Awesome List Updates on Apr 16 - Apr 22, 2018
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Osint
Privacy and Encryption Tools / Steam
2. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Mayan EDMS
Description: Django based document management system with OCR, indexing, full text searching, previewing and more
3. Awesome Ember
Packages / AST
- ember-ast-helpers (⭐40) - This library is a utility belt to make AST transforms and shield users as much as possible from the nuances of the AST, as it is still private API.
- jscodeshift (⭐9.1k) - A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
Packages / Adapters
- ember-cli-markdown-resolver (⭐26) - Ember CLI addon for resolving markdown files in custom folders and retrieving content via a service.
Packages / Authentication
- ember-simple-auth (⭐1.9k) - A library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js applications.
Packages / Automation
- ember-cli-sri (⭐48) - This plugin is used to generate Subresource Integrity (SRI) hashes for ember applications.
Packages / Broccoli
- broccoli-debug (⭐9) - Utility for build pipeline authors to allow trivial debugging of the Broccoli pipelines they author.
- broccoli-stew (⭐60) - Provides commonly used convenience functions for developing broccoli based build pipelines.
Packages / Build tools
- Broccoli (⭐3.3k) - Fast, reliable asset pipeline, supporting constant-time rebuilds and compact build definitions.
Packages / CI/CD
- ember-cli-server-variables (⭐31) - An Ember CLI add-on to support adding variables to the generated index.html file's head tag.
Packages / Component addons
Packages / Data validation
- ember-model-validator (⭐166) - Add validations to your Ember Data models on an explicit and easy way, without a bunch a validations files around or complicated structure.
- ember-validated-form (⭐68) - Easily create forms with client side validations.
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- ember-debug-logger (⭐36) - Exposes the visionmedia/debug library for use in your Ember.js application.
- ember-devtools (⭐160) - A collection of useful Ember.js debugging functions.
Packages / Ember-inspector roadmaps & overview
Packages / Forms
- ember-form-for - This Ember.js addon will give you an easy way to build good forms.
Packages / Functional programming
- Bacon.js - Functional reactive programming.
- Folktale - Suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant, modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse.
- immutable (⭐33k) - Immutable data collections.
- Kefir.js (⭐2) - Reactive library with focus on high performance and low memory usage.
- Lazy.js (⭐6k) - Utility library similar to lodash/Underscore but with lazy evaluation, which can translate to superior performance in many cases.
- lodash - Utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras. A better and faster Underscore.js.
- mori - Library for using ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
- Mout - Utility library with the biggest difference between other existing solutions is that you can choose to load only the modules/functions that you need, no extra overhead.
- Ramda - Utility library with a focus on flexible functional composition enabled by automatic currying and reversed argument order. Avoids mutating data.
- RxJS - Functional reactive library for transforming, composing, and querying various kinds of data.
- underscore-contrib - The brass buckles on Underscore's utility belt.
Packages / Helpers
- ember-d3-helpers (⭐35) - Collection of Ember.js helpers for building composable D3 charts.
- ember-store-helpers (⭐5) - This add-on provides helpers related to ember-data.
Packages / Include external JS code
- ember-cli-es6-transform (⭐14) - Import ES6 modules from npm, bower or anywhere else in your app.
Packages / Internalization & Localization
- ember-intl (⭐434) - Translate complex messages string. Localized formatting for date/time, number, and relative time.
Packages / Job queues
Packages / Logging
Packages / Miscellaneous
- diagonal routes - See what route structure, templates and route hooks are for a given ember route definition.
- ember data model maker (⭐150) - Ember Data Model Maker (EDMM).
- builtwithember - Apps powered by Ember.js.
Packages / Testing
- ember-cli-mirage - Build, test and demo your app using a JSON API-compliant client-side server.
- ember-exam (⭐287) - Run your tests with randomization, splitting, and parallelization for beautiful tests.
Packages / TypeScript
- ember-cli-typescript (⭐363) - Use TypeScript in your Ember.js apps!
Packages / UI components
- ember-burger-menu (⭐279) - An off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.
- ember-power-select (⭐541) - The extensible select component built for ember.
Packages / Articles
Packages / Blogs
Packages / Books
Packages / Cheatsheets
Packages / Codemods
- ember-qunit-codemod (⭐36) - This codemod is intended to automatically convert your projects from the older moduleFor* syntax of ember-qunit@2 to the newer syntax.
