Awesome List Updates on Mar 12 - Mar 18, 2018
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Swift
- Bond (⭐4.2k) - Binding framework.
Layout / Barcode
- LayoutLess (⭐432) - Write less UI Code.
Maps / Barcode
- LocoKit (⭐1.5k) - A location and activity recording framework for iOS.
Math / Barcode
- Upsurge (⭐183) - Simple and fast matrix and vector math.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- Blueprints (⭐991) - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
Utility / Barcode
- Delegated (⭐703) - Closure-based delegation without memory leaks.
2. Awesome Vscode
Java / More
JavaScript / More
IntelliSense / More
Twig / More
Other extensions / Smarty Template Support
- PHP Debug - XDebug extension for Visual Studio Code
Read more / Smarty Template Support
UI / Gradle Tasks
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management - Institutional Repository and Digital Library Software
- Samvera Hyrax - Front-end for the Samvera framework, which itself is a Ruby on Rails application for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories. (Source Code (⭐186))
4. Awesome Saltstack
- SaltStack - Quick Guide - Part of the larger "Learn SaltStack"-tutorial at Tutorials Point.
5. Awesome Ruby
- Sym (⭐137) - A time-saving symmetric encryption gem based on OpenSSL that uses 256bit (password-encrypted) keys. Read the key from STDIN, a file, ENV or, on a Mac: OS-X Keychain.
6. Awesome Gif
Online Tools / Swift
- Vid2gif - Video to GIF by imgur.
7. Awesome Bitcoin
Blockchain Explorers
8. Awesome Quantum Computing
- John Preskill's Notes on Quantum Computation - Notes of Caltech's Quantum Computation Course Physics 219/Computer Science 219 by John Preskill.
- Algorithmic Assertions - About quantum computing and computing in general by Craig Gidney - a member of Google Quantum Computing Team.
9. Awesome Clojure
10. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Raspberry Pi / Tornado
- Raspberry Pi: Measure, Record, Explore - Malcolm Maclean (HTML)
11. Awesome Jvm
- Chronicle-Network (⭐223) - A High Performance Network library.
- one-nio (⭐573) - library for building high performance Java servers.
- proteus-java (⭐42) - Proteus Java Client based on RSocket.
- micrometer (⭐3.6k) - An application metrics facade for the most popular monitoring tools.
12. Awesome Cl
Others / Email
- Postmaster (⭐11) - A simple, easy-to-use SMTP/IMAP library. Expat.
13. Awesome Linux Containers
- plash (⭐367)
Lightweight, rootless containers.
14. Awesome Fonts
Free fonts / Fonts
- Barlow (⭐756) - A grotesk variable font superfamily
JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures
- Typefont - Algorithm that tries to recognize the font of a text in a photo
15. Awesome Theravada
Places / Monasteries
- Buddha Bodhivana - East Warburton, Victoria, Australia - Forest monastery in a small town.
16. Awesome Preact
Contents / Example Apps
- Shopping List (⭐21) - Progressive Web App Built Using Preact and PouchDB.
17. Awesome Regression Testing
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- Visual Regression Testing with Puppeteer & Jest - Tutorial to setup visual testing with Puppeteer, Jest and
18. Awesome Cpp
- SoLoud (⭐1.9k) - Easy, portable audio engine for games. [zlib]
- Diligent Engine (⭐3.7k) - A modern cross-platform low-level 3D graphics library. [Apache2]
Online Compiler
- - A powerful yet simple tools and platforms for educators, learners, and developers.
19. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-client-python 🔥🔥 (⭐351) - Client Library for Python.
20. Awesome Uncopyright
- Luapower - Deploying and sharing Lua modules with a unique philosophy.
21. Awesome Mastodon
- News Bot - mirrors Twitter accounts on Mastodon (ClojureScript), source available on GitHub (⭐178).
22. Awesome Javascript
Tours And Guides / Runner
- driver.js (⭐24k) - Powerful yet light-weight, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user's focus across the page
23. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Search & Discovery
- SecurityTrails - Web based archive for WHOIS and DNS records. REST API available free of charge.
24. Awesome Sre
25. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing
- GenFu (⭐829) - Library you can use to generate realistic test data.
- mockhttp (⭐1.6k) - Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library.
- (⭐4.2k) - A free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.
26. Awesome Crystal
Data Formats
- crinder (⭐28) - Class based json renderer
- halite (⭐171) - Crystal HTTP Requests with a chainable REST API, built-in sessions and loggers
27. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Vue News - Social website focusing on the latest Vue.js news and information.
28. Awesome Webgl
Bug Reporting
- Mozilla BugZilla - Firefox related bugs
29. Awesome Draft Js
Blog Posts & Articles
30. Awesome Free Software
Software / Communication
- Tutanota - Encrypted email at no cost with support for business accounts. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐5.4k))
31. Awesome Gbdev
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- Pokemon Pocket Computer: - What is it and how to use it to make cheat codes.
- Booting the Game Boy with a custom logo - Bypassing the Nintendo logo check.
- Nintendo's fake logos - Every cartridge has to show the authentic logo to be considered valid and be run, but obviously some companies managed to exploit the check system.
