Awesome List Updates on Oct 01 - Oct 07, 2018
84 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ocaml
System Programming
- Embedded systems
- OMicroB (⭐144) - A virtual machine designed to run OCaml bytecode on AVR (Arduino for instance) micro-controlers.
- OCaPIC - An OCaml virtual machine for PIC18 micro-controlers.
- ocaml-esp32 (⭐18) - A compiler for ESP32 SoC.
2. Awesome Vulkan
- Basemark - by Basemark.
- libvulkan.lua (⭐58) - Lua bindings for Vulkan.
3. Awesome C
Graphical User Interface
- LCUI (⭐3.8k) - Small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS.
Networking and Internet / Language Standards
- h2o (⭐10k) - Optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 high performance server/library.
Numerical / Language Standards
- cmathl - Pure-C Math library with a great variety of mathematical functions and CMake build support. Seeks to be close to C89/C90 compliant for portability.
- PETSc - Suite of data structures and routines for scalable parallel solution of scientific applications modelled by partial differential equations.
4. Awesome Hacking
Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker pull phocean/msf
- Docker Metasploit
5. Awesome Typescript
Typescript Project Starters
- next-smrt (⭐56) – A Typescript/NextJs boilerplate with Redux/Styled Components/Material UI and TypeSafe Actions.
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- RaspiBlitz (⭐2.5k) - Fastest and cheapest way to get your own Lightning Node running.
7. Awesome Ruby
Gem Generators
- Gemsmith (⭐466) - A command line interface for smithing new Ruby gems.
- Hoe - Hoe is a Rake/RubyGems helper for project Rakefiles.
8. Awesome Ember
Packages / Videos
Packages / YouTube playlists
9. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- pop-os/popsicle (⭐678) - GTK3 & CLI utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel
10. Awesome Ethereum
- Solidity Documentation - Programming language of choice for smart contracts.
- Vyper Documentation - Experimental smart contract programming language intended to replace Solidity.
- MetaMask - Browser extension that can interact with Remix IDE and send transactions to different testnets.
- MyEtherWallet - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
- Mist (⭐7.4k) - Official Ethereum wallet - Browse and use Ðapps on the Ethereum network.
- MyCrypto - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
Blockchain Utilities
- Etherscan - Ethereum block explorer with other useful block utilities.
11. Awesome Osint
Domain and IP Research / Steam
12. Awesome Diversity
- 1 Million Women To Tech (⭐627) - Organization whose mission is to offer free coding education to 1 million women by 2020. Has free (DIY) and paid (certification) courses.
- AnyKey - Organization whose mission is to help create fair and inclusive spaces in esports for marginalized members of the gaming community.
- Black Girl Gamers - A safe space that supports black girl gamers. Also found on:
- Girl Gamers - Community for ladies to discuss gaming, women in geek culture, and experiences that occur as a result of gender.
- Girls In Tech Global Classroom - Organization that offers tech related courses, such as 3-D Tinkercad design, to girls and women, at no cost.
- Gaming While Black: Casual Racism To Cautious Optimism - By Jessica Conditt.
13. Tips
Visualize the tree including commits that are only referenced from reflogs
git log --graph --decorate --oneline $(git rev-list --walk-reflogs --all)
14. Tools
15. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
16. Awesome Vscode
Laravel / More
- Laravel Model Snippets - Quickly get models up and running with Laravel Model Snippets.
ReasonML / Smarty Template Support
- ReasonML - Intellisense, code formatting, refactoring, code lens and more
17. Awesome React Native
- react-native-gradient-buttons (⭐183) - A lightweight, customizable and haptic Gradient Button component for React Native.
- react-native-auth-screens (⭐101) - A series of Authentication Views for React Native: Sign In, Social Sign In Sign Up, and Forgot Password. Uses
- react-native-animated-flatlist (⭐56) - Animated Flatlist for React Native.
Styling / Navigation Demos
- react-native-prism ★10 (⭐19) - Minimal, idiomatic style management for React Native
Books / Navigation Demos
- Fullstack React Native - The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to React Native.
18. Awesome Xamarin
- Tiny.RestClient ★31 (⭐202) - Description Simpliest Fluent REST client for Xamarin and .NET.
19. Awesome Vehicle Security
Miscellaneous / Episodes
20. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Compiler Explorer - Online decompiler and compiler explorer.
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
- Dekko Project - Ubuntu email client.
Open Source Projects / Libraries
- Babel - JavaScript compiler.
Open Source Projects / Operating Systems
- Redox OS - OS written in Rust.
Open Source Projects / Games
- Citybound - City building game.
- Rpcs3 - PS3 emulator.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Egoist - Various JavaScript libraries and tools.
- Franck Nijhof - Creates Home Assistant add-ons and helps out on the main project.
Other kinds of content / Articles and Tutorials
- Alecaddd - Various programming tutorials.
- Chris Bradfield - Programming tutorials for kids.
- Fluent C++ - C++ articles.
- Meeting C++ - C++ articles.
- Modernes C++ - C++ articles.
Other kinds of content / Videos
- Corey Schafer - Python tutorials.
Other kinds of content / Podcasts
- Late Night Linux - Linux and news.
- More Than Just Code - Podcast for iOS developers.
21. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
22. Awesome Transit
GTFS Timetable Publishing Tools / Rust
- TimeTablePublisher (TTPUB) (⭐26) - A web publishing system developed by TriMet that allows a transit agency to examine, modify, and transform raw scheduling data into easy-to-read timetables for customer information purposes
23. Awesome Educational Games
Art & Design
- Font Memory Game - Recognizing different styles of fonts is one of the most challenging parts of typography.
