Awesome List Updates on Apr 02 - Apr 08, 2018
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Maintainers
- @KrauseFx, fastlane (⭐36k)
- "Scaling open source communities" (post)
2. Awesome Haskell
Courses / Video Tutorials
- Functional Programming in Haskell - Introductory MOOC to functional programming in Haskell by the University of Glasgow.
3. Awesome Swift
Other Data
- KeyPathKit (⭐427) - KeyPathKit provides a seamless syntax to manipulate data using typed keypaths.
Socket / Barcode
- sockets (⭐573) 🐧 - TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, OS X.
Quality / Barcode
- IBLinter (⭐948) - A linter tool for Interface Builder.
Text / Barcode
- MarkdownKit (⭐802) - A simple and customizable Markdown Parser.
4. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Chaitanya Giri (⭐0) - Full-stack developer, JavaScript <3, tabs over spaces, open source enthusiast.
5. Awesome Serverless
Serverless Framework Plugins
- Event Gateway (⭐29) - Event Gateway plugin for the Serverless Framework.
6. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue Curated Resources - Recommended Vue.js courses and tutorials.
7. Awesome D
Getting Help
- Official D Forum Learn Group - Highest traffic site for answering D questions.
- D on Stack Overflow - Less traffic than forums but possibly easier to search.
- D on Rosetta Code - Examples of how to do many basic things in D.
Blogs / Bare metal / kernel development
- /r/d_language on Reddit - A feed of news and blog posts about D.
8. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- q (⭐67) - Vim like macro registers for your Bash and Zsh Shell
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- licins (⭐23) - Insert commented software licenses into source code.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- progress (⭐8.1k) - Linux tool to show progress for
, and more...
- stronghold (⭐1k) - Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- xiringuito (⭐1.1k) - SSH-based "VPN for poors"
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- adb-export (⭐101) - Export Android content providers to CSV format
Games / Directory Navigation
- piu-piu (⭐721) - Horizontal scroller game in bash with multiplayer mode!
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- phases (⭐13) - Minimally invasive bash preprocessor, select sections of your script to run
9. Awesome Ddd
Video Collections
- KanDDDinsky - A YouTube collection of talks given at KanDDDinsky.
10. Awesome Crystal
- carbon (⭐85) - Fun, testable, and adapter-based email library
ORM/ODM Extensions
- granite (⭐297) - ORM for Postgres, Mysql, Sqlite
11. Awesome Cl
Event processing / Third-party APIs
- cl-flow (⭐50) - Data-flowish computation tree library for non-blocking concurrent Common Lisp. MIT.
12. Awesome Vapor
- Swifter (⭐38) – A macOS tool to help you manage your Xcode projects and give you a quick access to DerivedData folder cleaning and management.
13. Awesome Pyramid
Web frontend integration
- PyramidVue (⭐36) - Pyramid and VueJs (JavaScript) template with Hot-Module-Replacement starter template.
14. Awesome Npm Scripts
- Helpers and tips for npm run scripts - Blog post by Michael Kühnel covering advanced topics.
Other Utilities / Utility Packs
- cli-error-notifier (⭐64) - Send native desktop notifications when npm scripts fail.
Miscellaneous / Utility Packs
- ntl (⭐872) - Interactive cli menu to list and run npm scripts.
15. Awesome Mqtt
- MQTT-C (⭐544) - A portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike.
Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- Home Assistant has a MQTT component.
16. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- svd2rust (⭐746) Generate Rust structs with register mappings from SVD files.
- bindgen Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries. -
- cortex-m semihosting (⭐0) Semihosting for ARM Cortex-M processors
Peripheral Access Crates / Nordic
Peripheral access API for nRF51 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust) -
Peripheral Access Crates / NXP
HAL implementation crates / Nordic
HAL implementation crates / STMicroelectronics
Board support crates / Nordic
Board support crates / NXP
- FRDM-KW41Z -
Driver crates / Other
- L3GD20 - SPI - Gyroscope - Intro blog post -
17. Awesome React Native
18. Awesome Jvm
- jvm-profiler (⭐1.7k) - Java Agent to collect various metrics and stacktraces for Hadoop/Spark JVM processes in a distributed way.
