Awesome List Updates on Dec 21, 2018
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Webgl
- Khronos Official Wiki - The official wiki for WebGL.
Tools/Debugging / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Firefox Developer Tools - The official list of all of Firefox's debugger tools.
References / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Mozilla VR - Mozilla's official WebVR page.
2. Awesome Ada
Patterns / Apache License
- reqrep-task-pools (⭐1) - Task pool system for jobs.
3. Awesome Cordova
4. Awesome Cl
Vim & Neovim / Third-party APIs
- quicklisp.nvim - A Quicklisp frontend for Neovim.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Internationalization
- Westwind.Globalization (⭐545) - Database driven resource localization for .NET applications.
6. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Document Editors / Markdown
- HackMD - A collaborative, powerful, real-time online markdown editor with preview.
7. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- ApplyStyleKit (⭐208) - Elegantly, Apply style to UIKit using Method Chain.
8. Awesome Creative Coding
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- What Every Coder Should Know About Gamma - Deep dive into the importance of gamma.
9. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Anomaly Detection With Isolation Forests Using H2O Dec 03, 2018
10. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- MindsDB (⭐27k) - Open Source framework to streamline use of neural networks.
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- Homemade Machine Learning (⭐23k) - Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
11. Awesome Cpp
Artificial Intelligence
- MXNet (⭐21k) - Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, JavaScript and more. website
- Jsmn (⭐3.7k) - A minimalistic JSON parser in C. [MIT]
- PicoHTTPParser (⭐1.9k) - A tiny, primitive, fast HTTP request/response parser. [MIT]
Regular Expression
- sregex (⭐617) - A non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine library for matching on large data streams. [BSD]
12. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Beanstalk
- eb-docker-nginx-proxy 🔥 (⭐141) - Simple PHP app using the PHP-FPM and Nginx Docker images.
13. Awesome Laravel Education
Misc / Case Study
14. Awesome Laravel
Miscellaneous / Meetups
- Laravel Collections - Every Laravel Developers Goto Resource Site
15. Awesome Micropython
- KT403A-MP3 (⭐11) - Driver for KT403A, used by DFPlayer Mini and Grove MP3 v2.0.
- micropython-dfplayer (⭐43) - Driver for DFPlayer Mini using UART.
- micropython-longwave (⭐11) - WAV player for MicroPython board.
Communications / Bluetooth
- PyBoard-HC05-Android (⭐11) - Pyboard HC05 Bluetooth adapter example application.
Communications / GPS
- micropython-gnssl76l (⭐6) - MicroPython I2C driver for Quectel GNSS L76-L (GPS).
Communications / IR
- Micropython-IR (⭐13) - Pyboard infrared remote sniff and replay.
Communications / RFID
- micropython-wiegand (⭐29) - Wiegand protocol reader.
Communications / RTC
- micropython-tinyrtc-i2c (⭐63) - Driver for DS1307 RTC and AT24C32N EEPROM.
- Micropython_TinyRTC (⭐4) - Driver for DS1307 RTC.
Communications / WiFi
- HueBridge (⭐16) - Philips Hue Bridge.
Display / E-Paper
- micropython-waveshare-epaper (⭐344) - Drivers for various Waveshare ePaper modules.
Display / LCD Character
- lcdi2c (⭐4) - Driver for HD44780-compatible dot matrix LCDs.
- micropython-charlcd (⭐13) - Driver for HD44780-compatible LCDs.
- pyboard-LCD-character-display (⭐1) - Pyboar driver for HDD44780-compatible 1602 LCDs.
Display / LCD Graphic
- micropython-lcd-AQM1248A (⭐1) - ESP8266 driver for AQM1248A graphic LCD.
- micropython-st7565 (⭐13) - Driver for ST7565 128x64 LCDs.
Display / LCD TFT
- micropython-ili934x (⭐19) - SPI driver for ILI934X series based TFT / LCD displays.
Display / LED Matrix
- micropython-ht1632c (⭐7) - Driver for HT1632C 32x16 bicolor LED matrix.
- micropython-matrix8x8 (⭐15) - Driver for Adafruit 8x8 LED Matrix display with HT16K33 backpack.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix-shield (⭐8) - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix (⭐1) - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
Display / LED Segment
- LKM1638 (⭐1) - Driver for JY-LKM1638 displays based on TM1638 controller.
- max7219_8digit (⭐23) - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-max7219 (⭐4) - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-my9221 (⭐7) - Driver for MY9221 10-segment LED bar graph modules.
- micropython-tm1638 (⭐28) - Driver for TM1638 dual quad 7-segment LED modules with switches.
- micropython-tm1640 (⭐15) - Driver for TM1740 8x8 LED matrix modules.
Display / LEDs
- micropython-morsecode (⭐7) - Blink an LED with Morse Coded message.
- micropython-ws2812-7seg (⭐1) - 7-segment display using WS2812 RGB LEDs.
- micropython-ws2812 (⭐191) - Driver for WS2812 RGB LEDs.
