Awesome List Updates on Jul 16 - Jul 22, 2018
36 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Symfony Education
Series for begginers
- Symfony 4.1 Jobeet Tutorial [2018]
2. Awesome Homematic
Community Ressources (mostly german language)
- Homematic Inside - News, Blog, Tutorials und mehr.
- Technikkram - News, Blog, Tutorials und mehr.
- OwnSmartHome - News, Blog, Tutorials und mehr.
- Script Documentation - Inoffizielle Homematic Script Referenz.
CCU Alternatives
- RaspberryMatic (⭐1.2k) - Lightweight, OCCU and Linux/buildroot-based distribution for running a HomeMatic CCU on embedded devices like the RaspberryPi.
Alternative Sensors, Actuators and Hardware Modifications
- Homematic Wired Hombrew Hardware - Verschiedene Homebrew Sensoren/Aktoren für Homematic Wired.
CCU Addons
- Email (⭐42) - HomeMatic CCU Addon für den Email Versand.
- Homematic-addon-hue (⭐48) - HomeMatic Addon für Philips Hue.
- Mosquitto (⭐25) - Mosquitto packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic
- rmupdate (⭐37) - RaspberryMatic Addon das RaspberryMatic selbst aktualisieren kann, vereinfacht die WLAN Konfiguration mit GUI und kann andere Addons ohne Zwangsreboot installieren und aktualisieren
- XML-API (⭐102) - Vereinfachter CCU Zugriff via HTTP/XML.
3. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Iron Sysadmin - A Podcast by real world sysadmins, for real world sysadmins.
4. Awesome Eosio
Block Producers / Mobile
5. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Blogs
- The Borrowed Abode - DIY and interior design for renters.
6. Awesome Theravada
- Grasping and Clining - The four different kinds of attachment and how to eliminate the causes of those attachments.
7. Awesome Serverless
- Deep dive into serverless - Slide deck about serverless application development.
- Discussing serverless - Podcast about the serverless landscape.
8. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CLI
- awsmobile-cli 🔥 (⭐141) - CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
9. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- Worklet Editor - Online Audio Worklet editor for sketching and collaboration, with sampler, MIDI and analyzers. Like a JSFiddle, but for DSP.
Resources / Newsletters
- Web Audio Weekly Newsletter - A weekly review of what's happening in Web Audio.
10. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 substitute.js (⭐206) - A fluent mocking library for TypeScript ported from NSubstitute.
11. Awesome Asyncio
- Topics of Interest (Python Asyncio) | screencast | slides - PyCon Brasil 2015 keynote (David Beazley).
- Python Asynchronous I/O Walkthrough - 8-part code walkthrough (Philip Guo).
12. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
13. Engineering Blogs
Companies / T companies
- Tinder
Individuals/Group Contributors / M individuals
- Marcelo Rinesi
- Monstermuffin
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Steve Bellovin
14. Awesome Flutter
Websites / Blogs
- Norbert - In depth articles, features and app creation by Norbert515
- Streams and RxDart - Skillmatters presentation by Brian Egan
UI / Material Design
- Unicorn Speed Dial (⭐344) - Floating Action Button with Speed Dial by Tiago Martins
Image / Backend-Driven
- Cached Network Image (⭐2.5k) - Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory by
Storage / Voice
- Secure Storage (⭐1.2k) - Keychain and Keystore storage by German Saprykin
Device / Augmented Reality
- Badger (⭐309) - Update app badge on the launcher by Edouard Marquez
State management / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Redux (⭐1.7k) - Built to work with redux.dart (⭐520), utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets
Animation / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Villains (⭐365) - Page transition animations by Norbert Kozsir
Top / Game Engine resources
- WhatTodo (⭐1.2k) - Todoist like UI by Burhanuddin Rashid
- BookSearch (⭐544) - Digital BookShelf for your reading progress by Norbert515
15. Awesome Web Security
- Evading CSP with DOM-based dangling markup - Written by portswigger.
Reconnaissance / Sub Domain Enumeration
- Sublist3r (⭐7.6k) - Sublist3r is a multi-threaded sub-domain enumeration tool for penetration testers by @aboul3la.
Penetration Testing / Sub Domain Enumeration
- TIDoS-Framework (⭐1.6k) - A comprehensive web application audit framework to cover up everything from Reconnaissance and OSINT to Vulnerability Analysis by @_tID.
- grayhatwarfare - Public buckets by grayhatwarfare.
Offensive / Template Injection
- tplmap (⭐3.1k) - Code and Server-Side Template Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool by @epinna.
Blogs / Server-Side Request Forgery
- 0Day Labs - Awesome bug-bounty and challenges writeups.
16. Awesome Dotnet
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- PeachPie (⭐2.4k) - PeachPie is a PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core, which allows entire PHP applications to run on the modern, secure and performant .NET and .NET Core platforms.
- MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit - Toolkit for creating Material Design styled WPF apps
17. Awesome Robotics
18. Awesome Fp Js
Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript / Lenses
- RacketScript (⭐13) – RacketScript aims to leverage both JavaScript and Racket's ecosystem, and make interoperability between them clean and smooth.