24. Awesome Ddd
Community Resources
- Quora - Questions tagged domain-driven-design.
25. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-highlightjs * An Aurelia custom element for highlight.js
26. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- habo - 10/day
- Fireeye- max 60MB 15/day
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- Taintdroid - requires AOSP compilation
Tools / Reverse Engineering
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Others
27. Awesome Love2d
- bump-3dpd (⭐77) - A 3D collision detection library for Lua.
- cartographer (⭐74) - Small Tiled map loader and drawer.
- lovely-windows (⭐17) - A Window/Screen Manager Module for virtual windows.
- knife.base (⭐462) - Extremely minimal base class providing single inheritance and constructors.
- loveblobs - A softbody library with support for both dynamic and static arbitrary softbodies.
- Moonshine (⭐603) - Repository of common post-processing effects like blur, vignette, color-grading, etc.
- knife.timer (⭐462) - Create timers and tweens with ease.
- Polywell - A highly-configurable text editor / coding tool written in Lua that runs on the LÖVE game engine.
- ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE with code completion, syntax highlighting, live coding, code analyzer, and debugging support.
- API Syntax Hightlight (⭐11) - Script to add LOVE API syntax highlighting to ZBS.
- Sublime Text - Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.
- Package Manager - The Sublime Text package manager that makes it exceedingly simple to find, install and keep packages up-to-date.
- SublimeLove - Supports syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and build system.
- SublimeLinter-luacheck - Provides linting and static analysis of your Lua code.
28. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- DotNet.Glob (⭐360) - A fast globbing library for .NET / .NETStandard applications. Outperforms Regex.
- WebEssentials.AspNetCore.ServiceWorker (⭐340) - ASP.NET Core Progressive Web Apps.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- SerilogAnalyzer (⭐309) - Roslyn-based analysis for code using the Serilog logging library. Checks for common mistakes and usage problems.
- sourcelink (⭐1.2k) - SourceLink is a language- and source-control agnostic system for providing first-class source debugging experiences for binaries.
29. Awesome Tikz
Gallery / PGFPlots
- alemelis/tikz_drawings (⭐54) - Source codes for illustration made in TikZ by Alessandro Melis for various publications.
30. Awesome Esp
- NodeMCU (⭐7.2k) - An eLua-based firmware for the ESP8266.
- RT-Thread (⭐7.5k) - Chinese open source firmware available for the ESP32.
- PlatformIO (⭐6.2k) - Cross Platform IDE and Debugger that supports both the ESP32 and ESP8266.
Libraries / Others
- Homie8266 (⭐1.3k) - Framework implementation of the Homie protocol for the 8266.
- ESP_mqtt (⭐1.1k) - MQTT helper library for the ESP8266.
- IRremoteESP8266 (⭐2.3k) - Emit and receive IR signals in the ESP8266.
- esphomelib (⭐544) - Framework to integrate with HomeAssistant in the 8266.
- Free802.11 (⭐415) - Library to emit arbitrary 802.11 signals with the ESP32.
- TFTLibrary (⭐486) - TFT compatibility for the ESP32.
- ESPAudio (⭐1.5k) - Library for playing a diverse range of audio formats in the ESP8266/ESP32.
- AsyncTCP (⭐652) - Asynchronous TCP Library for both the 8266 and the 32.
- ESP-HomeKit (⭐963) - Homekit implementation for 8266 on RTOS.
- ESPHelper (⭐321) - MQTT and Wi-fi automation-oriented library for the 8266.
- ESPHelper/32 (⭐54) - Port of the ESPHelper library for the 32.
- WiFiESP (⭐492) - Arduino library for Wifi management, client/server for 8266 board.
31. Awesome Embedded Rust
Board support crates / STMicroelectronics
Board Support Crate for the STM32F4DISCOVERY (WIP) -
Board Support Crate for the STM32F429DISCOVERY (WIP) -
32. Awesome Db Tools
- Pgweb (⭐8.7k) - Web-based database browser for PostgreSQL, written in Go and works on macOS, Linux and Windows machines.
- ipython-sql (⭐1.8k) - Connect to a database for issue SQL commands within IPython or IPython Notebook.
- pg_activity (⭐2.5k) - Top-like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
Schema / Changes
- gh-ost (⭐13k) - Online schema migration for MySQL.
Schema / Code generation
- ddl-generator (⭐275) - Infers SQL DDL (Data Definition Language) from table data.
33. Awesome Netherlands Events
- EuRuKo - An annual European conference about Ruby (2019).
- Lead Developers Amsterdam - For Lead Developers, Tech Leads, Chapter Leads and Senior Engineers heading towards Lead positions.
- DevOps Day Amsterdam - Development, operations, QA, InfoSec, management, and leadership.
34. Awesome Machine Learning
Java / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- liblinear-java (⭐305) - Java version of liblinear.
35. Alternative Internet
Collaborative Web Editors
- Kune is based on Apache Wave and is a free/open source distributed social network focused on collaboration rather than just on communication. That is, it focuses on online real-time collaborative editing, decentralized social networking and web publishing, while focusing on workgroups rather than just on individuals.
- SwellRT is a Real-time text editor and collaboration API for HTML/JavaScript and Android. It is the only open source decentralized-federated framework to build collaborative applications.
36. Awesome Board Games
Heist: One Team, One Mission
In this co-operative electronic game, players take on the roles of different characters -- Money Man, Hacker, Lookout, or Explosives Expert -- and work together to open an electronic safe and grab $50 million in cold hard cash along the way.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 7 | 5-15m |
37. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Packages and Libraries supporting salesforce
- Force DI (⭐203) - Generic dependency injection (DI) library with support for injecting Apex, Visualforce, Lightning, and Flows at runtime.
