Awesome List Updates on Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2018

71 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Html5

Articles and standards

Elements / Canvas

Elements / Sectioning

Elements / Details

2. Awesome

Articles / Content Migrations

3. Awesome Flutter

UI / List

4. Awesome Ros2

Documentation / Build system (ROS2)

Presentations / 2017

5. Htaccess

Security / Exclude URL from Redirection

Exclude URL from Redirection

This snippet allows you to exclude a URL from redirection. For example, if you have redirection rules setup but want to exclude robots.txt so search engines can access that URL as expected.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^robots.txt - [L]

6. Awesome Tensorflow


7. Awesome Ddd

Training Courses

8. Discount for Student Dev

3D Animation and Modeling Software

9. Awesome Free Software

Software / Screencasting

10. Awesome Programming for Kids

Lower Elementary

11. Awesome Electron

Community / Other

12. Awesome Educational Games

Art & Design




13. Awesome Bigdata

Books / Streaming

14. Awesome Courses

Courses / Algorithms

Courses / CS Theory

Courses / Misc

15. Awesome Shell


Command-Line Productivity

Downloading and Serving / Directory Navigation

Applications / Directory Navigation

Games / Directory Navigation

16. Awesome It Quotes


17. Awesome Mac

Utilities / Productivity

18. Awesome Fuzzing


Papers / USENIX Security

Papers / ArXiv (Fuzzing with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)

Papers / The others

19. Awesome React Hooks


20. Awesome Artificial Intelligence

Courses / Commerical Tools

21. Awesome Geojson


22. Awesome Saltstack

Official resources




23. Awesome AutoIt

Graphics and image / OpenOffice

24. Awesome Embedded Rust

Tools / Paid and commercially available materials

25. Awesome Fonts

Free fonts / Fonts

26. Awesome Board Games


Unstable Unicorns

Build a Unicorn Army. Betray your friends. Unicorns are your friends now.

Unstable Unicorns

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 8 14 30-45m


Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones allows the players to take on the roles of several of the Great Houses vying for control of the Seven Kingdoms, including House Stark, House Lannister, House Baratheon, House Greyjoy, House Tyrell, and as of the expansion A Clash of Kings, House Martell. Players maneuver armies to secure support in the various regions that comprise the Seven Kingdoms, with the goal of capturing enough support to claim the Iron Throne. The basic gameplay mechanics are reminiscent of Diplomacy, especially in the order-giving process, though A Game of Thrones is significantly more complicated overall.

Game of thrones boardgame image

Players Min. Age Time
3 - 6 12 180-360m


Players start with five rings on the board. First player to remove 3 rings becomes the winner. Every time a ring is moved, it leaves a marker behind. Markers are white on one side and black on the other, and each time they are jumped they must be flipped. Once a player forms a row of 5 markers of their color, they can remove a ring. The challenge is each row you make brings you closer to victory-but also makes you weaker, because you have one fewer ring to play with.

YINSH game image

Players Min. Age Time
2 9 30-60m

Cthulhu Wars

Cthulhu Wars is a fast-moving strategy game about the end of the world. You take the part of various monstrous aliens seeking to dominate the world. You can play as Great Cthulhu himself, or you can take charge of other factions, such as the slithering hordes of the Crawling Chaos, or the insane minions of the Yellow Sign.

Cthulhu Wars game image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 8 12 90-120m


Anachrony is a competitive Euro-style strategy game set in a post-apocalyptic world rebuilt along four different ideological Paths. The game is played through a series of turns called Eras, with past ones reachable through time travel later in the game. Players assume the roles of iconic leaders of the four Paths, striving not only for the supremacy and well-being of their people, but also their survival. After the fourth Era, an asteroid impact shakes Earth, threatening to destroy the World Capital, Earth’s last independent city. The Paths should prepare for the coming cataclysm, and when the time comes, take their part in evacuating the collapsing Capital. In the end, one of the Paths will be the new home to the reformed World Council, and lead humanity into a new future.

Anachrony game image

Players Min. Age Time
1 - 4 15 30-120m

Clockwork Wars

In Clockwork Wars each player commands a unique race of creatures in a tense war game set in a fantasy-steampunk universe. Take control of the calculating Purebreeds, the industrious Troglodytes, the mighty Rhinochs, or the proud Mongrels. Your goal is to vanquish your foes and accumulate the most victory points through nine turns of play. You earn points by fighting for control of territories that contain valuable natural resources. To win these battles, you need manpower gained by seizing villages and developing them into cities. Invest in research and discover astonishing new technologies, position your troops, research powerful discoveries, employ espionage, and conquer your enemies to win the game!