- es5-getter-ember-codemod (⭐34) - This codemod is intended to automatically convert your usage of get, and getProperties to use traditional object dot notation.
- qunit-dom-codemod (⭐14) - Basic codemod to automatically convert your assertions to qunit-dom assertions.
- test-selectors-codemod (⭐7) - A codemode for fixing the ember-test-selectors testSelector helper deprecation.
Packages / Community
Packages / Discovery
- emberobserver - Ember Observer.
Packages / Examples
- API Docs (⭐73) - This application was built to display our versioned API docs.
- Builds (⭐11) - This is the application that the Ember.js team built to display our various release channels.
- Rancher (⭐591) - Rancher is enterprise management for Kubernetes.
Packages / Gists
Packages / Newsletters
- Ember Weekly - The latest Ember.js news, tips, and code delivered directly to your inbox.
- Official Ember Blog - Big announcements like new Ember.js version release notes or State of the Union information.
- The Ember Times - Updates from the Ember.js Learning Team.
Packages / Podcasts
Packages / Screencasts
- Ember Screencasts - Weekly Screencasts for the Busy Developer.
- EmberCasts - Currently on hiatus whilst the author works on the next version of Handlebars.
Packages / Slides
Packages / Styleguides
Packages / Tools
- ember-cli-diff - A simple tool to see differences between new ember apps.
- ember-cli - The command line interface for ambitious web applications.
- Glimmer Playground - An Glimmer.js playground.
- remote-inspector (⭐92) - Lets you inspect apps running on different devices/browsers over the network using websockets.
Packages / Tutorials
- Getting into Ember.js - A five part introductory course to Ember.
- - Ember.js Tutorial - From beginner to advance.
Packages / Twitter
Packages / Videos
- EmberConf 2014 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2014.
- EmberConf 2015 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2015.
- EmberConf 2016 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2016.
- EmberConf 2017 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2017.
Packages / YouTube channels
4. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Feature extraction
- essentia 🐙 (⭐2.5k) - Music related low level and high level feature extractor, C++ based, includes Python bindings.
Audio Related Packages / Deep Learning
- Kapre (⭐891) 🐙 (⭐891) 📦 - Keras Audio Preprocessors
- TorchAudio (⭐2.1k) 🐙 (⭐2.1k) - PyTorch Audio Loaders
Tutorials / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- Numpy for MATLAB® Users - Short overview of equivalent python functions for switchers.
5. Awesome Saltstack
- Molten (⭐208) - Molten is a WebUI for the REST API exposed by Saltstack.
6. Awesome Fantasy
Movies / The Lord of the Rings
- The Fellowship of the Ring [8.8] 🌟
- Return of the King [8.9] 🌟
7. Awesome Security
EBooks / Online resources
- Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers - Free and downloadable book series with very broad and deep coverage of what Web Developers and DevOps Engineers need to know in order to create robust, reliable, maintainable and secure software, networks and other, that are delivered continuously, on time, with no nasty surprises
8. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Others
- -
return 'A series of mixes intended for listening while '+task+' to aid concentration and increase productivity (also compatible with other activities).';
9. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
Browser Webextensions
- Boilerplate with Webpack (⭐59) Using Webpack JS module manager
- Gulp front Frontend boilerplate and framework based on gulp, pug, stylus and babel
10. Awesome Javascript Learning
Videos / Single Topics
- Understand JavaScript's this Keyword in Depth - 18 minutes divided into 8 short videos to wrap you head around
DOM related / Single Topics
- Traversing the DOM with JavaScript - A tutorial featuring native methods to traverse the DOM.
11. Awesome Framer
- How to Create High‑Quality GIFs - How to Create High‑Quality GIFs, our guide to making amazing GIFs with some of our favorite tools: ScreenFlow and Claquette.
- Framer StatusBarLayer (⭐52) - Module for generating accurate, customizable status bars for iOS app prototypes.
- framer keyboardEvents (⭐10) - Hassle-free keyboard bindings for Framer: No need to look up keyCodes; supports 100+ keys with minimal performance impact.
- Framer Joystick (⭐15) - Module for Gamepad-driven UI prototypes.
- Framer Feedback (⭐20) - Framer feedback module makes it easier for you to prototype with feedback messages.
- Framer-Bottom-Navigation (⭐8) - Framer Module to add Android's Bottom Navigation to your project.
- Framer Device Rotator (⭐1) - A Framer module that adds a rotation button to a phone/tablet when said is displayed in a desktop browser or in Framer Studio (but not on device).
