Awesome List Updates on Oct 09, 2018
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Travel Mate Server (⭐43)
Description: Django based document management system with OCR, indexing, full text searching, previewing and more
Link: App on PlayStore
2. Awesome Scifi
Magic 2.0 Series (2013, 2014, 2015, 2017) by Scott Meyer [3.9] / Imago (1989) [4.2]
- Out of Spite, Out of Mind [3.79]
3. Awesome Mastodon
Libraries / Français
- Megalodon (⭐83) - Mastodon API client library for node.js.
4. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Firebase Server-Side Render Vue Apps with Nuxt.js (Server-side Rendering with JavaScript Frameworks)
5. Awesome Uncopyright
- Standard Ebooks - Hundreds of classics, beautifully formatted and typeset.
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Community / iOS
7. Awesome Vscode
Niketa Theme by Dejan Toteff / Gradle Tasks
- @code - The official VS Code Twitter
- @auchenberg - VS Code Program Manager
- @BenjaminPasero - VS Code Dev
- @chrisdias - VS Code Program Manager
- @_clarkio - Developer Advocate @ Azure. Creator of VS Code release highlight videos
- @eamodio - GitLens creator
- @ErichGamma - VS Code Dev
- @IsidorN - VS Code Dev
- @joaomoreno - VS Code Dev
- @johannesrieken - VS Code Dev
- @lannonbr - Creator of & JS Parameter Annotations extension
- @maeschli - VS Code Dev
- @ramyanexus - VS Code Dev. Maintainer of Go extension
- @Tyriar - VS Code Dev. Creator of xterm.js
8. Awesome Ros2
Presentations / ROSCon JP 2018 (english slide presentations only)
9. Awesome Serverless
Related projects
- CloudCompose - An open community marketplace for serverless functions and workflows.
10. Awesome Swift
Cryptography / Barcode
- JOSESwift (⭐209) - A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK.
Menu / Barcode
- Panels (⭐1.5k) - Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application.
11. Awesome Magento2
Learning / Progressive Web Application
- - Magento 2 Developer Screencasts by Vinai Kopp
12. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Swift / Vapor
13. Awesome Flutter
UI / List
- Typeahead (⭐842) - Display overlay suggestions to users as they type by Abdul Rahman Al Hamali
14. Awesome Dotnet
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Iron python (⭐1.1k) - A python 2 implementation that is integrated with the dot net framework.
15. Awesome Hacking
tools / Other
- empire (⭐7.2k) - A post exploitation framework for powershell and python.
- silenttrinity (⭐2.1k) - A post exploitation tool that uses iron python to get past powershell restrictions.
16. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-producer 🔥🔥 (⭐376) - Producer Library.
17. Awesome Quant
R / Numerical Libraries & Data Structures
- sparseEigen (⭐12) - Sparse principal component analysis.
- Prev: Oct 10, 2018
- Next: Oct 08, 2018