Awesome List Updates on Apr 23 - Apr 29, 2018
39 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Tensorflow
- MusicGenreClassification (⭐575) - Classify music genre from a 10 second sound stream using a Neural Network.
2. Awesome Devenv
Text / Extensions
- ripgrep (⭐34k) - Faster than grep, written in Rust
3. Awesome Diversity
- Blacks In Technology - Oragnization focused on "Stomping the Divide" by establishing a blueprint of world-class technical excellence and innovation.
- EquitableTech - Non-profit organization working to diversify tech, with a focus on open source.
4. Awesome Hacking Locations
Spain 🇪🇸 / Barcelona
Hollys Coffee, Line 9, Sinnonhyeon station
Extremely fast, stable internet, Power outlet on every seats, 24 Hours open
I saw ASUS RT-AC68U WiFi Router
Router connected with KT Giga Internet, which is fastest internet in South Korea (including oversea network access)
Many seats and seat types (Sofa, Bar Stools...)
Has Smoking Area
Google Maps:
Naver Map:
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 478, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea | 24H, Everyday |
5. Awesome Laravel
Application Hosting / Third-party Service Integration
6. Awesome Electronics
Gerber Viewers / Online
- CircuitPeople - No frills 2D layer viewer for Gerbers, without the excessive processing.
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Contextual Electronics' Shine on You Crazy KiCad - Beginner video tutorial that gets you to a manufactured board as quickly as possible.
- Contextual Electronics' Getting to Blinky Tutorial - A more comprehensive beginner to intermediate video tutorial.
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- Dirty PCBs - Low cost PCB batching service that prides itself on its "dirty" quality.
Development Board Retailers / Altium
- Sparkfun - Retailer and designer of open source electronics development boards and other equipment and materials with excellent accompanying tutorials.
- Adafruit - Another retailer and designer with excellent selection and tutorials.
Forums / Discussion
- EEVBlog forum - Probably the largest and most active forum to discuss Electronic Engineering topics.
- /r/electronics and /r/ECE are the two most active sub-reddits for EE topics.
Videos / Help
- EEVblog - One of the earliest and most successful YouTube channels where Dave Jones does teardowns, tutorials and more.
Subscription Kit Services / Help
- AdaBox - Curated Adafruit products, unique collectibles, and exclusive discounts. All delivered quarterly.
7. Awesome Coins
☤ Coin Mining Pools
8. Awesome Crystal
- mint-lang (⭐4.1k) - A refreshing programming language for the front-end web
- runic-lang - In-design toy language
9. Awesome Phalcon
- Phanbook (⭐303) - The source for code website
Conferences / Communities
- Stack Overflow - StackOverflow Tagged Questions
- Twitter - Phalcon on Twitter
10. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Browser
- copee (⭐138) - Copy text from browser to clipboard...natively!
11. Awesome Nextjs
- next-starter (⭐27) - A full and simple boilerplate with
sass (.scss)
built in.
12. Js Must Watch
- Jake Archibald: In The Loop [35:11]
13. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- typed-install (⭐101) - Easily install new dependencies and their typings, no matter where they may be
14. Awesome Mqtt
- Emitter (⭐3.4k) - A distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe messaging platform based on MQTT protocol and featuring message storage.
15. Awesome Ios
- KeyboardObserver (⭐160) - For less complicated keyboard event handling.
- KeyboardMan (⭐351) - KeyboardMan helps you make keyboard animation.
- Typist (⭐1.1k) - Small, drop-in Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps-helps manage keyboard's screen presence and behavior without notification center.
- KeyboardHideManager (⭐58) - Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift
- Toolbar (⭐457) - Awesome autolayout Toolbar.
- IHKeyboardAvoiding (⭐1.4k) - A drop-in universal solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no more UIScrollViews!
- NumPad (⭐84) - Number Pad (inspired by Square's design).
Utility / Collection View Layout
- SwiftRandom (⭐561) - Generator for random data.
- RandomKit (⭐1.5k) - Random data generation in Swift.
- SwiftParsec (⭐227) - A parser combinator library written in the Swift programming language.
- Datez (⭐261) - Swift library for dealing with
, andNSDateComponents
- BFKit-Swift (⭐1k) - A Swift collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster.
- DeviceGuru (⭐480) - DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s.
- RateLimit (⭐913) - Simple utility for only executing code every so often.
