise API management for multi-cloud environments.
- Endpoints - API management apps built on Google Cloud.
- Cloud Dataflow - Serverless stream and batch data processing service.
- BigQuery - Serverless data warehousing services that help you to deploy advanced cloud data warehousing solutions for your enterprise.
- Cloud ML Engine - Serverless machine learning services that automatically scales built on custom Google hardware (Tensor Processing Units).
- Serverless - Toolkit for deploying and operating serverless architectures.
Videos / Automation
- Git-based or API-driven CMS - Chris Macrae.
3. Awesome Ios
Extensions / Collection View Layout
- Comment Spell Checker (⭐160) - Xcode extension for spell checking and auto correcting code comments.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / Silicon Labs
- HAL implementation targeted for Tomu USB board with EFM32HG309F64 ARMv6-M core. Has support to configure tomu bootloader (⭐73) directly from an application via the
- HAL implementation targeted for Tomu USB board with EFM32HG309F64 ARMv6-M core. Has support to configure tomu bootloader (⭐73) directly from an application via the
5. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- PHP Inc (⭐5) - Automatically includes files for autoload and autoload-dev to facilitate using functions and grouped definitions within composer loaded applications.
6. Awesome Circuitpython
- CircuitPython Weekly Meeting - Video archive of weekly community meeting via Discord, starting from September, 2017.
- Adafruit CircuitPython Forums - The Adafruit discussion forum on CircuitPython.
- Programming with MicroPython - by Nicholas H. Tollervey, includes CircuitPython - Discusses the MicroPython language.
- Archives of all newsletters - List of every newsletter published from the start, November 2016.
- CircuitPython in MicroSolutions Digital Magazine - Microchip’s MicroSolutions, “Python on Microcontrollers” in Design Corner article. MicroSolutions is Microchip’s bi-monthly digital magazine.
- The Amp Hour #383 - An Interview with Scott Shawcroft.
7. Webcomponents the Right Way
Class Based
- slim.js (⭐996) - Fast & Robust Front-End Micro-framework based on modern standards.
History / 2018
History / 2017
History / 2016
History / 2015
History / 2014
History / 2013
History / 2012
8. Awesome Java
Document Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces
- docx4j - Create and manipulate Microsoft Open XML files.
- zerocell (⭐81) - Annotation-based API for reading data from Excel sheets into POJOs with focus on reduced overhead.
9. Awesome Tensorflow
- Hierarchical Attention Networks (⭐87) - TensorFlow implementation of "Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification"
- pytorch2keras (⭐861) - Convert PyTorch models to Keras (with TensorFlow backend) format
10. Awesome Nextjs
- next-routes-middleware (⭐40) - A NextJS routing middleware
11. Awesome Vala
Libraries / Data Structures & Data Types
- Graphene (⭐382) - A thin layer of types for graphic libraries. It provides common types needed to handle 3D transformations: points, triangles, rectangles, quads, quaternions, vectors, matrices, spheres, etc.
- Numeric-GLib (⭐9) - A collection of numeric data types for GLib (and Vala) via GCC extensions. It includes 128 bit integers & floats, complex types, vectorized operations, and decimal types.
Libraries / Graphics Libraries
- Cairo - A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. This is pretty much the default library you get in Vala.
- GEGL - A data flow based image processing framework, providing floating point processing and non-destructive image processing capabilities. Think of it as "Reactive Programming for Images".
Libraries / Multimedia Processing
- GStreamer - A powerful framework for creating multimedia applications.
Libraries / Templating
- Compose (⭐18) - A functional templating library for Vala.
- template-glib - A library for template expansion which supports calling into GObject Introspection from templates.
12. Awesome Math
Geometry and Topology / Topology
- 📝 Elementary Applied Topology - Robert Ghrist (UPenn)
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Lambdo (⭐24) - A workflow engine for solving machine learning problems by combining in one analysis pipeline (i) feature engineering and machine learning (ii) model training and prediction (iii) table population and column evaluation via user-defined (Python) functions.
