Awesome List Updates on Oct 29 - Nov 04, 2018
81 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Kde
Utilities & Tools
- KeePassXC - Cross-platform community-driven port of Keepass password manager.
Development & Programming
- Qt Designer - Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets.
Plasma desktop / Cursors
- Bibata - Material Based Cursor Theme.
Articles / Display Manager
- Nate Graham's Blog - Adventures in Linux and KDE.
2. Awesome Markdown
CMS / Blogs
- Hugo - Fast & Modern Static Website Engine.
Tools / Converters
- Markdown to PDF - Simple and useful website for converting Markdown to PDF.
Tools / Linters
- remark-lint (⭐866) - Markdown code style linter.
Services / Presentations
- GitBook - GitBook is a modern publishing toolchain. Making both writing and collaboration easy.
Resources / Documentation
- CommonMark - Strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown.
3. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- Cinchoo ETL (⭐762) - ETL Framework for .NET (Parser / Writer for CSV, Flat, Xml, JSON, Key-Value formatted files).
4. Awesome Algorithms
Books / Algorithms and Data structures
- Classic Computer Science Problems in Python -This great book presents dozens of coding challenges, ranging from simple tasks to clustering data using k-means.
5. Awesome Diversity
- OS4W - OS4W aims to be a resource for connecting all women, including women of color and transgender women, to open source projects that are welcoming, inclusive, and appreciative of diversity in their contributors.
Actionable Resources
- How A Common Interview Question Fuels The Gender Pay Gap (And How To Stop It) - By Claire Cain Miller.
- How Organizations Can Become More Inclusive Of People With Disabilities - By Michael Schultz.
- How To Fight Sexism On Your Company's Slack - By Nick Douglas.
- Increase Diversity In Our Speaker Line Up (⭐14) - By Soledad Penadés.
- You Have A Culture Problem. Here's How To Avoid A Diversity Disaster - By Ellen K. Pao.
- Advice For Women In Tech Who Are Tired Of Talking About Women In Tech - By Valerie Aurora.
- Code Of Conduct Enforcement Warning Signs - By Otter Tech.
- Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — And That’s Why They Perform Better - By David Rock, Heidi Grant and Jacqui Grey.
- Getting Free Of Toxic Tech Culture - By Valerie Aurora and Susan Wu.
- How To Be An Ally - By André Arko.
- How To Maintain A Predominantly White Workplace - By Leniece Flowers Brissett.
- If You Think Women In Tech Is Just A Pipeline Problem, You Haven't Been Paying Attention - By Rachel Thomas.
- Important Women In CS Who Aren't Grace Hopper - By Hillel Wayne.
- Not Applicable: What Your Job Post Is Really Saying - By Coraline Ada.
- Stop Saying That Diversity Means Lowering The Bar - By Leah Fessler.
- Striving To Be Seen: Black Girl Gamers On Twitch - By Jessica Conditt.
- Survey Finds That In Tech, Retaliation For Speaking Up About Workplace Discrimination Is Common - By Janet Nguyen and David Brancaccio.
- The Do's And Don'ts Of Being A Good Ally - By Karnythia.
- Tools For White Guys Who Are Working For Social Change - By Chris Crass.
- We Need More Radical Solutions For Diversity And Inclusion - By Ellen K. Pao.
- What Does It Mean To Be A Feminist Coder In 2018? - By Xiaowei R. Wang.
- White Fragility In Teaching And Education Technology - By Mary Jo Madda.
- Why Doesn't My Company Get Credit For Tackling Gender Diversity? - By Ellen K. Pao.
- Why I Don't Use My Real Photo When Messaging With Customers On My Website - By Julia Enthoven.
- Why We Shouldn't Underestimate The Power Of Diversity - By Joi Ito and Jeff Howe.
- Why Your Efforts To Fix Your Pipeline Aren’t Fixing Your Pipeline - By Chelsea Troy.
- You Can’t Just Hit The Diversity Button - By Project Include's Laura I. Gómez.
- Your Company's Slack Is Probably Sexist - By Leah Fessler.
- Enforcing Your Code Of Conduct: Effective Incident Response - By Audrey Eschright.
6. Awesome Ember
Packages / Examples
7. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- fx (⭐18k) - A interactive terminal tool.
8. Awesome React Native
- react-native-maps ★8388 (⭐14k) - React Native Map components for iOS + Android
- react-native-swiper ★6955 (⭐10k) - The best Swiper component for React Native.
- react-native-scrollable-tab-view ★5664 (⭐6.8k) - A scrollable tab-view for React Native
- react-native-material-kit ★4124 (⭐4.8k) - Bringing Material Design to React Native
- react-native-snap-carousel ★3959 (⭐9.7k) - Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support
- react-native-calendars ★3402 (⭐8.1k) - React Native Calendar Components 📆
- react-native-ui-kitten ★3140 (⭐9.3k) - Customizable and reusable react-native component kit
- react-native-svg ★2982 (⭐6.4k) - SVG library that works on both iOS & Android
- react-native-image-crop-picker ★2736 (⭐5.6k) - iOS/Android image picker with support for multiple images and cropping
- react-native-typography ★2260 (⭐3.3k) Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native
- react-native-modalbox ★2043 (⭐2.8k) - A component for react-native
- react-native-action-button ★1762 (⭐2.4k) - A customizable Float Button Component for React Native
- react-native-modal ★1728 (⭐5k) - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- nachos-ui ★1684 (⭐2k) - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React.
- react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663 (⭐2.1k) - A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
- react-native-spinkit ★1585 (⭐2.3k) - A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
- react-native-gifted-listview ★1443 (⭐1.6k) - A ListView that embed some recurrent features like pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps
- react-native-viewpager ★1350 (⭐1.4k) - ViewPager component for React Native
- react-virgin ★1319 (⭐1.5k) The react-native UI Kit you've been looking for.
- react-native-icons ★1168 (⭐1.2k) - Quick and easy icons in React Native video
- react-native-keyboard-spacer ★1103 (⭐1.5k) - Plug and play react-Native keyboard spacer view.
- react-native-circular-progress ★1088 (⭐2k) - React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
- react-native-popup-dialog ★1088 (⭐2.1k) - A React Native Popup Dialog Easy Use & Support Use Custom Animation. For IOS & Android
- react-native-root-toast ★971 (⭐1.8k) - React native toast like component, pure javascript solution
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay ★885 (⭐1.5k) - The only pure React Native, Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
- react-native-slider ★845 (⭐1.2k) - A pure JavaScript component for react-native
- react-native-sglistview ★731 (⭐741) - A memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView
- react-native-tabs ★687 (⭐717) - React Native platform-independent tabs. Could be used for bottom tab bars as well as sectioned views (with tab buttons)
- react-native-search-bar ★671 (⭐834) - The native search bar for react native.
- apsl-react-native-button ★653 (⭐750) - React Native button component with rounded corners.
- react-native-popup-menu ★653 (⭐1.3k) - Extensible popup menu component for React Native.
- react-native-qrcode ★644 (⭐853) - react-native qrcode generator
- react-native-parsed-text ★552 (⭐1.1k) - Parse text and make them into multiple React Native Text elements
- react-native-dropdown ★507 (⭐647) - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
- react-native-parallax ★479 (⭐580) - Parallax effects for React Native using Animated API
- react-native-sketch ★467 (⭐646) - A react-native <Sketch /> component to draw with touch events.
- react-native-button-component ★434 (⭐533) - A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android
- react-native-refresher ★419 (⭐454) - A React Native pull to refresh ListView completely written in js. Also supports custom animations.
- react-native-carousel ★406 (⭐418) - Simple carousel component for react-native
- react-native-radio-buttons ★399 (⭐417) - A react component to implement custom radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only on can be selected at once.
- react-native-accordion ★390 (⭐438) - An Accordion Component for React Native
- react-native-message-bar ★384 (⭐441) - A module for presenting notifications via an animated message bar at the top/bottom of the screen, highly customizable, for React Native (Android and iOS) projects.
- react-native-fit-image ★383 (⭐578) - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
- react-native-alphabetlistview ★372 (⭐457) - A ListView with a sidebar to jump to sections directly, based on johanneslumpe's react-native-selectablesectionlistview
- react-native-responsive-image ★344 (⭐401) - Most elegant Responsive Image component
- react-native-modal-picker ★333 (⭐399) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections.
- react-native-gesture-recognizers ★313 (⭐360) - Gesture recognizer decorators for react-native
- react-native-grid-view ★276 (⭐281) - React Native Grid/Collection View component
- react-native-md-textinput ★275 (⭐316) - React Native TextInput styled with Material Design.
- react-native-timer-mixin ★274 (⭐311) - TimerMixin provides timer functions for executing code in the future that are safely cleaned up when the component unmounts. This is a fork that includes react-native InteractionManager support.
- react-native-tabbar ★261 (⭐264) - Tab bar with more freedom
- react-native-cacheable-image ★255 (⭐305) - A filesystem cacheable image component for react-native
- react-native-awesome-button ★222 (⭐235) - A React Native component rendering a button supporting showing different appearances and functionality given the passed props
- react-native-mobx ★220 (⭐223) - Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
- react-native-progress-bar ★218 (⭐239) - An animated progress bar component for React Native
- react-native-tooltip ★217 (⭐284) - A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips
- react-native-emoji ★216 (⭐322) - Emoji component for React Native
- react-native-image-cache-hoc ★211 (⭐285) - Higher Order Component that adds advanced caching and persistence functionality to standard Image component.
- autoresponsive-react-native ★201 (⭐260) - A Magical Layout Library For React
- react-native-autolink ★201 (⭐526) - Autolinking component for React Native
- react-native-grid-component ★188 (⭐268) - Easy to use grid component for your react-native project. Supports iOS and Android.
- react-native-tab ★171 (⭐178) - react-native-tab is a simple module for add a "Tab Menu" to your React Native app.
- react-native-autocomplete ★163 (⭐170) - React Native Component for MLPAutoCompleteTextField
- react-native-segmented-view ★159 (⭐185) - Segmented View for React Native (with animation)
- react-native-checkbox ★154 (⭐169) - Checkbox component for React native
- react-native-radial-menu ★153 (⭐177) - A Radial Menu optimized for touch interfaces
- react-native-page-control ★151 (⭐169) - React native page control, like ios UIPageControl
- react-native-google-place-picker ★148 (⭐184) - React Native Wrapper of Google Place Picker for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-scaling-drawer ★148 (⭐238) - React native scaling drawer.
