Awesome List Updates on Sep 17 - Sep 23, 2018
44 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Services / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- OneSignal (⭐640) - Push notification service by OneSignal
2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Elm
- Elm Accelerated - James Porter
TypeScript / Vapor
- TypeScript Accelerated - James Porter
3. Awesome AutoIt
Internet protocol suite / OpenOffice
- IRC (by TheDcoder) - Fully compliant with RFC 2812 and IRCv3.1, feature-packed with support for SASL authentication.
Windows / OpenOffice
- Process UDF (by TheDcoder) - Interact with processes in Windows, run a process and get both the output and exit code in a single function call!
Misc / OpenOffice
- Experimental Maps UDF (by TheDcoder) (⭐3) - UDF for the new Map datatype in AutoIt, similar to the Array UDF included in standard UDFs.
4. Awesome Talks
Test-Driven Development
- The Clean Code Talks - Unit Testing by Misko Hevery (Google TechTalks 2008) [32:07]
5. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
6. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Dash (⭐22k) - A framework for creating analytical web applications built on top of Plotly.js, React, and Flask
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- SVM Explorer - Interactive SVM Explorer, using Dash and scikit-learn
7. Awesome Free Software
Software / Utilities
- Search Deflector - A small program that redirects searches made from the Windows Start Menu or Cortana to whatever browser and search engine you prefer. (MIT (⭐888))
8. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- iColorpalette - Create, browse or export (aco, ase, svg, png, pdf) color palettes by color or themes.
9. Js Must Watch
10. Awesome Cpp
- Async++ (⭐1.4k) - A lightweight concurrency framework for C++11, inspired by the Microsoft PPL library and the N3428 C++ standard proposal. [MIT]
11. Public Apis
API: AI Mastering
Description: Automated Music Mastering
12. Awesome Cassandra
Books / Custom Time Series
13. Awesome Music
Audio Tools
- fre:ac (⭐1.5k) - free audio converter. It supports audio CD ripping and tag editing.
- Jack (⭐15) - command-line CD ripper.
- K3b (⭐163) - is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application.
- lltag (⭐32) - automatic command-line mp3/ogg/flac file tagger and renamer.
- Rubyripper (⭐130) - is a secure digital audio extraction application ("cd ripper") for Unix-like operating systems.
- split2flac (⭐256) - split flac/ape/wv/wav + cue sheet into separate tracks
- Whipper (⭐1.2k) - Python CD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed.
- X Audio Copy (⭐4) - GTK and GNOME application for ripping CD-Audio and encoding in lossy and lossless audio formats.
Music Programming
- Inscore - an environmnent for the design of interactive, augmented music scores.
Music Theory Teaching
- Four Score and More - Tailored music theory exercises based on scores.
14. Awesome Job Boards
Remote / Aggregator
15. Awesome Robotics
- Linorobot A suite of DIY ROS compatible robots
16. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Deep learning and association rule mining for predicting drug response in cancer Konstantinos N. Vougas, Thomas Jackson, Alexander Polyzos, Michael Liontos, Elizabeth O. Johnson, Vassilis Georgoulias, Paul Townsend, Jiri Bartek, Vassilis G. Gorgoulis. (2016)
- Superchords: decoding EEG signals in the millisecond range Rogerio Normand, Hugo Alexandre Ferreira. (2015)
17. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Testing
- cljs.test (⭐9k) – Integrated test framework for ClojureScript (merged from clojurescript.test (⭐166))
18. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless Central (⭐38) - Sample Lambda monorepo.
Serverless Framework Plugins
- Cloudflare Workers (⭐156) - Provider plugin for Cloudflare Workers.
19. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / File Transfer & Synchronization
- Git Annex - File synchronization between computers, servers, external drives. (Source Code)
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- Kresus - Open source personal finance manager. (Demo, Source Code (⭐311))
Software / Resource Planning
- LedgerSMB - Integrated accounting and ERP system for small and midsize businesses, with double entry accounting, budgeting, invoicing, quotations, projects, orders and inventory management, shipping and more. (Demo, Source Code (⭐455))
Software / Ticketing
- FreeScout (⭐3.3k) - Open source clone of Help Scout: email-based customer support application, help desk and shared mailbox.