Display / OLED
- SH1106 (⭐176) - Driver for the SH1106 OLED display.
- ads1x15 (⭐97) - Driver for the ADS1015/ADS1115 ADC, I2C interface.
- Micropython_ADS1115 (⭐4) - ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- micropython-mcp4725 (⭐12) - Driver for the MCP4725 I2C DAC.
IO / IO-Expander
- micropython-mcp230xx (⭐30) - Driver for MCP23017 and MCP23008 GPIO expanders.
IO / Joystick
- micropython-nunchuck (⭐12) - Driver for Nunchuk game controller, I2C interface.
IO / Waveform Generator
- Micropython-AD9833 (⭐19) - Pyboard driver for AD9833, SPI interface.
Motion / DC Motor
- L298N (⭐151) - Driver for the L298N dual H-bridge motor controller.
Motion / Stepper
- micropython-upybbot (⭐90) - A4988 driver for bipolar stepper motors.
Sensors / Accelerometer Digital
- adxl345_micropython (⭐7) - Driver for ADXL345 16g 3-axis accelerometer.
- micropython-lis2hh12 (⭐9) - I2C driver for LIS2HH12 3-axis accelerometer.
- MMA7660 (⭐1) - Driver for MMA7660 1.5g 3-axis accelerometer.
Sensors / Air Quality
- CCS811 (⭐0) - CCS811 Air Quality Sensor.
- upython-aq-monitor (⭐27) - Air Quality monitor using PMS5003 sensor and WiPy.
Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure
- micropython-bme280 (⭐3) - Driver for the Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
- micropython-bmp180 (⭐86) - Driver for Bosch BMP180 temperature, pressure and altitude sensor.
- mpy_bme280_esp8266 (⭐73) - Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
Sensors / Camera
- micropython-ov2640 (⭐112) - MicroPython class for OV2640 camera.
Sensors / Energy
- ATM90E26_Micropython (⭐3) - Driver for ATM90E26 energy metering device.
Sensors / Gaseous
- micropython-MQ (⭐25) - Drivers for MQ series gas sensors.
- MQ135 (⭐44) - Driver for MQ135 gas sensor.
Sensors / Light
- MicroPython-SI1145 (⭐6) - SI1145 UV index, IR, visible light and proximity sensor.
- micropython-tsl2561 (⭐3) - Driver for the TSL2561 illumination sensor from TAOS / ams.
- mpy_bh1750fvi_esp8266 (⭐18) - ESP8266 driver for BH1750FVI sensor.
Sensors / Motion Inertial
- micropython-bmx055 (⭐5) - Driver for Bosch BMX055 IMU sensor.
- micropython-bno055 (⭐4) - Bosch Sensortec BNO055 9DOF IMU sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-lsm9ds0 (⭐4) - LSM9DS0 g-force linear acceleration, Gauss magnetic and DPS angular rate sensors.
- micropython-mpu9250 (⭐150) - I2C driver for MPU9250 9-axis motion tracking device.
- micropython-mpu9x50 (⭐262) - Driver for the InvenSense MPU9250 inertial measurement unit.
- MPU6050-ESP8266-MicroPython (⭐87) - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
- py-mpu6050 (⭐82) - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
Sensors / Soil Moisture
- micropython-chirp (⭐3) - Driver for the Chirp Soil Moisture Sensor.
Sensors / Temperature Analog
- max31856 (⭐1) - Precision thermocouple to digital converter with linearization, SPI interface.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- bme680-mqtt-micropython (⭐15) - Driver for BME680 gas, pressure, temperature and humidity sensor.
- LM75-MicroPython (⭐3) - Driver for LM75 digital temperature sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-am2320 (⭐25) - Aosong AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-dht12 (⭐16) - Aosong DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-hdc1008 (⭐4) - Driver for the Texas Instruments HDC1008 humidity and temperature sensor.
- micropython-mcp9808 (⭐7) - Driver for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor.
- micropython-mpl115a2 (⭐2) - Pyboard driver for the MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor.
- micropython-sht30 (⭐47) - Driver for SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-sht31 (⭐22) - Driver for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-Si7005 (⭐1) - Driver for Si7005 relative humidity and temperature sensor.
- micropython-si7021 (⭐14) - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-Si705x (⭐1) - Silicon Labs Si705x series of temperature sensors, I2C interface.
- micropython-Si70xx (⭐2) - Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors, I2C interface.
- micropython-tmp102 (⭐8) - Driver for TMP102 digital temperature sensor.
- sht25-micropython (⭐4) - Driver for SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor.
Sensors / Temperature IR
- micropython-mlx90614 (⭐35) - Driver for Melexis MLX90614 IR temperature sensor.
Sensors / Touch Capacitive
- micropython-mpr121 (⭐17) - Driver for MPR121 capacitive touch keypads and breakout boards.
- micropython-ttp223 (⭐8) - Examples using TTP223 capacitive touch module.
- Prev: Dec 22, 2018
- Next: Dec 20, 2018