Awesome List Updates on Dec 15, 2018
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Free Software
Software / Other
- Simple Mobile Tools - Android apps with customizable widgets, without annoying ads and unnecessary permissions.
2. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- ts-essentials (⭐3.8k) - All essential TypeScript types in one place
3. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Hamza Baig (⭐1) - Full-stack JavaScript engineer. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence.
4. Awesome Piracy
VPN Guides and Tutorials
- /r/VPNTorrents This is for the discussion of torrenting (and similar P2P protocols) using VPN type technology.
Self-hosted VPNs
- ZeroTier Peer-to-peer multi-platform VPN
- Tutanota Secure, open source email service
- The above torrents.csv hosted.
Trackers / Public Trackers
- The Pirate Bay Infamous torrent site which is somehow still running, blocked in most places but can be accessed via numerous proxy sites
Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers
- PulsedMedia Inexpensive seedbox provider
- Seedboxes with impressive 20Gbps uplinks
- Shared and dedicated slots with 1Gbps+ uplinks
Seedboxes / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- OpenFLIXR OpenFLIXR Media Server is an all-in-one media server for automated downloading and serving media.
Usenet Providers / Seedbox Setup Tools and Guides
- Usenet Providers and Backbones This is a simple overview of the current companies, backbones, providers and resellers in the Usenet landscape.
Usenet Indexers / Free Indexers
- GingaDADDY Another popular free NZB indexer, requires sign-up
Usenet Clients / Free Indexers
- NZBVortex 3 Simply the best Usenet client for Mac
- alt.binz alt.binz is a powerful binary newsreader, for downloading and managing articles from Usenet.
Gaming / Third Party Hosts
- GOD scraped URLs All DDL links for games listed on the now-dead GoodOldDownloads site.
Homebrew and Custom Firmware / Third Party Hosts
- /r/WiiUHacks A subreddit dedicated to Wii U hacking and homebrew!
Ebooks / Third Party Hosts
- Exploring over 1,800 Calibre ebook servers Blog post detailing how to use Shodan to find Calibre ebook servers
Documentaries / Third Party Hosts
- serves as an index of documentary films on the Edonkey Network.
Movie Automation / Third Party Hosts
- RadarrSync (⭐117) Syncs two Radarr servers through web API.
Subtitles Automation / Third Party Hosts
- nzb-subliminal (⭐90) Fetches subtitles for the videos it's provided. It can be easily integrated into NZBGet and SABnzbd too.
Cloud Storage / Third Party Hosts
- UDS (⭐4.3k) Unlimited Drive Storage. Store files in Google Docs without counting against your quota.
Torrent Apps / Third Party Hosts
- Trireme Use this app to connect and manage your Deluge Daemon.
Discord Servers / Third Party Hosts
- The Eye Official Discord server for
Content Discovery / Third Party Hosts
- 2160p BluRay Remux List Complete list of all available 2160p remuxes
- Flickmetrix Movie database search engine with disc/Netflix/Prime filtering
File Sharing Tools / Third Party Hosts
- Easy file sharing from the command line
- WeTransfer WeTransfer was founded in 2009 as the simplest way to send big files around the world.
Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts
- UK ISP Court Orders 🌟 List of websites recently taken down in the UK by the High Court. Use a VPN to access them, they must be pretty good!
- scenerules NFOs with rules and guidelines for scene releasing standards.
- SceneLinkList SceneLinkList is a project initiated to display and share as many scene and warez links as possible.
5. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Command Line Tools
- spaceship (⭐20k) - A Zsh prompt for Astronauts.
6. Awesome Creative Coding
- Turtletoy - Minimalistic API and online showcase for generative code. (Javascript)
- ShaderGif - Open source home for art made with code (WebGL1/2, JavaScript Canvas & P5.js).
7. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Nielsen and Chuang - Worked examples on quantum algorithm problems.
8. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Visualization
- rdeditor (⭐75) - Simple RDKit molecule editor GUI using PySide.
9. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Graphics, Image and Design / Others
- PhotoPea - Image editor that looks like Photoshop and has most of its features.
10. Awesome List
- Flutter (⭐54k) - Google's mobile SDK for building native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase written in Dart.
11. Awesome Firebase
- 🔌 React Native Firebase Cloud Messaging (⭐1.7k) - React Native module for Firebase Cloud Messaging and local notification.
- 💡 Flutter Calendar App (⭐76) - New Flutter application implementing a simple mobile calendar app for storing basic events into Firebase cloud database.
12. Awesome D3
Miscellaneous / Third Party
- treeviz (⭐131) - Create customizable trees from json data
- Prev: Dec 16, 2018
- Next: Dec 14, 2018