Awesome List Updates on Sep 24 - Sep 30, 2018
52 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- MediumEditor (⭐16k) - A clone of inline editor toolbar. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution.
2. Awesome Ddd
Training Courses
- Advanced Distributed Systems Design - Online training course from Udi Dahan. Udi's live training schedule can be found here.
3. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Function
- compose-tiny (⭐46) - A very tiny and fast compose function.
4. Awesome List
- macOS - Operating system for Apple's Mac computers.
5. Awesome Css Frameworks
General Purpose
- HiQ - Simple CSS foundation with responsive typography and input styling.
Docs, Repo (⭐315) | #PostCSS
6. Git Cheat Sheet
Move / Rename
Move / Rename
Rename a file:
Rename Index.txt to Index.html
$ git mv Index.txt Index.html
7. Awesome Pcaptools
USB / Capture tools
- usbmon - a subsystem of Linux kernel to capture usb packets.
- USBPcap (⭐871) - a solution for Windows.
USB / Analysis
- USBPcapOdinDumper (⭐8) - transforms .pcap files with
frames format of captures from flashing an Android phone with Odin or Heimdall into a set of files with frames payload. Useful for reverse-engineering. Has a modular architecture easily transformable for other applications formats.
8. Awesome Asyncio
- aioserial (⭐136) - A drop-in replacement of pySerial (⭐3.3k).
9. Awesome Cpp
- termbox (⭐2k) - A C library for writing text-based user interfaces. [MIT]
- ACE - An OO Network Programming Toolkit in C++. [?MIT?]
10. Awesome Esolangs
- Chicken - Only 1 valid symbol: 'chicken'.
- Thue (⭐25) - Matrioshka language based on nondeterministic string rewriting of a semi-Thue grammar.
- DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - List of esoteric languages and algorithms written by dangermouse.
11. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Narrowspark-Automatic (⭐13) - Automates the most common tasks of applications, boost package downloads, adds a composer security audit and more.
12. Awesome Serverless
Related projects
- FaaS boilerplates (⭐14) - Boilerplates for FaaS offerings that work in conjunction with Hasura GraphQL Engine's event triggers.
13. Awesome Cl
Readline, ncurses and other graphical helpers / Third-party APIs
- cl-progress-bar (⭐19) - progress bars, just like in Quicklisp ! MIT.
- and progressons (⭐14), a progress bar on one line, for real an dumb terminals. MIT.
Other / Third-party APIs
- by default, add a library to the end of its section.
- two libraries very similar in scope should be side by side, or in a section of their own.
- do some curation based on your experience and the state of the library's documentation. We do not aim at listing every existing CL library (see Cliki for that) nor to list every "popular" library (see Quicklisp stats).
14. Awesome AutoHotkey
Data format
- AHK_ctable (⭐7) - by hoppfrosch - Library to handle strings in tabular format - Forum thread: link.
- CSV (⭐38) - by trueski/kdoske - Library to work with CSV files and Listview functions. Forum thread: link.
- List manipulation functions - by Laszlo - Function library to manipulate comma delimited lists. Forum thread: link.
- ObjCSV (⭐23) - by JnLlnd - Library to load/save CSV files to Objects and and Listview functions. Forum thread: link.
- Table (⭐6) - by VxE - Library to manipulate strings in tabular (TSV) format and Listview functions. Forum thread: link.