20. Discount for Student Dev
Source Code Repos
- Bitbucket [FREE] - Free unlimited public and private repositories for academic users and teams.
- GitHub [FREE] - Personal account (normally $7/month) with unlimited private repositories while you're a student.
IDE and Code Editing
- Bootstrap Studio [FREE] - IDE that creates responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
- Travis CI [FREE] - Private builds (normally $69/month) while you're a student available via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Stripe [CREDIT] - Web and mobile payments, built for developers. Waived transaction fees on first $1,000 in revenue processed available via Github Student Developer Pack.
21. Awesome Web Design
Design Tools
- Framer X: Interaction Design and UX design software.
22. Awesome Humane Tech
- Tracking Token Stripper (⭐691) - Browser extension that strips Google Analytics (UTM) tokens from URL query strings.
- Trackless (⭐132) - Add a GDPR-friendly Google Analytics opt-in/opt-out button to your site.
- Fair Analytics (⭐750) - A Google Analytics-alike server that doesn't undermine user's privacy.
- Hosts (⭐22k) - Consolidates several reputable hosts files, and merges them into a single unified one.
- Blocklists (⭐4.5k) - Shared lists of problem domains people may want to block with hosts files.
23. Awesome Ruby
- Pagy (⭐4.7k) - Pagy is the ultimate pagination gem that outperforms the others in each and every benchmark and comparison. More details can be found on Pagy Wiki.
24. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 io-ts (⭐6.7k) - Type validation at runtime
- 🐙 fast-check (⭐4.4k) - Property based testing framework for TypeScript.
25. Awesome Ember
Packages / Service Workers
- ember-service-worker-project-entagled-registration (⭐0) - This addon is to be used along with ember-service-worker to ensure that the service worker being used is paired properly to the project.
Packages / Screencasts
26. Awesome Amazon Seller
Software and Tools
- Prestozon - Automation and analytics for Amazon HSA & sponsored products ads.
- AM/PM Podcast - Hosted by Manny Coats (Helium 10). Amazon selling tips for sellers at any step of the Amazon seller journey. From best-in-class interviews with six and seven figure Amazon sellers to instructional how-to education.
- Amazing FBA - Hosted by Michael Veazey. Podcast about selling on Amazon, especially white label products with a focus on UK markets.
- EcomCrew Podcast - Real world e-commerce experience without any online marketing fluff!
- Follow The Data - Hosted by Cameron Yoder (Viral Launch). The goal of this podcast is to help you successfully dive deeper into your own Amazon seller journey, using data as the anchor through that journey.
- Keyword: The Amazon Insider Podcast - Hosted by Kate Valentine. Delivers authoritative content exclusively from former and current Amazon employees.
- The Ecommerce Momentum - Hosted by Stephen Peterson. Interviews with the top Amazon, eBay and e-commerce sellers in the world.
- The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast - Hosted by Steve Chou. An interview based show where Steve brings in small business entrepreneurs who are killing it online. All of the entrepreneurs on the show bootstrapped their businesses and started their own ventures to improve their lifestyle in some way.
27. Awesome Crystal
- envyable (⭐6) - A simple YAML to ENV config loader
- callbacks (⭐12) - Expressive callbacks module
- accord (⭐24) - Shareable validation library for Crystal Objects
- validations (⭐13) - Validations mixin
Official Documentation Translations
- quicktype - Generate models and serializers from JSON, JSON Schema, GraphQL, and TypeScript
28. Awesome Ethereum
- State of the DApps - A comprehensive list of the Decentralized Applications (DApps) on Ethereum.
29. Awesome Vehicle Security
Applications / Episodes
- CANalyzat0r (⭐763) - A security analysis toolkit for proprietary car protocols.
30. Awesome Speakers
South America / Brazil 🇧🇷
Marcelo Camargo
Topics: Functional Programming, Compilers, Type Theory, Category Theory, Lambda Calculus
31. Awesome Sre
32. Awesome Clojure
Exceptions and Error Handling
33. Awesome Electron
For Electron / Other
- run-electron (⭐197) - Run Electron without all the junk terminal output.
34. Awesome Construct
- Surge - Platform where to host an exported game as a static website - Free/Paid.
