Awesome List Updates on Nov 05 - Nov 11, 2018
51 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Preact
Contents / Example Apps
- Code and Comment (⭐17) - The application to add the comments to a file in Github (demo).
2. Awesome Humane Tech
- Awful AI (⭐6.4k) - A curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness.
3. Awesome Static Website Services
Surveys / Provided by the Host
- Insight Stash - Fast, Simple survey forms.
4. Awesome Asyncio
- aresponses (⭐104) - Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses (⭐4.2k) library used for requests (⭐53k).
- aioresponses (⭐533) - Helper for mock/fake web requests in Python aiohttp package.
5. Awesome Vscode
Framework-specific / More
- Vetur - Toolkit for Vue.js
6. Awesome Amazon Alexa
- alex-robinhood-skill (⭐1) - Unoffical Alexa Skill for Robinhood.
7. Awesome Git Addons
signatures add --push
$ git signatures add --push v1.0.0
Updated tag 'v1.0.0' (was 4de5afd)
Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 906 bytes | 906.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:jsmith/test-signatures
4b5300d..5b1f2cd refs/notes/signatures -> refs/notes/signatures
+ 4de5afd...5b1f2cd v1.0.0 -> v1.0.0 (forced update)
signatures verify
$ git signatures verify v1.0.0
signatures verify --min-count 2
$ git signatures verify --min-count 2 v1.0.0
Failed to find enough verified signatures to satisfy: min_count=2
Signature verification could fail simply because your local gnupg
keychain and trustdb does not contain the required keys.
For detailed signature status run:
> git signatures show
signatures show
$ git signatures show v1.0.0
Public Key ID | Status | Trust | Date | Signer Name
01234567890ABCDEF | VALIDSIG | ULTIMATE | Sat Nov 10 13:16:10 EST 2018 | Steve Mao <[email protected]>
8. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x in Action by Julien Ponge
9. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
10. Awesome Design Principles
Other Resources
- Built Environment Innovation Design - Lists professional design disciplines associated with built environment ventures and describes their roles (part of an open source project based learning challenge curricula).
11. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- ranger - Console file manager with vi key bindings.
12. Awesome Emails
Templates / Misc
- Postmark Transactional Email Templates (⭐3.1k) - Rock-solid email templates for applications.
13. Awesome Lockpicking
- Peterson Locksmith Tools / Peterson Manufacturing, Inc. - Manufacturer of precision lock picking tools and accessories; their top-of-keyway turning tools are famous but overpriced (you can make your own).
14. Awesome Open Source Supporters
- JetBrains
- Software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent development tools.
15. Awesome Piracy
- Yeah it's mail with cocks
- Bravo List Tracker directory
Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers
- Chmuranet Chmuranet is a small private boutique seedbox provider.
- Xirvik Preconfigured seedbox servers
- OVH Large cloud server provider
- SoYouStart Another dedicated server host
Seedboxes / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- DockSTARTer (⭐1.9k) DockSTARTer helps you get started with home server apps running in Docker.
Tracker Frameworks / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- Torrent-Tracker-Platforms (⭐410) A Curated List Of Torrent Tracker Platforms/Codebases Written In Multiple Coding Languages
Usenet / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- Usenet-Uploaders (⭐176) Table of applications for uploading content to Usenet
- QuickPar Tool for reconstructing damaged/missing/corrupt Usenet binaries
Plex Plugins / Third Party Hosts
- Official Plex Plugins Repos for every official Plex Inc. plugin
- FMoviesPlus.bundle (⭐58) Plex Media Server plug-in designed for FMovies, G2G, Primewire and more.
Plex Scripts and Tools / Third Party Hosts
- NowShowing (⭐70) Generates an email and web page of Plex recently added content
Kodi / Third Party Hosts
- Yoda Another solid Exodus/Covenant fork, and this time it's from S-media.
- Exodus Redux The newest Exodus fork around, paired with LambdaScrapers.
- Sparkle (⭐41) Kodi addon for finding acestream links
- Plexus Plexus is used in conjunction with Sparkle to play Ace Stream links.