19. Awesome Lua
Resources / Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
- Lua - Lua's original ANSI C interpreter.
- Lua Repo (⭐6.2k) - The official Lua repo, as seen by the Lua team, mirrored to GitHub.
- Fengari - The Lua VM rewritten in Javascript with seamless JS and DOM interoperability.
- LuaBridge (⭐1.4k) - A lightweight library for mapping data, functions, and classes back and forth between C++ and Lua.
Resources / Build Tools and Standalone Makers
- Lake (⭐123) - A build engine written in Lua, similar to Ruby's rake.
- Luabuild (⭐79) - Highly customizable Lua 5.2 build system.
- luastatic (⭐663) - Simple tool for turning Lua programs into standalone executables.
- omnia (⭐45) - A batteries-included creator of standalone executables, built on top of luastatic.
Resources / IDEs and Plugins
- BabeLua - Lua editor/debugger extension for VS2012-13 with highlighting, auto-completion, linting, and formatting capabilities.
- lua-mode (⭐292) - Emacs major mode for editing Lua.
- vscode-lua (⭐109) - VSCode intellisense and linting.
Resources / Utility Belts
- compat53 - Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1.
- RxLua (⭐467) - Reactive Extensions, Observables, etc.
Resources / Game Engines
- LÖVR - 3D framework for creating virtual reality experiences, inspired by LÖVE 2D.
Resources / Game Development
- Corona
- Coronium - Simple cloud platform supporting analytics, data objects, user management, and more.
Resources / Logging
- lua-log (⭐96) - Asynchronous logging library with pluggable writers for file system, network, ZeroMQ, and more.
- LuaLogging (⭐145) - Log4j-inspired logging library supporting various appenders.
- luasyslog - Log to syslog, based on LuaLogging.
Resources / OpenResty
- Frameworks & tools
- Lapis - Full-stack framework for Lua and OpenResty. Like the Django or Rails of Lua. Supports Moonscript.
- ledge (⭐436) - Lua module providing scriptable, RFC-compliant HTTP cache functionality.
- Sailor (⭐881) — An MVC web framework compatible with OpenResty, Apache and other webservers.
- Kong (⭐33k) - Microservice & API Management Layer.
Resources / Concurrency and Multithreading
- Coroutine-based multitasking:
- Lumen (⭐139) - Simple concurrent task scheduling.
- ConcurrentLua (⭐158) - Implements an Erlang-style message-passing concurrency model.
- cqueues - Library for managing sockets, signals, and threads based on an event loop with coroutines.
Resources / File system and OS
- LuaFileSystem - Extends and complements Lua's built-in set of file system functions.
- lunix - Bindings to common Unix system APIs, striving for thread-safety.
- lua-path (⭐58) - File system path manipulation library.
Resources / Time and Date
- luatx (⭐106) - Time, date, and timezone library.
Resources / Parsing and Serialization
- lua-cjson (⭐821) - Blazing fast JSON encoding/decoding implemented in C and exposed to Lua.
- luajson (⭐240) - JSON encoder/decoder implemented in Lua on top of LPeg.
- dkjson - JSON encoder/decoder implemented in pure Lua.
- json.lua (⭐1.4k) - A fast and tiny JSON library in pure Lua.
- MessagePack
- lua-MessagePack - Pure Lua implementation of MessagePack.
- lua-cmsgpack (⭐330) - A MessagePack C implementation with Lua bindings, as used by Redis.=
- LPeg
- LPeg - A pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars.
- lpeg_patterns (⭐111) - A collection of LPeg patterns.
- LuLPeg (⭐226) - A pure Lua implementation of LPeg v0.12.
- LPegLJ (⭐104) - A pure LuaJIT implementation of LPeg v1.0.