- Keyboard Input for Framer (⭐10) - A module that allows you to easily manage keyboard input.
- Framer DesignComponents (⭐30) - Module for converting your designs in design mode into full scalable classes in code, without a single line of code!.
- Framer Web Audio API Module (⭐6) - A Framer module that provides better audio support for your Framer projects.
- Framer Status Bar Module (⭐2) - Module to initialize a status bar in a Framer application.
- Framer Android Picker (⭐7) - An Android Picker Module.
- Yummy Framer - Yummy provides custom layer functions such as LoadViews, LoadNextView, Fade & Move Layer.
- Framer Font Loader (⭐30) - Painlessly, reliably load local and web fonts into Framer prototypes.
- Framer Form (⭐107) - Give your Framer prototypes a third dimension.
UI Libraries
- Framework (⭐30) - A general-purpose component kit for Framer.
- iOS Kit - Readymade elements for starting your next iOS app. Direct link.
- Android Kit - Material Design elements for your next Android app. Direct link.
- Web Kit - All the elements you’ll need to start your next web project. Direct link.
- Wireframe Kit - Basic wireframe elements to blueprint your next big project. Direct link.
12. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- iocextract (⭐495) - Advanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor, Python library and command-line tool.
13. Awesome Laravel
Community / Local User Groups
14. Awesome Regression Testing
Slideshows, talks and videos (a-z↓)
- Visual Regression Testing - from a tool to a process by Nikhil Verma - How the Mobile Web team in Badoo converted and integrated PhantomCSS into their workflow and connected it to their CI process.
15. Awesome Swift
App Routing
- Linker (⭐140) - Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks for iOS.
Multi Database
- Shallows (⭐623) - Your lightweight persistence toolbox.
Other Data
- StorageManager (⭐50) - Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database.
Images / Barcode
- ImageScout (⭐974) - Implementation of fastimage - supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
Localization / Barcode
- Localize (⭐293) - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
Text / Barcode
- PredicateFlow (⭐100) - PredicateFlow is a builder that allows you to write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate.
UI / Barcode
- RetroProgress (⭐18) - Retro looking progress bar straight from the 90s.
Alert / Barcode
- PMAlertController (⭐2.5k) - PMAlertController is a great and customizable substitute to UIAlertController.
Button / Barcode
- PMSuperButton (⭐725) - A powerful UIButton with super powers, customizable from Storyboard.
16. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Pomotroid (⭐4.2k) - Pomodoro timer.
For Electron / Other
- chromium-net-errors (⭐21) - Chromium's network errors as custom error classes.
17. Awesome Nodejs
Related lists / Miscellaneous
- awesome-npm (⭐4.5k) - Resources and tips for using npm.
- awesome-cross-platform-nodejs (⭐1.2k) - Resources for writing and testing cross-platform code.
18. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Krzysztof Cieslak (⭐8) - Software developer, consultant, founder of Lambda Factory, author of Ionide, Forge, Fornax, project owner and maintainer of VSCode-Elm, contributor to many OSS projects, international speaker.
19. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Index
- Pilosa (⭐2.5k) Open source distributed bitmap index that dramatically accelerates queries across multiple, massive data sets.
20. Awesome Recursion Schemes
Implementations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- Katalyst (⭐22) for Kotlin - a re-envisioning based off Matryoshka using lightweight higher kinded polymorphism.
21. Awesome Ocaml
22. Julia.jl
§2.1. AGPLv3 and ODbL
- The data (aggregated and curated decibans of knowledge resources for Julia language) in this repository (
) is released under the Open Database License (ODbL-v1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) grants anyone the freedom to share, create and adapt the data or database with proper credit attribution as specified in the license and offer any new work under the same terms, and release a public copy if using the new work for commercial purposes.
- The software used in
is released under the AGPLv3 License, and above, as detailed in the (⭐1.3k) file.
- ALL copies and forks of this work must retain the Copyright, respective Licence files for program code (AGPLv3) and data (ODbL) along with this permission notice in all copies or substantial portions of the new work.
23. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Dissemination
- Network Literacy: Essential Concepts and Core ideas, by the NetSciEd team (c. 2016) - Available in several languages (paper).
Books / Method-specific
- Network Analysis in Archaeology, edited by Carl Knappett (2013; review in French).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Connectome - Comprehensive maps of neural connections.
Journals / Topic-specific
- Journal of Complex Networks (Oxford, gated).
- NETCOM. Networks and Communication Studies, in English and in French (
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- Large Graphs and Networks - Research group at the Catholic University of Louvain (official page).
- Murata Laboratory - Tokyo-based research group, studying bi-, tri- and k-partite (hyper)networks.
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Positional Analysis and Blockmodeling (Computational Complexity, 2012).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Networks in Social Psychology, Beginning with Kurt Lewin (Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014).
- Urban Social Networks: Some Methodological Problems and Possibilities (The Small World, 1989).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Aux sources des grands réseaux d’interactions. Retour sur quelques propriétés déterminantes des réseaux sociaux issus de corpus documentaires, by Pascal Cristofoli, in French - Reviews the current state of relational sociology and network analysis in light of the large-scale and online data (Réseaux, 2008).
Software / C / C++
- OpenOrd: Large-scale Graph Layout (formerly DrL) - C++ algorithm, also available as a Gephi plugin.
Varia / Tutorials
- Convert Between Graph Formats - Online service to convert from/to many different common graph formats.
Varia / Network Science
- Editing a Normal Science Journal in Social Science - Reflections on the Social Networks journal by its founding editor.
- The ‘New’ Science of Networks - Review of network science books published in 2002-2003.
Varia / Two-Mode Networks
24. Awesome R
Reference Cards / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Conference Management
- pretalx - Web-based event management, including running a Call for Papers, reviewing submissions, and scheduling talks. Exports and imports for various related tools. (Source Code (⭐775))
26. Awesome Git Addons
Initialize issue repository
$ git issue init
Initialized empty Issues repository in /home/dds/src/gi/.issues
$ git issue new -s 'New issue entered from the command line'
Added issue e6a95c9
Create a new issue (opens editor window)
$ git issue new
Added issue 7dfa5b7
List open issues
$ git issue list
7dfa5b7 An issue entered from the editor
e6a95c9 New issue entered from the command line
Add an issue comment (opens editor window)
$ git issue comment e6a95c9
Added comment 8c0d5b3
Add tag to an issue
$ git issue tag e6a9 urgent
Added tag urgent
Add two more tags
$ git issue tag e6a9 gui crash
Added tag gui
Added tag crash
Remove a tag
$ git issue tag -r e6a9 urgent
Removed tag urgent
Assign issue
$ git issue assign e6a9 [email protected]
Assigned to [email protected]
Add issue watcher
$ git issue watcher e6a9 [email protected]
Added watcher [email protected]
List issues tagged as gui
$ git issue list gui
e6a95c9 New issue entered from the command line
Push issues repository to a server
$ git issue git remote add origin [email protected]:dspinellis/gi-example.git
$ git issue git push -u origin master
Counting objects: 60, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (50/50), done.
Writing objects: 100% (60/60), 5.35 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 60 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:dspinellis/gi-example.git
* [new branch] master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
Clone issues repository from server
$ git issue clone [email protected]:dspinellis/gi-example.git my-issues
Cloning into '.issues'...
remote: Counting objects: 60, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Total 60 (delta 8), reused 60 (delta 8), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (60/60), 5.35 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloned [email protected]:dspinellis/gi-example.git into my-issues
Create new issue
$ git issue new -s 'Issue added on another host'
Added issue abc9adc
Push changes to server
$ git issue push
Counting objects: 7, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 767 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 7 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:dspinellis/gi-example.git
d6be890..740f9a0 master -> master
Show issue added on the other host
$ git issue show 7dfa5b7
issue 7dfa5b7f4591ecaa8323716f229b84ad40f5275b
Author: Diomidis Spinellis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 01:03:24 +0200
Tags: open
An issue entered from the editor
Here is a longer description.
Show issue and comments
$ git issue show -c e6a95c9
issue e6a95c91b31ded8fc229a41cc4bd7d281ce6e0f1
Author: Diomidis Spinellis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 01:03:20 +0200
Tags: open urgent gui crash
Watchers: [email protected]
Assigned-to: [email protected]
New issue entered from the command line
comment 8c0d5b3d77bf93b937cb11038b129f927d49e34a
Author: Diomidis Spinellis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 01:03:57 +0200
First comment regarding the issue.