- react-native-image-carousel ★148 (⭐214) - Image carousel with support for fullscreen mode, image swiping and pinch-to-zoom in fullscreen mode.
- react-native-offline-mode ★144 (⭐185) - Swap your app with an offline version while there's no connectivity
- react-native-custom-segmented-control ★132 (⭐164) - Native UI iOS component for Segmented Control with custom style
- react-native-floating-labels ★126 (⭐159) - Reusabe floating lable component for react native
- react-native-beautiful-video-recorder ★125 (⭐233) - The video recorder component that extends from react-native-camera. It works for both iOS & Android.
- react-native-cell-components ★125 (⭐174) - Awesome react-native cell components! From a Cell to more complex & awesome components.
- react-native-bouncy-drawer ★116 (⭐149) - Highly customizable Bouncy Drawer
- react-native-viewport-units ★107 (⭐158) - Incredibly simple utility for (sort of) using viewport units with React Native.
- react-native-fading-slides ★103 (⭐126) - Simple looped fading slides carousel for React Native
- react-native-listitem ★86 (⭐90) - iOS-style listitem component for React Native
- react-native-shared-preferences ★85 (⭐120) - Android's Native key value storage system in React Native
- react-native-emoji-picker ★85 (⭐107) - Simple Emoji picker for react-native with optional modal-like component
- react-native-material-showcase-ios ★81 - React Native Bridge for iOS aromajoin/material-showcase-ios. An elegant and beautiful showcase for iOS apps.
- react-native-textinput-utils ★79 (⭐85) - A react native extension which allows you to control TextInput better.
- react-native-idle-timer ★79 (⭐156) - An Objective-C bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app
- react-native-snackbar-component ★77 (⭐173) - A snackbar component for Android and iOS, customizable and simple.
- react-native-zoom-image ★75 (⭐108) - An image viewer component for react-native, like twitter's image viewer.
- react-native-simple-picker ★62 (⭐89) - A simple react-native select picker
- react-native-view-pdf ★62 (⭐262) - PDF viewer for React Native
- react-native-phone-picker ★58 (⭐65) - a quick phone picker control
- react-native-infinite-scrollview ★58 (⭐75) - ScrollView with infinite paged scrolling (no looping)
- react-native-multiple-choice ★57 (⭐67) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android) single and multiple-choice React Native component.
- react-native-adbannerview ★52 (⭐56) - React Native Bridge for ADBannerView
- react-native-fxblurview ★52 (⭐61) - React Native wrapper for popular FXBlurView library for realtime, fine-tuned blur effects
- react-native-beautiful-image ★52 (⭐60) - The Beautiful Image component that supports fadeIn animation and shows placeholderSource if the main source can't be loaded.
- react-native-radio-button-classic ★47 (⭐48) - Bring Classic Radio to React-Native
- react-native-image-intent ★47 (⭐53) - Image intent receiver for React Native android
- react-native-date ★46 (⭐45) - React Native date and time pickers for Android
- react-native-message-composer ★45 (⭐48) - React Native module bridge to iOS MFMessageComposeViewController
- react-native-progress-circular ★43 (⭐44) - A pure React Native Component for circular progress bars for both iOS and Android.
- react-native-tween-animation ★43 (⭐47) - A simple react native state tween animation module.
- react-native-flanimatedimage ★43 (⭐51) - FLAnimatedImage for React Native.
- react-native-wheel ★38 (⭐40) - android wheel view for react-native
- react-native-bar-collapsible ★38 - A Bar component that can be collapsible (toggle/accordion), clickable or text-only.
- react-native-circle-view ★37 (⭐37) - circle progress for react native android using CircleView
- react-native-slidable-tab-bar ★37 (⭐41) - Slidable tab bar for instant view rendering(react-native)
- react-native-scrollable-decorator ★37 (⭐38) - A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
- react-native-circle-checkbox ★37 (⭐43) - Circle checkbox component for React Native
- react-native-newsticker ★35 (⭐43) - The News Ticker component for React Native
- react-native-dashed-border ★33 (⭐38) - A element for react-native
- react-native-writebox ★33 (⭐51) - (iOS / Android) Facebook/Twitter textarea that autogrow and count characters.
- react-native-telephone-input ★30 (⭐39) - React Native Telephone Input, discover country and mask telephone Input
- react-native-nmrangeslider-ios ★29 (⭐34) - The NMRangeSlider component for React Native
- react-native-starrating ★24 (⭐26) - a react-native component for display interactive star ratings
- react-native-simple-card-view ★23 (⭐27) - Easiest way to adding a card view on your screen.
- react-native-timepicker ★20 (⭐24) - React Native timepicker for iOS
- react-native-custom-checkbox ★20 - React Native checkbox that can be customize. Works for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-tilt ★20 - Tilt effect with accelerometer for React Native components.
- rn-ab-hoc ★19 (⭐24) - Poor intrusive way to make A/B Testing by using an HoC instead of components.
- react-native-expand ★19 (⭐23) - A react-native expandable component for both Android and iOS
- react-native-imagewand ★13 (⭐14) - image wand for react native
- react-native-gravatar ★13 (⭐16) - react-native wrapper for gravatar-api
- react-native-stylesheet-xg ★8 (⭐8) - extension stylesheet for cross platforms and responsive
- react-native-animated-styles ★7 (⭐20) - Easily animate/transition react components between two style states.
- react-native-rounded-navigation-drawer ★2 (⭐14) - React Native Designed Navigation Drawer Library (Pure Js)
- react-native-expandable-fab-menu ★2 (⭐8) - React Native Expandable Fab Menu Component (pure js)
- react-native-animated-bottom-tabbar ★2 (⭐19) - Animated bottom Tab bar for react native
- react-native-router-flux ★7720 (⭐9k) - React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API
- kittenTricks ★4227 (⭐6.9k) - A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- native-navigation ★3060 (⭐3.1k) - Native navigation library for React Native applications
- react-native-navbar ★1824 (⭐1.9k) - Simple customizable navbar component for react-native
- react-native-router ★1203 (⭐1.2k) - Awesome navigation for your native app.
- ex-navigation ★1019 (⭐1k) - A route-centric, batteries-included navigation library for Exponent and React Native that works seamlessly on Android and iOS.
- react-native-controllers ★580 (⭐610) - Truly native no-compromise iOS navigation for React Native.
- ex-navigator ★531 (⭐523) - Route-centric navigation built on top of React Native's Navigator
- react-native-nav ★262 (⭐267) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), fully customizable, React Native Navigation Bar component
- react-native-ya-navigator ★88 (⭐86) - Yet another react native navigator component
- navbar-native ★86 (⭐88) - A new, fully customizable Navbar component for React-Native
- react-native-navigation-bar ★59 (⭐61) - react-native-navigation-bar
- react-native-grid-list ★ ★28 (⭐102) - React Native Grid List component
- react-native-invoke-app ★8 (⭐53) - Bring React Native App to foreground from Headless JS
- react-native-keyboard-sticky-view ★7 (⭐23) - Keyboar Sticky View with animation and renderProps
Navigation / Navigation Demos
- movieapp ★1441 (⭐1.8k) – Discover Movies and TV shows - it uses redux and wix/react-native-navigation
- ExNavRelay ★23 (⭐25) - React Native + Ex-navigation + Relay integration template
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-hyperlink ★354 (⭐685) - A
<Hyperlink />
component for react-native that makes urls, fuzzy links, emails etc clickable and stylable
- react-native-draftjs-render ★253 (⭐386) - A React Native render for Draft.js model
- react-native-html-to-pdf ★171 (⭐382) - Convert html strings to PDF documents using React Native
- react-native-htmltext ★132 (⭐139) - Use HTML like markup to create stylized text in react-native.
- react-native-html-webview ★102 (⭐105) - Display (possibly untrusted) HTML using a UIWebView in React Native.
- react-native-html-render ★98 (⭐101) - A html render for react-native
- react-native-measure-text ★48 (⭐108) - Measure text height without laying it out.
- react-native-asciimage ★17 (⭐21) - An ASCIImage component for React Native
Analytics / Navigation Demos
- react-native-fabric ★1097 (⭐1.3k) - A React Native library for Fabric, Crashlytics and Answers
- react-native-google-analytics ★325 (⭐384) - Google Analytics for React Native!
- react-native-mixpanel ★307 (⭐457) - A React Native wrapper for Mixpanel tracking
- react-native-ab ★160 (⭐181) - A component for rendering A/B tests in React Native
- react-native-segment-io-analytics ★68 (⭐67) - A React Native Segment wrapper!
- react-native-ux-cam ★32 (⭐53) - React Native wrapper for
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- detox ★3566 (⭐10k) - Graybox End-to-End (functional) Tests and Automation Library for Mobile with first class support for React Native
- react-native-workers ★616 (⭐806) - Background services and web workers for react-native
- react-native-mock ★504 (⭐570) - A fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
- loki ★395 (⭐1.5k) - Visual Regression Testing for Storybook
- react-native-slowlog ★271 (⭐372) - A high-performance timer based profiler for React Native that helps you track big performance problems
- react-native-zip-archive ★173 (⭐345) - Zip / Unzip archive utility
- react-native-tips ★160 - This module is used to create easily some tips to help your new users to understand how works your app.
- codemod-RN24-to-RN25 ★104 (⭐103) - a simple codemod to handle the new import style on >=RN25
- react-native-linkedin ★101 React-Native LinkedIn, a simple LinkedIn login library for React-Native or Expo with WebView and Modal
- react-native-eval ★75 (⭐81) - Call any JS functions from your native code
- react-native-device-log ★73 (⭐99) - A UI and service for displaying dev-logs on devices.
- react-native-userdefaults-ios ★66 (⭐71) - React Native Module for NSUserDefaults
- react-native-webp ★56 (⭐69) - react-native-webp adds support for WebP images for react-native components.
- react-native-global-event-emitter ★50 (⭐57) - Shared event emitter between native and JS for React Native.