38. Vim Galore
Additional resources / Screencasts
39. Awesome Code Review
Academic Papers
- Anywhere, anytime code inspections: using the Web to remove inspection bottlenecks in large-scale software development (Perpich, Perry, Porter, Votta & Wade, 1997) One day in the far future the best way to review code will be on the world wide web.
- How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human Techniques that treat the code review as not only a technical process but a social one as well.
40. Awesome Android
- AnyChart (⭐2k) - Data visualization library, Interactive charts.
- YuanaItemSettingView (⭐15) - Customizable Item Setting View for Android.
GUI / Inputs
- VoiceOverlay (⭐225) - An overlay that gets your user’s voice permission and input as text in a customizable UI.
41. Awesome Swift
- voice-overlay-ios (⭐547) - An overlay that gets your user’s voice permission and input as text in a customizable UI.
Auto Layout / Barcode
- DeviceLayout (⭐166) - AutoLayout can be set differently for each device.
Alert / Barcode
- Sheet (⭐339) - Actionsheet with navigation features such as the Flipboard App.
42. Awesome Free Software
Software / Utilities
- Markdownify - A minimal Markdown editor. (MIT (⭐891))
43. Awesome Vapor
SimpleFileLogger (⭐16) – A simple file logging provider for Vapor.
Education / Videos
44. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- Malpedia - A resource providing rapid identification and actionable context for malware investigations.
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- mac-a-mal (⭐82) - An automated framework for mac malware hunting.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- CryptoKnight (⭐38) - Automated cryptographic algorithm reverse engineering and classification framework.
45. Awesome Crystal
Data Formats
- (⭐60) - TOML parser
46. Awesome Flutter
Websites / Blogs
- Flutter Tips - Articles, tips & tricks in the development by Diego Velásquez
- Rendering Engine Tutorial - Flutter's Rendering Engine: A Tutorial by AbdulRahman AlHamali
Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- NFC Reader (⭐418) - NFC reader plugin for iOS and Android by Matteo Crippa
47. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Away from Keyboard – Exploring the human side of creative work.
- Founders Talk – In-depth, one on one conversations with founders, CEOs, and makers. The journey, lessons learned, and the struggles. Let's do this!
- JS Party – A community celebration of JavaScript and the web
- Practical AI – Making artificial intelligence practical, productive, and accessible to everyone.
48. Awesome Jquery
Animation / Paid Books
- Fullpage.js (⭐35k) - Create full screen pages fast and simple.
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- BackStretch (⭐3.9k) - jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element.
- jQuery Images Compare (⭐61) - Plugin for comparing two images.
49. Awesome Cpp
- BioC++ - C++ Computational Libraries for Bioinformatics. [BSD]
- Chaste - An open source C++ library for the computational simulation of mathematical models developed for physiology and biology. [BSD]
Memory Allocation
- Hoard (⭐1.1k) - Fast, Scalable, and Memory-efficient Malloc for Linux, Windows, and Mac. [Apache-2.0] website
- jemalloc (⭐9.8k) - General purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support. [BSD] website
- PoDoFo - A library to work with the PDF file format. [LGPL]
- Xpdf - Xpdf is a free PDF viewer and toolkit, including a text extractor, image converter, HTML converter, and more. [GPL v2/GPL v3]
Online Compiler
- Try It Online - TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages.
50. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / C#/.NET
- mongo-queue-csharp (⭐3) - C# message queue on top of MongoDB
Libraries / Java
- mongoFS (⭐20) - An enhancement of GridFS to allow for more features and capabilities
- Spring Data MongoDB (⭐1.6k) - Spring based, object-document support and repositories
Libraries / JavaScript
- MEAN.JS (⭐4.9k) - Full stack based on MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js
- MERN (mern-starter) (⭐5.2k) - Full stack based on MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js
- Meteor (⭐45k) - Real-time/reactive client-server framework based on MongoDB, with lots of features
Libraries / Julia
- Mongo.jl (⭐30) - C driver bindings
Libraries / Python
- MongoEngine (⭐4.3k) - ODM on top of PyMongo
Libraries / R
- mongolite (⭐286) - Fast and simple client for R
Libraries / Ruby
- awesome_explain (⭐15) - A simple global method to explain Mongoid queries
- Mongoid (⭐3.9k) - ODM framework
Tools / Administration
- MongoDB Smasher (⭐35) - Generate randomized datasets and benchmark your setup
- mtools (⭐1.9k) - Collection of scripts to set up test environments and visualize log files
- nginx-gridfs (⭐794) - Nginx module for serving files from GridFS
- nginx-mongodb-rest (⭐32) - REST client written as an Nginx module
Tools / Data
- mongo-hadoop (⭐1.5k) - Hadoop connector
Tools / Deployment
Tools / Desktop
- NoSQLBooster - Feature-rich but easy-to-use cross-platform IDE (formerly MongoBooster)
Tools / Development
- mgodatagen (⭐328) - Random data generator
- Mongo Seeding (⭐557) - Node.js library, CLI and Docker image for populating databases using JS and JSON files
- Mongoeye (⭐166) - Schema and data analyzer: explore data in your collections
- Variety (⭐1.8k) - Schema analyzer: see what fields are in your collection and what's their content
Tools / Monitoring
- Percona Monitoring and Management - Free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring databases performances
Tools / Web
- mongo-express (⭐5.7k) - Web-based admin interface built with Express
- mongoadmin (⭐250) - Admin interface built with Django
- mongri (⭐75) - Web-based user interface written in JavaScript
Applications / Web
- Countly (⭐5.6k) - Mobile & web analytics and marketing platform built with Node.js
- Leanote (⭐12k) - Evernote clone built with Go
- NodeBB (⭐14k) - Node.js based forum software ("built for the modern web")
- Reaction (⭐12k) - Event-driven, real-time commerce platform built with ES6
- SaaS Boilerplate (⭐4.2k) - Boilerplate for SaaS products, built with TypeScript, React and Express
- uptime (⭐3.6k) - Remote monitoring application built with Node.js and Bootstrap
51. Awesome Microservices
Monitoring & Debugging / Scala
- Jaeger - An open source, end-to-end distributed tracing
52. Awesome Haskell
H-99 - Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems.