Gaming / Third Party Hosts
- SmartSteamEmu (⭐367) Steam emulator
Courses and Tutorials / Third Party Hosts
- tpget Tutorialspoint downloader
Movie Automation / Third Party Hosts
- Watcher (⭐278) Watcher is an automated movie NZB & Torrent searcher and snatcher.
Ripping, Transcoding, Converting, Encoding / Third Party Hosts
- DVDFab DVD ripping tool
Streaming Apps / Third Party Hosts
- TeaTV App for Android, Windows, and macOS for watching 1080p movies and TV shows for free
Content Discovery / Third Party Hosts
- WhereYouWatch Follow upcoming movies and receive email alerts when they are out online as a download or stream – pirated or via retail.
Dashboards and Homepages / Third Party Hosts
- Logarr (⭐263) "Logarr" is a self-hosted, PHP-based, single-page log consolidation tool which formats and displays log files for easy analysis.
Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts
- Movie Release Types Table of common movie release types, their labels, and descriptions.
- Privacy creates secure virtual cards and completes checkout forms for you, saving you time and money while masking your real card details.
16. Awesome Web Design
Prototype Tools
- Free in Browser interactive design Tool.
17. Public Apis
API: Oxford
Description: Dictionary Data
18. Awesome Indie
Posts / Other
What you should know as a founder of a software company by Ivan Mir
A guide to the complex world of modern software business: everything from UX design to marketing and writing, with a list of resources to start with each topic.
19. Awesome Embedded Rust
Board support crates / Sony
- SDK for the PlayStation 2.
20. Awesome Maintainers
- @fatih, vim-go (⭐15k)
- "Taking an indefinite sabbatical from my projects" (post)
21. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Filesystem
- move-file (⭐199) - Move a file, even works across devices.
22. Awesome Connectivity Info
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- AfterAccess - Mobile & Internet Use in the Global South - Infographic highlights of nationally representative surveys of ICT access and use by households and individuals in the public domain in 16 developing countries of the Global South.
23. Awesome Cl
HTTP Servers / Clack plugins
- clack-static-asset-middleware (⭐1) - a cache-busting static asset middleware for the clack. MIT.
24. Awesome D3
- chart-parts (⭐600) - A flexible, React-friendly, Grammar of Graphics for data visualization
25. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
26. Awesome Machine Learning
Elixir / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- emel (⭐107) - A simple and functional machine learning library written in Elixir.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Thampi (⭐9) - Machine Learning Prediction System on AWS Lambda
27. Awesome Mental Health
- It's Time To Talk About Mental Illness In Indie Development - By Jessica Conditt.
28. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Inspecting Decision Trees in H2O Nov 07, 2018
29. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Scoold - Stack Overflow in a JAR. An enterprise-ready Q&A platform with full-text search, SAML, LDAP integration and social login support. (Demo, Source Code (⭐881))
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Expressa (⭐441) - Content Management System for powering database driven websites using JSON schemas. Provides permission management and automatic REST APIs.
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Organizr (⭐5.3k) - Organizr aims to be your one stop shop for your Servers Frontend.
30. Awesome Javascript
Table/Grid / Other
- Tabulator - (jQuery plug-in) An extremely flexible library that create tables with a range of interactive features from any JSON data source or existing HTML table.
31. Awesome Food
Food-related projects
- Auto-Soylent (⭐17) - Automatic Soylent recipe generator.
- Genetic-Soylent (⭐16) - This project generates soylent recipes based on genetic algorithms.
- hasgluten (⭐64) - Quick and Accurate Gluten-Free Foods List.
- food-recipes (⭐43) - Honest-to-goodness "real food" recipes.
- recipes (⭐9) - This repository contains tasty open-source recipes.
- tacofancy (⭐1.3k) - Community-driven taco repo. stars stars stars.
- cookbook (⭐10) - Delicious food. Mostly wheat or gluten free.
32. Awesome Saltstack
Cheat sheets
- Salt Commands cheat sheet - List of common Salt commands.
33. Alternative Internet
Social Networks
- Manyverse an implementation of scuttlebutt for mobile devices (android) - carry your social network with you, no internet required
- The Decentralized Library of Alexandria is an open-source standard in active development to allow users to publish and distribute original content themselves, from music to videos to feature films, 3d printable inventions, recipes, books and just about anything else.