Websites / Syntax highlighting packages
- Handheld Underground - Unlicensed games, blog posts about Game Boy, home of the hhugboy emulator.
32. Awesome Serverless
Serverless Framework Plugins
- Canary deployments (⭐352) - Implement canary deployments of AWS Lambda functions.
- Flow-based programming (⭐5) - Flow-based programming plugin for Serverless.
- Go serverless (⭐20) - GoFormation for the Serverless Framework. Create Serverless configs with Go structs.
33. Awesome React Native
- react-native-easy-checkbox ★2 (⭐2) - Simple CheckBox for react-native
34. Awesome Rails Gem
Admin Panel / Omniauth
- Trestle (⭐1.8k) - A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
35. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Communication
- FastMail - Reliable business email with no data lock-in.
Alternatives / Publications
- Popular Resistance - Independent, nonviolent, and diverse movements to end the power of concentrated wealth and put human needs before corporate greed.
36. Awesome Typescript
Typescript Project Starters
- typescript-starter (⭐3.5k) – A CLI to quickly generate and configure new libraries and Node.js projects
37. Awesome Ripple
- ripple-libpp (⭐20): C++ Standalone RCL-compatible transaction signing and serialization library
- ripple-rest (⭐83): A RESTful API for submitting payments and monitoring accounts on the Ripple Network
38. Awesome LaTeX
Blogs / TikZ
- - Blog on LaTeX and related topics (tutorials, packages, code snippets, etc.).
39. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Epoch Flip Clock
Unix Time (epoch) flip clock.
Grid Clock
Twelve hour time in words.
Word Clock
A super simple word clock, like your computer is typing the time for you.
Creates unique patterns on your display by randomly stacking vector stencils.
40. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Micro Framework Extras
- Slim Twig View (⭐305) - Integrate Twig into Slim.
- Slim PHP View (⭐267) - A simple PHP renderer for Slim.
Table of Contents / Testing
- ParaTest (⭐2.3k) - A parallel testing library for PHPUnit.
Table of Contents / Event
- RxPHP (⭐1.7k) - A reactive extension library.
Table of Contents / E-commerce
- Sylius - An open source e-commerce solution.
Configuration / Third Party APIs
- Github (⭐2.2k) - A library to interface with the Github API.
41. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / HTTP
- gotql (⭐412) - GraphQL request library built on got (⭐14k).
Packages / Job queues
- rsmq (⭐1.8k) - Redis-backed message queue.
42. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- Crypto Jobs - Blockchain jobs for crypto enthusiasts.
Companies with "remote DNA"
- EasyCommunicationTechnology - .NET development using C#, Angular, Azure. Remote-first company.
43. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Poland 🇵🇱
Kasia Jastrzębska
Topics: React, Redux, Async, CSS in JS, ClojureScript
Topics: MobX, State Management, GraphQL, CSS in JS
44. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Honeypots
- Honeytrap (⭐1.2k) - Opensource system for running, monitoring and managing honeypots.
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- Infosec - CERT-PA - Malware samples collection and analysis.
- vduddu malware repo - Collection of various malware files and source code.
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources
- Infosec - CERT-PA lists (IPs - Domains - URLs) - Blocklist service.
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- Manalyze (⭐997) - Static analyzer for PE executables.
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- sandboxapi (⭐132) - Python library for building integrations with several open source and commercial malware sandboxes.
45. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: Founders At Work: Stories Of Startups Early Days
Author: Jessica Livingston
Goodreads Rating: 3.94
Year Published: 2007
Name: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable
Author: Seth Godin
Goodreads Rating: 3.87
Year Published: 2010
Name: Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business
Author: Jeff Howe
Goodreads Rating: 3.82
Year Published: 2008
Name: Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
Author: Clay Shirky
Goodreads Rating: 3.82
Year Published: 2010
Name: Zero to One
Author: Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
Goodreads Rating: 3.75
Year Published: 2014
Name: One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of
Author: Richard Brandt
Goodreads Rating: 3.75
Year Published: 2011
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present
Author: Eric Kandel
Goodreads Rating: 4.22
Year Published: 2012
Name: Meditations
Author: Marcus Aurelius
Goodreads Rating: 4.21
Year Published:
Name: Gifts of Imperfection
Author: Brene Brown
Goodreads Rating: 4.18
Year Published:
46. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Outdated Boilerplates
- elm-webpack-starter-kid (⭐5) - A very very basic elm + webpack 4 template.
47. Awesome Crypto Papers
Lectures and educational courses / Post-quantum cryptography
- Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar - Video course by Christof Paar (University of Bochum in Germany). In english.
48. Awesome Web Security
Decompiler / Server-Side Request Forgery
- CFR - Another java decompiler by @LeeAtBenf.
Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery
- The Bug Hunters Methodology v2.1 - Written by @jhaddix.
- $7.5k Google services mix-up - Written by Ezequiel Pereira.
49. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- SoundCycle (⭐41) - A Web Audio based Loopstation for musicians with effects and different looping modes.
- Prev: Mar 19 - Mar 25, 2018
- Next: Mar 05 - Mar 11, 2018