Awesome List Updates on Dec 25, 2018
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Competitive Programming
List of Lists
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Name: All of the good tutorials found on codeforces - Codeforces
Description: Another good collection of tutorial blog posts written by Codeforces users.
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Name: How to prepare for ACM - ICPC? - GeeksforGeeks
Description: A detailed walk-through of the preparations for ACM-ICPC.
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Name: Programming Camp Syllabus
Description: A list of important topics in competitive programming with exercise problems.
Tutorial Websites
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Name: Topcoder Data Science Tutorials
Description: A list of tutorials written by respected Topcoder members. Many top programmers started learning data sciences from here.
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Name: Algorithms - GeeksforGeeks
Description: A website with a large archive of nicely written articles on different topics. It is a great complimentary resource for algorithm courses.
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Name: PEGWiki
Description: A website with amazing in-depth wiki-like writeups on many topics. It's far better than those on Wikipedia in my opinion.
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Name: Notes - HackerEarth
Description: A great crowdsourcing platform for tutorials. Also visit Code Monk.
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Name: USA Computing Olympiad (USACO)
Description: Contains several training pages on its website which are designed to develop one's skills in programming solutions to difficult and varied algorithmic problems at one's own pace.
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Name: basecs
Description: A blog with in-depth, illustrated tutorials on basic algorithms and data structures.
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Name: Competitive Programming - Commonlounge
Description: Short video tutorials for beginner and intermediate concepts. Advanced tutorials selected from the best ones available on various CP blogs.
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Description: An international journal focused on the research and practice of professionals who are working in the field of teaching and learning informatics to talented student.
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Name: algolist (Russian)
Description: A Russian website devoted to algorithms of all sorts. Some topics listed on this website seems pretty interesting.
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Name: ๅฝๅฎถ้่ฎญ้่ฎบๆ 1999-2015 (Papers from Chinese IOI training camps) (Chinese)
Description: Papers from the Chinese IOI training camps. It's interesting for the fact that one can tell different regions emphasize different things.
Open Courses
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Name: Code Monk, by HackerEarth
Description: A fantastic step-by-step tutorial on the essential topics in competitive programming.
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Name: How to Win Coding Competitions: Secrets of Champions
Description: A course by ITMO University on competitive coding on edX.
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Name: Codechef's Indian Programming Camp
Description: Video Lectures from Codechef's Indian Programming Camp 2016. Lectures given by top competitive programmers like Sergey Kulik, Kevin Charles Atienza and Anudeep Nekkanti. Primarily focused on exploring these concepts by applying them to actual competitive contest problems.
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Name: NCTU DCP4631: Problem Solving and Programming Techniques
Description: A course on basic topics featuring good lecture slides.
Open Courses / Open Courses for Algorithms and Data Structures
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Name: MIT SMA 5503: Introduction to Algorithms
Description: Lectured by Prof. Charles Leiserson (one of the coauthors of Introduction to Algorithms) and Prof. Erik Demaine (a brilliant professor who has made remarkable breakthroughs in data science), the course offers great materials, accompanied by intuitive and comprehensive analyses.
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Name: UIUC Algorithm Course
Description: lecture notes, homeworks, exams, and discussion problems covering a broad range of algorithmic topics
Books / Open Courses for Algorithms and Data Structures
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Name: Competitive Programming, by Steven and Felix Halim
Description: This book contains a collection of relevant data structures, algorithms, and programming tips. It's a well-received book. ... The first edition is free for download (pdf).
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Name: Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual, by Steven Skiena and Miguel Revilla
Description: This book includes more than 100 programming challenges, as well as the theory and key concepts necessary for approaching them. Problems are organized by topic, and supplemented by complete tutorial material.
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Name: Competitive Programmer's Handbook, by Antti Laaksonen
Description: An introduction to competitive programming for aspiring IOI and ICPC contestants. Free to download (pdf).
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Name: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, by Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars
Description: This is a well-written book which covers a broad range of computational geometry problems.
Books / Books for Algorithms
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Name: Algorithm Design, by Jon Kleinberg and รva Tardos
Description: This book revolves around techniques for designing algorithms. It's well-organized and written in a clear, understandable language. Each chapter is backed with practical examples and helpful exercises. The chapter on network flow is highly praised by lots. ... The lecture slides that accompany the textbook are available on its official website.
