Awesome List Updates on Jun 18 - Jun 24, 2018
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Other
- Disroot - Collection of ethical alternatives to email, cloud storage, collaborative document editing, and more.
2. Awesome Free Software
Hardware / Companies
- Aleph Objects - Respects Your Freedom (RYF) certified 3D printer built with libre hardware and software.
- Libiquity - Designs and develops embedded software and firmware systems.
- ThinkPenguin - Modern laptops, desktops, and printers that contain no proprietary software.
- Vikings - Hosting company powered by Libreboot firmware, libre software, and green energy that also sells hardware.
Hardware / Hardware Resources
- Respects Your Freedom Hardware Certification - Requirements to qualify for the Free Software Foundation's RYF certification.
3. Awesome Prometheus
Official resources
- Website - Official Prometheus project website.
- GitHub repository (⭐54k) - Prometheus' source code, issues discussion and collaboration.
- Documentation - Official Prometheus documentation.
- Blog - Official Prometheus blog.
- How To Install Prometheus using Docker on CentOS 7 - Walkthrough on how to install Prometheus on CentOS 7.
- How to Use Prometheus to Monitor Your CentOS 7 Server - Walkthrough on how to monitor a CentOS 7 server using Prometheus.
- How To Add a Prometheus Dashboard to Grafana - Walkthrough on how to add a Prometheus dashboard to Grafana.
- Instructions and example code for a Prometheus workshop (⭐106) - Instructions and example code for a Prometheus workshop by Julius Volz.
- Checking if SSH is responding with Prometheus - Walkthrough on how to use the Blackbox Exporter to check if SSH is responding by Brian Brazil.
- Monitor your GitHub Repos with Docker and Prometheus - Monitor your GitHub Repos with Docker and Prometheus.
- Docker daemon metrics in Prometheus - Docker daemon metrics in Prometheus by Luc Juggery.
- Infrastructure and application monitoring using Prometheus - Devoxx - May 17, 2017 at Devoxx UK - Marco Pas.
- Prometheus: Design and Philosophy - why it is the way it is - Docker - October 14, 2016 - Julius Volz.
Podcasts and interviews
- Prometheus on FLOSS Weekly 357 - Julius Volz on the FLOSS Weekly show.
- Prometheus and Service Monitoring - Julius Volz on the Changelog podcast.
- Prometheus Monitoring with Brian Brazil - Brian Brazil on the Software Engineering Daily podcast.
- Prometheus Overview - The Promethean ideal of monitoring by Brian Brazil.
- System Monitoring with Prometheus - Brian Brazil at Devops Ireland Meetup, Dublin.
- OMG! Prometheus - Benjamin Staffin, Fitbit Site Operations, explains the case for Prometheus to his team.
- Deploying Prometheus - Filippo Giunchedi, WikiMedia Foundation at FOSDEM 2017.
Blog posts and opinions
- Prometheus: Monitoring at SoundCloud - Overview of Prometheus and first hand experience from Soundcloud.
- Monitor Docker Containers with Prometheus - Using Prometheus to monitor Docker containers.
- Prometheus and Kubernetes: A Perfect Match - Part 1 of 3 in the series Prometheus and Kubernetes.
- Prometheus and Kubernetes: Deploying - Part 2 of 3 in the series Prometheus and Kubernetes.
- Prometheus and Kubernetes: Monitoring Your Applications - Part 3 in the series Prometheus and Kubernetes.
- Initial experiences with the Prometheus monitoring system - Initial experiences with the Prometheus by Grig Gheorghiu.
- Monitor your applications with Prometheus - Monitor your applications with Prometheus by Alex Ellis.
- Prometheus Blog Series (Part 1): Metrics and Labels - Part 1 in the series Prometheus Blog Series by Pierre Vincent.
- Prometheus Blog Series (Part 2): Metric types - Part 2 in the series Prometheus Blog Series by Pierre Vincent.
- Prometheus Blog Series (Part 3): Exposing and collecting metrics - Part 3 in the series Prometheus Blog Series by Pierre Vincent.
- Prometheus Blog Series (Part 4): Instrumenting code in Go and Java - Part 4 in the series Prometheus Blog Series by Pierre Vincent.