19. Awesome Open Company
Similar lists / Videos
- The Open Company Initiative directory (OCI):
A group of companies which explicitly adopted OCI's openness pledge
- (dormant)
20. Awesome Phalcon
Application Skeleton
- Album O'Rama (⭐84) - Sample modular application for the Phalcon Framework
- Base App (⭐63) - The base application in Phalcon Framework
- INVO Application (⭐349) - Sample application for the Phalcon Framework
- Vökuró (⭐369) - Sample application for Phalcon Framework (Acl, Auth, Security)
CMS & Blogs
- PhalconCMS (⭐154) - A blog built on Phalcon Framework
Command Line
- phalcon-console (⭐9) - Sample bootstraping application for command line applications using the outstanding Phalcon Framework
- Phalcon Debugbar (⭐162) - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Phalcon Framework
- Incubator (⭐730) - Repository to publish/share/experiment with new adapters, prototypes or functionality that can potentially be incorporated into the Phalcon Framework
- PhREST API (⭐28) - Phalcon Framework REST API Package
- twig-phalcon (⭐4) - Twig Template Engine for Phalcon Framework
21. Awesome React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-launch-navigator (⭐114) - React Native module to launch popular navigation/ride apps from a single API (Android & iOS)
22. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- Cloudron is a platform to run apps on your server. It includes 1-Click app install, automatic backups, updates, Single Sign-On, DNS setup, SSL provisioning and a secure firewall.
- The BriarProject is building secure communication tools to enable journalists, activists and civil society groups to communicate safely without fear of government interference. Our open source mobile and desktop apps will provide a secure, easy-to-use alternative to email, blogs and message boards, where users can exchange private messages with their contacts, create their own blogs and message boards, and subscribe to blogs and boards their contacts have shared
23. Awesome Keycloak
24. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- NSwag (⭐6.7k) - The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, Web API and TypeScript.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- Xer.Cqrs (⭐101) - A simple library for creating applications based on the CQRS pattern with support for attribute routing and hosted handlers. Developed in C# targeting .NET Standard 1.0.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Mond (⭐359) - A dynamically typed scripting language written in C# with a REPL, debugger, and simple embedding API.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / E-Commerce and Payments
- PayPal (⭐535) - .NET SDK for PayPal's RESTful APIs.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Fody (⭐4.3k) - Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies
- Otp.NET (⭐1k) - An implementation TOTP RFC 6238 and HOTP RFC 4226 in C#.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- SharpZipLib (⭐3.7k) - #ziplib is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
25. Awesome Android
GUI / Camera
- Camera (⭐120) - Use Android camera to take pictures and videos, based on camera2 api.
C# / Custom Dialog
- Xamarin - Framework to create native iOS, Android, Mac and Windows apps in C#.
26. Awesome Gbdev
- The Cycle-Accurate Game Boy Docs (⭐192) - A precise documentation by AntonioND to make a cycle-accurate Game Boy emulator.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- gameboy-brainfuck (⭐16) - Brainf*ck interpreter.
- gbfk (⭐2) - Brainf*ck interpreter, with input.
27. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Drawing / Others
- Sketchpad - Create digital artwork and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF.
Search Engines / Others
- Flaticon - Largest search engine for free icons.
28. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- Circular Audio Wave (⭐193) - A JS library for audio visualization in circular wave using Web Audio API and ECharts
29. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
30. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors
- Brackets - A modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
Developer Tools / IDEs
- Deco IDE - The best IDE for building React Native apps.
- JetBrains Toolbox App - Manage installed JetBrains tools, download new ones and open recent projects.
- AppCode - Smart IDE for iOS/macOS development
- RustRover - A brand new JetBrains IDE for Rust Developers.
- CLion - Powerful C and C++ IDE. (Free for Students)
- DataGrip - Cross-Plaform IDE for Databases and SQL. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
- DataSpell - The IDE for Professional Data Scientists
- GoLand - Provides ergonomic environment for Go development.
- IntelliJ IDEA - Powerful IDE for JVM languages. (Free for Students)
- PHPStorm - The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE.
- PyCharm - Powerful Python IDE, which has professional version and community version.
- Rider - Cross-platform C# IDE with Resharper features.
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE by JetBrains. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
Developer Tools / Frameworks For Hybrid Applications
- Qt - Cross-platform application framework.
Download Management Tools / Audio Record and Process
- Shuttle - Easy Download Manager for any links.
31. Awesome Swift
- Perfect-CRUD (⭐64) 🐧 - CRUD is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system using Codable protocol.
Network / Barcode
- Wormholy (⭐2.4k) - iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙.
32. Awesome Cl
HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-closure-template (⭐71) - Implementation of Google's Closure templates, where compiling a template creates a function that generates the result. LLGPL.
33. Awesome Pyramid
- nefertari (⭐53) - Nefertari is a REST API framework sitting on top of Pyramid and ElasticSearch.
- pyramid_apispec (⭐21) - Create an OpenAPI specification file using apispec and Marshmallow schemas.
34. Awesome D
Text Processing / Language Processing
- eBay's TSV utilities (⭐1.4k) - Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and other operations on TSV files. Very fast, especially good for large datasets.
35. Awesome Recursion Schemes
Implementations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- recursion (⭐8) for ATS - Demonstration of recursion schemes in ATS.
36. Awesome
Articles / Performance and Testing
- Debug Tool in Craft 3: Here’s all you need to know about it by Galaxy Weblinks -
2 July 2018
Articles / Templating
- Responsive tables in Craft by Jan D'Hollander -
10 July 2018
Praises / Tutorials
- Craft CMS Vs WordPress: Why Choose Craft? -
19 June 2018
- Prev: Jul 23 - Jul 29, 2018
- Next: Jul 09 - Jul 15, 2018