Pull in remote changes (on the original host)
$ git issue pull
remote: Counting objects: 7, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 7 (delta 0), reused 7 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done.
d6be890..740f9a0 master -> origin/master
Updating d6be890..740f9a0
issues/ab/c9adc61025a3cb73b0c67470b65cefc133a8d0/description | 1 +
issues/ab/c9adc61025a3cb73b0c67470b65cefc133a8d0/tags | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 issues/ab/c9adc61025a3cb73b0c67470b65cefc133a8d0/description
create mode 100644 issues/ab/c9adc61025a3cb73b0c67470b65cefc133a8d0/tags
List open issues
$ git issue list
7dfa5b7 An issue entered from the editor
abc9adc Issue added on another host
e6a95c9 New issue entered from the command line
Sub-command auto-completion
$ git issue [Tab]
assign clone comment git init log pull show watcher
attach close edit help list new push tag
27. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Web
- - Huge collection of various calculators.
28. Awesome Transit
Agency Tools / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- AC Transit RestroomFinder (⭐1) - Pinpoints the nearest authorized restroom for bus operator and field staff, using GPS and on-screen map.
- AC Transit Training and Education Department (TED) application (⭐8) - This application supports the District's training operations for transportation and maintenance employees, primarily in the positions of Bus Operators and Heavy Duty Coach Mechanics (Apprentice and Journey), although the system supports new courses and apprenticeship programs.
- AC Transit Customer Relations application (CusRel) (⭐8) - Public transit ticketing system for customer issues and feedback with: inter-departmental routing with notifications, department/person assigments, simple workflow, ticket searching, pre-canned reports, daily reminders and more.
29. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- modules - Classical Tcl-based Environment Modules managing the shell environment (compare to Lmod, direnv, and autoenv)
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- rebound (⭐4.1k) - Instantly browse Stack Overflow results in your terminal when you get a compiler error
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- catcli (⭐191) - The command line catalog tool for your offline data
- logdissect (⭐133) - CLI utility and Python API for analyzing log files and other data.
Downloading and Serving / Directory Navigation
- HTTPLab (⭐4k) - The interactive web server, let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses.
30. Awesome Keycloak
Commercial Offerings
31. Awesome Ledger
- VS Code (⭐18) - Ledger language support for Visual Studio Code.
32. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Java
- seleniumQuery (⭐71) - jQuery-like cross-driver interface in Java for WebDriver. Designed as a thin layer, it can be used alone or on top of your favorite framework just to make some cases (e.g. asserting/waiting) simpler when needed.
33. Awesome Clojure
34. Awesome Geojson
- geojson-id-streaming (⭐2): Add a unique id to each Feature
- geojson-mesh (⭐12): extract shared borders of Polygons in a GeoJSON
- geojson-polygon-labels (⭐85): generate point labels from GeoJSON polygons
35. Awesome Unity
Augmented & Virtual Reality
- Virtual Reality Toolkit (⭐3.7k) - Virtual Reality framework that allows for powerful interactions, locomotion, and visual effects.
36. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Hubble - 🔭 Travel through GitHub Stars' history.
37. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- amazon-ecs-init 🔥 (⭐189) - RPM developed to support the Amazon ECS Container Agent.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- devops-israel/aws-inventory 🔥🔥 (⭐386) - Display all your AWS resources on a single web page.
38. Awesome C
Build Systems
- CMake - Tools for cross-platform building, testing, and packaging.
3-clause BSD
- Jam - Build system, designed to be easier than make. Understands C build rules implicitly.
Jam License
- qmake - Build system included with the Qt Framework.
GNU GPL3 with Qt Exception
- PCC - Venerable C compiler. Supports C99.
Various free licenses
- TCC - Tiny C Compiler; a small, fast C compiler. Supports C99 (except complex types).
- lzo - Very fast data compression library.
- snappy (⭐5.4k) - Fast compression library (implementation in C++, native bindings to C).
- brotli (⭐12k) - Generic lossless compression algorithm based on LZ77, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modelling
Networking and Internet / Language Standards
- GnuTLS - Secure communication library, implementing SSL, TLS and DTLS.
GNU LGPL2.1 or later
- OpenSSL - Implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols, and also includes a cryptography library.
Dual Licensed under the OpenSSL License and the SSLeay License
- http-parser (⭐6.1k) - HTTP request/response parser.
- libcurl - Client-side URL transfer library, supporting a wide range of formats.
curl license
- libmicrohttpd - Small C library that makes it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.
GNU LGPL2.1 or later
- libvldmail (⭐47) - Your friendly e-mail address validation library.
- nanomsg (⭐5.5k) - C-based implementation of ZeroMQ.
- oSip - SIP implementation in C without additional dependencies.
GNU LGPLv2.1 or later
- pig (⭐426) - Linux packet crafting tool.
