Awesome List Updates on Oct 22, 2018
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- spring-projects/aws-maven 🔥🔥 (⭐215) - Maven Wagon for S3.
2. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Simple Machines Forum - Free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. (Source Code (⭐632))
3. Awesome Laravel
Application Hosting / Third-party Service Integration
4. Awesome Swift
- ObjectMapper (⭐9.2k) - JSON object mapper.
Testing / Barcode
- SnapshotTest (⭐41) - Snapshot testing tool for iOS and tvOS.
5. Awesome Ruby
- Sprockets (⭐959) - Rack-based asset packaging system.
Code Analysis and Metrics
- fukuzatsu - Complexity analysis tool with a rich web front-end.
- bcrypt-ruby (⭐1.9k) - bcrypt-ruby is a Ruby binding for the OpenBSD bcrypt() password hashing algorithm.
- TruffleRuby (⭐3.1k) - A high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language. Built on the GraalVM by Oracle Labs.
Music and Sound
- Coltrane (⭐2.4k) - A music theory library with a command-line interface.
- MongoModel (⭐39) - Ruby ODM for interfacing with MongoDB databases.
6. Awesome Mental Health
- Successful, Accomplished, Depressed: A Talk About Performance, Perfectionism, And Burnout In IT - WeAreDevelopers 2018 - By Dennis Traub.
7. Awesome Gbdev
Game Boy Color / Opcodes
Peripherals / Opcodes
- Dan Docs - Obscure Game Boy hardware documentation.
8. Awesome Ciandcd
- Learning Continuous Integraion with TeamCity - Master the principles and practices behind Continuous Integration by setting it up for different technology stacks using TeamCity
9. Awesome Piracy
Seedboxes / Seedbox Hosting Providers
- UltraSeedbox "Plex optimized" servers to rent
- SeedHost " is the oldest continuously operating seedbox hosting provider on the internet."
Media Centre Applications / Third Party Hosts
- Subsonic Music and movie streaming server with a client app and web frontend
Plex Scripts and Tools / Third Party Hosts
- Kitana (⭐444) Kitana exposes your Plex plugin interfaces "to the outside world".
Music / Third Party Hosts
- MusicBrainz MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.
Music Streaming / Third Party Hosts
- Hikarinoakariost Site with Japanese music
- mp3Clan Free music streaming
- GoSong Streamable MP3s
- MP3Juices MP3 search engine tool which uses YouTube
- Another MP3 streaming site
- SongsPK Mainly for downloading Bollywood songs. Domain changes frequently.
- datmusic Search engine with a clean UI for streaming music in your browser
- MusicPleer Another music streaming site with a decent search engine
Music Downloading / Third Party Hosts
- New Album Releases Premium DDL links for full albums
IRC / Third Party Hosts
- ZNC (⭐1.9k) An advanced IRC bouncer
IRC Clients / Third Party Hosts
- Shout (⭐3.7k) The self-hosted web IRC client
- Kiwi IRC Popular web-based IRC client
Piracy Blogs and News / Third Party Hosts
- TechWorm Techworm is a Tech, Cyber-security news platform.
10. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Lorem Ipsum (⭐43) - Generate lorem ipsum(...) text from Alfred.
11. Awesome Java
Bytecode Manipulation
- Mixin (⭐1.5k) - Manipulate bytecode at runtime using real Java code.
12. Awesome Postgres
Contents / GUI
- pgModeler - pgModeler is an open-source PostgreSQL Database Modeler.
13. Awesome Web Security
XSS - Cross-Site Scripting
- AwesomeXSS (⭐4k) - Written by @s0md3v.
- XSS.png - Written by @jackmasa.
Web Cache Poisoning
- Practical Web Cache Poisoning - Written by @albinowax.
- Bypassing Web Cache Poisoning Countermeasures - Written by @albinowax.
- Cache poisoning and other dirty tricks - Written by Wallarm.
Remote Code Execution
- Evil Teacher: Code Injection in Moodle - Written by RIPS Technologies.
- XSS in Google Colaboratory + CSP bypass - Written by Michał Bentkowski.
- Another XSS in Google Colaboratory - Written by Michał Bentkowski.
SQL Injection
- Making a Blind SQL Injection a little less blind - Written by TomNomNom.
Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that)
Reconnaissance / OSINT - Open-Source Intelligence
- Photon (⭐9.1k) - Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT by @s0md3v.
- ReconDog (⭐1.5k) - Reconnaissance Swiss Army Knife by @s0md3v.
Offensive / XSS - Cross-Site Scripting
- beef (⭐7.8k) - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project by beefproject.
- JShell (⭐459) - Get a JavaScript shell with XSS by @s0md3v.
Webshell / Server-Side Request Forgery
- nano (⭐414) - Family of code golfed PHP shells by @s0md3v.
14. Awesome Groovy
Scripting Tools
- EasyDokkaPlugin (⭐13) - Gradle script plugin to generate documentation by Dokka documentation engine for Java and Kotlin
- GradleMavenPush (⭐21) - Gradle script plugin to upload Gradle Artifacts to Maven repositories
- sshoogr (⭐356) - DSL library for working with remote servers through SSH.
15. Awesome Vulkan
- Vulkan Basic Graphics Samples (⭐35) - Collection of simple graphics samples that are written using Magma library.
- Quick Reference Sheets
- Conferences and Presentations
- GDC 2016 Presentations
- 2016 UK Chapter: Moving to Vulkan
- SIGGRAPH 2016 BOF - Vulkan
- SIGGRPAH 2016 Best Practices Roundtable
- 2016 Vulkan DevDay UK
- 2016 Vulkan DevDay Seoul
- 2017 Vulkan DevU Vancouver
- 2017 Vulkan Loader Webinar
- SIGGRAPH 2017 BOF - Vulkan
- 2018 Vulkan Montreal Dev Day
- 2018 Vulkanised!
- SIGGRAPH 2018 BOF - Vulkan
- Prev: Oct 23, 2018
- Next: Oct 21, 2018