Awesome List Updates on Aug 13 - Aug 19, 2018
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Non-dedicated
- ioBroker - Homeautomation / IoT Platform uses Influxdb to store history data (⭐30)
2. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Cross-Platform
- J# Calculator Barebones - Very simple calculator written in J#. Made as program for J# newcomers to extend and learn from.
3. Awesome Flutter
Media / Audio
- Flutter Sound (⭐898) - Flutter audio recorder and player at one hand by dooboolab
4. Awesome Algorithms Education
Competitions / Advanced
- Google Summer of Code - A global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.
5. Awesome Html5
Elements / Canvas
Elements / Forms
Development APIs / Geolocation
Development APIs / File
Semantics / Web payments
Accessibility / Web payments
DOM Management / Shadow DOM
DOM Management / Web Components
Progressive web apps / Service Workers
Client side storage / Push Notifications
Performance / Push Notifications
Mobile / Push Notifications
Communications and interoperability / WebRTC
Browser compatibility / WebRTC
Books / WebRTC
Videos and Keynotes / WebRTC
Websites and resources / Websites
- HTML official reference (allows collaborative modification of content like wiki)
- Keen HTML (Free interactive lessons to learn HTML)
Websites and resources / Weekly news
6. Awesome Electronics
Learning / Technical Tutorials
- "skill" tag on - A wide variety of technical tutorials on various EE related skills.
- Soldering is Easy - Comic book that goes over the basics of soldering that has been translated into quite a few languages.
7. Awesome Humane Tech
Related awesomeness / Wear our badge
- Awesome Self-hosted (⭐106k) - Locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.
- Awesome Peer-to-peer (⭐2.1k) - A curated list of peer-to-peer resources.
- Awesome Activism Tools (⭐889) - A curated list of awesome digital tools for activism.
- Awesome Empathy in Engineering (⭐486) - A curated list for building more compassionate engineering cultures.
- Awesome Diversity (⭐571) - A curated list of amazing articles, websites and resources about diversity in technology.
- Awesome Free Software (⭐1.1k) - A curated list of free as in freedom software.
- Awesome Ad-Free (⭐331) - A curated list of ad-free alternatives to popular services on the web.
8. Awesome Scientific Computing
Community / Mesh tools
- SciComp StackExchange - Computational Science on the StackExchange network.
- Nick Trefethen's Video Lectures - 36 video lectures on approximation theory/practice and scientific computing.
9. Awesome Android
- CrunchyCalendar (⭐480) - A material calendar widget with infinite scrolling, date range selection and color customization.
GUI / Animations
- Swipper (⭐107) - Android library for swipeable gestures to control volume , brightness and seek .
10. Awesome Static Website Services
E-Commerce / Provided by the Host
- Payhip - An embeddable way to sell digital downloads & memberships
11. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless Express (⭐150) - Run your unmodified express app on AWS Lambda via the Serverless Framework.
Literature / Education
- Serverless streaming architectures - Serverless streaming architectures and best practices.
12. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Markdown Tools
- Marked 2 - This is the Markdown preview with an elegant and powerful set of tools for all writers.
13. Awesome Shell
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- hblock (⭐1.4k) - Hosts-file based adblocker
Shell Package Management / Directory Navigation
- bashing (⭐73) - Smashing Bash into Pieces
14. Awesome Mqtt
- MQTT-PWN (⭐237) - MQTT-PWN intends to be a one-stop-shop for IoT Broker penetration-testing and security assessment operations.
15. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 Kalimdor.js (⭐541) - Machine Learning library for the Web, Node and Developers!
16. Awesome List
Computer Science
- Cryptography (⭐6.1k)
- Papers (⭐1.9k) - Theory basics for using cryptography by non-cryptographers.
- FFmpeg (⭐1k) - Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
17. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing
- Parselmouth (⭐894) 🐙 (⭐894) 📦 - Python interface to the Praat phonetics and speech analysis, synthesis, and manipulation software.