15. Awesome Coins
☤ Coin Wallets / Hosted Coin Wallets
16. Awesome React Native
- react-native-counters ★0 (⭐29) - Minus Plus Counter for React Native
17. Awesome Qa
Analysis and Parsing for Pre-processing in QA systems / Subtypes of QA
- Homonyms / Polysemy Analysis
- Syntactic Parsing (Dependency Parsing)
- Semantic Recognition
18. Awesome Clojure
Machine Learning
19. Awesome D3
- d3-ez (⭐49) - Easy Reusable D3 Charts & Components [bar, donut, pie, bubble, rose, heatmap]
- d3-flame-graph (⭐745) - Flame graphs from hierarchical data
- d3-funnel (⭐323) - A funnel and pyramid chart library
- d3plus (⭐1.6k) - Extension library for easy creation of visualizations [scatter, stacked, line, bar, pie, network, bubble, box, map]
- WebCola (⭐1.8k) - Layout for graph visualization and exploration
Utils / Third Party
- d3-jetpack (⭐601) - Nifty convenience wrappers that speed up your daily work
20. Awesome Tensorflow
- TensorNets (⭐1k) - 40+ Popular Computer Vision Models With Pre-trained Weights.
21. Awesome Flutter
- Stepper Touch (⭐329) - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by Raouf Rahiche.
Templates / Preferences
- Liquid Pay Payment App (⭐309) - Liquid Pay App Concept by Long Hoang
Device / Augmented Reality
- Downloader (⭐0) - Create and manage download tasks by HungHD
- AppAvailability (⭐92) - List, launch and check installed apps by Lorenzo Pichilli
Device / Scanner
- QR Code Reader (⭐232) - QR Code reader plugin by Matheus Villela
- Fast QR Reader View (⭐294) - Live multicode reader by Facundo Medica
Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- Blue (⭐2.4k) - Bluetooth by Paul DeMarco
- Beacons (⭐78) - Flutter beacons plugin by Loup
Storage / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- Sqflite (⭐2.9k) - SQLite flutter plugin by Alexandre Roux
Services / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- Place Dialog (⭐44) - Places picker dialog returning the places to the app by David Bennett
Communication / Game Engine resources
- Flutter Community - Central place for community made packages
22. Motion Ui Design
Resources for inspiration / Sites
- Tympanus codrops – Interactive demos and experiments.
- Codyhouse – Interactive demos and experiments.
- Dribbble – Animated shots category on Dribbble.
- Codepen – HTML/CSS/JS sandbox.
- Give ’n’ Go – A curated gallery of Dribbble shots reworked as interactive CodePen pens.
- – A collection of awesome mobile interfaces.
- Awwwards – Websites examples of designs with animation.
- – CSS animated demos.
- – experiments by @michaelvillar (Stripe).
- – Experiments by @hakimel.
- – Animations in software user interfaces.
- – A collection of interesting web sites curated by Animade studio.
- appealing. – A collection of mobile transitions and animations.
Newsletters, podcasts, screencasts / SVG
- UI Movement - best of the week UI animations newsletter.
- The UI Animation Newsletter – newsletter with resources plus helpful advice on how to make web animation work for you coming straight to your inbox each month by @valhead.
- Web Animation Weekly – newsletter with articles, videos, book reviews, and other goodies pertaining to the wonderful worlds of web animation and motion design by Rachel Nabors.
- Motion and meaning – Podcast about motion for digital designers by @valhead and Cennydd Bowles.
- All The Right Moves – Animation reviews by @valhead.
Resources for inspiration / Pinterest boards
- Gestures, transitions, animations by Yuri Vetrov.
- Web UI animation by JRMY LFBV.
- UX/UI interaction & Motion design by Matthieu Lerat.
- Animated UX/UI by Julien Tilly.
Resources for inspiration / Processing and other weird, but funny stuff
- Bees & bombs – Processing experiments by Dave Whyte.
- PATAKK – Processing experiments by Paolo Zagreb.
- dvdp – Visual chinatown by davidope.
- bigblueboo – 3d and processing experiments by Charlie Deck.
Articles / Processing and other weird, but funny stuff
- How fast should your UI animations be? by @valhead.
- Getting started with UI motion design by @Molly Lafferty.
- A Designer’s Guide to Perceived Performance by @Luke Jones.
- How to Use Animation to Improve UX by @Nick Babich.
