Awesome List Updates on Dec 28, 2018
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / DNS - Servers
- CoreDNS - Flexible DNS server. (Source Code (⭐12k))
2. Awesome Crystal
Framework Components
- praetorian (⭐59) - Minimalist authorization library inspired by Pundit
3. Awesome Network Analysis
Varia / Tutorials
- Awesome community detection (⭐2.3k) - Comprehensive list of community detection papers with title, authors, link to the paper and reference implementation.
4. Awesome Perl
Exception Handling / NoSQL Databases
- Syntax::Keyword::Try - a try/catch/finally syntax for perl
List Manipulation / NoSQL Databases
- List::AllUtils - Combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy in one bite-sized package
- List::SomeUtils - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- List::UtilsBy - higher-order list utility functions
5. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Validation
- form-validator-cljs (⭐54) – Validate forms with spec and fn.
6. Awesome Flutter
Premium / Game Engine resources
- History Of Everything (⭐6.5k) - Animated vertical timeline of humanity by 2D, Inc
7. Awesome C
Regex / Language Standards
- sregex (⭐598) - Non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine library.
3-clause BSD
8. Awesome Machine Learning
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- Rubix ML - A high-level machine learning (ML) library that lets you build programs that learn from data using the PHP language.
9. Awesome Homematic
Alternative Sensors, Actuators and Hardware Modifications
- AskSinPPCollection - Einführung, Dokumentation und Projekte rund um Selbstbau-Komponenten mit AskSinPP
- Beispiel_AskSinPP (⭐72) - Beispiel Sketche für die Verwendung der AskSinPP (⭐88) Bibliothek
10. Public Apis
API: Coinlore
Description: Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: ApiFlash
Description: Chrome based screenshot API for developers
CORS: Unknown
- Prev: Dec 29, 2018
- Next: Dec 27, 2018