Awesome List Updates on Oct 27, 2018
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- Rough (⭐100) - Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style.
2. Awesome Programming for Kids
Lower Elementary
- Code Master - An addictive board game that builds problem solving skills and understanding of programming logic. Starts basic and moves to very advanced.
3. Awesome Electron
Community / Other
4. Awesome Educational Games
Art & Design
- Method of Action - A collection of games that teach you design principles.
- The Bézier Game - Bézier Curves
- Color - Color
- Shape Type - Letter Shaping
- Kern Type - Kerning
- Five Reasons to Use Games in the Classroom - An article by Education World.
- Open Vim - Interactive Vim tutorial.
- Vim Adventures - Learning Vim while playing a game.
- Code School - Learn to code in the comfort of your browser.
- CodinGame - A challenge-based training platform where you can play with the hottest programming topics.
- Cube Composer - A puzzle game inspired by functional programming.
- Learn Git Branching - Interactive Git tutorial that emphasizes branching.
- Swift Playgrounds - Learn to code on your iPad in a seriously fun way.
5. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Bahasa Indonesia
- Developer Muslim - Jurnal seorang developer muslim
6. Awesome Mental Health
- Authentic Developer - Droidcon Berlin 2018 - By Anastasia López Dornak.
7. Awesome Android
Utility / ORM
- Keyboard Visibility Event (⭐15) - A DSL to handle soft keyboard visibility change event.
8. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Utilities
- pgbadger (⭐3.5k) - Fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer.
9. Awesome Bigdata
Books / Streaming
- Data Science at Scale with Python and Dask - Data Science at Scale with Python and Dask teaches you how to build distributed data projects that can handle huge amounts of data.
10. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Reinforcement Learning
- Coach (⭐2.3k) - Reinforcement Learning Coach by Intel® AI Lab enables easy experimentation with state of the art Reinforcement Learning algorithms
11. Awesome Courses
Courses / Algorithms
- CS 4820 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms Cornell University
- This course develops techniques used in the design and analysis of algorithms, with an emphasis on problems arising in computing applications. Example applications are drawn from systems and networks, artificial intelligence, computer vision, data mining, and computational biology. This course covers four major algorithm design techniques (greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and network flow), computability theory focusing on undecidability, computational complexity focusing on NP-completeness, and algorithmic techniques for intractable problems, including identification of structured special cases, approximation algorithms, and local search heuristics.
- Lectures
- Syllabus
Courses / CS Theory
- CS 6810 Theory of Computing Cornell University
- This graduate course gives a broad introduction to complexity theory, including classical results and recent developments. Complexity theory aims to understand the power of efficient computation (when computational resources like time and space are limited). Many compelling conceptual questions arise in this context. Most of these questions are (surprisingly?) difficult and far from being resolved. Nevertheless, a lot of progress has been made toward understanding them (and also why they are difficult). We will learn about these advances in this course. A theme will be combinatorial constructions with random-like properties, e.g., expander graphs and error-correcting codes. Some examples:
- Is finding a solution inherently more difficult than verifying it?
- Do more computational resources mean more computing power?
- Is it easier to find approximate solutions than exact ones?
- Are randomized algorithms more powerful than deterministic ones?
- Is it easier to solve problems in the average case than in the worst case?
- Are quantum computers more powerful than classical ones?
- Syllabus
- Lectures
- Assignments
- This graduate course gives a broad introduction to complexity theory, including classical results and recent developments. Complexity theory aims to understand the power of efficient computation (when computational resources like time and space are limited). Many compelling conceptual questions arise in this context. Most of these questions are (surprisingly?) difficult and far from being resolved. Nevertheless, a lot of progress has been made toward understanding them (and also why they are difficult). We will learn about these advances in this course. A theme will be combinatorial constructions with random-like properties, e.g., expander graphs and error-correcting codes. Some examples:
Courses / Misc
- CS 4812 Quantum Information Processing Cornell University
- Hardware that exploits quantum phenomena can dramatically alter the nature of computation. Though constructing a working quantum computer is a formidable technological challenge, there has been much recent experimental progress. In addition, the theory of quantum computation is of interest in itself, offering strikingly different perspectives on the nature of computation and information, as well as providing novel insights into the conceptual puzzles posed by the quantum theory. The course is intended both for physicists, unfamiliar with computational complexity theory or cryptography, and also for computer scientists and mathematicians, unfamiliar with quantum mechanics. The prerequisites are familiarity (and comfort) with finite dimensional vector spaces over the complex numbers, some standard group theory, and ability to count in binary.
- Syllabus
- Lectures
12. Awesome Saltstack
Official resources
- Training and certification - Official training.
13. Awesome Shell
- osh - Bash compatible, with new/modern Unix shell language called Oil
Command-Line Productivity
- fselect (⭐3.7k) - Find files with SQL-like queries.
- loop (⭐659) - Write and control complex loops with as one-liners
- xsv (⭐9.9k) - a fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
Downloading and Serving / Directory Navigation
- shell2http (⭐1.2k) - HTTP-server to execute shell commands. Designed for development, prototyping or remote control
Applications / Directory Navigation
- carbon-now-cli (⭐5.6k) - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
Games / Directory Navigation
- SHTAP - Reusable text adventure engine for Bash 4
14. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: "Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect."
“It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.”
“Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break.”Author:
Bruce Schneier (Cryptographer, computer security professional, and writer)
Quote: “Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.”
Edward V. Berard is an American software engineer and consultant for The Object Agency, Inc.
Quote: “If McDonalds were run like a software company, one out of every hundred Big Macs would give you food poisoning, and the response would be, ‘We’re sorry, here’s a coupon for two more.’”
Mark Minasi (Author/speaker/consultant at MR&D)
Quote: “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”
Pablo Picasso (painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright)
Quote: “To iterate is human, to recurse divine.”
Peter Deutsch is the founder of Aladdin Enterprises and creator of Ghostscript, a free software PostScript and PDF interpreter.
Quote: “I don't care if it works on your machine! We are not shipping your machine!”
Vidiu Platon
15. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- Z (⭐17k) - Powerful way to navigate easily by typing only a string of directory name in terminal instead of typing exact location of director.
- Prev: Oct 28, 2018
- Next: Oct 26, 2018