Web Tutorials
53. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: “It is impossible to fully specify or test an interactive system designed to respond to external inputs.”
Peter Wegner is was a computer scientist who made significant contributions to both the theory of object-oriented programming during the 1980s and to the relevance of the Church–Turing thesis for empirical aspects of computer science during the 1990s.
54. Awesome Dotnet
- Xamarin.Essentials - Xamarin.Essentials provides developers with cross-platform APIs for their mobile applications.
- DotNetNuke - DNN Platform is our free, open source web CMS and the foundation of every professional DNN solution. Over 750,000 organizations worldwide have built websites powered by the DNN Platform.
Package Management
- MyGet - Hosted Package Repository for NuGet, NPM, Bower and VSIX. Also provides CI as-a-Service. [$]
- Qml.Net (⭐1.4k) - A cross-platform Qml/.NET integration for Mono/.NET/.NET Core
- UWP Community Toolkit (⭐5.9k) - The UWP Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building UWP apps for Windows 10.
- HtmlAgilityPack - an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPath or XSLT
- Sentry (⭐623) - .NET SDK for Sentry Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time..
- NetOffice (⭐704) - .NET wrapper assemblies for Microsoft Office applications.
- DbExtensions - Data-access framework with a strong focus on query composition, granularity and code aesthetics.
Source Generator
- Awesome Xamarin (⭐1.9k) - A collection of interesting libraries/tools for Xamarin mobile projects.
55. Awesome Serverless
- Confusion in the land of the serverless - Sam Newmans talk about serverless technologies at GOTO 2018.
- Serverless state of the union - Austen Collins keynote talk about serverless and the state of the union at the Open Source Summit 2018.
56. Awesome Stock Resources
Paid Resources / Icons Packages and Collections
- Graphic River - Hand-reviewed graphic assets from a community of designers. .
57. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- HTTP Prompt (⭐9k) - HTTP Prompt is an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting, built on HTTPie and prompt_toolkit.
- Insomnia (⭐36k) - Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client
58. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Books
59. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- homebox (⭐485) - Suite of Ansible scripts to deploy a fully functional mail server on Debian. Unobtrusive and automatic as much as possible, focusing on stability and security.
- Simple NixOS Mailserver - Complete mailserver solution leveraging the Nix Ecosystem.
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Hubzilla - Decentralized identity, privacy, publishing, sharing, cloud storage, and communications/social platform. (Source Code)
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Backdrop CMS - Comprehensive CMS for small to medium sized businesses and non-profits. (Source Code (⭐998))
- WordPress - World's most-used blogging and CMS engine. (Source Code (⭐20k))
Software / Groupware
- Openmeetings - Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming. (Source Code)
Software / Learning and Courses
- Chamilo LMS - Chamilo LMS allows you to create a virtual campus for the provision of online or semi-online training. (Source Code (⭐844))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- gitbucket - Easily installable GitHub clone powered by Scala. (Source Code (⭐9.2k))
60. Awesome Css Learning
Layout / Grid
- Grid Critters - Learn CSS grid layout by mastering an adventure game.
61. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Netron (⭐27k) - Visualizer for deep learning and machine learning models.
Closed Source / Other
- Brandy - A brand asset manager for your menu bar.
62. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Design Tools
- Nik Collection - Nik Collection by DxO.
Design and Product / Screencapturing Software
- CloudApp - Work at the speed of sight.
Cloud Storage / Audio Record and Process
- Arq - Cloud storage backup client that supports AWS, GCP, DropBox, and more.
- Carbonite - Carbonite can protect your Mac from all of the most common forms of data loss.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- coconutBattery - Shows live information about the battery in your Mac. Includes: manufacture date, capacity, cycle count, battery status, temperature, discharging power.
63. Toolsforactivism
Software as a service:
- (code (⭐253)) - Send messages to members of the US Senate and House of Representatives.
64. Awesome Web Security
Fuzzing / Sub Domain Enumeration
- FuzzDB (⭐7k) - Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.
65. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Adversary Emulation
- APTSimulator (⭐2.3k) - Windows Batch script that uses a set of tools and output files to make a system look as if it was compromised.
- Caldera (⭐5.1k) - Automated adversary emulation system that performs post-compromise adversarial behavior within Windows Enterprise networks. It generates plans during operation using a planning system and a pre-configured adversary model based on the Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge (ATT&CK™) project.
- DumpsterFire (⭐962) - Modular, menu-driven, cross-platform tool for building repeatable, time-delayed, distributed security events. Easily create custom event chains for Blue Team drills and sensor / alert mapping. Red Teams can create decoy incidents, distractions, and lures to support and scale their operations.
- Metta (⭐1.1k) - Information security preparedness tool to do adversarial simulation.