- LPegLabel (⭐115) - An extension of LPeg adding support for labeled failures.
- LXSH (⭐71) - A collection of lexers and syntax highlighters written with LPeg.
- lua-pb (⭐278) - Protocol Buffers implementation.
Resources / Humanize
- say (⭐29) - Simple string key-value store for i18n.
Resources / Cryptography
- luaossl (⭐123) - "Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe" - used by lapis, kong, and lua-http.
Resources / Network
- lua-cURLv3 (⭐243) - Lua binding to libcurl.
- lua-http (⭐669) - Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket library with client and server APIs, TLS, and HTTP/2; based on cqueues.
Resources / Data Stores
- pgmoon (⭐322) - Lua PostgreSQL driver for OpenResty, LuaSocket, and cqueues.
- Redis
- redis-lua (⭐704) - Pure Lua client library for Redis.
- lua-resty-redis (⭐1.8k) - Lua Redis client driver for OpenResty.
- lredis (⭐43) - Asynchronous Redis client with pipelining and Pub/Sub support; based on cqueues.
Resources / Message Brokers
- lua-zmq (⭐149) - Lua bindings to ZeroMQ.
- lzmq (⭐128) - A newer Lua binding to ZeroMQ.
- lua-resty-kafka (⭐738) - Kafka client driver based on OpenResty cosockets.
- lua-resty-rabbitmqstomp (⭐186) - RabbitMQ client library based on OpenResty cosockets.
Resources / Analysis Tools and ASTs
- luacov - Simple coverage analyzer, used by busted and telescope for checking test coverage.
- luacov-coveralls (⭐45) - LuaCov reporter for
- lua-parser (⭐163) - A Lua 5.3 parser written using LPegLabel, with improved error messages.
Resources / Community
- lua-l - The official Lua mailing list, and one of the focal points of the Lua community.
- Lua.Space - The Lua community blog.
- Lua Users Foundation - An association of individuals with the mission of supporting and promoting Lua and its community and ecosystems.
- - A site for and by users of Lua, featuring an IRC channel, a web archive of lua-l, and a large wiki.
- Conferences/Meetups
- Lua Workshop - Annual 2-day meeting of the Lua community, in rotating locations.
- Lua Conf - Annual 1-day Lua conference in Brazil.
- FOSDEM - Annual 2-day gathering of F/OSS developers in Brussels which sometimes has a "Lua devroom".
20. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / VPN
- sshuttle (⭐11k) - Poor man's VPN.
21. Css Protips
Translations / Demo
22. Awesome Cpp
- plf::list (⭐151) - A std::list implementation which removes range splicing in order to enable cache-friendlier structure, yielding significant performance gains. [zLib] website
- plf::stack (⭐64) - A replacement container for the std::stack container adaptor, with better performance than any std container in a stack context. [zLib] website
- Nanotimer (⭐140) - A simple low-overhead cross-platform timer class for benchmarking. [zLib] website
- Timsort (⭐305) - A templated stable sorting function which outperforms quicksort-based algorithms including std::sort, for reversed or semi-sorted data. [MIT]
23. Awesome Python
Interactive Interpreter
- Jupyter Notebook (IPython) - A rich toolkit to help you make the most out of using Python interactively.
24. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / Python
- Motor (⭐2.5k) - Official non-blocking Python driver for Tornado or asyncio
25. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Others
- Listen to Wikipedia (Hatnote) - Listen to the sound of Wikipedia's recent changes feed.
26. Awesome Symfony
- EightPointsGuzzleBundle (⭐419) - Integrates Guzzle 6.x, a PHP HTTP Client, into Symfony 2-4 and provides plugins to extend basic functionality.
27. Awesome Javascript Learning
Videos / Single Topics
- FunFunFunction - Educational plus entertaining YouTube show covering language features as well as architectural topics amongst others.
28. Awesome LaTeX
Tutorials / TikZ
- LaTeX introductions in languages other than English - Collection of introductions in many languages.