- socket99 (⭐134) - C99 wrapper for the BSD sockets API.
- twitc (⭐25) - Mini C library for interacting with the Twitter OAuth API.
- dyad (⭐1.4k) - Asynchronous networking library.
- libressl - Modernized fork of OpenSSL.
Various Licenses
- PostgreSQL - Powerful object-relational database system.
PostgreSQL licence
- UnQLite - Self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL engine with a C interface.
Documentation Generation
- Cxref - Generates documentation of C programs in either LaTeX, HTML, RTF or SGML.
- GTK-Doc - Tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Has support for the Autotools.
GNU GPL2.1 (code)
orGNU FDL1.1
- Anjuta DevStudio - The GNOME IDE.
- CodeLite - Cross-platform IDE.
- Geany - Very small and fast IDE.
GNU GPL2.1 or later
- KDevelop - The KDE IDE.
- ChibiOS - RTOS with complete development environment (HAL, drivers, support files, and tools).
Various Licenses
- Cygwin - Designed to emulate a POSIX-compatible environment extensively under Windows.
Various Licenses
- MinGW-w64 - Minimalist environment for C development on Windows with 64 bit support.
Various Licenses
- CPL - The Common Pipeline Library; a set of libraries designed to be a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit.
- GLib - Library of utility functions and structures, designed to be portable, efficient and powerful.
- GIO - Modern and easy-to-use VFS API.
- GObject - Object-oriented system and object model for C.
- libnih (⭐80) - Lightweight library of C functions and structures.
- PBL - Large library of utilities, featuring data structures, among other things.
GNU LGPL2.1 or later (library)
orGNU GPL2.1 or later (test code)
- stb (⭐20k) - Range of single-file libraries for C.
Public Domain
- Corange (⭐1.6k) - Game engine in pure C.
- Darkplaces - Modified version of the Quake2 engine.
- Quake (⭐3.8k) - The Quake engine.
- Quake2 (⭐2.2k) - The Quake2 engine.
- Clutter - UI library based on OpenGL.
- heman (⭐446) - Tiny library of image utilities dealing with height maps, normal maps, distance fields and the like.
- libcaca (⭐427) - ASCII renderer for terminal-based interfaces.
- libimagequant - Small, portable library for high-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed colour images.
- libjpeg-turbo - Faster library for reading and writing JPEG files.
Various Licenses
- libpng - The official PNG reference library.
libpng license
Graphical User Interface
- GTK+ - Cross-platform widget toolkit.
- Tk - Basic widget toolkit. Part of Tcl/Tk.
Tcl/Tk License
- XForms Toolkit - Widget toolkit designed for the XWindow system.
- nuklear (⭐13k) - Single-header ANSI C gui library.
Public Domain
- libui (⭐10k) - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library.
- libcrc (⭐360) - Multi platform CRC library.
- murmur (⭐2.1k) - C implementation of MurMur Hashing.
Public Domain
- json-c (⭐2.5k) - Library for working with JSON.
- parson (⭐1.1k) - Lightweight JSON library written in C.
Intermediate / Language Standards
Macros / Language Standards
- P99 - Suite of macros to implement advanced features like default function arguments, scope-bound resources, etc. (Requires C99)
Q Public License
Memory Allocators / Language Standards
- dlmalloc - Doug Lea's malloc(3) implementation, useful for academic and research purposes.
Public Domain
Multimedia / Language Standards
- FFMPEG - Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
GNU LGPL2.1 or later
orGNU GPL2.1 or later (some parts)
- GStreamer - Framework for audio and visual media.
- libsoup - GNOME HTTP client/server library. Uses GObject.
Numerical / Language Standards
- BLAS - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms; a set of routines that provide vector and matrix operations.
BLAS license
- FFTW - The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West; a highly-optimized fast Fourier transform routine.
GNU GPL2.1 or later
- FLINT - Fast Library for Number Theory; a library supporting arithmetic with numbers, polynomials, power series and matrices, among others.
GNU GPL2.1 or later
- PARI/GP - Computer algebra system for number theory; includes a compiler to C.
GNU GPL2.1 or later
Parallel Programming / Language Standards
- cchan - Small library for channel constructs for inter-thread communication.
Public Domain
- MPICH - Another implementation of MPI.
MPICH licence
- pthreads - The POSIX thread library.
- TinyCThread - Portable, small implementation of the C11 threads API.