- AssistantKit (⭐588) - Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.
- SwiftLinkPreview (⭐1.4k) - It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- BundleInfos (⭐1) - Simple getter for Bundle informations. like short version from bundle.
- ReadabilityKit (⭐833) - Metadata extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift.
- SwiftTweaks (⭐1.4k) - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- SwiftSortUtils (⭐61) - This library takes a shot at making sorting in Swift more pleasant. It also allows you to reuse your old NSSortDescriptor instances in Swift.
- Retry (⭐500) - Haven't you wished for
to sometimes try a little harder? Meetretry
- ObjectiveKit (⭐849) - Swift-friendly API for Objective C runtime functions.
- MoyaSugar (⭐192) - Syntactic sugar for Moya.
- SwifterSwift (⭐14k) - A handy collection of more than 400 native Swift 4 extensions to boost your productivity.
- OpenSourceController (⭐52) - The simplest way to display the libraries licences used in your application.
- FluxCapacitor (⭐123) - FluxCapacitor makes implementing Flux design pattern easily with protocols and typealias.
- Closures (⭐1.7k) - Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation.
Extensions / Collection View Layout
- CleanClosureXcode (⭐185) - An Xcode Source Editor extension to clean the closure syntax.
- SwiftInitializerGenerator (⭐717) - Xcode 8 Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers.
- XcodeEquatableGenerator (⭐189) - Xcode 8 Source Code Extension will generate conformance to Swift Equatable protocol based on type and fields selection.
- Import (⭐846) - Xcode extension for adding imports from anywhere in the code.
- Mark (⭐157) - Xcode extension for generating MARK comments.
- XShared (⭐73) - Xcode extension which allows you copying the code with special formatting quotes for social (Slack, Telegram).
- DocumenterXcode (⭐35) - Attempt to give a new life for VVDocumenter-Xcode as source editor extension.
- XVim2 (⭐2.3k) - Vim key-bindings for Xcode 9.
16. Awesome Audio Visualization
People to Follow
- Aaron Koblin - Artist, designer, programmer, and entrepreneur specializing in data and digital technologies.
17. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- Dots (⭐38) - Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework.
Menu / Barcode
- PopMenu (⭐1.6k) - 😎 A cool and customizable popup style action sheet for iOS.
18. Awesome Creative Coding
Online Books
- Computer Graphics from Scratch - A raytracing and rasterization textbook that teaches you how OpenGL and DirectX works.
Math / Other
- Intuitive Math - Explanations of fields like Linear Algebra and Geometry designed to help you develop a visual intuition for what is going on.
19. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Vuepress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator
- Socialhome (⭐366) - A federated rich profile builder with social networking features
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- v-dialogs (⭐132) - A simple and powerful dialog, including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast modes, based on Vue2.x
20. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- - Online interactive sandbox.
21. Awesome Ledger
- ledger-autosync (⭐231) - Program to sync Ledger files with bank.
22. Awesome Clojure
23. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Getting started
- Getting Started With Wagtail - Working extensively with Wagtail and the surrounding community, we have discovered a range of common pitfalls developers run into when beginning to deliver with Wagtail.
Resources / Articles
Resources / Presentations
- How Google uses Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018 by Kevin Chung.
- Let It Go – Wagtail Space 2018 by Matt Wescott.
- Developing Solutions for Girls, by Men – Wagtail Space 2018 by Lisa Adams.
- Wagtail’s first hatch – Wagtail Space 2018 by Bertrand Bordage.
- The Word Problem – Wagtail Space 2018 by Tom Dyson.
- Wagtail on Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2018 by Daniele Procida.
- StreamField editor at UWKM – Wagtail Space 2018 by Geert jan Hoogeslag.
- Things i learned at Wagtail Space – Wagtail Space 2018 by Codie Roelf.
- Fly Wagtail to a PyCon – Wagtail Space 2018 by Daniele Procida.
- Wagtail Performance – Wagtail Space 2018 by Michael van Tellingen. Code.
- Mutliple images uploader – Wagtail Space 2018 by Rajeev J Sebastian.
- Wagtail Space 2019 – Wagtail Space 2018 by Maarten Kling.