- How To Use Animations and Motion in Web Design by @PageCloud
- UI Animation: Eye-Pleasing, Problem-Solving by @Tubik Studio.
- UI Motion Design — The Compendium by @Thalion.
- Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto by @Issara Willenskomer.
- Jedi Principles of UI Animation @Adaptive Path.
- Micro Interaction; great experience for user engagement @Sneha Munot.
- UI Animation. Microinteraction for Macroresult @Tubik Studio.
- The Principles of UX Choreography @Rebecca Ussai Henderson.
Software / Video, gif, presentation
- Adobe After Effects – The industry-standard animation and creative compositing app lets you design and deliver professional motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video and web:
- Using After Effects for UI Animation Prototypes (🎥 video).
- UI Animation tutorials.
- How to Use After Effects for Web Animation Prototypes (🎥 video).
- MtMograph summits (🎥 video).
- 30 days of AE (🎥 video).
- After Effects CC Essential Training on Lynda (🎥 video).
- BodyMovin (⭐28k) – Converter from AE to SVG/canvas.
- Squall – Converter from AE to iOS.
- Apple Motion – MacOS app for create and edit motion graphics, titling for video production and film production, and 2D and 3D compositing for visual effects.
- Adobe Photoshop – Raster graphics editor that can also produce gif UI animations:
- Adobe Flash – Software for creating vector graphics, animations, games etc..
Software / Visual programming
- Quartz Composer – MacOS app with node-based visual programming language for prototyping MacOS/iOS apps:
- The 4 Minute Guide to Quartz Composer (🎥 video).
- Introducing Origami for QC.
- Origami – A tool for creating modern UI by Facebook.
- Avocado – A toolbox for interaction designers.
- Form – App with a node-based visual programming language for prototyping apps by Google.
- Principle For Mac – MacOS app for create animated and interactive user interface designs.
Helpers / HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- – Easing functions cheat sheet.
- – Cubic-bezier visual tool.
- – List of CSS properties thats trigger repaint, reflow or compositing.
Libraries / HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Web Animation Infographics – Great (but old) infographic with libraries by used technology.
- Bouncy Ball – Comparing animation techniques by showing how to bounce a ball with each one.
Libraries / CSS
- Animate.css – Collections of CSS animations.
- Effeckt.css – Collections of UI animations.
- Bounce.js – Tool for generate nice CSS keyframes animation from js easing function.
- Animations.css - Collection.
- Magic animations – Collection.
- UI buttons – Collection of buttons.
- Hover.css – Hover effects.
- Morf – Transitions with custom easing functions.
- Awesome CSS3 animations – Library of animations.
- All Animation – Set of fun animations to make your project sexier.
- CSS Animate – Tool for easy and fast creating CSS3 keyframes animation.
- Mantra – Tool for creating keyframes animation.
Libraries / JavaScript
- GreenSock – Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web.
- Velocity.js – Accelerated JavaScript animation.
- Impulse – High-performance interactions for mobile web.
- AniJS – Animations by declared data-attributes.
- Snabbt.js – Minimalistic animation library in JavaScript.
- – High-performance JavaScript library for animations & interfaces.
- Processing.js – JavaScript library for Processing visual programming language.
- Framer.js (⭐5.7k) – Prototyping tool for designing UI, interaction and animation.
- Dynamics.js – JavaScript library to create physics-based animations.
- Mo.js (⭐18k) – Motion graphics toolbelt for the web.
- AnimateTransition – Library for transition of blocks and popups.
- Animate Plus (⭐5.9k) – CSS and SVG animation library for modern browsers, performant and lightweight (3KB gzipped), making it particularly well-suited for mobile.
- Gravitas.js (⭐161) – Super fast physics simulations for JavaScript.
- Popmotion – JavaScript motion engine that makes creating engaging user interactions quick and simple.
- anime.js - Lightweight JavaScript animation library.
Libraries / SVG
- BonsaiJS – Lightweight graphics library with intuitive graphics API and SVG renderer.