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Name: The Algorithm Design Manual, by Steven S. Skiena
Description: The book is written in more readable text. Some find it comprehensive than other books. You can also find some good resources (including the author's own video lectures) on its official website.
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Name: Algorithms, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
Description: This book is neatly categorized, coupled with elaborate explanations and fantastic illustrations. It is used in some IOI training camps as a textbook.
Books / Books for Mathematics
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Name: Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science, by Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik
Description: The book offers a deeper insight into Discrete Mathematics with more emphases on number-related topics.
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Name: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, by David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald
Description: The book does a brilliant job at bridging the gap between a physical system (for scientists and engineers) and an abstract system (for mathematicians).
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Name: How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, by G. Polya
Description: An old-time classic. In this book, the author provides a systematic way to solve problems creatively.
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Name: Intermediate Counting & Probability, by David Patrick
Description: Topics in counting and probability byformer USA Mathematical Olympiad winner David Patrick , topics include inclusion-exclusion, 1-1 correspondences, the Pigeonhole Principle, constructive expectation, Fibonacci and Catalan numbers, recursion, conditional probability, generating functions, graph theory, and much more..
Sites for Practice / Books for Mathematics
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Name: Topcoder
Description: Topcoder has been around since 2001. Rich in history, It's considered to be one of the most prestigious organizations when it comes to technology competitions. Hundreds of SRMs gave birth to an abundant problemset. Problems here are typically more challenging than others and Topcoder therefore appeals to many elite programmers. The annual Topcoder Open (TCO) is also a widely-discussed event.
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Name: Google Code Jam
Description: Google Code Jam is certainly one of the most highly-esteemed programming competitions. The competition consists of unique programming challenges which must be solved in a fixed amount of time. Competitors may use any programming language and development environment to obtain their solutions.
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Name: AtCoder
Description: AtCoder is a new but phenomenal contest platform created by a team of highly-rated Japanese competitive programmers.
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Name: SPOJ
Description: The SPOJ platform is centered around an online judge system. It holds a staggering amount of problems prepared by its community of problem setters or taken from previous programming contests, some of which are great problems for practice (refer to the Problem classifiers section). SPOJ also allows advanced users to organize contests under their own rules.
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Name: Aizu Online Judge
Description: Aizu online judge is a contest platform and problem archive hosted by The University of Aizu. It has a lot of great problems from programming competitions in Japan.
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Name: UVa
Description: An old-school problem archive / online judge with rich history. Thousands of problems, including many classic ones, are featured here. However, it is strongly advised that you practice with uHunt following its "Competitive Programming Exercise" section.
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Name: POJ
Description: POJ is an online judge with many great problems maintained by Peking University. Most Chinese competitive programmers began their journey here. The platform is really dated so mysterious compilation and run-time issues may occur.
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Name: Russian Code Cup
Description: Programming competitions powered by Mail.Ru Group. Competition consists of 3 qualification, 1 elimination and 1 final rounds. For each round contestants are given 4-8 problems which must be solved in a fixed amount of time.
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Name: CodeFights
Description: CodeFights is a website for competitive programming practice and interview preparation. It features daily challenges of varying difficulty, an archive of problems and regular (every 15 minutes) mini-tournaments. Good for beginners.
Sites for Practice / Problem Classifiers
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Name: HackerRank
Description: HackerRank
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Name: Topcoder problem archive
Description: List of problems with categories and complexity levels
Sites for Practice / Contest Calendars
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Description: API available for use
Sites for Questions / Contest Calendars
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Name: Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange
Description: This place is generally for the academics, so don't ask questions about contest problems here.
Implementations / Camps and Trainings
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Name: CodeLibrary, by Andrey Naumenko (indy256)
Description: CodeLibrary contains a large collection of implementations for algorithms and data structures in Java and C++. You may also visit his GitHub Repository (โญ1.9k).
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Name: spaghetti-source/algorithm (โญ782), by Takanori MAEHARA (@tmaehara)
Description: High-quality implementations of many hard algorithms and data structures.
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Name: kth-competitive-programming/kactl (โญ2.8k), by Simon Lindholm (simonlindholm) et al.
Description: A phenomenally organized, documented and tested team notebook from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. One of the most well-crafted team notebooks (contest libraries) I've ever seen.
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Name: jaehyunp/stanfordacm (โญ1.6k)
Description: Stanford's team notebook is well maintained and the codes within are of high-quality.