- Network Flight Simulator (⭐1.2k) - Lightweight utility used to generate malicious network traffic and help security teams to evaluate security controls and network visibility.
- RedHunt-OS (⭐1.2k) - Virtual machine for adversary emulation and threat hunting.
IR Tools Collection / All-In-One Tools
- Belkasoft Evidence Center - The toolkit will quickly extract digital evidence from multiple sources by analyzing hard drives, drive images, memory dumps, iOS, Blackberry and Android backups, UFED, JTAG and chip-off dumps.
- CimSweep (⭐634) - Suite of CIM/WMI-based tools that enable the ability to perform incident response and hunting operations remotely across all versions of Windows.
- CIRTkit (⭐140) - CIRTKit is not just a collection of tools, but also a framework to aid in the ongoing unification of Incident Response and Forensics investigation processes.
- Doorman (⭐616) - osquery fleet manager that allows remote management of osquery configurations retrieved by nodes. It takes advantage of osquery's TLS configuration, logger, and distributed read/write endpoints, to give administrators visibility across a fleet of devices with minimal overhead and intrusiveness.
- Falcon Orchestrator (⭐183) - Extendable Windows-based application that provides workflow automation, case management and security response functionality.
- MozDef (⭐2.2k) - Automates the security incident handling process and facilitate the real-time activities of incident handlers.
- Open Computer Forensics Architecture - Another popular distributed open-source computer forensics framework. This framework was built on Linux platform and uses postgreSQL database for storing data.
- osquery - Easily ask questions about your Linux and macOS infrastructure using a SQL-like query language; the provided incident-response pack helps you detect and respond to breaches.
- Redline - Provides host investigative capabilities to users to find signs of malicious activity through memory and file analysis, and the development of a threat assessment profile.
- The Sleuth Kit & Autopsy - Unix and Windows based tool which helps in forensic analysis of computers. It comes with various tools which helps in digital forensics. These tools help in analyzing disk images, performing in-depth analysis of file systems, and various other things.
- TheHive - Scalable 3-in-1 open source and free solution designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, CERTs and any information security practitioner dealing with security incidents that need to be investigated and acted upon swiftly.
- X-Ways Forensics - Forensics tool for Disk cloning and imaging. It can be used to find deleted files and disk analysis.
- Zentral (⭐716) - Combines osquery's powerful endpoint inventory features with a flexible notification and action framework. This enables one to identify and react to changes on OS X and Linux clients.
IR Tools Collection / Windows Evidence Collection
- Cyber Triage - Cyber Triage has a lightweight collection tool that is free to use. It collects source files (such as registry hives and event logs), but also parses them on the live host so that it can also collect the executables that the startup items, scheduled, tasks, etc. refer to. It's output is a JSON file that can be imported into the free version of Cyber Triage. Cyber Triage is made by Sleuth Kit Labs, which also makes Autopsy.
- AChoir (⭐176) - Framework/scripting tool to standardize and simplify the process of scripting live acquisition utilities for Windows.
- Crowd Response - Lightweight Windows console application designed to aid in the gathering of system information for incident response and security engagements. It features numerous modules and output formats.
- Fibratus (⭐2.1k) - Tool for exploration and tracing of the Windows kernel.
- Panorama (⭐38) - Fast incident overview on live Windows systems.
- PowerForensics (⭐1.4k) - Live disk forensics platform, using PowerShell.
- PSRecon (⭐470) - PSRecon gathers data from a remote Windows host using PowerShell (v2 or later), organizes the data into folders, hashes all extracted data, hashes PowerShell and various system properties, and sends the data off to the security team. The data can be pushed to a share, sent over email, or retained locally.
IR Tools Collection / Disk Image Creation Tools
- AccessData FTK Imager - Forensics tool whose main purpose is to preview recoverable data from a disk of any kind. FTK Imager can also acquire live memory and paging file on 32bit and 64bit systems.
- GetData Forensic Imager - Windows based program that will acquire, convert, or verify a forensic image in one of the following common forensic file formats.
- Guymager - Free forensic imager for media acquisition on Linux.
IR Tools Collection / Evidence Collection
- bulk_extractor (⭐987) - Computer forensics tool that scans a disk image, a file, or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures. Because of ignoring the file system structure, the program distinguishes itself in terms of speed and thoroughness.
- Cold Disk Quick Response (⭐326) - Streamlined list of parsers to quickly analyze a forensic image file (
, E01,.vmdk
, etc) and output nine reports.
- ir-rescue (⭐447) - Windows Batch script and a Unix Bash script to comprehensively collect host forensic data during incident response.
IR Tools Collection / Incident Management
- CyberCPR - Community and commercial incident management tool with Need-to-Know built in to support GDPR compliance while handling sensitive incidents.
- Fast Incident Response (FIR) (⭐1.7k) - Cybersecurity incident management platform designed with agility and speed in mind. It allows for easy creation, tracking, and reporting of cybersecurity incidents and is useful for CSIRTs, CERTs and SOCs alike.
- RTIR - Request Tracker for Incident Response (RTIR) is the premier open source incident handling system targeted for computer security teams. We worked with over a dozen CERT and CSIRT teams around the world to help you handle the ever-increasing volume of incident reports. RTIR builds on all the features of Request Tracker.
- threat_note (⭐422) - Lightweight investigation notebook that allows security researchers the ability to register and retrieve indicators related to their research.