Parsers / Language Standards
- hammer (⭐267) - Parser combinators for binary formats.
- iniparser (⭐829) - Parser for
- mpc (⭐2.4k) - Parser combinator library.
- libucl (⭐1.5k) - Universal configuration library parser.
Regex / Language Standards
- SLRE (⭐499) - Super Light Regular Expression library; a very small implementation of a subset of Perl regex syntax.
- TRE (⭐690) - POSIX-compliant, feature-full regex library.
Serialization / Language Standards
- c-capnproto (⭐67) - Implementation of the Cap'n Proto serialization protocol.
- cmp (⭐286) - Implementation of the MessagePack serialization protocol.
- mpack (⭐406) - Another implementation of the MessagePack serialization protocol.
- netstring-c (⭐4) - Netstring encoder and decoder.
Public Domain
- protobuf-c (⭐2.2k) - Implementation of Google Protocol Buffer in C.
- xdr - External Data Representation; a standard for data serialization.
Source Code Collections / Language Standards
- CCAN - Modelled after Perl's CPAN, this is a big collection of C code that does stuff. The full list is here.
- clib (⭐4.4k) - Something of a package manager for C. Comes with a bunch of libraries of its own (⭐4.4k).
- gnulib - Collection of common GNU code.
- libdjb - Collection of libraries doing various things.
(Apparently) Public Domain
Standard Libraries / Language Standards
- dietlibc - C standard library designed for the smallest possible binaries.
- glibc - The GNU C Library; an implementation of the C standard library.
String Manipulation / Language Standards
- ICU - International Components for Unicode; a library for Unicode support.
ICU license
- SDS (⭐4k) - Simple Dynamic Strings; a library for handling C strings in a simpler way, but one that is compatible with normal C string functions. Available via clib (⭐4.4k).
Testing / Language Standards
- CUnit - Another unit testing framework for C.
- Cutest (⭐18) - Library for unit testing with memory leak detection (Linux, freeBSD and Windows).
- minunit (⭐441) - Minimal unit testing framework for C.
Atom / Language Standards
- linter-clang (⭐56) - Lint C code in Atom, using Clang.
- linter-gcc (⭐71) - Lint C code in Atom, using GCC.
Vim / Language Standards
- Syntastic (⭐11k) - Syntax checking and linting.
Do What The Fuck You Want To license
Tools / Language Standards
- c (⭐2k) - Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go on the command line. Also has shebang support.
- c99sh (⭐101) - Run C files using hash-bang.
- cdecl - Online service to translate C declarations into English and vice versa.
Public Domain
- cinclude2dot - Graphs include dependencies in a C project using Graphviz.
Any GNU GPL version (due to underspecification in the file)
- Glade - RAD tool to enable quick development of GTK+ GUIs.
- tup - Very fast, file-based, cross-platform build system.
- Valgrind - Range of dynamic analysis tools, including a leak checker.
Utilities / Language Standards
- ApeTagLibs (⭐13) - C library for working with APEv2 tags.
- CException (⭐251) - C implementation of exceptions.
- docopt.c (⭐311) - C implementation of a command-line option parser.
- FANN - Fast Artifical Neural Network library; an implementation of neural networks.
- Firm - C library that provides a graph-based intermediate representation, optimizations and assembly code generation suitable for use in compilers. Comes with an example C front-end under the same license.
- huffandpuff (⭐89) - Minimal Huffman encoder and decoder.
Public Domain
- libffi (⭐2.6k) - Portable foreign-function interface library.
- libimobiledevice (⭐5.2k) - Cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iThings.
GNU LGPLv2.1 or later (library)
orGNU GPL2.1 or later (tools)
- nope.c (⭐693) - C-language-based, ultra-light software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications (think node.js for C programmers).
- pbc (⭐1.6k) - Protocol buffers library.
- Ragel - DSL for state machines that compiles to C.
- uthash - Hash table implementation, allowing existing structures to be stored in a hash table easily.
1-clause BSD
- libelf (⭐33) - ELF object file access library in C.
- mcpp - Portable C preprocessor.
2-clause BSD
- Capstone (⭐6k) - Dissasembly/disassembler framework.
BSD 3-clause
XML / Language Standards
39. Awesome Decentralized
- AKASHA: A Next-Generation Social Media Network. Powered by the Ethereum world computer. Embedded into the Inter-Planetary File System.
- Patchwork (⭐3.6k): Decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB). Another alternative interface is Patchbay (⭐390).