Clockwork Wars game image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 13 90-120m


Tile-placement game in which the players draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape on it. Build your castles, connect them with roads and grassland, assign meeples to roles and score points.

Carcassonne game image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 5 8 30-90m

27. Awesome Audio Visualization


28. Awesome Machine Learning

JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Python / Reinforcement Learning

29. Awesome Android


Utility / ORM

30. Awesome Mqtt

Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

31. Awesome Indie

Communities / Other

Podcasts / Other

32. Awesome Cyclejs

Libraries / Drivers

33. Awesome Regression Testing

Online services (a-z↓)

Deprecated (a-z↓)

34. Awesome Appium

Become an Appium Pro

35. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

In Portuguese

In Bahasa Indonesia

36. Awesome Ada

Web / Apache License

Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License

Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License

37. Awesome Ethereum

Learning and MOOCs

38. Awesome Markdown

Tools / Presentations

39. Awesome Creative Coding

Visual Programming Languages

Sound Programming Languages

Interactive / Other

Math / Other

40. Awesome Ember

Packages / Articles about Data

41. Awesome Cl

Non-deterministic, logic programming

Data validation / Third-party APIs

42. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Tutorials

Researchers / Tutorials

43. Awesome Speakers

Europe / Ukraine 🇺🇦


Aleksey Shvayka
Topics: Browsers, Web Standards, Open Source, Front End, Smalltalk

Andrey Listochkin
Topics: Rust, JavaScript, Skills, Architecture

Andrii Shumada
Topics: JavaScript, Node.js, Streams

Anton Nemtsev
Topics: HTML, CSS, Web Standards

Artem Yavorsky
Topics: Babel, ECMAScript, Compilers

Roman Liutikov
Topics: ClojureScript, React, Compilers

Timur Shemsedinov
Topics: Node.js, Programming, JavaScript, Highload

Vladimir Agafonkin
Topics: Maps, Algorithms

Yuri Artyukh
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebGL

44. Awesome Vagrant


45. Awesome Cpp

Regular Expression

46. Awesome Microservices

Ruby / Scala

47. Awesome Nextjs


48. Awesome Dotnet


Machine Learning and Data Science

Template Engine

49. Awesome Asyncio


50. Awesome Serverless

Related projects

51. Awesome Code Review




52. Awesome Iot

Software / Frameworks

Software / Middlewares

Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]

53. Awesome Xamarin



54. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Security

55. Awesome Cryptography

Standalone / Hash functions

Java / Git

56. Awesome Salesforce

Troubleshooting and queries / Technical Blogs

57. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / S3

58. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Pastebins

Software / Video Surveillance

59. Awesome Laravel

Application Hosting / Third-party Service Integration

60. Awesome Swift



Multi Database

Images / Barcode

System / Barcode

Testing / Barcode

UI / Barcode

Walkthrough / Barcode

61. Awesome Ruby


Code Analysis and Metrics






Music and Sound


62. Awesome Mental Health





63. Awesome Gbdev

Game Boy Color / Opcodes

Peripherals / Opcodes

64. Awesome Ciandcd


65. Awesome Piracy

Self-hosted VPNs


Trackers / Private Trackers

Tracker Proxies / Public Trackers

Torrent Clients / Public Trackers

Torrent Clients / WebTorrent Clients

Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers

Download Managers / Free Indexers

DDL Tools / Free Indexers

FTP Indexers / Free Indexers

DDL Search Engines and Crawlers / Free Indexers

DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers

Premium Link Generators / Free Indexers

Premium Link Hosts / Free Indexers

Media Centre Applications / Third Party Hosts

Plex Scripts and Tools / Third Party Hosts

Music / Third Party Hosts

Music Streaming / Third Party Hosts

Music Downloading / Third Party Hosts

iTunes / Third Party Hosts

Ebooks / Third Party Hosts

Audiobooks / Third Party Hosts

IRC / Third Party Hosts

IRC Clients / Third Party Hosts

Piracy Blogs and News / Third Party Hosts

66. Awesome Alfred Workflows


67. Awesome Java

Bytecode Manipulation

68. Awesome Postgres

Contents / GUI

Contents / Server

Contents / Utilities

69. Awesome Web Security

XSS - Cross-Site Scripting

Web Cache Poisoning

Remote Code Execution


SQL Injection

Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that)

Reconnaissance / OSINT - Open-Source Intelligence

Fuzzing / Sub Domain Enumeration

Scanning / Sub Domain Enumeration

Offensive / XSS - Cross-Site Scripting

Webshell / Server-Side Request Forgery

70. Awesome Groovy

Scripting Tools

71. Awesome Vulkan