- react-native-console-time-polyfill ★45 (⭐91) - console.time and console.timeEnd polyfill for react-native
- react-native-rsa ★41 (⭐66) - RSA crypto lib for react native
- react-native-aes ★24 (⭐28) - AES in react-native
- react-native-des ★20 (⭐22) - A des crypto for react-native
- react-native-simple-encryption ★14 (⭐24) - Simple XOR and base_64 encryption decryption for react-native
- react-native-util ★12 (⭐12) - A fork of io.js's util module that works with React Native
- react-native-webpackager-server ★6 (⭐6) - react native webpackager server
- react-native-cross-settings ★5 (⭐16) - React Native Settings module for both Android & iOS.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- formik ★10633 (⭐31k) - Forms in React, without tears.
- tcomb-form-native ★2831 (⭐3.2k) - Generate React Native forms
- react-native-gifted-form ★1317 (⭐1.4k) - Form component for react-native
- react-native-clean-form ★414 (⭐474) - Good looking form elements with redux-form integration. Stylable with styled-components.
- react-native-form-generator ★354 (⭐374) - Generate amazing React Native forms in a breeze
- react-native-form ★138 (⭐146) - A simple react-native component to wrap your form fields!
- react-reactive-forms ★106 (⭐287) - Angular like reactive forms in React.
- react-native-from-builder ★69 (⭐117) - Handle your forms in a smart way.
- foect ★37 (⭐39) - Simple form validation library for React Native
Geolocation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-background-geolocation ★1316 (⭐2.3k) - Sophisticated cross-platform background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence (Android requires paid license).
- react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation ★657 (⭐1.3k) - React Native Android and iOS module for background and foreground geolocation with battery-saving "circular region monitoring" and "stop detection"
- react-native-geocoder ★344 (⭐426) - react native geocoding and reverse geocoding
- react-native-geo-fencing ★100 (⭐134) - Native modules to determine if a location is within defined geographical boundaries using Google Geometry library
- react-native-fused-location ★82 (⭐128) - Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.
- react-native-android-geolocation ★19 (⭐18) - React Native Module to use Android Geolocation via Google Play API
- react-native-reverse-geo ★18 (⭐18) - React Native module bridge to convert address to geo coordinates.
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-globalize ★192 (⭐249) - Globalization helper for React Native
- redux-react-native-i18n ★40 (⭐46) - An i18n solution for React Native apps on Redux
- react-native-intl ★37 (⭐49) - React Native module shipped native Intl implementation and Translation extension
- rn-translate-template ★18 (⭐22) - I18n template for all iOS and Android supported languages
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- reactotron ★9198 (⭐14k) - Control, monitor, and instrument your React Native apps from the comfort of your terminal.
- react-native-code-push ★5184 (⭐8.2k) - React Native plugin for the CodePush service
- react-native-webpack-server ★935 (⭐940) - Build React Native apps with Webpack
- generator-rn-toolbox ★800 (⭐1.2k) - Yeoman generators to kickstart your project and setup continuous deployment.
- babel-preset-react-native-stage-0 ★97 (⭐101) - a Babel preset with latest Javascript goodies
- react-native-debug-stylesheet ★75 (⭐89) - Add coloured borders or backgrounds to all views to make it easier to debug layout issues
- react-native-console-panel ★73 (⭐84) - react native component for display console messages.
- react-native-css-loader ★39 (⭐41) - You can use react-native-css-loader with react-native-webpack-server, which can use webpack to built react-native app better.
- react-native-cosmos ★18 (⭐20) - DX tool to test react-native components with defined props/state fixtures.
Styling / Navigation Demos
- styled-components ★20064 (⭐38k) - Style React and React Native with utilising tagged template literals.
- emotion ★5627 (⭐16k) - Style as a function of state.
- react-native-extended-stylesheet ★1689 (⭐2.8k) - Extend React Native stylesheet with variables, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other stuff.
- react-native-css ★755 (⭐776) - Style React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS.
- react-native-style-tachyons ★525 (⭐662) - functional, maintainable design for everyone based on tachyons.css.
- glamorous-native ★454 (⭐578) - A React Native version of glamorous - a component styling library.
- react-native-responsive ★295 (⭐344) - The power of Media Queries now in your React Native project (ios and android) ! Responsive Design can now be easily managed !
- cairn ★110 (⭐116) - Simple, string-based style selector engine with support for basic inheritance.
- react-native-theme ★104 (⭐125) - Theme manager for react native project!
- react-native-css-modules ★44 (⭐283) - Style React-Native components using CSS, Sass, Less or Stylus.
- rn-less ★15 (⭐19) - Style react-native with less (with VS Code extension support)
- react-native-paint ★5 (⭐10) - A themeable abstraction over React Native StyleSheet. Read about it here.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-firebase ★4192 (⭐10k) - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore).
- react-native-device-info ★3145 (⭐5.9k) - Get device information using react-native
- react-native-fs ★2465 (⭐4.5k) - Native filesystem access for react-native
- react-native-config ★1894 (⭐4.3k) - Config variables for React Native apps
- react-native-fcm ★1564 (⭐1.7k) - react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
- react-native-notifications ★1396 (⭐2.9k) - React native notifications
- react-native-permissions ★1118 (⭐3.3k) - Check and request all permissions with a single api
- react-native-keychain ★992 (⭐2.7k) - Keychain Access for React Native
- react-native-touch-id ★902 (⭐1.4k) - React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
- react-native-contacts ★882 (⭐1.5k) - React Native Contacts (android & ios)
- react-native-onesignal ★871 (⭐1.4k) - React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service (iOS + Android)
- react-native-in-app-utils ★743 (⭐891) - A react-native wrapper for handling in-app payments.
- react-native-image-resizer ★636 (⭐1.4k) - Rescale local image files with React Native.
- react-native-billing ★534 (⭐634) - In-app purchase implementation for React Native on Android.
- react-native-iap ★450 (⭐2.2k) - React-native native module for In-App Purchase.
- react-native-dotenv ★450 (⭐913) - A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
- react-native-social-share ★347 (⭐415) - Use the iOS native Twitter and Facebook share view from react native
- react-native-ibeacon ★334 (⭐367) - iBeacon support for React Native. The API is very similar to the CoreLocation Objective-C one with the only major difference that regions are plain JavaScript objects. Beacons don't work in the iOS simulator.
- react-native-motion-manager ★223 (⭐243) - A react-native interface for using the Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer
- react-native-device ★185 (⭐180) - UIDevice wrapper for React Native
- react-native-sensor-manager ★172 (⭐229) - Wrapper for react-native providing native sensors access. (Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, thermometer...)
- react-native-haptic ★137 (⭐202) - iOS 10 + haptic feedback for React Native applications
- react-native-discovery ★89 (⭐109) - Discover nearby devics using BLE. Turn iOS and Android devices into beacons
- react-native-passcode-auth ★87 (⭐103) - React Native authentication with iOS Passcode.
- react-native-fingerprint-identify ★79 (⭐86) - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android, fingerprint API compatible lib, which also combines Samsung, Xiaomi and MeiZu's official Fingerprint API.
- react-native-calendar-reminders ★69 (⭐87) - React Native module for IOS EventKit Reminders
- react-native-bluetooth-state ★61 (⭐72) - Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native
- react-native-clipboard ★58 (⭐64) - React Native component for getting or setting clipboard content
- react-native-android-sms ★48 (⭐58) - A react native android module to list/send sms.
- react-native-android-speech ★47 (⭐47) - A text-to-speech library for Android React Native.
- react-native-app-info ★42 (⭐43) - React Native app info and version
- react-native-icloud-sync ★41 (⭐54) - A react-native wrapper for syncing with icloud
- react-native-carrier-info ★41 (⭐79) - React Native module bridge to obtain information about the user’s home cellular service provider.
- react-native-touch-id-android ★32 (⭐31) - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android.
- react-native-heading ★31 (⭐37) - Get device heading (compass) information on iOS or Android
- react-native-battery ★30 (⭐47) - A React Native module that returns the battery level/status of a device
- react-native-device-battery ★30 (⭐41) - Observe battery state changes in your react native application
- react-native-localsearch ★17 (⭐19) - React Native Module for MapKit Local Search
- react-native-contacts-rx ★14 (⭐15) - react-native-contacts counterpart that include the support of RxJS.
- react-native-device-angles ★12 (⭐14) - Get rotation information in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll) - ios
- react-native-system-notification ★10 (⭐15) - Notification for React Native
- react-native-push-with-gcm ★6 (⭐6) - Register device for GCM push notifications services (supported only for iOS)
- react-native-device-info-pod ★3 (⭐3) - Get device information using react-native
Web / Navigation Demos
- react-native-webrtc ★1805 (⭐11) - A WebRTC module for React Native.
- react-native-webview-bridge ★1112 (⭐1.3k) - React Native WebView Javascript Bridge
- react-native-safari-view ★387 (⭐484) - A React Native wrapper for Safari View Controller
- react-native-webview-android ★305 (⭐359) - Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your app
- react-native-for-web ★247 (⭐255) - A set of classes and react components to make work your react-native app in a browser. (with some limitations obviously)
- react-native-browser ★107 (⭐132) - Full-featured web browser module for React Native apps, based on TOWebViewController
- react-native-webview-crosswalk ★88 (⭐95) - Crosswalk's WebView for React Native on Android
- react-native-turbolinks ★72 (⭐189) - React Native adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5
- react-native-web-container ★36 (⭐45) - A wrapper around the react native WebView to add autoHeight, scrub html, etc
- react-native-inappbrowser-reborn ★30 (⭐1k) - InAppBrowser for React Native (Android & iOS)
- react-native-cookiemanager ★19 (⭐22) - react-native cookie manager library.
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-camera ★6227 (⭐9.6k) - Camera component
- react-native-video ★3470 (⭐6.3k) - A Video component for react-native
- react-native-sound ★1556 (⭐2.6k) - React Native module for playing sound clips
- react-native-camera-kit ★701 (⭐1.8k) - Advanced native camera and gallery components and device photos API.
- react-native-track-player ★441 (⭐2.5k) - A fully fledged audio module created for music apps. Provides audio playback, external media controls, chromecast support and background mode for Android, iOS and Windows.
- react-native-incall-manager ★272 (⭐28) - Handling media-routes/sensors/events during a audio/video chat like webrtc
- react-native-speech ★246 (⭐299) - A text-to-speech library for React Native.
- react-native-screcorder ★214 (⭐230) - Capture pictures and record Video with Vine-like tap to record
- react-native-photos-framework ★154 (⭐203) - A modern and comprehensive CameraRoll/iCloud-library for React Native
- react-native-audioplayer ★99 (⭐104) - Small audio player library for react native
- react-native-player ★81 (⭐84) - Media player for react-native
- react-native-vlc-player ★80 (⭐142) - VLC Player for react-native
- react-native-volume-slider ★69 (⭐72) - React Native VolumeView component
- react-native-sound-demo ★63 (⭐91) - react-native-sound demo project
- react-native-interactive-image-gallery ★60 (⭐114) - A React Native component to display a gallery of images.