- Prometheus Monitoring with Grafana - Prometheus Monitoring with Grafana tutorial by
Uncategorized / Miscellaneous
- Prometheus Monitoring subreddit - Subreddit collecting all Prometheus-related resources on the internet.
- PromCon - The Prometheus conference.
4. Awesome Phalcon
- phalcon-repositories (⭐18) - Easy Repository pattern for Phalcon
5. Awesome Ctf
- Hacking-Lab - Ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform.
6. Awesome Hacking
Competition / Other
7. Awesome Talks
Test-Driven Development
- Why You Don't Get Mock Objects by Gregory Moeck (RubyConf 2011) [44:42]
8. Awesome Draft Js
Plugins and Decorators Built for Draft.js
- Draft.js Annotatable (⭐13) - Out of the box annotation system for Draft.js with support for user-created annotations.
- Draft.js Regex (⭐19) - The set of flexible helpers, like regex, blank lines preventing and pasted HTML clearing.
9. Awesome Serverless
- Using the Event Gateway to build serverless multi-cloud applications - How the Event Gateway can be used to build multi-cloud applications.
- Invoicely (⭐24) - Invoice automation tool.
10. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- Appknox - not free
- Virustotal - max 128MB
- Fraunhofer App-ray - not free
- NowSecure Lab Automated - Enterprise tool for mobile app security testing both Android and iOS mobile apps. Lab Automated features dynamic and static analysis on real devices in the cloud to return results in minutes. Not free
11. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Rich text editor extensions
- wagtail-readinglevel – Wagtail plugin to determine the reading level of text input into a rich text field.
12. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Programming
- Apache Beam - an unified model and set of language-specific SDKs for defining and executing data processing workflows.
13. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Analytics at Scale: h2o, Apache Spark and R on AWS EMR June 21, 2018
14. Awesome Research
Hosting / Social Sciences
- ReadtheDocs: Turn your reStructuredText source to HTML, PDF, and epub, all done online.
- GitHub: Just put markdown, reStructuredText, PDF or IPython/Jupyter notebook files on GitHub. All these formats can be previewed online. The thing to mention is that the math in IPython notebook can be rendered on GitHub.
- Heroku: The one that needs no explanation.
Investigate Papers / HTML+CSS+JS
- ArXiv Sanity Preserver: Accelerate research through arXiv specific for many things machine learning by Andrej Karpathy.
- Explore scientific papers and how they connect to a paper of your choice.
- Publish or Perish: Retrieves and analyzes academic citations designed to empower individual academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage.
- PubChase: Life sciences and medical literature recommendation engine.
Bibliography / HTML+CSS+JS
- org-ref (⭐1.3k): Citations, cross-references, indexes, glossaries, and bibtex utitlies for org-mode in Emacs.
Forums and Q&A's / HTML+CSS+JS
- SEQanswers: Forum for next generation sequencing community.
15. Awesome WebExtensions
- @wext/shipit (⭐127) - Tool to automatically publish to Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Addons and Opera Addons.
16. Awesome Cryptography
Standalone / Hash functions
- ironssh (⭐63) - End-to-end encrypt transferred files using sftp/scp and selectively share with others. Automatic key management works with any SSH server. Encrypted files are gpg compatible.
17. Awesome Maintainers
18. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Music drivers and trackers
- (⭐121) - Standard include file containing Game Boy hardware definitions for use in RGBDS projects.
19. Awesome Aurelia
- Aurelia Forum on Discourse
Aurelia Tutorials / Aurelia Videos
- 01.04.2018 Tutorial Series of Aurelia | AureliaCasts
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-swipeout (⭐11) * A custom element for iOS style swipeout actions - Demo
- aurelia-split-pane (⭐12) * A custom element for resizable split panes - Demo
20. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Cucumber
21. Awesome Web Design
Prototype Tools
- Flinto: App to create interactive and animated prototypes of designs.
22. Awesome Transit
GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust
- gtfspy-webviz (⭐55) - Web application for animation and visualization of GTFS data using gtfspy (⭐160).
