Awesome List Updates on Oct 16, 2018
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- lambda-refarch-iotbackend 🔥🔥 (⭐254) - Reference Architecture for creating an IoT Backend.
2. Awesome Courses
Courses / Machine Learning
- Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders / University of San Francisco
- There are around 24 hours of lessons, and you should plan to spend around 8 hours a week for 12 weeks to complete the material. The course is based on lessons recorded at the University of San Francisco for the Masters of Science in Data Science program. We assume that you have at least one year of coding experience, and either remember what you learned in high school math, or are prepared to do some independent study to refresh your knowledge.
- Lecture Videos
- Lecture Notes
- Jupyter Notebooks (⭐23k)
3. Awesome Swift
Streaming / Barcode
- HaishinKit (⭐2.8k) - Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
4. Awesome Flutter
- Inherited Widget - Flutter’s InheritedWidget to hold app state by Chema Molins
UI / Effect
- Frosted Glass - Render effect by Collin Jackson
- Shimmer (⭐1.8k) - Shimmer effect while content is loading by HungHD
UI / Calendar
- Calendar Widget (⭐243) - Calendar widget by David Bennett
5. Awesome Java
Networking / Text-Based User Interfaces
- TLS Channel (⭐198) - Implements a ByteChannel interface over SSLEngine, enabling easy-to-use (socket-like) TLS.
6. Awesome List
- Home Assistant (⭐6.5k) - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
7. Awesome Ruby
- Syslogger (⭐114) - A drop-in replacement for the standard Logger Ruby library, that logs to the syslog instead of a log file.
8. Awesome Web Archiving
Resources for Web Publishers
- The Archive Ready tool, for estimating how likely a web page will be archived successfully.
9. Awesome Xamarin
- Invention - Develop native apps for iOS, Android and Windows with 100% code sharing using Visual Studio and C#.NET.
- XamarinControls ★17 (⭐103) - Cross-platform controls for Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms (Checkbox using SkiaSharp).
10. Awesome Linux
GUI-based Applications / Package management and creation tools
- Yay (⭐8.4k) (Arch) - Yay is one of the many wrappers to
which automatically downloads and installs packages from AUR, a full list can be found here.
11. Awesome Piracy
- IMDb Scout Add links from IMDb pages to torrent sites -- easy downloading from IMDb
- AdsBypasser This user script helps you to skip countdown ads or continue pages and prevent ad pop-up windows.
Tracker Aggregators / Public Trackers
- rats-search (⭐1.3k) P2P Bittorrent search engine
Audiobooks / Third Party Hosts
- AAXtoMP3 (⭐1.1k) Convert Audible's .aax filetype to MP3, FLAC, M4A, or OPUS
Ripping, Transcoding, Converting, Encoding / Third Party Hosts
- DVD Decrypter The original unofficial DVD Decrypter mirror since June 7th, 2005.
File Renaming and Tagging / Third Party Hosts
- Beets (⭐12k) beets is a music library manager
- MediaInfo MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.
- iFlicks2 Useful for adding metadata to movies and TV shows
12. Awesome Nextjs
- Urteile & Gesetze (⭐17) - German Legal Information System licensed under GPLv3.
13. Awesome Clojure
Web Framework
Async processing
Editor Plugins
14. Awesome Serverless
Serverless Framework Plugins
- S3 Deploy (⭐58) - Plugin to deploy files to an S3 Bucket.
15. Js Must Watch
16. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Cryptography
- BCrypt.Net (⭐812) - Bringing updates to the original bcrypt package.
- multiformats (⭐48) - A general purpose hashing library, but a library to encode/decode Multihashes which is a "container" describing what hash algorithm the digest is calculated with.
- nsec (⭐381) - NSec is a new cryptographic library for .NET Core based on libsodium.
17. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Creating an interactive map with D3 and Vue (October 2018)
Resources / Books
- Getting to Know Vue.js by Brett Nelson, Apress. (August 2018)
18. Awesome Qa
Systems / Subtypes of QA
- IBM Watson - Has state-of-the-arts performance.
- Facebook DrQA - Applied to the SQuAD1.0 dataset. The SQuAD2.0 dataset has released. but DrQA is not tested yet.
- MIT media lab's Knowledge graph - Is a freely-available semantic network, designed to help computers understand the meanings of words that people use.
Lectures / Subtypes of QA
- Question Answering - Natural Language Processing - By Dragomir Radev, Ph.D. | University of Michigan | 2016.
Slides / Subtypes of QA
- Question Answering with Knowledge Bases, Web and Beyond (⭐33) - By Scott Wen-tau Yih & Hao Ma | Microsoft Research | 2016.
- Question Answering - By Dr. Mariana Neves | Hasso Plattner Institut | 2017.
Datasets / Subtypes of QA
- MultiRC
- A dataset of short paragraphs and multi-sentence questions
- Paper:
- Prev: Oct 17, 2018
- Next: Oct 15, 2018