14. Awesome Dotnet
- Stryker.NET (⭐1.8k) - Mutation testing for .NET Core projects
15. Awesome Maintainers
- @dominictarr, scuttlebot (⭐1.6k) and others
- "Statement on event-stream compromise" (post)
16. Vertx Awesome
Dependency Injection
- QBit (⭐709) - QBit works with Spring DI and Spring Boot (and of course Vert.x). Allows you to use QBit, Vert.x, Spring DI and Spring Boot in the same application.
- Netflix - Hystrix
- Hystrix Metrics Stream - Emits metrics for Hystrix Dashboard from a Vert.x application with Hystrix (⭐24k).
- Push Notifications
- Onesignal (⭐15) - Send push notifications to (mobile/web) apps from your Vert.x application with OneSignal.
- CNCF CloudEvents
- Java SDK (⭐402) - Send and receive CloudEvents using the Vert.x HTTP Transport (⭐402) for CloudEvents.
- Vert.x Config AWS SSM Store (⭐1) - A config store implementation for retrieving configuration values from the AWS EC2 SSM Parameter Store.
17. Awesome Serverless
Blog posts
- Writing portable serverless applications - Post on how to write portable serverless applications that can run on different compute environments.
Related projects
- Handly (⭐16) - A wrapper for serverless handlers to prevent silly mistakes.
- Serverless boilerplate (⭐243) - Minimal yet super-functional Serverless boilerplate.
18. Awesome Microservices
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Otoroshi - Modern HTTP reverse proxy with lightweight API management.
19. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Deep Learning Crash Course In this liveVideo course, machine learning expert Oliver Zeigermann teaches you the basics of deep learning.
- Fusion in Action - Fusion in Action teaches you to build a full-featured data analytics pipeline, including document and data search and distributed data clustering.
20. Terminals Are Sexy
Terminal Emulation Applications
- Terminology (⭐536) - The best terminal emulator based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries.
21. Awesome Iot
Software / Operating systems
- UBOS - UBOS is a Linux distro that focuses on making systems administration of home servers and Indie IoT devices running web applications much simpler. A derivative of Arch Linux, it runs on PCs, Raspberry Pis, ESPRESSObin, and cloud.
22. Awesome Sre
- Twitter SRE Weekly - The Official Twitter Account of SRE Weekly Newsletter.
23. Awesome Linux Containers
- containerd
A container runtime which can manage a complete container lifecycle - from image transfer/storage to container execution, supervision and networking.
- podman (⭐19k)
Full management of container lifecycle.
- firecracker (⭐22k)
Firecracker runs workloads in lightweight virtual machines, called microVMs, which combine the security and isolation properties provided by hardware virtualization technology with the speed and flexibility of containers.
24. Awesome Html5
Elements / Head
Progressive web apps / Web Components
25. Awesome Pokemon
Resources & Others / Others
- Calcy IV - One-tap stats and level calculation on Pokémon GO (Android).
26. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Android
- Droid48 (src) (⭐67), Droid48 (app) - Android port of x48, the awesome HP48GX/SX emulator
Calculator apps: / Linux
- x48 (⭐28) - Emulate the HP48GX/SX, one of the best engineering calculators ever.
27. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- PsiTransfer (⭐1.6k) - Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution with robust up-/download-resume and password protection.
28. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
29. Awesome Ethereum
- Casper (⭐15k) - Proof of Stake Implementation.
- Casper CBC - Correct by Construction for full Proof-of-Stake.
- Code Repository (⭐228) - A python implementation of a class of correct-by-construction consensus protocols.
- CBC Wiki (⭐228)
- CBC Research Paper (⭐1.5k)
- Casper FFG - Friendly Finality Gadget for PoS validation with Proof-of-Work.
- Code Repository (⭐683) - The FFG contract, related software and tests.
- Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget Paper - Research paper detailing FFG.
- PoS FAQs (⭐15k)
- FFG vs CBC Comparison - A Stack Exchange comparison of FFG and CBC.
- Casper CBC - Correct by Construction for full Proof-of-Stake.
- Sharding (⭐15k) - Partitioning computational resources so that nodes do not have to process the entire blockchain.
30. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- ddgr (⭐2.8k) - DuckDuckGo from the terminal
- mackup (⭐14k) - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
- pdd (⭐368) - Tiny date, time diff calculator with timers
Applications / Directory Navigation
- taskbook (⭐8.9k) - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
31. Awesome Idris
Contents / Build tools | Package managers
- Idris Rules - Idris rules for Bazel
- Ikan (⭐34) - A package manager for idris, in idris
- Elba (⭐187) - A package manager for Idris
- idream (⭐22) - A simple build system for Idris
32. Awesome Mental Health
- For The Developers With Anxiety, And Everyone Else - By Daine Mawer.
- Perfectionism, Anxiety And Learning To Be Kind To Yourself - By Jo Franchetti.
- Debugging Our Feelings: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Developers - Peers Conference 2018 - By Jamie Strachan.
33. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Project Management
- Outplanr - Project and task management tool.
34. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- Lorg (⭐207) - Tool for advanced HTTPD logfile security analysis and forensics.
- Logdissect (⭐137) - CLI utility and Python API for analyzing log files and other data.
35. Awesome Food
API for Food services / Only available for French market
- node-dominos-france - Une API pour l'app Promos de Domino's Pizza.
- node-kebab (⭐1) - Un wrapper d'API pour .
36. Awesome C
Networking and Internet / Language Standards
- MQTT-C (⭐544) - Portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike.
37. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Secure Headers (⭐424) - Add security related headers to HTTP response
38. Awesome
Articles / Craft 3
- Why you should update your website to Craft CMS 3 by Lauren Swarbrick/Abstrakt -
22 Nov 2019
Official Case Studies / Tutorials
- Associated Press - Project: + by Vector Media Group
- Barefoot Contessa - Project: by Apartment One & Jonathan Melville
- Grill'd - Project: by Evolution 7
- iDE Global - Project: by Flipbox Digital
- Mixmag Media - Project: by The Rye Agency
- Samuelsohn - Project: by Digital Surgeons
Organizations Using Craft / Tutorials
39. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- rsaarelm/magog (⭐373) - A roguelike game.
- Thinkofname/rust-quake (⭐76) - Quake map renderer.
Applications / Industrial automation
- locka99/opcua (⭐528) - A OPC UA library.
Applications / Text processing
- whitfin/runiq (⭐212) - an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input.
Applications / Utilities
- brycx/checkpwn (⭐125) - A Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) command-line utility tool that lets you easily check for compromised accounts and passwords.
Development tools / IDEs
- - Online IDE with full Rust support based on Rust Language Server
Development tools / Transpiling
- immunant/c2rust (⭐4.1k) - C to Rust translator and cross checker built atop Clang/LLVM.
- jameysharp/corrode (⭐2.2k) - A C to Rust translator written in Haskell.
Libraries / Game development
- Game Engines
- Bevy (⭐38k) - is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine. -
- Fyrox - Game engine 3D
- ggez (⭐4.4k) - A lightweight game framework for making 2D games with minimum friction -
- Kiss3d - A Keep It Simple, Stupid 3d graphics engine
- oxidator (⭐304) - A real time strategy game/engine supporting WebGPU
- Piston -
- Unrust (⭐377) - Webgl 2.0 / native game engine
- Bevy (⭐38k) - is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine. -
Libraries / GUI
- autopilot-rs/autopilot-rs (⭐392) - A simple, cross-platform GUI automation library.
Libraries / Macro
- cute
- mattgathu/cute (⭐338) - Macro for Python-esque list comprehensions.
40. Awesome Cryptography
Algorithms / Transform Encryption
- Transform Encryption (aka Proxy Re-Encryption) - Transform encryption uses three mathematically related keys: one to encrypt plaintext to a recipient, a second to decrypt the ciphertext, and a third to transform ciphertext encrypted to one recipient so it can be decrypted by a different recipient.
Books / Hash functions
- Practical Cryptography for Developers - Developer-friendly book on modern cryptography (hashes, MAC codes, symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, key exchange, elliptic curves, digital signatures) with lots of code examples.