- react-native-hue-player ★43 - Audio Player to offline/local and online/streaming audio.
- react-native-fullscreen-video ★39 (⭐63) - A full-screen video component on top of react-native-video
- react-native-android-audio-streaming-aac ★25 (⭐25) - A react native streaming player
- react-native-audio-manager ★15 - Audio player library for react native Android
- react-native-audio-player ★12 (⭐13) - A React Native module to play audio on Android
- react-native-mediaplayer ★12 (⭐13) - Simple full screen media player for React Native.
- react-native-simple-sound ★11 (⭐11) - Start, stop, and pause a sound. iOS only. Derived from
- react-native-tone ★7 (⭐17) - Generates simple sine wave, specify a frequency and amplitude. Play sound indefinitely or for a specified time interval (iOS only).
Storage / Navigation Demos
- WatermelonDB ★4649 (⭐8.6k) - 🍉 Next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps that scales to 10,000s of records and remains fast.
- react-native-storage ★2115 (⭐2.9k) - This is a local storage wrapper for both react-native(AsyncStorage) and browser(localStorage). ES6/babel is needed.
- react-native-sqlite-storage ★1508 (⭐2.5k) - SQLite3 bindings for React Native (Android & iOS)
- react-native-simple-store ★731 (⭐874) - A minimalistic wrapper around React Native's AsyncStorage.
- react-native-store ★561 (⭐572) - A simple database base on react-native AsyncStorage.
- react-native-db-models ★168 (⭐173) - Local DB Models for React Native Apps
- react-native-sqlite-2 ★106 (⭐326) - SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android and iOS
- react-native-persistent-job ★72 (⭐80) - Run async tasks that retry after a crash, connection loss or exception
- pouchdb-adapter-react-native-sqlite ★49 (⭐110) - PouchDB adapter using ReactNative SQLite as its backing store
- react-native-level-fs ★20 (⭐26) - fs for react-native using level-filesystem and asyncstorage-down
- react-native-mongoose ★17 (⭐23) - A AsyncStorage based mongoose like storage for react-native
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-fetch-blob ★2299 (⭐2.6k) - A module integrates network and file system. Supports file stream.
- react-native-meteor ★673 (⭐701) - Full Meteor Client
- aws-sdk-react-native ★650 (⭐636) - AWS SDK for React Native (Official developer preview)
- react-native-simple-auth ★592 (⭐666) - Native social authentication for React Native on iOS
- react-native-uploader ★455 (⭐513) - A React Native module to upload files and camera roll assets. Supports progress notification.
- react-native-lazyload ★342 (⭐411) - lazyload for react native
- react-native-aws3 ★293 (⭐394) - Pure JavaScript React Native library for uploading to AWS S3
- react-native-tcp ★199 (⭐270) - node's net API for react-native
- react-native-udp ★147 (⭐287) - node's dgram API for react-native
- react-native-aws-cognito-js ★131 (⭐134) - An adaptation of Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript in combination with AWS SDK for JavaScript for React Native.
- feathers-client ★121 (⭐115) - Feathers client that works with React Native, NodeJS and any client framework.
- react-native-multipeer ★117 (⭐196) - Communicate over ad hoc wifi using Multipeer Connectivity
- react-native-file-upload ★103 (⭐113) - A file upload plugin for react-native
- react-native-networking ★99 (⭐105) - react-native module to download and upload files with AFNetworking
- react-native-s3 ★80 (⭐92) - A React Native wrapper for AWS iOS/Android S3 SDK (TransferUtility)
- react-native-rest-kit ★65 (⭐66) - A React Native RESTful API kit that use the fetch method
- react-native-cognito ★63 (⭐63) - AWS Cognito-based authentication module for React Native.
- react-native-file-download ★45 (⭐47) - A simple file download module for react-native
- react-native-jwt ★37 (⭐41) - React native compatible JSON web token utility
- react-native-ssdp ★26 (⭐39) - A React Native fork of the SSDP protocol to discover plug and play devices.
- react-native-http ★13 (⭐14) - React native http
- react-native-async-http ★5 (⭐6) - React Native component for async-http
- react-native-nchan ★3 (⭐6) - Nchan (pub/sub server) module for React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-wechat ★2016 (⭐2.9k) - react-native library for wechat app
- react-native-facebook-login ★1141 (⭐1.2k) - React Native wrapper for native iOS Facebook SDK login button and manager
- react-native-google-signin ★1123 (⭐2.6k) - Google Signin for your react native applications
- react-native-google-places-autocomplete ★846 (⭐1.8k) - Customizable Google Places autocomplete component for iOS and Android React-Native apps
- react-instantsearch ★644 (⭐1.9k) - Lightning-fast search for React and React Native apps, by Algolia
- react-native-awesome-card-io ★331 (⭐454) - A complete and cross-platform component for React Native (iOS and Android)
- react-native-qq ★278 (⭐306) - QQ Login&Share support in React Native.
- react-native-facebook-account-kit ★227 (⭐320) - A Facebook Account Kit SDK wrapper for React Native.
- react-native-card-io ★171 (⭐173) - React Native component for
- react-native-voximplant ★126 (⭐191) - VoxImplant Mobile SDK for embedding voice and video communication into React Native apps.
- react-native-fabric-digits ★112 (⭐109) Fabric Digits wrapper for React-Native
- react-native-braintree ★104 (⭐113) - A react native interface for integrating payments using Braintree's SDK (currently iOS only)
- react-native-signalr ★100 (⭐152) - SignalR-client for react-native
- react-native-twilio ★87 (⭐92) - A React Native wrapper for the Twilio Client SDK.
- react-native-qqsdk ★83 (⭐100) - A React Native wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQ Zone Sharing etc.
- react-native-braintree-xplat ★81 (⭐81) - Cross-platform Braintree module.
- react-native-linkedin-login ★69 (⭐70) - Linkedin Login for your react native applications
- react-native-instagram-oauth ★63 (⭐69) - react-native instagram login
- react-native-realtimemessaging-android ★53 (⭐52) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Messaging Pub/Sub client for React-Native Android
- react-native-new-relic ★53 (⭐78) - New Relic event reporting for react-native.
- react-native-level ★38 (⭐40) - levelup API for react-native AsyncStorage.
- react-native-instagram-share ★28 (⭐31) - A react-native interface to share images and videos within instagram (iOS)
- react-native-braintree-android ★24 (⭐24) - Braintree's native Drop-in Payment UI for Android
- react-native-amap ★21 (⭐21) - A React Native component for building maps with the AMap Android SDK
- react-native-realtime-pusher ★19 (⭐20) - React Native module implementing the Pusher Realtime API
- react-native-conekta ★17 (⭐28) - Conekta SDK for React Native
- react-native-woopra ★14 (⭐15) - Promise based Woopra library for react-native
- react-native-sinch-verification ★14 (⭐16) - Sinch verification for react native
- react-native-testfairy ★13 (⭐32) - TestFairy for React Native
- react-native-leancloud ★10 (⭐10) - a react native LeanCloud component
- react-native-flurry ★9 (⭐9) - React Native wrapper for Flurry
- react-native-realtimemessaging-ios ★8 (⭐9) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Messaging Pub/Sub client for React-Native
- react-native-realtimestorage-ios ★8 (⭐8) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Storage client for React-Native
- react-native-axmall-alipay ★7 (⭐8) - react-native alipay
- react-native-youtube-oauth ★7 (⭐11) - react-native interface to login to youtube (iOS)
- react-native-hawk ★5 (⭐6) - Hawk wrapper for react-native
- react-native-sumup ★5 (⭐9) - A React Native implementation of SumupSDK.
- react-native-realtimestorage-android ★4 (⭐3) - The Realtime Cloud Storage client for React-Native Android
- react-native-fbintent ★4 (⭐3) - A React Native intent for Android Facebook App
Monetization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-admob ★713 (⭐1.1k) - A react-native component for Google AdMob banners.
- react-native-stripe-api ★155 - A small React Native library for Stripe Rest API
- react-native-revmob ★15 (⭐13) - RevMob wrapper for React Native.
Animation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-animatable ★5787 (⭐9.4k) - Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native
- react-native-interactable ★4148 (⭐5.2k) - experimental implementation of high performance interactable views in React Native
- react-native-reanimated ★680 (⭐6.6k) - React Native's Animated library reimplemented
- react-native-spruce ★412 (⭐536) - React Native Bridge for Spruce Animation Library
- react-native-gl-model-view ★210 (⭐375) - Display and animate textured Wavefront .OBJ 3D models with 60fps (iOS)
- react-native-animated-sprite ★104 (⭐129) - A feature rich declarative component for animation, tweening, and dragging sprites.
Other Platforms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-web ★10904 (⭐20k) - React Native for Web
- reactxp ★7268 (⭐8.3k) - Library for cross-platform app development
- react-native-windows ★5547 (⭐15k) - React Native for Universal Windows Platform
- react-native-tvos-controller ★15 - TvOS remote controller module for react native.
- react-native-watchkit ★1 - react native for WatchKit
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- react-native-debugger ★4017 (⭐9.6k) - The standalone app for React Native Debugger, with React DevTools / Redux DevTools
- haul ★2711 (⭐3.6k) - command line tool for developing React Native apps
- rnpm ★2408 (⭐2.5k) - react native package manager
- generact ★1125 (⭐1.5k) - CLI that generates components based on existing ones no matter how you structure your app
- react-native-rename ★901 (⭐2.2k) - Rename react-native app with just one command
- react-native-exception-handler ★504 (⭐1.4k) – Avoid silent crash and errors on the production build of your app
- rn-snoopy ★329 (⭐527) - Profiling, monitoring and alerting over the React Native bridge. More here.
- react-native-snippets ★249 (⭐256) - A collection of Sublime Text Snippets for react-native
- react-native-bundle-visualizer ★141 (⭐1k) - See what's inside your RN bundle; useful for optimizing the bundle size
- Makeicon ★70 (⭐117) - Generates mobile app icons in all resolutions for both iOS and Android
- React Native Actions ★55 (⭐69) - Run React Native actions from within VSCode.