IR Tools Collection / Linux Distributions
- The Appliance for Digital Investigation and Analysis (ADIA) - VMware-based appliance used for digital investigation and acquisition and is built entirely from public domain software. Among the tools contained in ADIA are Autopsy, the Sleuth Kit, the Digital Forensics Framework, log2timeline, Xplico, and Wireshark. Most of the system maintenance uses Webmin. It is designed for small-to-medium sized digital investigations and acquisitions. The appliance runs under Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. Both i386 (32-bit) and x86_64 (64-bit) versions are available.
- Computer Aided Investigative Environment (CAINE) - Contains numerous tools that help investigators during their analysis, including forensic evidence collection.
- CCF-VM (⭐479) - CyLR CDQR Forensics Virtual Machine (CCF-VM): An all-in-one solution to parsing collected data, making it easily searchable with built-in common searches, enable searching of single and multiple hosts simultaneously.
- NST - Network Security Toolkit - Linux distribution that includes a vast collection of best-of-breed open source network security applications useful to the network security professional.
- Security Onion (⭐3.1k) - Special Linux distro aimed at network security monitoring featuring advanced analysis tools.
- SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) Workstation - Demonstrates that advanced incident response capabilities and deep dive digital forensic techniques to intrusions can be accomplished using cutting-edge open-source tools that are freely available and frequently updated.
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- StreamAlert (⭐2.8k) - Serverless, real-time log data analysis framework, capable of ingesting custom data sources and triggering alerts using user-defined logic.
- SysmonSearch (⭐408) - SysmonSearch makes Windows event log analysis more effective and less time consuming by aggregation of event logs.
IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools
- Evolve (⭐258) - Web interface for the Volatility Memory Forensics Framework.
- (⭐276) - Advanced memory analysis for Windows x64 with nested hypervisor support.
- LiME (⭐1.6k) - Loadable Kernel Module (LKM), which allows the acquisition of volatile memory from Linux and Linux-based devices, formerly called DMD.
- Memoryze - Free memory forensic software that helps incident responders find evil in live memory. Memoryze can acquire and/or analyze memory images, and on live systems, can include the paging file in its analysis.
- Volatility (⭐6.9k) - Advanced memory forensics framework.
- VolatilityBot (⭐260) - Automation tool for researchers cuts all the guesswork and manual tasks out of the binary extraction phase, or to help the investigator in the first steps of performing a memory analysis investigation.
- VolDiff (⭐192) - Malware Memory Footprint Analysis based on Volatility.
IR Tools Collection / Memory Imaging Tools
- Belkasoft Live RAM Capturer - Tiny free forensic tool to reliably extract the entire content of the computer’s volatile memory – even if protected by an active anti-debugging or anti-dumping system.
- Linux Memory Grabber (⭐258) - Script for dumping Linux memory and creating Volatility profiles.
- Magnet RAM Capture - Free imaging tool designed to capture the physical memory of a suspect’s computer. Supports recent versions of Windows.
IR Tools Collection / OSX Evidence Collection
- macOS Artifact Parsing Tool (mac_apt) (⭐702) - Plugin based forensics framework for quick mac triage that works on live machines, disk images or individual artifact files.
- OSX Auditor (⭐3.1k) - Free Mac OS X computer forensics tool.
- OSX Collector (⭐1.9k) - OSX Auditor offshoot for live response.
IR Tools Collection / Other Lists
- List of various Security APIs (⭐834) - Collective list of public JSON APIs for use in security.
IR Tools Collection / Other Tools
- Crits - Web-based tool which combines an analytic engine with a cyber threat database.
- Diffy (⭐634) - DFIR tool developed by Netflix's SIRT that allows an investigator to quickly scope a compromise across cloud instances (Linux instances on AWS, currently) during an incident and efficiently triaging those instances for followup actions by showing differences against a baseline.
- domfind (⭐20) - Python DNS crawler for finding identical domain names under different TLDs.
- Fileintel (⭐113) - Pull intelligence per file hash.
- HELK (⭐3.7k) - Threat Hunting platform.
- Hindsight (⭐1k) - Internet history forensics for Google Chrome/Chromium.
- Hostintel (⭐258) - Pull intelligence per host.
- imagemounter (⭐111) - Command line utility and Python package to ease the (un)mounting of forensic disk images.
- RaQet - Unconventional remote acquisition and triaging tool that allows triage a disk of a remote computer (client) that is restarted with a purposely built forensic operating system.
- Stalk - Collect forensic data about MySQL when problems occur.
- Stenographer (⭐1.8k) - Packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk, then provide simple, fast access to subsets of those packets. It stores as much history as it possible, managing disk usage, and deleting when disk limits are hit. It's ideal for capturing the traffic just before and during an incident, without the need explicit need to store all of the network traffic.
- sqhunter (⭐65) - Threat hunter based on osquery and Salt Open (SaltStack) that can issue ad-hoc or distributed queries without the need for osquery's tls plugin. sqhunter allows you to query open network sockets and check them against threat intelligence sources.
- X-Ray 2.0 - Windows utility (poorly maintained or no longer maintained) to submit virus samples to AV vendors.
IR Tools Collection / Playbooks
- IRM (⭐865) - Incident Response Methodologies by CERT Societe Generale.
IR Tools Collection / Process Dump Tools
- PMDump - Tool that lets you dump the memory contents of a process to a file without stopping the process.
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- Cuckoo-modified (⭐388) - Heavily modified Cuckoo fork developed by community.
- Cuckoo-modified-api (⭐18) - Python library to control a cuckoo-modified sandbox.
- Mastiff (⭐171) - Static analysis framework that automates the process of extracting key characteristics from a number of different file formats.
- Viper (⭐1.5k) - Python based binary analysis and management framework, that works well with Cuckoo and YARA.