18. Awesome Elixir
- bunyan (⭐91) - Bunyan: An Elixir Logger.
- saxy (⭐288) - Saxy is an XML parser and encoder in Elixir that focuses on speed and standard compliance.
19. Awesome Cmake
- Web Book (⭐521) - CGold: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the CMake.
- Article - Easily supporting CMake install and find_package().
- Article - Easy dependency management for C++ with CMake and Git.
- Article - Opt-in header-only libraries with CMake.
- Article - Ultimate Guide to Modern CMake.
- Article - How to Build a CMake-Based Project.
- Article - Learn CMake's Scripting Language in 15 Minutes.
- Article - The architecture of CMake.
- Lecture - Effective CMake - by Daniel Pfeifer, C++Now 2017.
- Article - Building Cross-Platform CUDA Applications with CMake.
- Tutorial (⭐61) - A step-by-step guide for understanding CMake.
- Article + Lecture - Embracing Modern CMake - by Stephen Kelly.
- Lecture - Modern CMake for Modular Design - by Mathieu Ropert, CppCon 2017.
- Article - It's Time To Do CMake Right (one of the best articles about CMake).
- Articles - A series on CMake - by Martin Hořeňovský
- Lecture - Introduction to CMake - by Florent Castelli, C++ Sweden 2018.
- Article - Some nice and accurate CMake tips.
- Article - Modern CMake for Library Developers.
- Article - Effective Modern CMake: a great summary of most good practices - by Manuel Binna.
- Book - Professional CMake: A Practical Guide (paid).
- Book - Effective CMake: Practical Advice to Write Better CMake (not fully written yet).
- Web Book - An Introduction to Modern CMake.
- YouTube Series - How to CMake Good.
20. Awesome Ember
Packages / UI libs
Packages / Articles Modern Testing
Packages / Articles about Data
21. Awesome Ffmpeg
- Filters - Docs for FFmpeg's powerful filter chains (scaling, cropping, concatenating, merging, etc.). This is one of my most visited links when working with FFmpeg.
- Man page - Official FFmpeg man page.
- CLI flags (⭐37) - A comprehensive list of all FFmpeg commandline flags. Really useful for searching random flags that you come across in the wild.
- ffmpeg-concat (⭐646) - Concats a list of videos together using FFmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions.
- ffmpeg-extract-frames (⭐56) - Extracts screenshots from a video using FFmpeg.
- ffmpeg.js (⭐2.8k) - Port of FFmpeg to JavaScript via Emscripten. Allows for limited FFmpeg use on the client-side.
- ffmpeg-static (⭐697) - Provides static FFmpeg binaries for macOS, Linux, and Windows. Very useful for CI testing.
- tangerine - Webcam streaming service using Node.js, FFmpeg, WebSockets, and Lad.
22. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- eaopt (⭐893) - An evolutionary optimization library.
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- 19 Questions (⭐15) - A machine learning / bayesian inference assigning attributes to objects.
Python / Natural Language Processing
- Snips NLU (⭐3.9k) - Natural Language Understanding library for intent classification and entity extraction
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- keras (⭐63k) - High-level neural networks frontend for TensorFlow (⭐188k), CNTK (⭐18k) and Theano (⭐9.9k).
23. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
24. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Capture
- Netis Packet Agent (⭐947): It is a remote data capture utility through GRE tunnel, which makes you easily capture packets from an NIC interface, encapsulate them with GRE and send them to a remote machine for monitoring and analysis.
25. Awesome Maintainers
26. Awesome Nextjs
- NextJS TypeScript Starter Kit (⭐336) - 🎉 TypeScript + NextJS, Styled-jsx, Redux, PostCSS, configurable SEO
- Typescript Monorepo Next Example (⭐43) - A minimalistic next.js + typescript monorepo.
27. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
28. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain
- BTCPayServer (⭐6.3k) - A cross platform, self-hosted server compatible with Bitpay API.