29. Awesome Chatops
- ChatOps with PoshBot and PowerShell - An overview of PoshBot, a PowerShell-based bot framework at the Portland PowerShell user group.
Frameworks and libraries / Slack
- PoshBot (⭐492) (PowerShell)
30. Awesome Purescript
Build Tooling
- psc-package (⭐226) - A package manager for PureScript based on package sets
UI Libraries
- purescript-css (⭐103) - A clean, type-safe library for describing, manipulating and rendering CSS.
- purescript-react (⭐386) - React bindings for PureScript
- purescript-react-basic (⭐269) - An opinionated set of bindings to the React library, optimizing for the most basic use cases.
- purescript-pux (⭐567) - Build type-safe web apps with PureScript.
- purescript-spork (⭐152) - Elm-like for PureScript.
- purescript-concur (⭐254) - Concur UI framework. React backend, but can use others.
- purescript-presto (⭐179) - Write Apps like Mathematical Equations!
- purescript-react-explor (⭐88) - Experiments with comonads for modelling React UIs.
- purescript-halogen (⭐1.4k) - A declarative, type-safe UI library.
- purescript-turbine (⭐80) - Purely functional frontend framework powered by FRP.
- purescript-outwatch (⭐33) - A functional and reactive UI framework based on Rx and VirtualDom.
- purescript-panda (⭐68) - What would TEA look like if we had no VDOM?
- purescript-specular (⭐119) - A Reflex-Dom inspired UI library for PureScript.
- purescript-sdom (⭐161) - An experiment in replacing the virtual DOM and avoiding diffing.
- purescript-purview (⭐110) - A UI library based on the incremental lambda calculus.
URL Routers
- purescript-routing (⭐95) - A clean, type-safe routing library for PureScript.
- purescript-cofree-react-router (⭐24) - React-Router implemented in PureScript as Cofree Comonad for the Array functor.
- purescript-trout (⭐42) - Type-level routing for PureScript.
- purescript-boomboom (⭐5) - Never hard code your urls again. Boomboom them all!
31. Awesome Malware Analysis
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- - Free URL Scanner & domain information.
32. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
Packages / Blogs
- - Balint Erdi blog.
Packages / Cheatsheets
Packages / Twitter
33. Awesome Ros2
Presentations / Embedded World Conference 2018
Papers / ROSCon 2015
34. Awesome Decentralized
- OnionShare: Open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size.
35. Awesome Creative Coding
Blogs • Websites / Other
- CreativeApplications.Net [CAN] - Famous digital art blog.
36. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Forensics
- Logdissect (⭐137) - CLI utility and Python API for analyzing log files and other data.
37. Awesome Free Software
Software / Command Line Tools
- Logdissect (⭐129) - CLI utility and Python API for analyzing log files and other data. (MIT (⭐129))
38. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 TypeGQL (⭐425) - Set of tools for creating GraphQL schema directly from typed TypeScript class.
39. Awesome Diversity
- Lesbians Who Tech - Lesbians Who Tech is a community of queer women in or around tech (and the people who love them).
- ACT-W National Conference - Presented by ChickTech, ACT-W National focuses on providing you with inspiring and actionable education in career development, leadership, technology, and diversity.
40. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Fable (⭐2.9k) - F# to JavaScript Compiler.
41. Awesome Hacking Locations
United States 🇺🇸 / Massachusetts
The Bun Shop
Loftlike, late-night cafe for filled buns like piroshki & empanadas, plus Vietnamese coffee. BYOB.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 239 W Read St, Baltimore, MD 21201 | 7 days 7am-3am |
42. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Goals
- Taskade - Simple and sharable tasks, checklists, and notes. (Web, iOS & Android).
43. Awesome Dev Fun
Esoteric languages
- OnlyToday (⭐6) - A date and time based programming language.
44. Awesome Ffmpeg
- fluent-ffmpeg (⭐6.6k) - A fluent API to FFmpeg. If you only use one tool from this list, it should be this one.