JavaScript / Git
- IronWeb - Transform encryption library, a variant of proxy re-encryption, for easily managing end-to-end encryption securely in the browser.
Rust / Git
- dalek cryptography - Fast yet safe mid-level API for ECC, Bulletproofs, and more.
- recrypt (⭐144) - A pure-Rust library that implements cryptographic primitives for building a multi-hop Proxy Re-encryption scheme, known as Transform Encryption.
Scala / Git
- recrypt (⭐34) - Transform encryption library for Scala.
Blogs / Git
- Salty Hash - Covers topics on encryption, data control, privacy, and security.
41. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-displacement-slideshow (⭐213) - A Vue.js component that makes Webgl image displacement transitions easier.
42. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- Fundamentals Code Library (abandoned, more recent fork is here (⭐66) - though it slightly differs in units set, f.ex. no XML. Recent major version 5 here (⭐239)).
Collection of Delphi / FreePascal code units. Includes libraries for Unicode, Strings, Data Structures, Sockets and Mathematics. // Utils: ZLIB compression; JSON; XML; ProtocolBuffers; Unicode routines; data structures; Hashes: XOR, CRC, Adler, MD5, SHA, secure keyed MD5/SHA, etc; Network: blocking TCP client/server, HTTP(S) via SSL3/TLS1.0/TLS1.1/TLS1.2 (fully native); SQL parser; BitCoin MtGox client; Blaise script engine; Cipher: AES, DES, FUNE, RC2, RC4, RSA, Diffie-Hellman; Maths: matrix, complex, statistics, huge numbers
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Delphi Library Helper (⭐19) Tool to assist Delphi developers configuring library folders.
- Mobile Image Creator (⭐7) Creating Icons and Launcher Images for Delphi Mobile Applications (Firemonkey). This is a fork of Mobile Gfx created by Thomas Grubb of RiverSoftAVG.
43. Awesome React Native
- swipeable-modal-react-native (⭐3) - A 'pop-up' modal that can be swiped away left or right to run different functions.
Deep Linking / Navigation Demos
- react-native-deep-link ★36 (⭐146) - React Native library to handle deep links
44. Awesome Diversity
- Project Alloy - Project Alloy is building a more inclusive technical community, one conference at a time, by offering financial grants and other resources to people who are early in their career and underrepresented in tech.
- A Counterintuitive Way To Increase Diversity In Tech - By Rachel Nabors.
45. Public Apis
API: AnimeNewsNetwork
Description: Anime industry news
Auth: No
Description: Free JSON storage service. Ideal for small scale Web apps, Websites and Mobile apps
API: geoPlugin
Description: IP geolocation and currency conversion
Auth: No
API: National Vulnerability Database
Description: U.S. National Vulnerability Database
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Weather
CORS: Unknown
46. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Password Management
- Bitwarden - Open source password management tool for Mac OS, iOS and browsers.
47. Awesome Cpp
- gettext - GNU 'gettext'. [GPL2]
Coding Style Tools
- Artistic Style - A tool to format C/C++/C#/Obj-C/Java code. Also known as astyle.
48. Awesome Piracy
- Bypass paywalls for scientific documents This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web Of Science, which lead to
Password Vaults
- Psono Open source and self-hosted password manager for teams
- Prism Break Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore, and Tempora.
Windows 10 Privacy
- Windows 10 Privacy Guide (⭐1.4k) 🌟 an In-depth guide on purging Windows 10 of Microsoft's attempts to track you
Trackers / Private Trackers
- AnimeBytes (AB) community centralized around Japanese media, including anime, manga, and music
- CGPeers (CGP) CGPeers is a private torrent tracker for all things computer graphics: tutorials, graphics software, 3D, visual effects, design, and computer-assisted art.
- HD-Space (HDS) HD-Space is a private torrent tracker hosting HD movies, TV shows, and music torrents. Good tracker for beginners.
- JPopsuki (JPop) JPopsuki is a torrent tracker focused on Asian music.
- MyAnonaMouse (MAM) Private E-Learning tracker with about 360 000 torrents including audiobooks, e-learning, musicology, and radio.