- PeerTube (⭐13k): Video streaming platform using BitTorrent directly in the web browser, with WebTorrent and Angular. Demo server at
- Syncthing-GTK (⭐1.3k): GUI for Syncthing - a continuous file synchronization program.
40. Awesome React Native
41. Awesome Wagtail
Community / Lists
- Wagtail’s first hatch – Kickstarter campaign to accelerate the development of Wagtail.
42. Awesome Hacking Locations
Poland 🇵🇱 / Krakow
Café Lisboa
Solid coffee in a portuguese ambience. Calm music, lovely summer garden. A tiny spot but never loud. Great pasteis de nata, lunch options too.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | x | 33-332, Dolnych Młynów 3, 33-332 Kraków | Mon-Wed 08:00-20:00, Thu-Fri 08:00-21:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-20:00 |
Coffee Corner
Good coffee and tea, right in the middle of the main railway station. Can get busy but usually not very loud. Plenty of electrical plugs available.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Pawia 5a, 31-154 Kraków | Mon-Sun 05:00-22:00 |
Turkey 🇹🇷 / Istanbul
Boreal Coffee Shop - Talacker
Very nice coffee, spacious, good tables to work and a bunch of couches.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | Some plugs | Talacker 41 CH-8001 Zürich | Mon - Fri: 07:00 - 19:00 Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 19:00 |
43. Awesome Dev Fun
- Cat Facts (⭐8) - Adds random cat facts to HTTP response headers. 🐈
44. Awesome Cmake
Examples / Templates
- cpp14-project-template (⭐64) - A C++14 template with CI, tests, code coverage, docs and static analysis integration.
45. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- NugetVisualizer (⭐21) - Visualize all of the nuget packages and their corresponding versions for a set of given git repositories or folders.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Socket
- Fleck (⭐2.3k) - Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#. Fleck requires no inheritance, container, or additional references.
Podcasts / Workflow
46. Awesome Groovy
Build tools, setup and CI
- GMavenPlus (⭐283) - A rewrite of GMaven, a Maven plugin for Groovy
- Jenkins job-dsl-plugin (⭐1.9k) - A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs
- travis-groovy (⭐3) - execute groovy scripts on travis-ci
IDE and Editor Support
- Sublime Text 2/3 - Run groovy scripts from Sublime Text
Web Frameworks
- Micronaut - A brand new microservices framework created by the Grails team
- Effigy (⭐6) - Groovy annotation-driven JDBC row mapping framework (abandoned)
- HTTP Builder NG (⭐176) - HTTP Builder NG is a modern Groovy DSL for making http requests.
- HTTP Builder NG Gradle Plugin (⭐31) - Gradle plugin providing HTTP Builder NG support in a Gradle build configuration.
- Ersatz Mock Server (⭐47) - A simple and expressive simulated HTTP server for testing client code with configurable responses.
- Dru - Data Reconstruction Utility loads data from external sources JSON, YML for easy testing GORM, DynamoDB or just plain POJOs.
- Gru - Groovy HTTP Testing Framework for running integration and semi-ingetration tests for any HTTP backend with native unit test support for Grails and Spring MVC.
- spreadsheet-builder - Spreadsheet builder provides convenient way how to create MS Excel OfficeOpenXML Documents (XSLX)
- GroovyCSV - A simple CSV parsing library for groovy
Official Resources
- Groovy's source (⭐5.2k) - Groovy's source code mirrored on Github
Blogs of core committer
- Greachconf (discontinued)
- GR8Conf USA (discontinued)
47. Awesome Markdown
CMS / Blogs
- Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework
48. Awesome Open Source Supporters
- Atlassian
- Productivity tools for teams (Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, HipChat).
- Netlify
- Hosting for static sites.
49. Awesome Spanish Nlp
Corpora / Shared tasks
50. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements
- Shifty - A macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
51. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- pysysinfo_influxdb (⭐2) - Periodically send system information into influxdb (uses python3 + psutil, so it also works under Windows)
Projects / Non-dedicated
- Apache JMeter - Popular load testing tool, you can get real-time results sent to a backend through the InfluxDBBackendListenerClient which allows you to send metrics (active threads, response time ...) to an InfluxDB Backend using UDP or HTTP protocols
52. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
Misc Articles
53. Awesome Android
GUI / Images
- ShapeImageView (⭐2.6k) - Library to display images in different shapes.
- Prev: Apr 23 - Apr 29, 2018
- Next: Apr 09 - Apr 15, 2018