- ADB Auto Restarter ★8 (⭐14) - Restart ADB service Automatically in case of crashing while debugging app with device .
- rn-nodeify ★6 (⭐21) - hack to allow react-native projects to use node core modules
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- 🔥 Ignite ★8832 (⭐14k) - An unfair start for React Native - Generator CLI for redux/sagas and more.
- Snowflake ★4321 (⭐4.6k) - Android & iOS, Redux, Jest (88% coverage), Immutable,
- native-starter-kit ★1506 (⭐1.6k) - A Starter Kit for React Native + NativeBase + React Navigation + Redux + CodePush Apps (iOS & Android)
- React Native Hackathon Starter ★732 (⭐1.3k) - React Native Starter Project, great for hackathons or rapid prototyping. Includes tabs, navigation, Redux, React Native Vector Icons, & React Native Elements
- React Native Seed ★504 (⭐653) - A set of React Native Boilerplates to choose from. MobX or Redux for state-management, TypeScript or Flow for static type checking and CRNA or plain React Native for the stack - By the creators of Native Base.
- 🚀 React Native Starter ★388 (⭐1.9k) - A powerful starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application.
- react-native-starter by Ueno ★311 (⭐576) - Professional react-native starter kit with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps
- react-native-redux ★160 (⭐176) - React Native + Redux + Redux Saga
- Rhinos-app ★81 (⭐82) - Cross-platform React Native boilerplate (iOS, Android, Web) built on react-native-web.
- react-native-web-boilerplate ★72 (⭐72) - A react-native-web stateless hmr boilerplate
- react-native-boilerplate ★61 (⭐73) - Simple boilerplate for mobile development using React Native and Redux
- react-native-web-workspace ★58 (⭐77) - A cross platform app with react in a monorepo
- React-Native-Starter-Pack ★40 (⭐40) - React Native 0.34 + React-Redux (w/ Redux-Storage) + Native Base + Code Push
- react-native-relay-example ★38 (⭐42) - React Native working with Relay
- MeteorNative Boilerplate ★23 (⭐24) - a React Native and Meteor boilerplate with Redux.
- rn-mobx-template ★17 (⭐17) - React Native with MobX template
- react-native-boilerplate-chucknorris ★15 (⭐17) - A boilerplate for React Native + React Navigation + React Native Elements (iOS & Android)
- react-native-template-super ★7 (⭐10) - A turbo starter template for react-native + React Navigation + Redux + Redux Persist
Libraries / Navigation Demos
- React Native Elements ★13599 (⭐23k) - a collection of React Native UI Elements and components.
- Shoutem UI ★3802 (⭐4.8k) - a complete UI toolkit for React Native from Shoutem.
- Panza ★243 (⭐259) - a collection of stateless, functional, cross-platform ui components for react-native.
- BlankApp UI ★78 (⭐107) - Highly customizable and theming components for React Native.
- React Native Common ★49 (⭐63) - UI & API Components Library for React Native.
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- f8app ★13070 (⭐14k) - Official F8 (Facebook Developer Conference) app of 2017. See blog post.
- 30-days-of-react-native ★5192 (⭐6.6k) - 30 days of React Native examples (inspired by 30DaysofSwift)
- react-native-nw-react-calculator ★4624 (⭐5.2k) - A mobile, desktop and website App with the same code
- GitPoint ★3833 (⭐4.6k) - A mobile GitHub client for both iOS and Android.
- reading ★2947 (⭐3.4k) - Reading App Write In React-Native.
- ★2470 (⭐3.5k) - Ethereum client.
- react-native-gitfeed ★1709 (⭐1.7k) - Yet another Github client written with react-native(iOS & android)
- Finance React Native ★1680 (⭐2k) - iOS's stocks app clone written in React Native for demo purpose.
- TaskRabbit's Sample App ★802 (⭐920) - a testing ground for Task Rabbit's app making
- React Weather ★702 (⭐890) - A simple weather app built with React Native
- Boostnote ★630 (⭐833) - Boostnote: open source note taking.
- react-native-hiapp ★513 (⭐642) - A simple and Twitter like demo app written in react-native
- React Native Netflix ★489 (⭐810) - A Netflix-like app.
- what the thing? ★430 (⭐534) - Point camera at things to learn how to say them in a different language.
- ★406 (⭐601) A react-native applaction for
- GitterMobile ★387 (⭐603) - Gitter (chat for github) client for iOS and Android
- Assemblies ★322 (⭐360) - a Meetup clone
- Ziliun React Native ★266 (⭐288) - Wordpress based article reader built with react native
- Luno ★266 (⭐283) - A ClojureScript React Native app demonstration
- Redux Demo ★226 (⭐239) - Minimal implement of redux counter example on ReactNative iOS and Android
- uestc-bbs-react-native ★216 (⭐246) - An iOS client for written in React Native with Redux
- PxView ★198 (⭐633) - An unofficial Pixiv app client for Android and iOS
- HackerWeb ★158 (⭐179) - A simply readable Hacker News web app for iOS & Android.
- YouTrack Mobile ★136 (⭐226) – a client for YouTrack – issue tracker from JetBrains.
- ndash ★129 (⭐161) - npm dashboard.
- Appointments ★116 (⭐182) - Full-fledged ReactNative App for Booking Appointments
- Insta Snap ★102 (⭐109) - Image Sharing App
- live translator ★94 (⭐144) - An app that translates in real time what you see from your mobile.
- ASOS ★83 (⭐127) - E-commerce app for ASOS (clone)
- QRCode App ★74 (⭐110) - application for scanning and generating QR codes.
- SoundcloudMboX ★67 (⭐87) SoundcloudMobX is the Soundcloud for iOS, Build with React-Native and MobX.
- iTunesConnect ★53 (⭐59) - Unofficial iTunes Connect App
- Sequent ★52 (⭐81) - short-term memory training game (W/ Redux).
- Splitcloud ★35 (⭐60) - Share listening to two songs at the same time from Soundcloud (by splitting right/left channels).
- Todo List ★31 (⭐74) - Todo-List app using SwipeView with ES6 standards for iOS and Android.
- Roxie ★23 (⭐35) - Sound processing and bluetooth hardware control.
- Quick-Sample ★14 (⭐31) - A small and simple example app with navigation, data persistence, redux, listview and animation.
- Commit Strip (Unofficial) ★8 (⭐11) - A reader built in React Native.
- RNV2ex ★5 (⭐7) - react-native for v2ex
- Renote ★4 (⭐13) - A simple react-native example app for make notes.
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- NativeBase ★10520 (⭐18k) - builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development
- Teaset ★1575 (⭐2.9k) - A UI library for react native, provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.
- Awesome React Native Meteor ★152 (⭐154) - An awesome list of resources for using Meteor and React Native together
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Talks / Navigation Demos
- awesome-react-native-talks ★312 (⭐358) - A curated list of talks about React Native or topics related to React Native.
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
9. Awesome AutoHotkey
Integrated Development Environment / Web
- VSCode extension - Visual Studio Code (VSCode) plugin to add syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey.
10. Awesome C
- pixz (⭐609) - Pixz (pronounced pixie) is a parallel, indexing version of
.2-clause BSD
Numerical / Language Standards
- CDFLIB - Library with routines to evaluate cumulative density functions fo a variety of standard probability distributions. Also can compute one parameter of the CDF given the others. (No license given)
- PROB - Library that handles various discrete and continuous probability density functions.
Testing / Language Standards
- Check - Unit testing framework for C.
11. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
12. Awesome Erlang
Distributed Systems
- Typhoon (⭐43) - Stress and load testing tool for distributed systems that simulates traffic from a test cluster toward a system-under-test (SUT) and visualizes related latencies.
Code Analysis
- geas (⭐105) - Geas is a tool that will detect the runnable official Erlang release window for your project, including its dependencies and provides many useful informations.
Third Party APIs
- google-token-erlang (⭐3) - Google ID token verifier for Erlang.
13. Awesome Gif
- Gifs (⭐1.6k) - Storage place for GIFs.
Libraries / C++
- AnimatedGif (⭐121) - A high performance .NET library for reading and creating animated GIFs.
14. Awesome
Articles / Performance and Testing
- Large websites and performance in Craft CMS by Jason Mayo/MadeByShape -
2 Apr 2017
Presentations / Tutorials
- Twig Super Power Roundup by Jason Mayo -
1 Nov 2018
15. Awesome Cyclejs
Libraries / Drivers
- mjyc/cycle-posenet-driver ★1 (⭐5) - A Cycle.js drivers for pose detection using TensorFlow.js-powered PoseNet (⭐12k)
- @cycle-robot-drivers/speech ★1 (⭐5) - Cycle.js drivers for speech synthesis and recognition using Web Speech API
- @cycle-robot-drivers/sound ★1 (⭐5) - A Cycle.js driver for playing sounds using HTMLAudioElement
16. Awesome Ipfs
- Autonomica "IPFS Social Proof" (⭐146) - Autonomica is a Keybase-like Dapp for creating an identity and proving this identity via published social media and web proofs.
17. Awesome Creative Coding
- DrawBot [Mac] - Education oriented 2d graphics programming environment based on Python.
Inspiration / Other
- Inspiring Online - Open source micro blog about inspiring and creative works published online.
18. Awesome Hbase
Integrations / Transactions
- Kafka (⭐198) - HBase Kafka proxy.
19. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
- Adding AI to Appium - By
20. Awesome Flutter
Desktop / Game Engine resources
- Desktop Embedding (⭐7.1k) - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google
21. Awesome Pascal
- FastMath (⭐143).
Delphi math library that is optimized for fast performance (sometimes at the cost of not performing error checking or losing a little accuracy). It uses hand-optimized assembly code to achieve much better performance then the equivalent functions provided by the Delphi RTL. // Floating-point, vector, matrix operations.
- Chet - C Header Translator for Delphi (⭐162). Chet is a .h-to-.pas translator powered by libclang for Delphi. Uses the Clang compiler to parse header files, resulting in more accurate translations that require fewer manual adjustments.
22. Awesome Ethereum
- CryptoZombies - Learn to Code Ethereum DApps By Building Your Own Game.
- Start Ethereum DApp Development Career - Informal guide to starting developing DApps.
Learning and MOOCs
- Ethereum Stack Exchange - Question and answers about Ethereum.
- Smart contract safety (⭐15k) - Ethereum wiki on best practices for safety in smart contracts.