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Name: ngthanhtrung23/ACM_Notebook_new (โญ428), by team RR Watameda (I_love_Hoang_Yen, flashmt, nguyenhungtam) from National University of Singapore
Description: RR Watameda represented National University of Singapore for the 2016 ACM-ICPC World Finals. The items in this notebook are pretty standard and well-organized.
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Name: bobogei81123/bcw_codebook (โญ110), by team bcw0x1bd2 (darkhh, bobogei81123, step5) from National Taiwan University
Description: bcw0x1bd2 represented National Taiwan University for the 2016 ACM-ICPC World Finals. This notebook contains robust implementations for advanced data structures and algorithms.
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Name: foreverbell/acm-icpc-cheat-sheet (โญ165), by foreverbell (foreverbell)
Description: A notebook with some advanced data structures and algorithms including some from the China informatics scene.
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Name: igor's code archive, by Igor Naverniouk (Abednego)
Description: A good notebook by Igor Naverniouk who is currently a software engineer at Google and part of the Google Code Jam team.
Language Specifics / C/C++
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Name: Power up C++ with the Standard Template Library - Topcoder: Part 1, Part 2
Description: An introductory tutorial on basic C++ STLs.
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Name: Yet again on C++ input/output - Codeforces
Description: Learn more about C++ I/O optimizations.
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Name: C++ Tricks - Codeforces ... What are some cool C++ tricks to use in a programming contest? - Quora
Description: Plentiful C++ tricks for competitive programming. Note that some should be used with care.
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Name: C++ STL: Policy based data structures - Codeforces: Part 1, Part 2
Description: Detailed introduction to the extra data structures implemented in GNU C++. The official documentation can be found here.
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Name: C++11 FAQ (English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean)
Description: A list of FAQs regarding C++11 collected and written by Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++.
Language Specifics / Java
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Name: How to read input in Java โ tutorial - Codeforces
Description: Learn how to read input faster. This is a must-read for those who intend to use Java for competitive programming
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Name: How to sort arrays in Java and avoid TLE - Codeforces
Description: Some tips on how to avoid hitting the worst case of quick sort
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Name: BigNum arithmetic in Java โ Let's outperform BigInteger! - Codeforces
Description: A basic but faster custom BigInteger class
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Name: EZ Collections, EZ Life (new Java library for contests) - Codeforces
Description: A Java library for contests written by Alexey Dergunov (dalex). ArrayList, ArrayDeque, Heap, Sort, HashSet, HashMap, TreeSet, TreeMap, TreeList and pair classes are implemented
Language Specifics / Miscellaneous
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Name: Bit Twiddling Hacks
Description: A huge compiled list of bit manipulation tricks.
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Name: Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition - Random ASCII
Description: Everything you need to know about floating point numbers. A must read especially for geometry topics.
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Name: Object-Oriented C Style Languages: C++, Objective-C, Java, C# - a side-by-side reference sheet
Description: A detailed side-by-side reference sheet for common syntaxes.
Tools / IDEs
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Name: Vim
Platform: CLI / Cross-Platform
Description: Vim is one of the most popular text editors among advanced programmers. It allows text-editing to be done very efficiently with solely keystrokes. Vim is also highly configurable, extensible and integrates with shells (command lines) really well. The only setback about Vim is that it has a high learning curve for beginners.
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Name: Emacs
Platform: CLI / Cross-Platform
Description: Emacs is another popular text editor (or development environment to be more precise). The debate on "Vim vs. Emacs" is constantly brought up due to their popularity. Basically Emacs is more than just a text editor. It has plugins like file managers, web browsers, mail clients and news clients that allows users to performs these tasks directly inside Emacs. Emacs is "heavier" because of this, but it arguably has a relatively easier learning curve for beginners.
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Name: Far Manager
Platform: Hybrid / Windows
Description: Far Manager is the most widely-used editor in the RU/CIS competitive programming community. It's actually a file manager in its bare bones, but you can install FarColorer - a syntax highlighter plugin to program on it. Properly configured, Far Manager allows you to navigate between files very efficiently while writing your codes.
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Name: Code::Blocks
Platform: GUI / Cross-Platform
Description: Code::Blocks is the go-to IDE for C/C++. It's a full-fledged, versatile IDE with numerous great features. Code::Blocks is usually provided along with Vim in programming contests.
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Name: IntelliJ IDEA
Platform: GUI / Cross-Platform
Description: IntelliJ IDEA is certainly one of the best IDEs for Java. It's used by most competitive programmers who use Java as their main language. Be sure to check out CHelper, a very handy plugin written for programming contests.
