Awesome List Updates on Nov 27, 2018
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mental Health
- For The Developers With Anxiety, And Everyone Else - By Daine Mawer.
- Debugging Our Feelings: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Developers - Peers Conference 2018 - By Jamie Strachan.
2. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Project Management
- Outplanr - Project and task management tool.
3. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- Lorg (⭐207) - Tool for advanced HTTPD logfile security analysis and forensics.
- Logdissect (⭐137) - CLI utility and Python API for analyzing log files and other data.
4. Awesome Food
API for Food services / Only available for French market
- node-dominos-france - Une API pour l'app Promos de Domino's Pizza.
- node-kebab (⭐1) - Un wrapper d'API pour .
5. Awesome C
Networking and Internet / Language Standards
- MQTT-C (⭐544) - Portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike.
6. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Secure Headers (⭐424) - Add security related headers to HTTP response
7. Awesome
Articles / Craft 3
- Why you should update your website to Craft CMS 3 by Lauren Swarbrick/Abstrakt -
22 Nov 2019
Official Case Studies / Tutorials
- Associated Press - Project: + by Vector Media Group
- Barefoot Contessa - Project: by Apartment One & Jonathan Melville
- Grill'd - Project: by Evolution 7
- iDE Global - Project: by Flipbox Digital
- Mixmag Media - Project: by The Rye Agency
- Samuelsohn - Project: by Digital Surgeons
Organizations Using Craft / Tutorials
8. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- rsaarelm/magog (⭐373) - A roguelike game.
- Thinkofname/rust-quake (⭐76) - Quake map renderer.
Applications / Industrial automation
- locka99/opcua (⭐528) - A OPC UA library.
Applications / Text processing
- whitfin/runiq (⭐212) - an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input.
Applications / Utilities
- brycx/checkpwn (⭐125) - A Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) command-line utility tool that lets you easily check for compromised accounts and passwords.
Development tools / IDEs
- - Online IDE with full Rust support based on Rust Language Server
Development tools / Transpiling
- immunant/c2rust (⭐4.1k) - C to Rust translator and cross checker built atop Clang/LLVM.
- jameysharp/corrode (⭐2.2k) - A C to Rust translator written in Haskell.
Libraries / Game development
- Game Engines
- Bevy (⭐38k) - is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine. -
- Fyrox - Game engine 3D
- ggez (⭐4.4k) - A lightweight game framework for making 2D games with minimum friction -
- Kiss3d - A Keep It Simple, Stupid 3d graphics engine
- oxidator (⭐304) - A real time strategy game/engine supporting WebGPU
- Piston -
- Unrust (⭐377) - Webgl 2.0 / native game engine
- Bevy (⭐38k) - is a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine. -
Libraries / GUI
- autopilot-rs/autopilot-rs (⭐392) - A simple, cross-platform GUI automation library.
Libraries / Macro
- cute
- mattgathu/cute (⭐338) - Macro for Python-esque list comprehensions.
9. Awesome Cryptography
Books / Hash functions
- Practical Cryptography for Developers - Developer-friendly book on modern cryptography (hashes, MAC codes, symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, key exchange, elliptic curves, digital signatures) with lots of code examples.
10. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-displacement-slideshow (⭐213) - A Vue.js component that makes Webgl image displacement transitions easier.
11. Awesome Research
Writing / Social Sciences
- rtd theme (⭐4.4k): Developed by
- Alabaster (⭐702): Clean and simple
- Hemingway App: Highlights complex sentences, point out passive voice, and suggests alternative words.
- proselint (⭐4.2k): A linter for English prose using advice from Garner's Modern American Usage and more.
- write good (⭐4.8k): Naive JavaScript linter for English prose.
- artbollocks-mode (⭐68): Emacs minor mode for avoiding cliches and bad grammar when writing about art (or other topics).
: Simple Python script to flag redundant words and gives alternative suggestions.
- Rousseau (⭐178): Lightweight proofreader written in JavaScript.
- textlint-rule-rousseau (⭐7): A textlint rule to check English sentences using Rousseau.
- De-Jargonizer: Paste your article or upload file to analyze the amount of jargon in your writing.
12. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- Fundamentals Code Library (abandoned, more recent fork is here (⭐66) - though it slightly differs in units set, f.ex. no XML. Recent major version 5 here (⭐239)).
Collection of Delphi / FreePascal code units. Includes libraries for Unicode, Strings, Data Structures, Sockets and Mathematics. // Utils: ZLIB compression; JSON; XML; ProtocolBuffers; Unicode routines; data structures; Hashes: XOR, CRC, Adler, MD5, SHA, secure keyed MD5/SHA, etc; Network: blocking TCP client/server, HTTP(S) via SSL3/TLS1.0/TLS1.1/TLS1.2 (fully native); SQL parser; BitCoin MtGox client; Blaise script engine; Cipher: AES, DES, FUNE, RC2, RC4, RSA, Diffie-Hellman; Maths: matrix, complex, statistics, huge numbers
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Delphi Library Helper (⭐19) Tool to assist Delphi developers configuring library folders.
- Mobile Image Creator (⭐7) Creating Icons and Launcher Images for Delphi Mobile Applications (Firemonkey). This is a fork of Mobile Gfx created by Thomas Grubb of RiverSoftAVG.
- Prev: Nov 28, 2018
- Next: Nov 26, 2018