Awesome List Updates on Oct 20, 2018
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cpp
Game Engine
- PixelGameEngine (⭐3.9k) - The official distribution of olcPixelGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects. [OLC3]
2. Awesome Hacking
Disassemblers and debuggers
- x64dbg (⭐42k) - An open-source x64/x32 debugger for Windows
- JVM-based languages
- Krakatau (⭐1.9k) - the best decompiler I have used. Is able to decompile apps written in Scala and Kotlin into Java code. JD-GUI and Luyten have failed to do it fully.
- procyon
- Luyten (⭐4.9k) - one of the best, though a bit slow, hangs on some binaries and not very well maintained.
- JAD - JAD Java Decompiler (closed-source, unmaintained)
- JADX (⭐38k) - a decompiler for Android apps. Not related to JAD.
- .net-based languages
- dotPeek - a free-of-charge .NET decompiler from JetBrains
- ILSpy (⭐19k) - an open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler
- dnSpy (⭐25k) - .NET assembly editor, decompiler, and debugger
- native code
- Hopper - A OS X and Linux Disassembler/Decompiler for 32/64-bit Windows/Mac/Linux/iOS executables.
- cutter - a decompiler based on radare2.
- retdec (⭐7.6k)
- snowman (⭐2.3k)
- Hex-Rays
- de4dot (⭐6.6k) - .NET deobfuscator and unpacker.
- JS Nice - a web service guessing JS variables names and types based on the model derived from open source.
- nudge4j (⭐154) - Java tool to let the browser talk to the JVM
- dex2jar (⭐12k) - Tools to work with Android .dex and Java .class files
- androguard - Reverse engineering, malware and goodware analysis of Android applications
- antinet (⭐289) - .NET anti-managed debugger and anti-profiler code
- UPX - the Ultimate Packer (and unpacker) for eXecutables
Execution logging and tracing
- Wireshark - A free and open-source packet analyzer
- tcpdump - A powerful command-line packet analyzer; and libpcap, a portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture
- mitmproxy (⭐33k) - An interactive, SSL-capable man-in-the-middle proxy for HTTP with a console interface
- Charles Proxy - A cross-platform GUI web debugging proxy to view intercepted HTTP and HTTPS/SSL live traffic
- usbmon - USB capture for Linux.
- USBPcap (⭐840) - USB capture for Windows.
- dynStruct (⭐309) - structures recovery via dynamic instrumentation.
- drltrace (⭐365) - shared library calls tracing.
Binary files examination and editing / Hex editors
- HxD - A hex editor which, additionally to raw disk editing and modifying of main memory (RAM), handles files of any size
- WinHex - A hexadecimal editor, helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security
Binary files examination and editing / Other
- Binwalk (⭐9.9k) - Detects signatures, unpacks archives, visualizes entropy.
- Veles (⭐1k) - a visualizer for statistical properties of blobs.
- DarunGrim (⭐359) - executable differ.
- DBeaver (⭐35k) - a DB editor.
- Dependencies (⭐7.6k) - a FOSS replacement to Dependency Walker.
- PEview - A quick and easy way to view the structure and content of 32-bit Portable Executable (PE) and Component Object File Format (COFF) files
- BinText - A small, very fast and powerful text extractor that will be of particular interest to programmers.
3. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Programming Tools / Others
- ObjGen - This app helps you generate code (JSON, HTML, etc) in real time as you type in only the key words, types and properties using a text based syntax.
- JsonFormatter - View json in human readable form.
Utilities (uncategorized) / Others
- Mailinator - Disposable email service.
4. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- VCalendar Very customizable and powerful calendar/datepicker component with many features and good documentation.
5. Awesome Ant Design
Components / Themes
- ngx-recursive-form (⭐36) - Angular recursive form based on json input built with Ant Design.
6. Awesome Piracy
Self-hosted VPNs
- WireGuard VPN WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPSec.
Password Vaults
- Dashlane An intuitive password manager with over with over 8 million users worldwide.
- Passbolt Free, open source, self-hosted, extensible, OpenPGP based.
Premium Link Generators / Free Indexers
- OffCloud A simple, elegant and intuitive SaaS to retrieve any data from the cloud.
Media Centre Applications / Third Party Hosts
- OSMC OSMC (short for Open Source Media Center) is a Linux distribution based on Debian that brings Kodi to a variety of devices.
Music Streaming / Third Party Hosts
- Muxiv Music Stream 45 million songs on all your devices, online or offline. Primarily Chinese content.
Manga / Third Party Hosts
- MangaZone A manga reader app.
P2P Networks / Third Party Hosts
- IPFS - Distributed Web Peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files
Torrent Apps / Third Party Hosts
- Vuze Lightweight & powerful BitTorrent app.
- aTorrent Another popular torrent client for Android.
APKs / Third Party Hosts
- RevDl Direct download site for Android apps and games.
7. Awesome Machine Learning
R / Data Manipulation | Data Analysis | Data Visualization
- Prev: Oct 21, 2018
- Next: Oct 19, 2018