- NBXplorer (⭐316) - A Bitcoin and Altcoin lightweight block explorer.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities
- fluentmigrator (⭐3.2k) - Migration framework for .NET much like Ruby on Rails Migrations.
29. Awesome Code Review
- Building an Inclusive Code Review Culture Guidelines to help ensure a collaborative and learning culture
- Code Review Review is the Manager's Job Why management should ensure code review is done and done well.
- LGTM Automated Git code review for GitHub and Bitbucket pull requests for finding security vulnerabilities and code quality issues.
- Phabricator Open source git/mercurial/svn code review tool originating out of Facebook.
30. Awesome Swift
Third party Guides
- swift-tips (⭐1k) - A series of useful tips by Vincent Pradeilles.
Other Awesome Lists
- Awesome iOS Interview (⭐1.2k) - List of the questions that helps you to prepare for the interview.
- RandomUserSwift (⭐96) - Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial SDK for
Augmented Reality
- ARVideoKit (⭐1.6k) - Capture & record ARKit videos, photos, Live Photos, and GIFs.
- UIGradient (⭐269) - A simple and powerful library for using gradient layer, image, color.
Command Line
- LineNoise (⭐146) 🐧 - A zero-dependency replacement for readline.
- EVReflection (⭐965) - Reflection based JSON encoding and decoding. Including support for NSDictionary, NSCoding, Printable, Hashable and Equatable.
Key Value Store
- Default (⭐469) - Modern interface to UserDefaults + Codable support.
Other Data
- Disk (⭐3.1k) - Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data.
Dependency Injection
- Deli (⭐135) - Deli is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection(DI).
- Weaver (⭐758) - A declarative, easy-to-use and safe Dependency Injection framework.
Images / Barcode
- ImageViewer (⭐2.5k) - An image viewer à la Twitter.
Auto Layout / Barcode
- NorthLayout (⭐42) - Fast path to layout using Visual Format Language (VFL) with extended syntax.
Network / Barcode
- MultiPeer (⭐230) - A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices.
Cards / Barcode
- CardParts (⭐2.5k) - A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
Menu / Barcode
- PagingKit (⭐1.4k) - PagingKit provides customizable menu UI.
Tab / Barcode
- DTPagerController (⭐288) - Container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view.
UITableView / Barcode
- ExpandableCell (⭐775) - Fully refactored YNExapnadableCell with more concise, bug free. Easiest usage of expandable & collapsible cell for iOS. You can customize expandable UITableViewCell whatever you like. ExpandableCell is made because insertRows and deleteRows is hard to use. Just inheirt ExpandableDelegate.
- SwiftyComments (⭐225) - Nested hierarchy of expandable/collapsible cells to easily build elegant discussion threads.
Utility / Barcode
- Vaccine (⭐307) - Make your apps immune to recompile-decease.
Validation / Barcode
- RxValidator (⭐155) - Simple, Extensible, Flexible Validation Checker.
31. Awesome Embedded Rust
Architecture support crates / ARM
Low-level access to Cortex-A processors (early state) -
32. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
33. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Ali Spittel (⭐10) - Teaching code, Python and JavaScript developer, blogger.
34. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- Ada Programming - Wikibooks
Assembly Language / Blazor
- x86 Assembly - Wikibooks
Awk / Non-X86
- An Awk Primer - Wikibooks
C# / Non-X86
- C# Programming - Wikibooks
Clojure / Non-X86
- Clojure Programming - Wikibooks
Erlang / Phoenix
- Erlang Programming - Wikibooks (HTML)
F Sharp / Phoenix
- F# Programming - Wikibooks
Haskell / Spock Framework
- Haskell - Wikibooks
Julia / Vue.js
- Introducing Julia - Wikibooks (CC BY-SA)
LaTeX / TeX / LaTeX
- LaTeX - Wikibooks (CC BY-SA)
Linux / TeX
- Ad Hoc Data Analysis From The Unix Command Line - Wikibooks
Lua / PicoLisp
- Lua Programming - Wikibooks
MATLAB / PicoLisp
- MATLAB Programming - Wikibooks
.NET Framework / PicoLisp
- Game Creation with XNA - Wikibooks
Octave / PicoLisp
- Octave Programming - Wikibooks
OpenSCAD / PicoLisp
- OpenSCAD User Manual - Wikibooks
PHP / PicoLisp
- PHP Programming - Wikibooks
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- A Beginner's Python Tutorial - Wikibooks
- Python Programming - Wikibooks (2.7)
- Python Programming - Wikibooks (PDF) (2.6)
R / Tornado
- R Programming - Wikibooks
Scheme / Play Scala
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours - Wikibooks
xBase (dBase / Clipper / Harbour) / Vulkan
- Application Development with Harbour - Wikibooks
35. Awesome Spark
Packages / Language Bindings
- sparklyr (⭐952)
- An alternative R backend, using
- sparkle (⭐447)
- Haskell on Apache Spark.
Packages / Notebooks and IDEs
- Apache Zeppelin
- Web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics with plugable backends, integrated plotting, and extensive Spark support out-of-the-box.
- sparkmagic (⭐1.3k)
- Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters, for interactively working with remote Spark clusters through Livy (⭐1k), in Jupyter notebooks.
Packages / SQL Data Sources
- Spark XML (⭐504)
- XML parser and writer.
- Spark Cassandra Connector (⭐1.9k)
- Cassandra support including data source and API and support for arbitrary queries.
- Mongo-Spark (⭐710)
- Official MongoDB connector.
Packages / Bioinformatics
- ADAM (⭐1k)
- Set of tools designed to analyse genomics data.
- Hail (⭐976)
- Genetic analysis framework.
Packages / Graph Processing
- GraphFrames (⭐997)
- Data frame based graph API.
- neo4j-spark-connector (⭐313)
- Bolt protocol based, Neo4j Connector with RDD, DataFrame and GraphX / GraphFrames support.
Packages / Machine Learning Extension
- Apache SystemML
- Declarative machine learning framework on top of Spark.
- Mahout Spark Bindings [status unknown] - linear algebra DSL and optimizer with R-like syntax.
- JPMML-Spark (⭐94)
- PMML transformer library for Spark ML.
- ModelDB
- A system to manage machine learning models for
- Sparkling Water (⭐965)
- H2O interoperability layer.
- BigDL (⭐6.6k)
- Distributed Deep Learning library.
- MLeap (⭐1.5k)
- Execution engine and serialization format which supports deployment of
models without dependency onSparkSession
Packages / Middleware
- spark-jobserver (⭐2.8k)
- Simple Spark as a Service which supports objects sharing using so called named objects. JVM only.
- Apache Toree (⭐739)
- IPython protocol based middleware for interactive applications.
Packages / Utilities
- sparkly (⭐60)
- Helpers & syntactic sugar for PySpark.
- Flintrock (⭐638)
- A command-line tool for launching Spark clusters on EC2.
Packages / Streaming
- Apache Bahir
- Collection of the streaming connectors excluded from Spark 2.0 (Akka, MQTT, Twitter. ZeroMQ).
Packages / Interfaces
- Apache Beam
- Unified data processing engine supporting both batch and streaming applications. Apache Spark is one of the supported execution environments.
Packages / Testing
- spark-testing-base (⭐1.5k)
- Collection of base test classes.
Packages / Workflow Management
- Cromwell (⭐993)
- Workflow management system with Spark backend (⭐993).
36. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
37. Awesome Eosio
Wallets and Toolkits / Desktop
- cleos
- EOSIO/eos (⭐11k) - Official GitHub (part of EOSIO).
- EOS Toolkit
- eostoolkit/eostoolkit (⭐92) - Official GitHub.
- SimplEOS
- eosrio/simpleos (⭐164) - Official GitHub.