23. Awesome Osint
Fact Checking / Steam
24. Awesome Courses
Courses / Algorithms
- CS 97SI Introduction to Competitive Programming Stanford University
- Fantastic repository of theory and practice problems across various topics for students who are interested to participate in ACM-ICPC.
- Lectures and Assignments (⭐1.5k)
25. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- Restsharp (⭐9.6k) - Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS
- Piranha CMS (⭐1.9k) - A Lightweight & Unobtrusive Open Source CMS for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mail
- SmtpServer (⭐681) - Library to create your own SMTP server.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Scheduler and Job
- Coravel (⭐3.8k) - .Net Core meets Laravel: Scheduling, Queuing, etc.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- MessagePack
- msgpack-cli (⭐828) - MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure /
- MessagePack-CSharp (⭐5.5k) - Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
Videos / Workflow
- Channel9 - YouTube
26. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Movim - Modern, federated social network based on XMPP, with a fully featured group-chat, subscriptions and microblogging. (Source Code (⭐1.8k))
Software / File Transfer & Synchronization
- ownCloud - All-in-one solution for saving, synchronizing, viewing, editing and sharing files, calendars, address books and more. (Source Code (⭐8.5k), Clients (⭐8.5k))
Software / Office Suites
- ONLYOFFICE - Office suite that enables you to manage documents, projects, team and customer relations in one place. (Source Code (⭐5.2k))
27. Awesome Dart
- Crossdart - Cross-referenced source code of the packages from Pub.
28. Engineering Blogs
Companies / M companies
- MapTiler
Companies / O companies
Companies / W companies
Individuals/Group Contributors / D individuals
- Daily JS
Individuals/Group Contributors / H individuals
- Henrik Warne
Individuals/Group Contributors / L individuals
- LiveOverflow
29. Awesome Ember
Packages / Data Management
- ember-data-storefront (⭐137) - A collection of APIs that address common data-loading issues.
Packages / Routing addons
- ember-router-scroll (⭐204) - Scroll to top with preserved browser history scroll position.
30. Awesome Ansible
- Programming Community Curated Resources for learning Ansible - A list of recommended resources.
31. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- cli-table3 (⭐556) - Pretty unicode tables.
Packages / Content management systems
- KeystoneJS (⭐9.4k) - CMS and web application platform built on Express and MongoDB.
32. Awesome Swift
- MessengerKit (⭐1.5k) - A UI framework for building messenger interfaces.
Cards / Barcode
- VerticalCardSwiper (⭐1.4k) - A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView.
Utility / Barcode
- swift-protobuf (⭐4.6k) 🐧 - A plugin and runtime library for using Google's Protocol Buffer.
33. Js Must Watch
- Brian Leroux: WTFJS [18:26]
34. Awesome Ruby
Admin Interface
- Trestle (⭐2k) - A modern, responsive admin framework for Rails. Build a back-end in minutes that will grow with the needs of your application.
35. Awesome Symfony Education
- Symfony best practices [2014]
36. Awesome Heroku
Heroku Blog — the official Heroku blog.
37. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- SamplerBox - Drop'n'play sampler: drop .WAV samples on the SD card, and play!
- Project MyHouse - Smart Doll House with Gesture Recognition, using Raspberry Pi 3 or Pi Zero and PSMove motion controller.
38. Awesome Hacking Locations
Poland 🇵🇱 / Gliwice
Spółdzielnia Ogniwo
Friendly cooperative bookstore cafe in the Kazimierz district. On offer coffees and teas from independed producents from all around the world.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Paulińska 28, first floor, 31-065 Kraków | Mon-Sun 16:00-22:00 |
39. Awesome Dev Fun
- Pettier (⭐157) - Prettier config that randomizes options and arbitrarily switches between spaces and tabs 🙄
- git-blame-someone-else (⭐9.4k) - Blame someone else for your bad code.
40. Awesome Shell
Applications / Directory Navigation
- awless (⭐5k) - A powerful, innovative and small surface CLI to manage AWS.
- ranger (⭐15k) - A console file manager with VI key bindings.
