Awesome List Updates on Dec 17, 2018
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Flutter
Analytics / Image Picker
- Pure Mixpanel (⭐25) - Analytics for the popular Nick Manning
2. Awesome Creative Coding
- Creative Coding with Canvas & WebGL - Workshop by Matt DesLauriers. that teaches you about generative art, interactive animations, 3D graphics, and shaders.
Web Programming • Libraries
- Babylon.js (⭐23k) - complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL.
- Klak (⭐1.9k) - A collection of scripts for creative coding with Unity.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- How to Start Learning Computer Graphics Programming - Advice and thoughts on how to get started by Eric Arnebäck.
3. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / .NET
4. Awesome Ruby
Country Data
- validates_zipcode (⭐139) - Postal code / zipcode validation for Rails, supporting 233 country codes.
5. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-MonoRepo-Plugin (⭐305) - The plugin helps to manage dependencies for multiple packages in a single repository.
- Composer-Patches (⭐290) - Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package that is part of a given composer project.
- Composer-Ignore-Plugin (⭐21) - Enables you to remove files and folders from the vendor folder (to make a cleaner and smaller deployment to production). It's an alternative to
- Composer-Shared-Package-Plugin (⭐164) - Allows you to share selected packages between your projects by creating symlinks.
- Composer-Custom-Directory-Installer (⭐139) - A composer plugin, to install different types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default composer installation path (vendor folder).
- Graph-Composer (⭐935) - Provides a graph visualization for your project's
and its dependencies.
- PackageInfo (⭐7) - Enables you to retrieve all package informations (like version, tag, release date, description).
- Foxy (⭐175) - Composer plugin that executes npm/yarn packages installation operations, when composer package is installed or updated.
- Composer Registry Manager (⭐560) - Enables you to switch between different composer repositories.
Tools / IRC
- Composer-Yaml (⭐56) - This tool converts
- Composer-Service (⭐174) - Enables you to run Composer as a service on a remote server.
Scripts / IRC
- ParameterHandler (⭐929) - Allows you to manage your ignored parameters when running a composer install or update.
- Tooly (⭐101) - Manage needed PHAR files in your project
. Every PHAR file will be saved in the composer binary directory. Optional with GPG verification for every PHAR.
- Melody (⭐395) - One-file composer scripts.
Videos / IRC
Packagist-compatible repositories / IRC
- WordPress Packagist - Mirrors the WordPress plugin and theme directories as a Composer repository.
- Asset Packagist - Enables installation of Bower and NPM packages as native Composer packages.
- Drupal Packagist - Composer repositories for Drupal 7 and 8 core, modules, and themes.
- Satis Server (⭐113) - This docker container provides a Satis Server and enables you to run a private, self-hosted Composer repository with support for Git, Mercurial, and Subversion, HTTP API, HTTPs support, webhook handler and scheduled builds.
- Release Belt (⭐173) - Self–hosted Composer repository implementation to quickly integrate ZIP files of third party non–Composer releases.
6. Webcomponents the Right Way
- Web Components in Action - Book by Ben Farrell, available at Manning early release program.
- Web Component Essentials - Book by Cory Rylan, early preview edition available at Leanpub.
7. Awesome Emails
Self-Hosted Services / Misc
- iRedMail - Easy to install open source mail server solution.
Resources / Misc
- Arstechnica - Tutorial on how to build your own email server.
Testing / Misc
- Email Privacy Tester - A tool to test your email client's priacy features (loading remote content).
8. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Deployment
- Docker
- emk/rust-musl-builder (⭐1.6k) - Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-libc and musl-gcc, with static versions of useful C libraries
- kpcyrd/mini-docker-rust (⭐227) - An example project for very small rust docker images
- liuchong/docker-rustup (⭐93) - A multiple version (with musl tools) Rust Docker image
- LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef (⭐2k) - A tool and pre-built images for caching compiling remote dependencies between Docker builds.
- rust-cross/rust-musl-cross (⭐669) - Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-cross
- rust-lang-nursery/docker-rust (⭐465) - the official Rust Docker image
- Stavrospanakakis/is_ready (⭐136) - Wait for multiple services to become available
9. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
Contents / Resources
- Official Manual - Placeholder dump of pico-8.txt! (Proper manual coming soon).
- PicoZine #1, #2, #3 and #4 - PICO-8 Zine is a 48-page fanzine made by and for PICO-8 users.
Contents / Tutorials
- Tweetjam, BBS thread - cards which code fits in a tweet (really useful to learn some fun techniques).
- Sample code on the BBS - the search is not 100% accurate, but some of those cards features some nice tricks you can re-use in your future code.
Contents / Tools
- Color Palette - Hex and RGB colors codes for web.
Contents / Hacks - undocumented PICO-8 features
- Mouse - How to retrieve mouse coordinates (with demo).
- SFX Modifications - Four effects that can only be applied by modifying memory (with demo).
- Tracker State/Audio Memory Locations - How to access and modify audio data as it is playing.
Contents / Hardware
- GameShell - A modular handheld game console that allows you to play & modify retro games and DIY new devices. Check the GameShell Docs (⭐187) for how to run PICO-8 on the GameShell.
Contents / Articles & Posts
- Indie Retro News - A great introduction to PICO-8 by @ABrugsch.
10. Awesome Android
Other / Custom Dialog
- Gradle buildSrcVersions (⭐1.4k) - A kotlin dsl to simplify dependencies management
11. Awesome Web Security
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
- How I could have stolen your photos from Google - my first 3 bug bounty writeups - Written by @gergoturcsanyi.
- Prev: Dec 18, 2018
- Next: Dec 16, 2018