34. Awesome Sass
Libraries and Mixins / Grid
- Sass Flexible Grid System - Sass flexible grid system.
Libraries and Mixins / Media Queries
- Sass MediaQueries - Collection of useful media queries mixins for Sass (including iOS devices, TVs and more).
Libraries and Mixins / Animation
- Kf - Sass mixin library for creating keyframe-based animations from maps.
35. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Elm
- An Introduction to Elm (HTML)
- Elm Programming Language (HTML)
- Learn You an Elm (HTML)
36. Awesome Sre
37. Awesome Serverless
Blog posts
- Hosted vs. installable serverless platforms - Survey which covers hosted vs. installable serverless solutions.
- Launching TriggerMesh - TriggerMesh (serverless management platform on top of knative) announcement blog post.
Related projects
- Operiant - Connect your event streams to actions.
- TriggerMesh - Serverless cloud with a library of event triggers to enable hybrid cloud and workload portability.
38. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- RKWard - An extensible IDE/GUI for R.
Data Manipulation
- lubridate (⭐734) - A set of functions to work with dates and times.
- bigmemory (⭐126) - Shared memory and memory-mapped matrices. The big* packages provide additional tools including linear models (biglm) and Random Forests (bigrf (⭐91)).
Graphic Displays
- lattice (⭐68) - A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization system.
- animation (⭐206) - A simple way to produce animated graphics in R, using ImageMagick.
- waffle (⭐778) - 🍁 Make waffle (square pie) charts in R.
- dendextend (⭐153) - visualizing, adjusting and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering.
HTML Widgets
- heatmaply (⭐380) - Interactive heatmaps with D3.
- d3heatmap (⭐236) - Interactive heatmaps with D3 (no longer maintained).
Reproducible Research
- tinytex (⭐995) - A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution
Web Technologies and Services
- curl (⭐220) - A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R.
Database Management
- odbc (⭐392) - Connect to ODBC databases (using the DBI interface)
Machine Learning
- ranger (⭐779) - A Fast Implementation of Random Forests.
R Development
- sinew (⭐166) - Generate roxygen2 skeletons populated with information scraped from the function script.
39. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue School - Learn Vue.js from video courses by core members and industry experts
40. Awesome AutoHotkey
- Leya - MySQL API (⭐16) - by kevgk - Work with MySQL databases in autohotkey, without exposing server credentials to the client.
41. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- dataaccess_aspnetcore (⭐140) - The DataAccess Toolbox contains the base classes for data access in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core 1.0 using the unit-of-work and repository pattern.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- openiddict (⭐4.3k) - Easy-to-use OpenID Connect server for ASP.NET Core.
- oidc-debugger (⭐220) - OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect debugging tool.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain
- WalletWasabi (⭐2.1k) - Privacy focused, ZeroLink compliant Bitcoin wallet.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities
- TrackableEntities.Core (⭐72) - Change-tracking across service boundaries with .NET Core.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Functional Programming
- sodium (⭐848) - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Library.
4.x.x or above
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Networking
- Networker (⭐476) - A simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET, designed to be flexible, scalable and FAST.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- Rin (⭐637) - Request/response Inspector middleware for ASP.NET Core. like Glimpse.
42. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- 10deploys - São discutidas as origens, tendências, influências e os conceitos por trás do DevOps com o objetivo de ajudar organizações a se transformarem em organizações de alto desempenho.
43. Awesome Cpp
- linenoise (⭐3.9k) - A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit. [BSD-2-Clause]
- linenoise-ng (⭐361) - A small, portable GNU readline replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. [BSD]
- Libmicrohttpd - GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. [LGPL v2.1+]
44. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- Ant Design Pro - An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications 🔥🔥🔥
- Scaffold Market - scaffolds and boilerplates using Ant Design
- Meteor Antd Boilerplate (⭐9) - A basic social network built using Antd and Meteor. Example
- React-PWA, PawJS and AntDesign (⭐15) - A pluggable boilerplate with SEO, PWA, SSR, Skeleton, Placeholders, etc. as some of its many features.