- Vivus.js – Allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearence of being drawn.
- Walkway.js – Easy way to animate SVG images consisting of line, path, and polyline elements.
- Transformicons – Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS.
Web animation performance / SVG
- – Collection of articles and presentations about browser performance.
Speeches, presentations, videos / SVG
- Interface Animations (Mark Geyer) – Workshop on BlendConf 2014.
- Designing with animation (Pasquale D'Silva) (🎥 video).
- Animating Web Experiences (John Allsopp) (🎥 video).
- Putting Your UI in Motion (Val Head) (🎥 video).
- Motion design with CSS (Val Head) (🎥 video).
- Lets move! (Benjamin De Cock, Stripe) (🎥 video).
- Animating Your UX (Rachel Nabors) (🎥 video).
- Designing meaningful animation (Val Head) (🎥 video).
- Functional Animation (Sarah Drasner) (🎥 video).
Guidelines / SVG
Books / SVG
- The Web In Motion: Practical Considerations For Designing With Animation by Smashing Magazine.
- Motion Design for iOS by Mike Rundle.
- CSS animations by @valhead.
23. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- OxCC (⭐20): A port of Open Source Car Control written in Rust
24. Awesome Creative Coding
Visual Programming Languages
- cables [Cross-platform/Web] - Your model kit for creating beautiful interactive content. Currently in private beta, invites can be requested.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- Three.js Basics - Introduction to Three.js by Eric Haines.
- An Interactive Introduction to WebGL and three.js - Slides from the SIGGRAPH 2017 WebGL workshop.
25. Awesome Speakers
Europe / France 🇫🇷
Emmanuel Demey
Topics: Angular, JavaScript, Progressive Web Apps, Vue, React, Elasticsearch
North America / Canada 🇨🇦
Aurélien Loyer
Topics: JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, TypeScript, IoT
26. Awesome Hacking Locations
Poland 🇵🇱 / Krakow
Café Tektura
Great coffee, with multiple brew choices, and sound food. Smallish and usually quiet.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Krupnicza 7, 33-332 Kraków | Mon-Sun 08:00-21:00 |
Ironclad Coffee
Lots of small and large tables, free fast wifi, plenty of power, and some of the best coffee in Richmond.
Wifi | Power | Climatization | Address | Open Hours |
open, password on wall | ✔ | ❄️/♨️ | 1805 E Grace St, Richmond, VA 23223 | Open Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 6:00pm Closed Sundays |
27. Awesome Tmux
Miscellaneous / Development and testing
- tmux-tail-f (⭐33) A tool to tail multiple files using tmux
28. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
29. Awesome Ember
Packages / Ember-Cli Articles
30. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Agenda - Date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Hex Fiend - Fast and clever open source hex editor.
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Sublime Merge - Git client, from the makers of Sublime Text.
31. Awesome Cmake
- FindWiX (⭐18) - CMake module for building Windows Installer packages with WiX toolset.
Examples / Templates
- cpp-template (⭐51) - A template C++ repository, using CMake and Catch.
32. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- ecs-refarch-continuous-deployment 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐836) - Reference Architecture for continuous deployment to ECS using CodePipeline.
33. Awesome Music
Music Theory Teaching
- Artusi - Interactive music theory exercises.
- - Lessons and exercises
- OpenMusicTheory - a growing, online "textbook" for music theory and aural skills.
34. Awesome Dev Fun
- Volkswagen (⭐13k) - 🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
35. Awesome Keycloak
36. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Angular
37. Awesome Dotnet Core
Community / Workflow
38. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- AyeSpy (⭐207) - 44 image comparisons in 90 seconds.
39. Awesome Vscode
Documentation / Gradle Tasks
- Better Comments - The Better Comments extension will help you create more human-friendly comments in your code.
Tools / Gradle Tasks
- Live Share - Visual Studio Live Share enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless what programming languages you're using or app types you're building.