- Accounts, Transactions, Gas, and Block Gas Limits in Ethereum - Functional description of Ethereum accounts, gas and transactions.
- Ethernaut Smart Contract Capture the Flag - Practice hacking Smart Contracts.
- Ethereum Syllabus - Syllabus to learn Ethereum.
- Cryptocurrency Security: University of Illinois 2016 - Cryptocurrency Security Course.
- Stanford CS 251(p): Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies - Stanford Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course.
- Introduction to Digital Currencies: University of Nicosia - Digital currency introductory MOOC.
- Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology: Concordia University - Introduction to Bitcoin and blockchain technology MOOC.
- Smart Contract Best Practices - Security related best practices for smart contracts.
- Making Smart Contracts Smarter - Smart contract security attacks.
- Ethereum Wiki Philosophy (⭐26) - Some of the core philosophies of Ethereum.
- Ethereum Improvement Proposals - Standards for the Ethereum platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards.
- Ethereum Explained (22:00) - Introductory explanation to the Ethereum platform.
Blockchain Utilities
- Ethplorer - Ethereum block explorer.
- Etherchain - Ethereum block explorer.
- Ethash Proof of Work (⭐15k) - Ethereum's Proof of Work Algorithm.
- r/Ethereum - Ethereum subreddit.
- Ethereum Worldwide Meetups - Meet up with the local Ethereum community via
23. Awesome Opensource Documents
Subjects / Writing and Documentation
- Write the Docs (⭐1.1k) (Site, cc) - A place for Sphinx documentation and general writing of things.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Documentation! (⭐21) (Site, cc-nc-sa) - This Guide exists to provide advices and a best-practice handbook about creating documentation.
- Prose for Programmers (⭐215) (cc-nc-nd) - A book to help software developers write better prose.
24. Awesome Serverless
Blog posts
- Serverless computing requires a shift in mindset - Why IT leaders must communicate business value when talking about serverless solutions.
Related projects
- Begin - Create AWS serverless apps, APIs, and sites with databases, sessions, and full CI/CD.
25. Awesome Dev Fun
- cmatrix (⭐2.9k) - Make it digital rain in your terminal like The Matrix.
26. Awesome Jquery
Animation / Paid Books
- jQuery DrawSVG (⭐769) - Lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to animate SVG paths
27. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Libraries
- Node-hl7-parser (⭐43) - Open source version of Redox's HL7 v2 to schema-fied JSON parser.
28. Awesome Mental Health
- Developers: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome - By Abhishek Pillai.
- Why Do Software Developers Suffer From Imposter Syndrome? - By Muhammed Rajeef M K.
- Mental Health In Tech Auckland - Organized by Navs, Kai L. & Helen D.
- Jerk Programmer To Compassionate Coder - By April Wensel in the Ardent Development podcast.
- A Conversation About Mental Health In Tech - Distill 2014 - By Ed Finkler, Greg Baugues, John Dalton & Paddy Foran.
- Programmers Don't Like People...Or Do They? - Node.js Interactive 2018 - By April Wensel.
29. Public Apis
API: Coinpaprika
Description: Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more
Auth: No
API: Gemini
Description: Cryptocurrencies Exchange
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Merriam-Webster
Description: Dictionary and Thesaurus Data
CORS: Unknown
API: Mixcloud
Description: Music
30. Computer Science
How to show your progress / Advanced math
31. Awesome Piracy
- /r/privacy The intersection of technology, privacy, and freedom in a digital world.
Domain Names
- magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address.
- Domainr Domainr finds domain names and short URLs. Instantly check availability and register for all top-level domains.
- Torznab Newznab-like API offering a standardized recent/search API for both TV and movies
Seedboxes / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- MediaServer-DockerComposeFiles (⭐125) Docker-Compose Files for Media Server Related Apps [Radarr, Sonarr, Plex, rTorrent, NZBGet, Ombi, Emby, etc]
Usenet / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- NZBLINK The NZBLNK™ URI scheme defines the format of NZBLNK™ links to identify binary Usenet content and supplies some extra information to handle that content correct (similar to magnet links, but for NZBs).
Usenet Indexers / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- /r/Usenet wiki: indexers Information about /r/Usenet's favourite indexing services
Usenet Indexers / Usenet Indexing Software
- nZEDb (⭐601) a fork of nnplus(2011) | NNTP / Usenet / Newsgroup indexer.
- newznab-tmux (⭐187) Laravel based usenet indexer
- newznab newznab is a usenet indexing application, that makes building a usenet community easy.
Usenet Clients / Free Indexers
- Unison OS X app for accessing Usenet Newsgroups and the many wonders and mysteries contained within (discontinued)
- Newsbin Newsbin is software for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems that downloads files from Usenet Newsgroups.
DDL Tools / Free Indexers
- Persepolis Front-end for aria2.
- axel (⭐2.5k) light command line download accelerator
- uGet Open Source Download Manager
Custom Google Search Engines / Free Indexers
- Musgle Searches specifically for music
- Jimmyr Also searches for music
DDL Search Engines and Crawlers / Free Indexers
- OD-Database Database of searchable open directories curated by
DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers
- Invite-only, hosts both Mega and Google Drive links for TV shows
Open Directories / Free Indexers
- opendirectories-bot (⭐31) Bot used on /r/opendirectories for analysing the contents of open directories posted on the subreddit
Spotify / Third Party Hosts
- Spotify AdBlock Host file 🌟 This is the most up-to-date list and will block all annoying Spotify ads & analytics.
Automation / Third Party Hosts
- FlexGet FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for all of your media with support for torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, TV, movies, RSS, HTML, CSV, and more.
Subtitles Automation / Third Party Hosts
- Bazarr (⭐2.1k) Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements.
- autosub (⭐4k) Command-line utility for auto-generating subtitles for any video file using speech recognition
Mobile Apps / Third Party Hosts
- Perfect Player Perfect Player is set-top box style IPTV/Media player for watching videos on TVs, tablets and smartphones.
DC++ / Third Party Hosts
- Linux DC++ Easy to configure and use DC++ client
Content Discovery / Third Party Hosts
- TVmaze TVmaze is a community of TV lovers and dedicated contributors that discuss and help maintain TV information on the web.
File Sharing Tools / Third Party Hosts
- DBREE DBREE is a simplistic and easy way to upload and share any type of file.
Stream Synchronisation / Third Party Hosts
- ArconaiTV Another stream sharing platform with a nice UI
Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts
- /r/EmbyShares This subreddit is dedicated to the sharing of Emby servers.
- /r/freefolk Streams for new episodes of Game of Thrones
- Shodan Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices.
32. Awesome Remote Job
Articles & Posts
- Async Remote. by Robert Pankowecki and Andrzej Krzywda (Arkency), 2014.
- Remote Jobs Club - Weekly newsletter featuring a hand curated list of remote jobs
33. Awesome Economics
Economics on GitHub / Economists
- gboehl - Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
- nealbob - Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Economics on GitHub / Projects
- EconForge - Team around Pablo Winant providing packages to solve economic models.
- fecon235 (⭐894) - Computational tools for financial economics, Python code base and tutorials using Jupyter notebooks, includes data retrieval, graphics, and optimization.
- zice-2014 (⭐27) - Course materials for Zurich Initiative for Computational Economics (ZICE) 2014.
Links Sent by Readers / Projects
- Economics Games - Free online classroom games for teaching economics.
- Top 100 Economics Blogs - Links to popular economics blogs, with brief descriptions.
34. Awesome Ocaml
- OCaml for Scientists - by Jon Harrop.
35. Awesome Asyncio
Web Frameworks
- uvicorn (⭐9k) - The lightning-fast ASGI server.
36. Awesome Observables
37. Awesome Machine Learning
Matlab / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Machine Learning in MatLab/Octave (⭐862) - Examples of popular machine learning algorithms (neural networks, linear/logistic regressions, K-Means, etc.) with code examples and mathematics behind them being explained.
Tools / Misc
- DVC (⭐14k) - Data Science Version Control is an open-source version control system for machine learning projects with pipelines support. It makes ML projects reproducible and shareable.
38. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Network Inspection
- betwixt (⭐4.5k) - System level network proxy, providing inspection via Network panel.
CPU profile
- Wishbone python framework - Profiling data can export as
Chrome DevTools Protocol
- DevTools Protocol API Docs - Easy browsable UI for exploring the protocol's domains, methods and events.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / Android
- Facebook Stetho (⭐13k) - Native Android debugging with Chrome DevTools.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / ClojureScript
- Dirac (⭐770) - Debugging of ClojsureScript.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / iOS
- PonyDebugger (⭐5.9k) - Remote network and data debugging iOS apps with Chrome DevTools.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / Node.js
- Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools - Guide on using the full debugging and profiling support in Node v6.3+.
Workflow / Ruby
- Augury - Debugging and Profiling for Angular 2 applications.
39. Awesome WSL
Supported Distributions / OpenSUSE / SUSE Enterprise Linux
- Windows Store Link for SUSE Enterprise Linux 15.
Supported Distributions / Kali Linux
- Because Kali is based on Debian, most Debian and Ubuntu documentation also applies to Kali.
WSL Tools / X Servers
- VcXsrv - X server for Windows with hardware acceleration compiled with Visual Studio.
- Cygwin/X - Cygwin/X is a port of the X Window System to the Cygwin API layer for Windows.
More Awesome / Miscellaneous Tools
40. Awesome Design Principles
Principles within bigger Design Systems
41. Awesome Katas
42. Awesome Dataviz
R tools / Misc
- visNetwork - Interactive network visualisations
43. Awesome Code Review
Academic Papers
- Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development (Gousios et al. 2015) (summary on the morning paper) Field study of how GitHub pull requests are used in the wild.
44. Awesome Nextjs
- Next.js Quick Start Guide - Create, build and deploy universal JavaScript applications using Next.js
45. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- Faust - a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis.
46. Awesome Dropwizard
Open Source / Data Stores
- dropwizard-atomix (⭐1) - Integration with Atomix
47. Awesome Ant Design
Related Projects / Themes
- Ant Motion - Efficient motion design solutions that complies with Ant Design Visual specification with React implementation.
48. Awesome Service Workers
Libraries and Tools
- sw-offline-google-analytics - A service worker helper library to retry offline Google Analytics requests when a connection is available.
49. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- jWYSIWYG - WYSIWYG jQuery Plugin
50. Awesome Dojo resources and documentation
- Roadmap (⭐227) Dojo Roadmap (all versions)
Community / Dojo 2
- Reddit Community - growing community discussing Dojo on Reddit (invitation-only).
51. Awesome Selenium
Containers / Kubernetes
- kubernetes/examples (⭐6.3k) - Example deployment of Selenium Hub and Nodes on a Kubernetes cluster
52. Awesome Actionscript3
Frameworks / UI Frameworks
- AS3Commons UI (⭐60) - Layouting, focus and keyboard management framework.
File Formats / Archives
- ASZip - Generate ZIP archives from AS3.
File Formats / PDF
- AlivePDF - Client side PDF generation (github (⭐32)).
53. Awesome Dart
IDEs, Editors, and Plugins
- Dart Code - Dart support for Visual Studio Code.
54. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / R
- nat: NeuroAnatomy Toolbox (⭐64) - Package for the (3D) visualisation and analysis of biological image data, especially tracings of single neurons.
- brainGraph (⭐175) - Package for performing graph theory analyses of brain MRI data.
Resources / Ebooks
- Neuronal Dynamics - Open-access electronic textbook that covers computational and theoretical neuroscience. Provided by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Resources / Communities
- StackExchange - Psychology and neuroscience StackExchange site.
Resources / Newsletters
- Comp-neuro - A mailing list that is is intended to address the broad range of research approaches and issues involved in the general field of computational neuroscience.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- Awesome Public Datasets - Neuroscience (⭐60k) - High-quality open neuroscience datasets.
55. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- BitDust - is decentralized, secure and anonymous on-line storage, where only the owner has access and absolute control over its data. BitDust project is aimed to protect users freedom and provide an alternative way to operate and communicate in the network.
Social Networks
- AKASHA AKASHA is a next-generation social media network immune to censorship by design. It is built on top of Ethereum using Smart Contracts and IPFS.
- UBOSbox Nextcloud is a ready-to-use home server appliance that does a lot of what Dropbox and Google Calendar do, but locally on hardware controlled by the user. It enables multi-user, multi-device file sharing, group calendaring, contact management, and includes a web mail client, an RSS/news reader, a note-taking app, text and video calls, and task management, provided by the FLOSS web application platform Nextcloud and a number of Nextcloud apps. It is designed to be used as a home server without attached keyboard or monitor.
56. Awesome Vagrant
Proxy services
- serveo - expose local servers to the internet, without installing any client!
- - OpenVPN based free port forwarding solution.
- Pro Vagrant by by Wlodzimierz Gajda.
- Creating Development Environments with Vagrant / 2nd Edition by Michael Peacock
- Vagrant Virtual Development Environment Cookbook by Chad Thompson
57. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Databases, ORMs, Migrations & Seeding
- Laravel MySQL Spatial extension (⭐734) - easily work with MySQL Spatial Data Types and MySQL Spatial Functions
58. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- cl-sqlite (⭐76) - Bindings for SQLite. Public domain.
Other DB wrappers
- cl-memcached (⭐21) - Fast, thread-safe interface to the Memcached object caching system. Expat.
- cl-redis (⭐189) - Redis client. Expat.
- cl-disque (⭐13) - Disque client. 3-clause BSD.
- cl-rethinkdb (⭐48) - RethinkDB client. Expat.
- ⭐ pgloader (⭐5.6k) - a data loading tool for PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL Licence.
- obligatory blog post: Why is pgloader so much faster? (hint: it was re-written from Python to Common Lisp)
- 👍cl-autowrap (⭐228) - Automatically parses header files into CFFI definitions. FreeBSD.
- common-cv (⭐63) - the OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) binding library for CommonLisp. No license specified.
- ECL - Embeddable Common Lisp; compiles to C. GNU LGPL2.1.
- eclweb (⭐17) is a proof-of-concept REPL inside a browser using Web Assembly (WASM).
- CLASP (⭐2.6k) - a new Common Lisp implementation that seamlessly interoperates with C++ libraries and programs using LLVM for compilation to native code. This allows Clasp to take advantage of a vast array of preexisting libraries and programs, such as out of the scientific computing ecosystem. LGPL2.1 (and others).
- Allegro CL - provides the full ANSI Common Lisp standard with many extensions.
- reputed features include: the AllegroCache object persistence database system, the KnowledgeGraph system, its concurrent garbage collector, its web-based IDE, and more.
- has a free edition. It includes AllegroCache, with a size limit.
- Roswell (⭐1.8k) - a Lisp implementation installer, script launcher and more. MIT.
HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks
- 👍 spinneret (⭐380) - Common Lisp HTML5 generator. Expat.
Utils / Third-party APIs
- lfarm (⭐106) - distributing work across machines (on top of lparallel and usocket). BSD_3Clause
Emacs / Third-party APIs
- 👍 Sly (⭐1.3k) - SLY is a fork of SLIME and contains multiple improvements upon it, such as Sly stickers.
- 👍 Portacle - A portable and multiplatform Common Lisp environment: SBCL, Quicklisp, Emacs, Slime, Git.
Configuration / Third-party APIs
- 👍 py-configparser - reads and writes Python's ConfigParser-like configuration files. MIT.
Other / Third-party APIs
- as such, the libraries we like best are marked with a 👍 (
unicode character). See also the signs' explanation in the introduction.
59. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- PeerTube - Decentralized video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser. (Source Code (⭐14k))
60. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Organizations / Commerical Tools
61. Awesome Vscode
Haskell / More
- Haskell IDE engine - provides language server (⭐2.4k) for stack and cabal projects.
62. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Nice place with really nice environment and laptop friendly!
Wifi | Power | Climatization | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | ❄️ | R. Ferreira Borges 101, 1350-128 Lisboa | 9am - 9pm |
Wifi pw: ilovenicolau
Shot in the Dark Cafe
local art, some food, kind of punk/dingy, lots of people at their computers, 24/7
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 21 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85701 | 24/7 |
United States 🇺🇸 / Seattle, WA
Fix Coffeehouse
Cafe, with beer and nice location on Green Lake
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
ask | ✔ | 6900 East Green Lake Way N, Seattle, WA 98115 | Mon-Fri 6:00-21:00, Sat 7:00-21:00, Sun 7:00-20:00 |
63. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / USENIX Security
Papers / ArXiv (Fuzzing with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Papers / The others
64. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Android
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / AngularJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / BackboneJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / C++
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / C#
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / EmberJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / HTML
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / iOS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / NodeJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / PHP
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby on Rails
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Scala
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Swift
Database technologies / SQL
OS / Linux
65. Awesome Vue
Resources / Books
- Vue: Build & Deploy by Daniel Schmitz, Leanpub. (September 2018)
66. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- aws-dynamodb-encryption-java 🔥 (⭐134) - Encryption Client for Java.
Open Source Repos / S3
- s3git/s3git 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.4k) - CLI tool that allows you to create a distributed, decentralized and versioned repository.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- spulec/moto 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐6.8k) - Allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library.
67. Awesome Umbraco
Backoffice extensions
- Plumber - adds a heap of useful bits and pieces to Umbraco, to allow multi-staged workflow approval.
Developer tools / SEO Tools
- CMSImport* - import content or members from any datasource into Umbraco.
68. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- .NET Rocks! - The internet audio talk show for .NET developer with Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell.
- Base.cs - Beginner-friendly computer science lessons based on Vaidehi Joshi's base.cs blog series, produced by CodeNewbie.
- Blockchain Insider - Weekly podcast specialising in all things blockchain, ledger technology and crypto currencies.
- CMOS - The Code-Maven Open Source podcast helps you become familiar with a wide range of projects by interviewing users or developers of these projects.
- CodeNewbie Podcast - Stories from people on their coding journey.
- Complete Developer Podcast - There are plenty of podcasts out there about languages and coding. What we are doing with the Complete Developer Podcast is to cover the other areas of life. For example, our first episode is about talking with customers, bosses, and others that developers interact with who are not fellow developers.
- Curious Minds - Curious Minds is a podcast about Science, Technology, and History. Each episode brings interesting stories from a wide range of subjects: from Physics and Astronomy to Medicine, Art and Science Fiction.
- Design vs Dev - A podcast about web development from the different perspectives of designers and developers.
- Developer Tea - Podcast for web and software developers hosted by a developer that you can listen to in less than 10 minutes.
- Digital Human - BBC series explores the digital world presented by Aleks Krotoski.
- Elixir Foundation - Your weekly podcast for news & interviews from around the Elixirlang Community.
- - Talk about the how, why, and what of engineering, usually devices.
- Ember Weekend - A week(end)ly podcast about Ember, hosted by Jon and Chase.
- FiveJS - The latest news in the JavaScript community.
- Functional Geekery - Functional Geeks, Geeking Functionally.
- Get Up and Code - Get Up and Code is a podcast about fitness for programmers and software developers. Every week, John Sonmez, helps you lose weight, refactor your diet and get in shape.
- Go Time - Interesting topics around the Go programming language, building systems, the community, and everything in between.
- HardcoreHistory - In "Hardcore History" the very unconventional Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", outside-the-box way of thinking and applies it to the past.
- Greater Than Code - because #peoplematter.
- Laravel News Podcast - The Laravel News Podcast brings you all the latest news and events related to Laravel.
- Linear Digressions - Explores topics of data science and machine learning in an accessible way through real-world stories and examples.
- Listen and Learn about AWS - Jeff Barr discusses various aspects of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering. Each podcast include AWS news, tech tips, and interviews with startups, AWS partners, and AWS employees.
- Makers - Unexpected life moments that have had an impact on today’s most influential and experimental makers.
- Mastering Embedded Systems - I have identified four major problems in mastering Embedded Systems: 1. Not enough specialists; 2. inadequate design and poor detections of faults; 3. mandatory multi-site approaches are failing; 4. bad mistakes in managing Virtual Teams I'll teach you the know-how and the tools to overcome these challenges.
- MS Dev Show - THE podcast for Microsoft developers. Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer talk about the latest in developer news covering topics such as the Azure cloud, Windows, Windows Phone, Visual Studio, and cross-platform development using the Microsoft platform.
- New Rustacean - This is a podcast about learning the programming language Rust—from scratch.
- Note To Self - Host Manoush Zomorodi talks with everyone from big name techies to elementary school teachers about the effects of technology on our lives, in a quest for the smart choices that will help you think and live better.