- ffmpeg-probe (⭐10) - Wrapper around ffprobe for getting info about media files.
- ffmpeg-generate-video-preview (⭐124) - Generates an attractive image strip or GIF preview from a video.
- ffmpeg-extract-frame (⭐13) - Extracts a single frame from a video.
- ffmpeg-extract-audio (⭐11) - Extracts an audio stream from a media file.
- ffmpeg-on-progress (⭐10) - Utility for robustly reporting progress with fluent-ffmpeg.
- simplest ffmpeg mobile (⭐1.9k) - FFmpeg examples for Android and iOS.
45. Awesome Transit
GTFS Courses
- World Bank - "Intro. to GTFS" online course - A free, online, self-paced course for learning about GTFS and GTFS-realtime.
Transit agency data archives / Rust
- CapMetrics (⭐16) - Historical vehicle locations for Austin's transit agency (CapMetro). Data is collected by capmetricsd (⭐10), a Go daemon.
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- Transport API - REST API for aggregated transit data for the United Kingdom. Fee-based access.
- NextBus API - REST API for real-time vehicle, route, stop, and arrival data for agencies that have puchased NextBus's hardware and/or software.
- CityBikes - REST API for aggregated bikeshare data from around the world. Powered by pyBikes (⭐569).
Blog posts / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- When(ish) is my bus? Data and code (⭐45) - The data and code (R) behind Whenish is my bus? Data includes three days of historical vehicle positions and the survey results.
- "Legacy AVL system? It's okay, join the club." by Kurt Raschke - Discussion of options for transforming legacy AVL system data into the GTFS-realtime format.
- "GTFS Best Practices now available!" by Sean Barbeau - Discusses some of the challenges of an open data format like GTFS and the GTFS Best Practices that were launched in early 2017 to help address data quality.
- "What's new in GTFS-realtime v2.0" by Sean Barbeau - Discuss the shortfalls in GTFS-realtime v1.0 and the improvements in v2.0.
- "AVL, CAD, and Real-Time Passenger Info for Beginners" by Tony Laidig - Provides a general introduction to technology used to track vehicles.
Academic papers / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- Tang et al. - "Ridership effects of real-time bus information system: A case study in the City of Chicago" - Experiment in Chicago, IL showed modest increase in ridership when riders had access to real-time info via text message or email.
- Watkins et al. - "Where Is My Bus? Impact of mobile real-time information on the perceived and actual wait time of transit riders" - Experiments in Seattl,e WA showed that riders perceived shorter bus wait times when they had access to real-time info via mobile apps.
- Brakewood et al. - “An experiment evaluating the impacts of real-time transit information on bus riders in Tampa, Florida” - Controlled experiment in Tampa, FL showed that riders with access to real-time info via mobile apps perceived nearly 2 minute reduction in wait times compared to riders without real-time info. Riders with real-time info also had decreases in anxiety and frustration and better reception of agency.
- Brakewood et al. - "The impact of real-time information on bus ridership in New York City" - Experiment in NYC showed that ridership increased on long routes when real-time info was made available to riders.
Government reports / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- APTA Policy Development and Research - Public Transportation Embracing Open Data - APTA's discussion of the benefits and challenges of open transit data (a short summary of the below TCRP report).
46. Awesome Dotnet
- AvalonStudio (⭐1.6k) - An extensible, cross platform IDE written in C# for Embedded C/C++, .NET Core, Avalonia and Typescript
Machine Learning and Data Science
- GeneticSharp (⭐1.3k) - Multi-platform genetic algorithm library for .NET Core and .NET Framework. The library has several implementations of GA operators, like: selection, crossover, mutation, reinsertion and termination.
47. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / JavaScript SDK
Open Source Repos / Security
- iSECPartners/Scout2 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.7k) - Security auditing tool.
- Prev: Apr 09 - Apr 15, 2018
- Next: Mar 26 - Apr 01, 2018