- Mark down preview - Markdown Preview Enhanced is an extension that provides you with many useful functionalities such as automatic scroll sync, math typesetting, mermaid, PlantUML, pandoc, PDF export, code chunk, presentation writer, etc. A lot of its ideas are inspired by Markdown Preview Plus and RStudio Markdown.
40. Awesome Lit
Archive / Other Tools
41. Awesome Ethereum
- Week in Ethereum - A summary of everything happening in Ethereum each week.
42. Awesome Eta
Introduction / Overview
- GitHub (⭐2.5k) - Eta on GitHub.
- Philosophy - Interview about the philosophy behind Eta's development.
Introduction / First Steps
- Prelude (⭐6) - Default modules for an easier start.
Introduction / Official Resources
- Eta Blog: Java I - Using Eta with Java, part I.
- Eta Blog: Java II - Using Eta with Java, part II.
- Eta Blog: Haskell - Using Haskell packages in Eta code.
- Eta Blog: Scala - Using Eta code in Scala projects.
Tools / Talks
- sbt (⭐58) - Plugin for integrating Eta into Scala.
- gradle (⭐28) - Gradle plugin for Eta projects.
Sample Applications / Android
- eta-android-2048 (⭐56) - The 2048 game for Android.
Sample Applications / Web
- eta-todo (⭐16) - Example of a Spock web application written in Eta.
- eta-yesod-minimal (⭐5) - Example of a Yesod web application in Eta.
43. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Old recordings
- The Computer Literacy Project (1980-1989) - In the 1980s, the BBC explored the world of computing in The Computer Literacy Project (all episodes)
- Thinking Allowed - Artificial Intelligence (1989) - Interview with John McCarthy, creator of Lisp and one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence
Videos / Documentaries
- Hackers: Wizards of the Electronic Age (1984) - Documentary about a 1984 hacker conference 7.6/10
- The KGB, the Computer, and Me (1990) - With computer scientist Clifford Stoll 8.0/10
- Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (1996) - History of the personal computer 8.5/10
- Revolution OS (2001) - The story of GNU/linux and Open Source Movement 7.3/10
- The Secret History Of Hacking (2001) - History of early hackers 7.6/10
- BBS The Documentary (2005) - History of the Bulletin Board System 8.5/10
- Hackers Are People Too (2008) - Documentary about what hackers are 6.0/10
- Something Ventured (2011) - The history of early venture capital 7.0/10
- Code 2600 (2011) - Documents the Info-Tech Age, told by the events and people who helped build and manipulate it 7.4/10
- We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012) - A documentary on the workings and beliefs of the self-described "hacktivist" collective, Anonymous 7.3/10
- Silicon Valley (2013) - A PBS "American Experience" documentary about the start of Silicon Valley 7.9/10
- DEFCON: The Documentary (2013) - Documentary about DEFCON, the biggest hacker conference 5.8/10
- Downloaded (2013) - The Napster Revolution, a documentary that explores the downloading revolution 6.9/10
- The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014) - The story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz 8.1/10
- Rise of the Hackers (2014) - Harnessing cryptography to stay a step ahead of cybercriminals 7.5/10
- Silicon Cowboys (2016) - Documentary detailing the story of Compaq, its three founders and how it took on IBM at the height of its PC dominance. 6.8/10
Videos / Reflective interviews
- Steve Jobs - The Lost Interview (2012) - A conversation with Steve Jobs as he was running NeXT, the company he had founded after leaving Apple 8.1/10
Videos / Movies
- Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) - History of Apple and Microsoft 7.3/10
- The Social Network (2010) - The history of the birth of Facebook 7.7/10
- Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017) - Set in the 1980s, this series dramatizes the personal computing boom 8.4/10
- Steve Jobs (2015) - The story shows Steve Jobs behind the scenes of Apple's iconic product launches. 7.2/10
Videos / Commercials
- Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial (1984) - Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer 7.8/10
Texts / Folklore
- The Jargon File (1988)
- A Cypherpunk's Manifesto (1993)
- UTF-8 history (2003)
Source Code / Announcements and Memos
- MS-DOS (⭐17k) (1982, 1983) - Version 1.25 and 2.0
44. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
Researchers / Tools
- Jupyter Notebook - Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
- TensorBoard (⭐6k) - TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit
Researchers / Miscellaneous
45. Awesome Crystal
Examples and funny stuff
- crystalworld (⭐43) - back-end API implementation
- Crystal for Rubyists - Free book to bootstrap your Crystal journey
- Programming Crystal - PragProg book to start your Crystal journey
46. Awesome Ripple
- ripple-python-lib (⭐24): Python implementation of JSON-RPC and Data API calls
47. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Riza Fahmi (⭐2) - Developer, mentor, speaker. Curriculum Director, Co-Founder Hacktiv8 Coding Bootcamp.