Block explorers, Voting portals / Mobile
- EOS Network Monitor - EOSIO Network Monitor by "CryptoLions". Useful for developers. Scatter friendly.
- eosflare - Popular block explorer includes resource statistics, latest profile actions and statistics about "Top Name Bids" and "Top Voters".
- EOS Tracker - Open Source block explorer includes producers information and account information.
- EOSEssentials/EOSTracker (⭐168) - Official GitHub.
- Bloks - Fast block explorer, can be used for voting. Includes information about block producers and tokens.
- EOS Vote Proxy Research Portal - Vote Proxy explorer.
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- EOS.IO Go API library (⭐559) - Go library.
- EOS Java API Wrapper (⭐162) - Java library.
- eosnet (⭐11) - .NET library.
Developer Tools / Services
- Elliptic curve cryptography functions (ECC) (⭐289) - Private Key, Public Key, Signature, AES, Encryption / Decryption.
- EOSEssentials/EOSDrops (⭐57) - Airdropping tool for the EOSIO blockchain.
Block Producer tools / Services
- Patroneos (⭐47) - RPC Checkpoint for EOSIO nodes.
- Cypherglass WINDSHIELD (⭐19) - A dashboard tool for monitoring internal Block Producer infrastructure.
Other in Developers / Services
- cleos-auto-completion (⭐30) - Command auto-completion for EOSIO cleos.
- EOS-Sync - Syncing the EOSIO blockchain data to mongodb database.
Games / Services
- King Of EOS
- MrToph/KingOfEos (⭐34) - Official GitHub.
- Introducing King of EOS - Article.
- Learnings from building my first dapp on EOS blockchain - Article.
Other in DApps / Services
- eosfilestore (⭐46) - Immutable, censorship resistant, cheap, file storage on EOSIO blockchain.
38. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- (⭐1.6k) - Massively scalable malware analysis framework.
39. Awesome Kde
Documentation and Resources / Display Manager
- ArchWiki - Arch Linux KDE Wiki.
- Gentoo Wiki - Gentoo KDE Wiki.
Articles / Display Manager
- Phoronix - Phoronix KDE News Archives.
- Nico's Blog - Programmer from Germany that is working on KDE.
Communities / Display Manager
- Kreddit - KDE Community on Reddit.
- Stack Overflow - Questions tagged with
40. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Displays a solid color corresponding to the current time.
41. Awesome Laravel
Content Management Systems / Videos
42. Awesome Qa
Types of QA / Subtypes of QA
- Knowledge-based QA
- Table/List-based QA
- Text-based QA
- Community-based QA
- Visual QA
Google AI's publication within 5 years / Subtypes of QA
- 2017
- "Analyzing Language Learned by an Active Question Answering Agent", Christian Buck and Jannis Bulian and Massimiliano Ciaramita and Wojciech Gajewski and Andrea Gesmundo and Neil Houlsby and Wei Wang, NIPS, 2017.
- "Learning Recurrent Span Representations for Extractive Question Answering", Kenton Lee and Shimi Salant and Tom Kwiatkowski and Ankur Parikh and Dipanjan Das and Jonathan Berant, ICLR, 2017.
- Identify the same question
- "Neural Paraphrase Identification of Questions with Noisy Pretraining", Gaurav Singh Tomar and Thyago Duque and Oscar Täckström and Jakob Uszkoreit and Dipanjan Das, SCLeM, 2017.
Facebook AI Research's publication within 5 years / Subtypes of QA
- 2017
- DrQA
- Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions, Danqi Chen, Adam Fisch, Jason Weston & Antoine Bordes, ACL, 2017.
- DrQA
43. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Compute Cloud
- evannuil/aws-snapshot-tool 🔥🔥 (⭐211) - Automates EBS snapshots and rotation.
Open Source Repos / Accompanying Repos
- aws-training-demo 🔥 (⭐128) - Demos from the Technical Trainers community.
- Prev: Aug 20 - Aug 26, 2018
- Next: Aug 06 - Aug 12, 2018