- antd-theme-webpack-plugin (⭐368) - A webpack plugin to generate your custom theme file.
- antd-theme-generator (⭐358) - A simple script to generate theme specific less file which can be used in any environment.
Design Tools and Resources / Themes
- Ant UX - Sitemap templates for ux design in OG, Sketch, Axure, Affinity, Adobe XD.
- Kitchen - Sketch Plugin with suites of functions to enhance designers
- Ant Design Design Resources - Sketch Symbols
Angular / Themes
- NG-ZORRO-Mobile (⭐798) - Ant Design Mobile of Angular
- ng-alain - ng-zorro-antd admin panel front-end framework.
Vue.js / Themes
- ant-design-vue (⭐20k) - Ant Design of Vue.js 2.5.0+.
- antue (⭐258) - A set of enterprise-class Vue UI components, following the Ant Design specification completely.
- vue-antd-admin (⭐3.7k) - Ant Design Pro's implementation with Vue
Components / Themes
- antd-amplify-react (⭐59) - A collection of Ant Design component for Aws Amplify for Authentication
Icons / Themes
Other / Themes
- Ant Design of Ember - Enterprise-class UI framework based on Ant Design and Emberjs.
- Fable Ant Design (⭐24) - Ant Design bindings for Fable Elmish.
45. Awesome Swift
Camera / Barcode
- EFQRCode (⭐4.6k) - A better way to operate quick response code.
Button / Barcode
- AHDownloadButton (⭐485) - Customizable download button with progress and transition animations. It is based on Apple's App Store download button.
Menu / Barcode
- CircleMenu (⭐3.4k) - CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- UICollectionViewSplitLayout (⭐245) - UICollectionViewSplitLayout makes collection view more responsive.
Walkthrough / Barcode
- PaperOnboarding (⭐3.3k) - PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider.
46. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Java
- WebDriverManager (⭐2.6k) - Automatic management of Selenium WebDriver binaries.
47. Awesome Dev Fun
- Gosleap (⭐20) - Make Ryan Gosling jump across your screen.
48. Awesome Xamarin
- FilePicker-Plugin-for-Xamarin ★37 (⭐156) - Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files and work with them.
- Xamarin.Forms.EntryAutoComplete (⭐37) - Custom control which functionality provides you with suggestions while typing. There are several modes of suggestions. The suggested text can be displayed in a drop-down list so that you can choose from different options.
49. Awesome Web Security
- is filtered ? - Written by @strukt93.
Backend (core of Browser implementation, and often refers to C or C++ part)
Reconnaissance / OSINT - Open-Source Intelligence
- Raccoon (⭐2.6k) - High performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning by @evyatarmeged.
- Social Mapper (⭐3.4k) - Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf) by @SpiderLabs.
- espi0n/Dockerfiles (⭐36) - Dockerfiles for various OSINT tools by @espi0n.
50. Awesome Dotnet
Business Intelligence
- FastReport (⭐2.8k) - The open source report generator for .NET Core 2.x/.Net Framework 4.x. FastReport can be used in ASP.NET MVC, Web API applications.
- DryIoc (⭐1k) - Simple, fast all fully featured IoC container.
- Stashbox (⭐143) - A lightweight, portable dependency injection framework for .NET based solutions.
51. Awesome Clojure
Advanced datastructures
- Persistent AVL trees (⭐124): persistent sorted maps and sets with log-time rank queries
- Finger Tree (⭐213): double-list, counted-double-list, counted-sorted-set
- Hitchhiker Tree (⭐1.2k): create fast, snapshottable, massively scalable databases
- Ordered (⭐255): ordered sets and maps
- Lazy Map (⭐48): whose values are only calculated when accessed
- Durable Queue (⭐381): queue persisted on disk
- bifurcan (⭐957): linear map/set/list (stores entries contiguously in memory), ;writtern in java, but test suite (read: usage examples) in clojure (⭐957)
- Prev: Nov 12 - Nov 18, 2018
- Next: Oct 29 - Nov 04, 2018