- Office 365 Developer Podcast - The only show focused on Office 365 development where we talk to the experts from all over the globe coding on the Office 365 platform.
- Packet Pushers - About data networking by network architects. Deeply technical & unabashedly nerdy.
- Partially Derivative - A podcast about Data, Nerdiness, and Beer.
- Radiolab - Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.
- React Podcast - Podcast about React.js
- Reasonably Sound - Context, explanation and a little celebration of the complexities and awesomeness of audio, and the various cultures which surround and have grown around it.
- Reply All - Reply All is a show about the internet.
- Rocket Talk - Rocket Talk is’s sci-fi/fantasy podcast, blending discussion style talk-radio with audio narrations of’s award winning short fiction.
- Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community.
- ShopTalk Show - Podcast about front end web design, development and UX.
- Software Engineering Daily - A podcast with daily interviews about technical software topics intended for professional software developers.
- Sound Of Symfony - The unofficial Symfony podcast.
- StarTalk Radio - Program devoted to all things space and is hosted by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.
- SYFY25 Origin Stories - Adam Savage sits down with creators, thought-leaders, and celebrity fans to discuss the moments, people, and milestones that have changed the genre universe forever; a nostalgic celebration of all things science fiction.
- Talk Python to Me - Weekly podcast (30 minutes) that covers a wide array of Python topics.
- TechStuff - TechStuff tackles topics ranging from basic electronics to the Large Hadron Collider and everything in between. TechStuff is dedicated to demystifying technology and its role in our society and culture.
- Test and Code Podcast - A podcast about Software Development, Software Testing, and Python.
- The Amp Hour - Discussing the world of electronics design in an hour long(ish) weekly show.
- The Changelog - Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of software development.
- The Hanselminutes podcast - Fresh Air for Developers.
- The Life Scientific - Professor Jim Al-Khalili talks to leading scientists about their life and work, finding out what inspires and motivates them and asking what their discoveries might do for mankind.
- Three Devs and a Maybe - Weekly discussion podcast on all things web development. Topics range from daily developer life, PHP, frameworks, testing, good software design and our experiences using many other programming languages.
- Toolsday Podcast - A 20-ish-minute podcast about the latest in tech tools, tips, and tricks on Tuesdays at 2!
- WIRED's Webmonkey Podcast - Glance behind the scenes of with the tech team.
In Portuguese
- DatabaseCast - Primeiro podcast brasileiro sobre bancos de dados.
- DevNaEstrada - Podcast semanal sobre desenvolvimento web com uma pitada de humor.
- Hipsters ponto Tech - Podcast da Caelum sobre startups, programação, UX, gadgets e as últimas tendências em tecnologia.
- Lambda3 Podcast - Podcast da Lambda3
- NerdCast - Podcast do portal JovemNerd que fala sobre nerdices, teorias e rpg's
In Spanish
- 1984 - Hacking, hacktivismo y seguridad
- CAChemE - Aplicaciones para ciencia e ingeniería (principalmente Python).
- Ideas ágiles - Podcast sobre charlas, entrevistas y experiencias sobre la vida del desarrollador de software.
- Nación Lumpen - similar a "Basta ya de picar".
- Python en español - Python en tu idioma
In Russian
- DevZen Podcast - Podcast about programming, IT and related topics.
- How to make games - Podcast about video games and video games industry.
- RWPod - Podcast about world of Ruby and Web technologies.
- Radio-T - Podcast of weekend. Improvisation on the theme of IT.
In Persian
- RadioGeek - Yet another podcast for wandering geeks in the intersection of society and technology.
In Swedish
- Kodsnack - Weekly Swedish podcast about all things code, for coders. Hosted by Fredrik Björeman, Tobias Hieta and Kristoffer Grönlund, with occasional guests.
In German
- Apfelfunk - Weekly podcast about everything that's related to Apple.
- Freak Show - Tech podcast, normally published every two weeks. Mostly Apple, Bitcoin and podcasting.
- Request for Comments - Der RFC Podcast
- Working Draft - Weekly news podcast for webdesigners and developers.
In Polish
- DevTalk - Tech podcast for passionate developers. All topics related to dev: architecture, languages, tools, libraries, conferences, community, career planning... Hosted by Maciej Aniserowicz.
- Just4Fun - Biweekly tech podcast hosted by Rafal Warzycha and Piotr Leszczynski. Main topics are JavaScript and frontend.
- ChwastIT - The worst programming podcast in Poland. Casually, unbearably and possibly flippantly about software engineering. With @kwasniew, @kubek2k, @peel and their guests - the weeds of polish IT.
In Dutch
- De Appels en Peren Show - Een talkshow over en uit de toekomst. Technologie, media, cultuur en alles wat verder de toekomst mogelijk maakt.
- Tech45 - Tech45 is een wekelijkse technologiepodcast. In ongeveer 45 minuten loodst een panel geeks je door het interessantste technieuws van de voorbije week.
- Met Nerds om Tafel - Wekelijkse podcast waarin nerds Spa Rood drinken en praten over tech-onderwerpen. Met regelmatig gastnerds en vaste tafelnerds Daniel Kegel, Floris Diemel, Joost Schellevis, Jurian Ubachs en Randal Peelen.
- ZeepCast - Een podcast over de laatste ontwikkelingen in wetenschap, technologie & popculture. Gehost door Sander Bijleveld & David van Dorsten.
In Arabic / Tooling
- gPodder / gPodder Director - (Multi-plataform Open Source and Podcast Directory)
69. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Articles
- Functional Composition in Javascript – Step by step explanation of how to compose functions in javascript.
70. Awesome Dotnet
- AssimpNet - A cross-platform .NET Standard wrapper for the Open Asset Importer ("Assimp"). The library enables importing, processing, and exporting of 3D models for rendering in graphics/game applications. Over 40 formats are supported for importing (e.g. OBJ, FBX, GLTF, 3DS, Collada) and a subset of those formats can be exported to (e.g. OBJ, GLTF, 3DS, Collada). Mesh processing features allow for mesh data to be generated or optimized for real-time rendering.
Image Processing
- TeximpNet - A cross-platform .NET Standard library for reading/manipulating/writing image files. The primary focus is to create 2D/3D/Cubemap textures for graphics/game applications, notably to convert images to GPU compressed formats and generate mipmaps. The library wraps the FreeImage native library to import/export over 30 common image formats, and wraps the Nvidia Texture Tools native library for GPU compression features. It also has a fully featured DDS format importer/exporter written in C#.
71. Awesome Hacking
Bug bounty - Earn Some Money / Other
72. Awesome4girls
General / UX
Byte Hacks - Loc:
ByteHacks is a 24-hour hackathon on September 1st and 2nd at Thoughtworks NYC that encourages women of all ages and skillsets to form teams and create tech projects that have positive social impact. The hackathon will have workshops, tech talks, mentors, sponsors, and free food. Whether you are a designer, entrepreneur, artist, or coder, ByteHacks welcomes you. We even have a keynote from Limor Fried, founder and CEO of Adafruit.
73. Awesome Bigdata
Service Programming
- Mara (⭐2.1k) - A lightweight opinionated ETL framework, halfway between plain scripts and Apache Airflow
Interesting Readings
- Monitoring Cassandra performance - Guide to monitoring Cassandra, including native methods for metrics collection.
Books / Streaming
- Fusion in Action - Fusion in Action teaches you to build a full-featured data analytics pipeline, including document and data search and distributed data clustering.
74. Awesome Cpp
Game Engine
- OpenXRay (⭐3.1k) - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. [Modified BSD/non-commercial only]
- TinySpline (⭐1.2k) - A small, yet powerful ANSI C library for interpolating, transforming, and querying arbitrary NURBS, B-Splines, and Bézier curves. [MIT]
Inter-process communication
- LIBUCL (⭐1.6k) ⚡ - Universal configuration library parser. [BSD-2-Clause]
- libav (⭐1.1k) - A collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. [LGPL v2.1+ and others] website
- TagLib (⭐1.2k) - A library for reading and editing the metadata of several popular audio formats. [LGPL/MPL] website
- Wangle (⭐3.1k) - A client/server application framework to build asynchronous, event-driven modern C++ services. [Apache-2.0]
- sol2 (⭐4.4k) - A C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance. [MIT]
Build Systems
- Spack - A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers. [Apache-2.0/MIT]
- XMake - A C/C++ cross-platform build utility based on Lua. [Apache]
75. Awesome Xamarin
- Cryoprison (⭐18) - Jailbreak/Root detection for Xamarin
76. Awesome Educational Games
Math & Computer Science
- CS Unplugged - A collection of classroom activities that teach computer science concepts without using computers.
- Free Code Camp - An open source community that helps you learn to code.
77. Awesome Crystal
Official Documentation Translations
- ast_helper (⭐25) - Helper tool to debug parser and formatter
78. Awesome Javascript Learning
Free eBooks / Single Topics
- Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming - Excellent primer to functional programming using JavaScript.
79. Awesome Sre
80. Awesome Web Security
- File Upload Restrictions Bypass - Written by Haboob Team.
Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that)
- I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how. - Written by David Gilbertson.
Blogs / Server-Side Request Forgery
- Blog of Osanda - Security Researching and Reverse Engineering.
AWS / Server-Side Request Forgery
- CloudGoat (⭐1.7k) - Rhino Security Labs' "Vulnerable by Design" AWS infrastructure setup tool - Written by @RhinoSecurityLabs.
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
81. Awesome Html5
Articles and standards
Multimedia capabilities / Audio
Multimedia capabilities / Media Capture
Multimedia capabilities / Picture in Picture
Multimedia capabilities / Speech Synthesis
Multimedia capabilities / Voice Recognition
Multimedia capabilities / Virtual Reality
Multimedia capabilities / Web animations
Elements / Media Elements
- Audio and Video
Development APIs / File
Development APIs / Web payments
Accessibility / Web payments
DOM Management / Data Binding
DOM Management / Web Components
Progressive web apps / Offline caching
Progressive web apps / Push Notifications
Client side storage / Push Notifications
Performance / Push Notifications
Mobile / Push Notifications
Communications and interoperability / Web Sockets
Communications and interoperability / WebRTC
Web Workers / WebRTC
WebGL / WebRTC
Websites and resources / Websites
- HTML5 Rocks (news, tutorials and updates)
- Prev: Nov 05 - Nov 11, 2018
- Next: Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2018