24. Awesome Transit
GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust
- Mapnificent - Shows areas you can reach with public transport in a given time. Open-source on GitHub (⭐383), live at
25. Awesome Talks
Cognitive Development
- A Lecture on Creativity by John Cleese (London 1991) [36:59]
26. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- aspnet-api-versioning (⭐3k) - set of libraries which add service API versioning to ASP.NET Web API, OData with ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation
- CatLight - Status notifier for developers that monitors builds and tasks in the project. Built using .Net Core and Electron.
- GitInfo (⭐544) - Git and SemVer Info from MSBuild, C# and VB.
- GitVersioning (⭐1.3k) - Stamp your assemblies and NuGet packages with a version from a single, simple version.txt file and include git commit IDs for non-official builds.
- Image2Docker (⭐304) - PowerShell module which ports existing Windows application workloads to Docker.
- Nuke (⭐2.8k) - Cross-platform build automation system.
- Opserver (⭐4.5k) - Stack Exchange's Monitoring System.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS
- Wyam (⭐141) - Modular static content and static site generator.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- SecurityHeaders (⭐635) - Small package to allow adding security headers to ASP.NET Core websites.
27. Awesome Non Financial Blockchain
Energy Applications / Guidance
- ImpactPPA - Reinvesting of power generated under Power Purchase Agreement in more PPAs.
Media and Journalism / Guidance
- Steem - Decentralized social network which incentivises content creation and curation.
- PopChest - Incentivized distributed video platform.
- Civil - Decentralized newsmaking platform.
28. Citizen Science
Other Resources / Other Types of Support
- Detroit Future City: A Field Guide to Working with Lots - Guides for urban agriculture from Detroit.
29. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-1password (⭐259) Access your 1Password login items in a tmux pane.
30. Awesome Cmake
Package Management / Build Systems
- vcpkg (⭐23k) - A tool to acquire and build C++ open source libraries. Uses CMake internally as a build script language.
- cmake-checks-cache (⭐73) - CMake checks cache helper modules.
31. Awesome Sre
Conferences & Meetups
- Site Reliability Engineering Munich, Germany - SRE Meetup in the greater area of Oktoberfest city.
32. Awesome Ember
Packages / Broccoli read
Packages / Videos
33. Awesome Steam
Ruby / Misc
- steam-trade (⭐9) - Ruby gem for sending trade offers.
34. Awesome Json
Online tools
- Extends Class - Diff tool to compare two files.
35. Awesome Cpp
Game Engine
- EnTT (⭐11k) - Gaming meets modern C++. [MIT]
Machine Learning
- VLFeat (⭐1.6k) - The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms specialising in image understanding and local featurexs extraction and matching. [BSD-2-Clause] website
- ENet (⭐2.8k) - Reliable UDP networking library. [MIT] website
36. Awesome Ros2
Podcasts / ROSCon 2015
37. Awesome Scifi
Magic 2.0 Series (2013, 2014, 2015, 2017) by Scott Meyer [3.9] / Imago (1989) [4.2]
- Off to Be the Wizard [3.98]
- Spell or High Water [4.02]
- An Unwelcome Quest [3.98]
- Fight and Flight [3.61]
38. Awesome Fantasy
Satire / Discworld by Terry Pratchett
The Colour of Magic [3.9] This is the first book of the series Discworld. The books can be read in order or independently. There are several narrative threads that cross quite often creating a funny and enjoyable reading experience.
I love this book. The style is original and hilarious and the characters' personality is deeply developed. Death alone is a good reason to read this book. - @fourlastor
- Mort [4.2] This was my intro to Discworld, and I loved it. Death is hilarious. - @RichardLitt
- Making Money [4.2] How Terry Pratchett consistently came up with good stories is beyond me. This one is also good, particularly for how TP envisions banks and automatons. - @RichardLitt
39. Awesome Web Security
Reconnaissance / OSINT - Open-Source Intelligence
- tinfoleak (⭐1.7k) - The most complete open-source tool for Twitter intelligence analysis by @vaguileradiaz.
Fuzzing / Sub Domain Enumeration
- domato (⭐1.5k) - DOM fuzzer by @google.
Penetration Testing / Sub Domain Enumeration
- aws_pwn (⭐1k) - A collection of AWS penetration testing junk by @dagrz.
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
- Domato Fuzzer's Generation Engine Internals - Written by sigpwn.
- Prev: Apr 30 - May 06, 2018
- Next: Apr 16 - Apr 22, 2018