41. Awesome Bash
Books and Resources
- Pure Bash Bible (⭐36k) - A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
42. Awesome Elixir
- nebulex (⭐1.3k) - A fast, flexible and extensible distributed and local caching library for Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- bitmex (⭐9) - BitMEX client library for Elixir.
43. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Dash - Awesome API documentation browser and code snippet manager.
Developer Tools / Databases
- Navicat Data Modeler - Cost-effective database design tool for high-quality data models.
Design and Product / Design Tools
- Inkscape - Professional vector graphics editor.
Design and Product / Screencapturing Software
- Monosnap - Make screenshots. Draw on it. Shoot video and share your files. It's fast, easy and free.
- Snipaste - Simple but powerful snipping tool.
- Teampaper Snap - Let your screenshots speak up.
- Xnip - Handy Screenshot App.
Design and Product / Other Tools
- JPEGmini - Reduce image size by up to 80%, without compromising quality.
Input Methods / Audio Record and Process
- Type2Phone - Use Your Mac as Keyboard for iPhone, iPad & Apple TV.
Browsers / Audio Record and Process
- Chrome - Chrome, developed by Google
Utilities / Clipboard Tools
- Clipy - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS. Based on ClipMenu.
Utilities / General Tools
- SlowQuitApps (⭐1.2k) - An OS X app that adds a global delay of 1 second to the Cmd-Q shortcut.
Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements
- Snap - Launch an app in a snap. Ridiculously easy shortcut management.
44. Awesome Crystal
CLI Builders
- clicr (⭐30) - A simple declarative command line interface builder
- money (⭐32) - Handling money and currency conversion with ease (almost complete port of RubyMoney (⭐2.8k))
Framework Components
- device_detector (⭐23) - Shard for detect device by user agent string
- Russian-speaking Telegram Group - Добро пожаловать, товарищ!
Official Documentation Translations
- mpngin (⭐33) - A URL shortener with simple stats
45. Awesome Db Tools
- Oracle SQL Developer - Oracle SQL Developer is a free, integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and Cloud deployments.
- Toad - Toad is the premier database solution for developers, admins and data analysts. Manage complex database changes with a single database management tool.
- Robo 3T (⭐9.3k) - Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is a shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management tool.
- Tabix (⭐2.2k) - SQL Editor & Open source simple business intelligence for Clickhouse.
- SQLcl - Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) is a free command line interface for Oracle Database.
Schema / Changes
- node-pg-migrate (⭐1.3k) - Node.js database migration management built exclusively for postgres. (But can also be used for other DBs conforming to SQL standard - e.g. CockroachDB.)
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Samples
- pganalyze collector (⭐346) - Pganalyze statistics collector for gathering PostgreSQL metrics and log data.
- PgHero (⭐8.3k) - A performance dashboard for Postgres - health checks, suggested indexes, and more.
- pgstats (⭐120) - Collects PostgreSQL statistics, and either saves them in CSV files or print them on the stdout.
Testing / Zabbix
- DbFit (⭐234) - A database testing framework that supports easy test-driven development of your database code.
DevOps / Zabbix
- Toad DevOps Toolkit - Toad DevOps Toolkit executes key database development functions within your DevOps workflow —without compromising quality, performance or reliability.
46. Awesome Web Security
- Why mail() is dangerous in PHP - Written by Robin Peraglie.
Blogs / Server-Side Request Forgery
- RIPS Technologies - Write-ups for PHP vulnerabilities.
47. Awesome Flutter
- Flip Panel (⭐613) - Flip panel with built-in animation by HungHD
- Facebook Reactions (⭐439) - Facebook reactions widget by Duy Tran
Text & Rich Content / Image Picker
- Masked Text (⭐275) - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by Ben-hur Santos Ott
48. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- API Driven Development With Laravel and VueJS (Free Course) on
Resources / Books
- Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node by Aneeta Sharma, Packt. (May 2018)
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Minimal Notes (⭐135) - Web app build with Vue.js
49. Awesome Java
Security / Other
- Jwks RSA (⭐200) - JSON Web Key Set parser.
- Prev: Jun 25 - Jul 01, 2018
- Next: Jun 11 - Jun 17, 2018