- Virustotal - Free online service that analyzes files and URLs enabling the identification of viruses, worms, trojans and other kinds of malicious content detected by antivirus engines and website scanners.
- Visualize_Logs (⭐134) - Open source visualization library and command line tools for logs (Cuckoo, Procmon, more to come).
IR Tools Collection / Timeline Tools
- Highlighter - Free Tool available from Fire/Mandiant that will depict log/text file that can highlight areas on the graphic, that corresponded to a key word or phrase. Good for time lining an infection and what was done post compromise.
- Morgue (⭐1k) - PHP Web app by Etsy for managing postmortems.
- Plaso (⭐1.6k) - a Python-based backend engine for the tool log2timeline.
- Timesketch (⭐2.5k) - Open source tool for collaborative forensic timeline analysis.
IR Tools Collection / Videos
- The Future of Incident Response - Presented by Bruce Schneier at OWASP AppSecUSA 2015.
66. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Lua / PicoLisp
67. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- altair - Declarative statistical visualizations, based on Vega-Lite.
Podcasts / Misc
Twitter accounts / Misc
68. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Laravel Love (⭐987) - It lets people express how they feel about the content. React on Eloquent models with Likes or Dislikes.
Popular Packages / Media & Document Management
- Laravel ImageUp (⭐699) - Yet another image manipulation package, adds tons of extra functionality
Popular Packages / APIs
- Lighthouse (⭐3k) - An up and coming GraphQL library for Laravel
Application Hosting / Third-party Service Integration
69. Awesome Tensorflow
- TensorFlow Estimators - high-level TensorFlow API that greatly simplifies machine learning programming (originally tensorflow/skflow (⭐3.2k))
- R Interface to TensorFlow - R interface to TensorFlow APIs, including Estimators, Keras, Datasets, etc.
- TensorFlow Estimators: Managing Simplicity vs. Flexibility in High-Level Machine Learning Frameworks
70. Awesome
Presentations / Tutorials
- Building a Smarter Craft Commerce Website by Stephen Callender -
27 Sep 2018
- Design Processes and Systems in Craft by Courtney Bradford -
27 Sep 2018
- How to Migrate Legacy Content to Craft Without Losing Your Sanity by James Greig -
Sep 28 2018
- Making a Craft CMS Website That Flies by Andrew Welch -
27 Sep 2018
- Modern Frontends with Craft CMS, GraphQL, and React by Paulo Elias
- Multilingual Sites in Craft 3 by Zoltan Varady -
27 Sep 2018
- Running Craft as a 12-factor app on Heroku by Bob Olde Hampsink -
27 Sep 2018
- Scaling Craft CMS Sites for Large Launches by Matt Weinberg -
28 Sep 2018
- State of Craft 2018 by Brandon Kelly -
28 Sep 2018
Podcasts / Tutorials
- Craft CMS 3 as an Application Platform - and Ben Crocker discuss using Craft CMS 3 as an application platform.
- Dot All 2018 Conference Recap & Analysis, Live from Berlin! - The crew recaps the Dot All 2018 Conference in Berlin.
Organizations Using Craft / Tutorials
71. Awesome Fp Js
Libraries / Algebraic Data Types
- MojiScript (⭐149)- an async-first, opinionated, and functional language designed to have 100% compatibility with JavaScript engines
72. Awesome Speakers
Asia / India 🇮🇳
Rebecca Franks
Topics: Android, Android Things, Firebase, IoT
Europe / Germany 🇩🇪
Höchst im Odenwald
Tim Pietrusky
Topics: JS Art, JS Music, JavaScript
Europe / Ireland 🇮🇪
Nick Palladinos
Topics: F#
Dave Jeffery
Topics: JavaScript, Electron, Node.js
Eoin Shanaghy
Topics: Java, Elixir, Node.js
James Sugrue
Topics: Swift, JavaScript, Java
Joe Minichino
Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Databases, JavaScript, Python
Oscar Brito
Topics: Linux, Node.js, JavaScript, Python
Anton Whalley
Topics: Node.js, Decentralization, FreeBSD, Open Source
Augusto Evangelisti
Topics: Testing, Agile, Bitcoin
Barry O'Sullivan
Topics: PHP, Testing, Domain-Driven Design, Event Sourcing
Chris Manson
Topics: JavaScript, Ember, React
Cian Mac Mahon
Topics: JavaScript, React
Claudio Procida
Topics: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Diversity
Donovan Hutchinson
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Ingrid Epure
Topics: Security, Psychology
John Brett
Topics: JavaScript, hapi, Nomad Work, Bitcoin
Luciano Mammino
Topics: Node.js, Design Patterns, Serverless, JSON Web Tokens, Universal JavaScript
Lynsey Duncan
Topics: UX, UI, Design Systems
Maja Grubic
Topics: Node.js, JavaScript, React, Monitoring, D3, SVG
Mario Casciaro
Topics: Node.js, JavaScript, Design Patterns, Startups
Michael Flanagan
Topics: PHP, JavaScript, REST, Testing
Mustafa Turan
Topics: Elixir, Ruby, Functional Programming
Padraig O'Brien
Topics: Serverless, Big Data, Databases
Panpan Lin
Topics: JavaScript, GraphQL, Swift, Hackathons
Pat O'Callaghan
Topics: JavaScript, Node.js, Ember
Serena Fritsch
Topics: JavaScript, Ember, Developer Workflows
Serg Hospodarets
Topics: JavaScript, CSS, CSS Houdini
Thomas Shaw
Topics: Docker, Jenkins, Devops
Yevgeniy Brikman
Topics: Terraform, Devops, Scalability
Mark Conroy
Topics: Frontend, Drupal, Web Development
Europe / Netherlands 🇳🇱
Alexey Kureev
Topics: React Native
Carmen Popoviciu