- Sergey Sova - Rust lover. Mentor. Freelancer. React developer.
48. Awesome Qt
Tools / Third-Party Tools
- Qompoter (⭐19) - Dependency manager for Qt / C++.
49. Awesome Humane Tech
- Privacy Respecting (⭐1.8k) - A curated list of privacy-respecting Services and Software.
- user.js (⭐2.5k) - Configuration for Firefox to harden browser settings and make it more secure.
50. Awesome Swift
- InputBarAccessoryView (⭐1.2k) - A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments.
Dependency Injection
- DITranquillity (⭐425) - Dependency injection framework with tranquility.
Pagination / Barcode
- FlexiblePageControl (⭐801) - A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
51. Awesome Gbdev
Hardware / Opcodes
- The Game Boy Project - Provides a study on the hardware and detailed constructional information for the implementation of three 8-bit bidirectional parallel ports.
- Related custom hardware (⭐325) - by Gekkio.
- ESP8266 GB Dev Board (⭐26) - Dev board for Game Boy accessories development, powered by ESP8266.
- ESP8266 GB Printer (⭐48) - A device that emulates the GB Printer and lets you retrieve images using WiFi.
Peripherals / Opcodes
- Ben Heck Reverse Engineers Game Boy Printer (Errata: the used thermal paper is expired, 4 colors are actually printable).
Cartridges / Opcodes
- MBC1+RAM+Battery cartridge Schematic - First schematics by Jeff Frohwein.
Emulator Development / Misc
- Building a Game Boy emulator in JavaScript - Step by step tutorial.
- RealBoy Emulator - A series of posts about the design and implementation of the RealBoy Emulator.
- Codeslinger - Another series of posts documenting the building of an emulator.
Testing / Misc
- 144p Test Suite (⭐237) - Port of Artemio Urbina's 240p Test Suite to the Game Boy.
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- SameBoy (⭐1.7k) - Accurate emulator with a wide range of powerful debugging features.
- Mooneye GB (⭐904) - Research project and emulator in Rust.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
Demos / Syntax highlighting packages
- matrix-rain-gb (⭐29) - A Matrix digital rain effect in assembler.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- liblsdj (⭐93) - Utility library for interacting with the LSDj save format (.sav), song files (.lsdsng) and more.
- lsdpatch (⭐176) - Tool for modifying samples, fonts and palettes on LSDj ROM images.
Directories / Syntax highlighting packages
- The Game Boy Archive - Salvage (⭐33) - Historical archive of software, old articles, FAQs and various documents.
52. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- BookBytes - A book club podcast for developers.
In Portuguese
- - O primeiro podcast voltado ao mundo Salesforce no idioma Português, aqui batemos um papo de Desenvolvimento, Administração da Plataforma, Produtos Salesforce além de assuntos como Carreira entre outros.
- Prev: Oct 01 - Oct 07, 2018
- Next: Sep 17 - Sep 23, 2018