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Name: Sublime Text
Platform: GUI / Cross-Platform
Description: Sublime Text is an extraordinary text editor. Packed with powerful and innovative features like Multiple Carets, Minimaps and Command Palletes, it attracts a strong and engaging community. Sublime Text is highly extensible, so be sure to have Package Control installed and explore perhaps one of the largest catalogue of plugins!
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Name: Eclipse
Platform: GUI / Cross-Platform
Description: Eclipse is another good IDE for Java. It's an okay alternative to Intellij IDEA (A tad inferior to IDEA by today's standards). Sometimes contests only provide Eclipse for some reason, so this might be a good incentive to try and use Eclipse.
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Name: CLion
Platform: GUI / Cross-Platform
Description: CLion, produced by JetBrains - the same company who made Intellij IDEA, is a powerful IDE for C++. Free educational licenses are available OR you can try out their EAP (Early Access Program) which is still free as of Apr, 2018. You may want to turn off its code inspection feature as it will cause quite a bit of lag.
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Name: Other IDEs
Platform: Mixed
Description: Visual Studio is the IDE to use in case you want to code in C#. ... Both Atom and Visual Studio Code are built with Electron (written in JavaScript) and therefore somewhat resource-hogging. ... CodeLite is a newly rising IDE. Beware that the load-up and project-creation times can be extraordinary.
Tools / Personal use
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Name: VisuAlgo
Description: A website featuring a large collection of visualization tools for algorithms and data structures.
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Name: Codeforces Parsers: ... Codeforces Parser (โญ137) ... GoCF (โญ47) ... cfparser (โญ17) (emacs) cfparser (โญ4) (cli)
Description: These tools parse Codeforces contest problems and help run sample tests.
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Name: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)
Description: A stunning encyclopedia with a database of countless integer sequences. It also features a powerful search engine. Sometimes a seemingly difficult combinatorics problem could be equivalent to a simple or studied integer sequence.
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Name: Syntax Highlighters: ... ... ...
Description: Very handy for creating slides or team notebooks with pretty, formatted code snippets. Just copy the highlighted code snippets and paste them in your favorite WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor!
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Name: Code Sharing: ... ... ... Ubuntu Pastebin
Description: These tools generate semi-permanent pages for code sharing. Very useful especially when you're trying to get someone else to look into your code.
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Name: Ineffable
Description: A simple command-line grader for local grading.
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Name: uDebug
Description: A platform that provides expected outputs for user-specified inputs to problems on the UVa Online Judge. Some problems also provide additional test cases for debugging.
Tools / Contest Preparation
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Name: polygon
Description: polygon provides a platform and a rich set of tools for professional contest preparation. ... An example: Validators with testlib.h - Codeforces
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Name: Virtual Judge (vjudge)
Description: Virtual Judge (vjudge) allows users to create virtual contests with problems from notable problem archives.
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Name: BNU Online Judge
Description: BNU Online Judge also allows users to create virtual contests.
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Name: Kattis
Description: Kattis assists in contest preparation (E-mail them for assistance).
Community / Blogs
Name (Handle): Petr Mitrichev (Petr)
Blog Name: Algorithms Weekly
Name (Handle): Makoto Soejima (rng_58)
Blog Name: rng_58's blog
Name (Handle): Huang I-Wen (dreamoon)
Blog Name: ๅฐๆ็่ๅปขๆฅ่ช (Chinese)
Name (Handle): Yuhao Du (TooDifficuIt, TooSimple, xudyh)
Blog Name: xudyh (Chinese)
Community / Youtube and Livestreams
Name (Handle): Petr Mitrichev (Petr)
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): Gate Lectures by Ravindrababu Ravula
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): Mostafa Saad Ibrahim (mostafa.saad.fci)
Link: Competitive Programming Youtube (Arabic Speech-English Text)
Name (Handle): Tushar Roy
Link: Youtube, with many tutorial videos.
Name (Handle): GeeksforGeeks
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): Algorithms Live!
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): CodeChef
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): HackerRank
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): IDeserve
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): code_report
Link: Youtube, with contest updates and problem tutorials of HackerRank, LeetCode, Topcoder and Codeforces.