Topics: Angular, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Polymer, Web Components
Chidinma Kalu
Topics: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Machine Learning
Jad Joubran
Topics: Progressive Web Apps, Web Performance, JavaScript
Kene Udeze
Topics: Design, CSS, Accessibility, Inclusive Design
Michel Weststrate
Topics: MobX, React, mobx-state-tree, Typescript, Open Source
Narendra Shetty
Topics: React, Progressive Web Apps
Peter-Paul Koch
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Cross-Browser Compatibility
Europe / Serbia 🇷🇸
St. Petersburg
Vadim Makeev
Topics: HTML, CSS, Web Standards, Accessibility
Aleksandar Simovic
Topics: Serverless
Slobodan Stojanović
Topics: Serverless, Offline Web, Chat Bots
Europe / Spain 🇪🇸
Flavio Corpa
Topics: JavaScript, Functional Programming
Europe / Ukraine 🇺🇦
Denys Dovhan
Topics: JavaScript, DevTools, Shell scripting
Illya Klymov
Topics: Teaching, Coaching, JavaScript
Artem Denysov
Topics: Web Performance, Dev Tools
North America / Canada 🇨🇦
Ada Rose Cannon
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebVR, Web Technologies, Progressive Web Apps
Alessandro Cinelli
Topics: JavaScript
Alex Lobera
Topics: JavaScript, React, Redux, GraphQL
Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Topics: Internet of Things, Smart Homes, Connected Devices
Alla Kholmatova
Topics: Design Systems
Andrew Betts
Topics: Networks, Performance, Web
Anna Doubková
Topics: React, Testing
Bodil Stokke
Topics: Programming, Functional Programming
Chris Noring
Topics: JavaScript, RxJS, Angular, React
Cristiano Rastelli
Topics: CSS, CSS in JS
Dan Abramov
Topics: JavaScript, React, Redux, Tooling
Davide 'Folletto' Casali
Topics: Design, User Experience, Management, Leadership, Startups
Gerard Sans
Topics: Angular, React, GraphQL, CSS Animations, RxJS
Gojko Adzic
Topics: Testing, Requirements, Serverless
Jani Eväkallio
Topics: Self-Development, Programming
Michele Bertoli
Topics: React, Testing
Phil Plückthun
Topics: React, CSS in JS
Sani Yusuf
Topics: Ionic, Angular, JavaScript, Progressive Web Apps
Sebastian Witalec
Topics: NativeScript, Angular, Bots, JavaScript
Sven Sauleau
Topics: JavaScript (Babel), Artificial Intelligence, Linux, Cloud, Ops, Computer Science
Inayaili de León
Topics: Design Systems, Responsive Web Design, Design Leadership, UI
Heydon Pickering
Topics: Accessibility, Performance, Web
Seren Davies
Topics: Accessibility
North America / United States of America 🇺🇸
Palo Alto
Paul Irish
Topics: Developer Tools
Cheng Lou
Topics: ReasonML, React, Software Philosophy
73. Awesome Clojure
74. Awesome Composer
Videos / IRC
75. Awesome Gbdev
Emulator Development / Misc
- binjgb on the web - Porting of the binjgb emulator to Web Assembly. (Part 2)
Compilers / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- llvm-gbz80 (⭐37) / clang-gbz80 (⭐23) - Clang/LLVM port to the GBZ80 CPU (similar to the deprecated euclio/llvm-gbz80 (⭐9)).
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- mGBA (⭐5.8k) - Modern cross platform GBA emulator which also runs GB/GBC games.
Tools / Graphics utilities
- vtGBte (⭐33) - A minimalistic ncurses tile editor.
76. Awesome List
- Speakers (⭐760) - Conference and meetup speakers in the programming and design community.
77. Awesome Bigdata
Graph Data Model
- Microsoft Graph Engine (⭐2.2k) - a distributed in-memory data processing engine, underpinned by a strongly-typed in-memory key-value store and a general distributed computation engine.
Time-Series Databases
- M3DB - a distributed time series database that can be used for storing realtime metrics at long retention.
Data Ingestion
- Amazon Web Services Glue - serverless fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service
Data Visualization
- Frappe Charts - GitHub-inspired simple and modern SVG charts for the web with zero dependencies.
78. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / TypeScript
79. Awesome Fonts
Awesome lists / Event listeners for fonts loading on a web page
80. Awesome Nextjs
- csprance/next-smrt (⭐56) - A minimal boilerplate with redux, styled-components, material-ui and typescript with a custom express server.
81. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Omar Bahareth (⭐4) - Head of Software Engineering at Tam, mentor, full-stack developer, currently heavily into Ruby and Elixir, and slowly getting into Go and Rust. Located in Saudi Arabia.
82. Awesome H2o
- UCLA: Tools in Data Science (STATS 418) (⭐131) - Masters of Applied Statistics Program.
- GWU: Data Mining (Decision Sciences 6279) (⭐228) - Masters of Science in Business Analytics.
- University of Cape Town: Analytics Module - Postgraduate Honors Program in Statistical Sciences.
- Coursera: How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers - Advanced Machine Learning Specialization.
83. Awesome Cmake
- cmake_check (⭐20) - Static analysis (linter) for the CMake language (e.g. to enforce modern CMake rules).
84. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- Netflix/EVCache 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.9k) - A distributed in-memory data store.
- Prev: Oct 08 - Oct 14, 2018
- Next: Sep 24 - Sep 30, 2018