- Nostalgic Torrents (NT) Private tracker for anime, comics/manga, documentaries, movies, TV - PRE 2013, TV - PRE 2009 With Original Commercials, etc. Also known as The-Archive and HeyNow.
- WorldOfP2P (WOP) Private tracker for Movies, TV, and General.
- Private Tracker Flowchart V4 of the private tracker flowchart. Somewhat out of date.
Trackers / Public Trackers
- EZTV EZTV is a torrent site for TV shows founded by TV-torrent distribution group EZTV.
Tracker Proxies / Public Trackers
- Cardigann (⭐439) A proxy server for adding new indexers to Sonarr, SickRage, and other media managers
- nzbhydra2 (⭐1k) 🌟 Primarily a Usenet metasearch engine but also supports Torznab
Seedboxes / Web-based Cloud Seedboxes
- Another direct download site for pasting magnet links or .torrent files. Free accounts offer 1GB for free.
Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers
- novaDedi novaDedi formerly known as metaDedi was created to help to find you the cheapest dedicated server for your intended use case.
Seedboxes / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- swizzin a light, modular package management suite for media-oriented servers
Usenet / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- Usenet newsgroup A Usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system, for messages posted from many users in different locations using the Internet.
- /r/Usenet 🌟 a thriving community dedicated to helping users old and new understand and use Usenet.
Usenet Indexers / Free Indexers
- Binsearch With this site you can search and browse binary Usenet newsgroups.
Usenet Clients / Free Indexers
- Usenetic The full-featured Usenet client for Mac OSX
- spotweb (⭐459) Spotweb is a decentralized Usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol.
Gaming / Third Party Hosts
- /r/CrackWatch 🌟 New video game crack releases are posted here
- Popular gaming piracy forum
Discord Servers / Third Party Hosts
- Official Discord server for
49. Awesome Clojure
Science and Data Analysis
Editor Plugins
50. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- dotnet-tools (⭐1.5k) - A list of tool extensions for .NET Core Command Line (dotnet CLI).
- LibMan CLI (⭐449) - Client-side content manager for web apps.
51. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Libraries
- Hearth (⭐26) - A fast FHIR-compliant server focused on longitudinal data stores.
52. Awesome Security
Web / Development
- OAuth 2 in Action - Book that teaches you practical use and deployment of OAuth 2 from the perspectives of a client, an authorization server, and a resource server.
- OWASP ZAP Node API (⭐44) - Leverage the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) within your NodeJS applications with this official API.
53. Awesome Research
Pomodoro / Enterprise Git Service
- Tadam (
): Simple and elegant pomodoro timer [USD$ 4.99].
GTD-Task Manager / Enterprise Git Service
- Anydo (
): Good because it has a very good daily review which can help users remember what to do.
Math and Programming Online / Enterprise Git Service
- CoCalc (SageMathCloud): LaTeX, R, iPython Notebook, etc.
- WolframAlpha: Excellent engine to do mathematical derivation online and search.
Datasets / General and Interdisciplinary
- (
): Data by US Federal Government
Datasets / Life Science
- GenBank (
): Genetic sequence database
- GEOSS Portal (
): Earth science data
Writing / Social Sciences
- rtd theme (⭐4.4k): Developed by
- Alabaster (⭐702): Clean and simple
- Hemingway App: Highlights complex sentences, point out passive voice, and suggests alternative words.
- proselint (⭐4.2k): A linter for English prose using advice from Garner's Modern American Usage and more.
- write good (⭐4.8k): Naive JavaScript linter for English prose.
- artbollocks-mode (⭐68): Emacs minor mode for avoiding cliches and bad grammar when writing about art (or other topics).
: Simple Python script to flag redundant words and gives alternative suggestions.
- Rousseau (⭐178): Lightweight proofreader written in JavaScript.
- textlint-rule-rousseau (⭐7): A textlint rule to check English sentences using Rousseau.
- De-Jargonizer: Paste your article or upload file to analyze the amount of jargon in your writing.
- Prev: Dec 03 - Dec 09, 2018
- Next: Nov 19 - Nov 25, 2018