Name (Handle): "Sothe" the Algorithm Wolf
Link: Youtube
Name (Handle): Mikhail Tikhomirov (Endagorion)
Link: Youtube
Community / Quora
Important Community Figures: Bill Poucher
Description: Executive Director of ACM-ICPC. CS Professor at Baylor University.
Important Community Figures: Michal Foriลกek (misof)
Description: Organizer of IPSC and IOI. CS Teacher at Comenius University in Slovakia. Algorithm and CS Education Researcher. Former highly-rated competitive programmer.
Important Community Figures: Ahmed Aly (ahmed_aly)
Description: Founder of A2OJ. HackerRank Lead Software Engineer. Former member of the Google Code Jam team.
Other Awesome Resources / Articles
- Subject: How to prepare for ACM - ICPC? - GeeksforGeeks, by Vishwesh Shrimali
- Subject: Complete reference to competitive programming - HackerEarth, by Ravi Ojha
- Subject: Getting started with the sport of competitive programming - HackerEarth, by Triveni Mahatha
Other Awesome Resources / Awesome Lists
Name: C++ Books
Link: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List - Stack Overflow
Name: Free Programming Books
Name: Community-curated C++ Resources
2. Awesome Tensorflow
- Understanding The Tensorflow Estimator API A conceptual overview of the Estimator API, when you'd use it and why.
3. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Syntax highlighting packages
- rgbds-mode (โญ4) - Emacs major mode for RGBDS assembly.
4. Awesome Mysql
- Anemometer (โญ1.4k) - Box SQL slow query monitor.
- innodb-ruby (โญ1.7k) - A parser for InnoDB file formats, in Ruby.
- innotop (โญ783) - a 'top' clone for MySQL with many features and flexibility.
- MySQL Explain Analyzer (โญ93) - A web-based analyzer of
output, providing comments, scalability analysis and permalinks for saved samples.
- mysql-statsd (โญ100) - A Python daemon to collect information from MySQL and send it via StatsD to Graphite.
- pstop (โญ207) - a top-like program for MySQL, collecting, aggregating and displaying information from performance_schema.
- iibench-mysql (โญ46) - Java based version of the Index Insertion Benchmark for MySQL/Percona/MariaDB.
- Sysbench (โญ6.3k) - a modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool.
- mysql-compatibility-config (โญ94) - make MySQL configuration behave more like newer (or older) releases of MySQL.
- go-sql-driver (โญ15k) - a lightweight and fast MySQL-Driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package.
- libAttachSQL (โญ30) - libAttachSQL is a lightweight, non-blocking C API for MySQL servers.
- PyMySQL (โญ7.7k) - MySQL database connector for Python.
- Ruby Mysql2 gem (โญ2.3k) - MySQL driver for Ruby and Rails projects.
- MySQL Docker - Official Docker images.
- Shift (โญ738) - An application that helps you run schema migrations on MySQL databases
- mycli (โญ12k) - A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
- Ocelot GUI (โญ62) - GUI client for MySQL or MariaDB, including debugger.
- pspg (โญ2.6k) - provides a pager with enhanced visualization and navigation for tabular data. Originally implemented for PostgreSQL, but also supports MySQL.
- replication-manager (โญ677) - a high availability solution to manage MariaDB 10.x and MySQL & Percona Server 5.7 GTID replication topologies.
- MySQL Router - MySQL Router is part of InnoDB cluster, and is a lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and back-end MySQL Servers.
- common_schema (โญ128) - DBA's framework for MySQL, providing a function library, views library and QueryScript interpreter.
- sys (โญ830) - A collection of views, functions and procedures to help MySQL administrators get insight in to MySQL Database usage.
- Acra (โญ1.4k) - SQL database protection suite: strong selective encryption, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection system.
- MariaDB (โญ5.9k) - Community developed fork of MySQL server.
- MySQL Server & MySQL Cluster (โญ11k) - Official Oracle's MySQL server & MySQL Cluster distribution.
- TiDB (โญ38k) - A distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol.
- gh-ost (โญ13k) - GitHub's online schema migration for MySQL.
- SQL-exercise (โญ1.4k) - contains several SQL exercises, including the schema description figure, SQL code to build schema, questions and solutions in SQL. Based on wikibook SQL Exercises.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Community / Workflow
6. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno-opn (โญ39) - Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform.
7. Awesome Cpp
- SOCI (โญ1.4k) - A database abstraction layer for C++. [Boost]
- Prev: Dec 26, 2018
- Next: Dec 24, 2018