- Netlify - Platform where to host an exported game as a static website - Free/Paid.
Construct 2
- Rex's Plugins Tool - The personal addon manager of Rex Rainbow.
Other Sources / Construct 2
- FAQ - The all frequently asked questions megrathread.
- Level Zero - Complete book on how to make games.
35. Awesome Smart Tv
Cross-platform frameworks / Official resources
- Mautilus Smart TV SDK (⭐96) - A platform-agnostic framework for developing TV Apps. Supports Samsung, LG, Philips, Sony, Panasonic and VESTEL Smart TVs.
- BBC TAL - An open source library for building applications for Smart TV developed by BBC engineers.
- PureQML TV (⭐26) - A declarative front-end framework for web-based SmartTV/STB platforms. Has experimental support of Android TV.
36. Awesome Homematic
- Direktverknüpfungen im Expertenmodus - Vortrag von Frank Grass.
- Virtuelle Aktorkanäle - Vortrag von Frank Grass.
CCU Addons
- jq (⭐0) - jq packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3.
- Redis (⭐2) - Redis packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic
37. Awesome Mqtt
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- gBridge (⭐162) - gBridge allows you to control (almost) any smart home device, any smart home software, with Google Assistant. Therefore, it transforms actions received from Google by voice commands to MQTT messages.
38. Awesome Swift
- Tuist (⭐4.7k) - An open source command line tool to create, maintain and interact with your Xcode projects at scale.
- xcodeproj (⭐2k) - A library to read, update and write Xcode projects and workspaces.
Video / Barcode
- PryntTrimmerView (⭐869) - Trim and crop videos.
39. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Deep Learning and the Game of Go - Deep Learning and the Game of Go teaches you how to apply the power of deep learning to complex human-flavored reasoning tasks by building a Go-playing AI. After exposing you to the foundations of machine and deep learning, you'll use Python to build a bot and then teach it the rules of the game.
- Deep Learning for Search - Deep Learning for Search teaches you how to leverage neural networks, NLP, and deep learning techniques to improve search performance.
- Deep Learning with PyTorch - PyTorch puts these superpowers in your hands, providing a comfortable Python experience that gets you started quickly and then grows with you as you—and your deep learning skills—become more sophisticated. Deep Learning with PyTorch will make that journey engaging and fun.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action - Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action teaches you the fundamental concepts and terminology of deep reinforcement learning, along with the practical skills and techniques you’ll need to implement it into your own projects.
- Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning - Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning introduces this powerful machine learning approach, using examples, illustrations, exercises, and crystal-clear teaching.
Philosophy / Commerical Tools
- Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark, professor of Physics at MIT, discusses how Artificial Intelligence may affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human both in the near and far future.
Videos / Commerical Tools
- AWS Machine Learning in Motion—This interactive live video course gives you a crash course in using AWS for machine learning and teaches you how to build a fully working predictive algorithm.
- Deep Learning with R in Motion-Deep Learning with R in Motion teaches you to apply deep learning to text and images using the powerful Keras library and its R language interface.
- Grokking Deep Learning in Motion-Grokking Deep Learning in Motion will not just teach you how to use a single library or framework. You’ll discover how to build these algorithms from scratch!
Organizations / Commerical Tools
Misc / Commerical Tools
40. Awesome Educational Games
- CSS Diner - It's a little game to help you learn CSS selectors.
- CSS Grid Garden - A game for learning CSS grid layout.
- Flexbox Defense - Unlike other tower defense games, you must position your towers using CSS!
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox.
- Flexbox with Webflow - Learn and master flexbox in 28 interactive levels—without writing code.
41. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS
- ZKEACMS (⭐2.8k) - Visual design, build site onlie by drag and drop.
42. Awesome D3
Utils / Third Party
- d3-voronoi-treemap (⭐159) - Computes a treemap based on a Voronoi tesselation
43. Awesome List
- DigitalOcean (⭐351) - Cloud computing platform designed for developers.
44. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Device Farm
- aws-device-farm-sample-app-for-android 🔥 (⭐164) - Sample Android app.
- Prev: Sep 24 - Sep 30, 2018
- Next: Sep 10 - Sep 16, 2018