Awesome List Updates on Nov 06, 2018
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Alternative Internet
- The Decentralized Library of Alexandria is an open-source standard in active development to allow users to publish and distribute original content themselves, from music to videos to feature films, 3d printable inventions, recipes, books and just about anything else.
2. Awesome Sass
Libraries and Mixins / Grid
- Sass Flexible Grid System - Sass flexible grid system.
Libraries and Mixins / Media Queries
- Sass MediaQueries - Collection of useful media queries mixins for Sass (including iOS devices, TVs and more).
3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Elm
- An Introduction to Elm (HTML)
- Elm Programming Language (HTML)
- Learn You an Elm (HTML)
4. Awesome Sre
5. Awesome Serverless
Related projects
- Operiant - Connect your event streams to actions.
6. Awesome Dotnet
Business Intelligence
- FastReport (⭐2.8k) - The open source report generator for .NET Core 2.x/.Net Framework 4.x. FastReport can be used in ASP.NET MVC, Web API applications.
7. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- RKWard - An extensible IDE/GUI for R.
Data Manipulation
- lubridate (⭐734) - A set of functions to work with dates and times.
- bigmemory (⭐126) - Shared memory and memory-mapped matrices. The big* packages provide additional tools including linear models (biglm) and Random Forests (bigrf (⭐91)).
Graphic Displays
- lattice (⭐68) - A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization system.
- animation (⭐206) - A simple way to produce animated graphics in R, using ImageMagick.
- waffle (⭐778) - 🍁 Make waffle (square pie) charts in R.
- dendextend (⭐153) - visualizing, adjusting and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering.
HTML Widgets
- heatmaply (⭐380) - Interactive heatmaps with D3.
- d3heatmap (⭐236) - Interactive heatmaps with D3 (no longer maintained).
Reproducible Research
- tinytex (⭐995) - A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution
Database Management
- odbc (⭐392) - Connect to ODBC databases (using the DBI interface)
8. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- dataaccess_aspnetcore (⭐140) - The DataAccess Toolbox contains the base classes for data access in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core 1.0 using the unit-of-work and repository pattern.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- openiddict (⭐4.3k) - Easy-to-use OpenID Connect server for ASP.NET Core.
- oidc-debugger (⭐220) - OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect debugging tool.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain
- WalletWasabi (⭐2.1k) - Privacy focused, ZeroLink compliant Bitcoin wallet.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities
- TrackableEntities.Core (⭐72) - Change-tracking across service boundaries with .NET Core.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Networking
- Networker (⭐476) - A simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET, designed to be flexible, scalable and FAST.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- Rin (⭐637) - Request/response Inspector middleware for ASP.NET Core. like Glimpse.
9. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue School - Learn Vue.js from video courses by core members and industry experts
- Prev: Nov 07, 2018
- Next: Nov 05, 2018