Awesome List Updates on Jul 23 - Jul 29, 2018

46 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Dash


App Examples

2. Awesome Bitcoin

C++ Libraries

3. Awesome Lit

Similar libraries / Other Tools

4. Awesome Projects Boilerplates


5. Awesome Scientific Computing

Multi-purpose toolkits

Finite Elements

Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing

Sparse linear solvers / Mesh tools

Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools

6. Awesome Crypto Papers

Introducing people to data security and cryptography / Simple: cryptography for non-engineers

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto

Specific topics / Zero Knowledge Proofs

Specific topics / Post-quantum cryptography

Lectures and educational courses / Post-quantum cryptography

Online crypto challenges / Post-quantum cryptography

7. Awesome Beacon

Stackoverflow Q&A

8. Awesome Ffmpeg



9. Awesome List




10. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / Monitoring

11. Awesome ad Free

Alternatives / Blogs

12. Awesome Theravada

Suttas / Individual Suttas

13. Awesome Draft Js

Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js

14. Awesome Clojure


15. Awesome Regression Testing

Tools and frameworks

16. Guides

Programming Languages / Scala

Programming Languages / SQL

Programming Languages / Vimscript

Other / iOS

Other / Git

Other / UI

Other / Writing

17. Awesome Cryptography

Books / Hash functions

18. Awesome Cassandra

Using Cassandra / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology

Cassandra Data Modeling / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology

Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Docker / Containerized Cassandra

Communities / Custom Time Series

19. Awesome Ember

Packages / UI components

Packages / Articles

20. Awesome Ant Design


Components / Themes

21. Awesome Symfony


22. Awesome Hacking

Tools / Other

23. Awesome Appium

Become an Appium Pro

24. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

25. Awesome Plotters

Plotter Art For Sale / Patents

Other Awesomes / Patents

26. Awesome Crystal

CLI Utils


27. Tips

Use SSH instead of HTTPs for remotes

git config --global url.'[email protected]:'.insteadOf ''

28. Awesome No Login Web Apps

Programming Editors and IDEs / Others

Miscellaneous / Others

29. Awesome Quantum Computing


Development Tools


30. Awesome Audio Visualization


31. Awesome Fp Js

Resources / Articles

32. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

In Portuguese

33. Engineering Blogs

Companies / M companies

Individuals/Group Contributors / D individuals

Individuals/Group Contributors / E individuals

34. Awesome Flutter

Services / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon

35. Awesome Embedded Rust

Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials

36. Vertx Awesome

Web Frameworks

37. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Network perimeter defenses / Evidence collection

Security monitoring / Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Security monitoring / Service and performance monitoring

Threat intelligence / Threat hunting

38. Awesome H2o

Blog Posts & Tutorials

39. Awesome Remote Job

Job boards

Companies with "remote DNA"

40. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / IDEs

Utilities / General Tools

41. Awesome Heroku


42. Awesome Swift

Cryptography / Barcode

43. Awesome Postgres

Contents / Backups

Contents / Utilities

44. Awesome


Articles / Front End

45. Awesome Code Review

Academic Papers



Talks and Podcasts

46. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Code Analysis and Metrics

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Graphics

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools