Awesome List Updates on Oct 08, 2018
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome React Native
2. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Natural Language Processing
- Dedupe (⭐4.2k) - A python library for accurate and scalable fuzzy matching, record deduplication and entity-resolution.
3. Awesome Ansible
Playbooks, Roles and Collections / French
- Openstack Ansible (⭐1.5k) - Ansible Playbooks for deploying OpenStack.
- DebOps - A extensive collection of Debian based Ansible Playbooks.
4. Awesome Ethereum
- Hitchhikers Guide to Smart Contracts - Build smart contracts on Ethereum using Truffle, testrpc and Solidity.
- A 101 Noob Intro to Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum - Smart contract tutorial with a focus on building up understanding before code.
- Parity DApp Tutorial - 10 part tutorial on how to write DApps.
- Ethereum Builders Guide - Gitbook for building on Ethereum that goes deeper into understanding technical functionality.
5. Awesome Ios
Extensions / Collection View Layout
- XGist (⭐77) - Xcode extension which allows you to send your text selection or entire file to GitHub's Gist and automatically copy the Gist URL into your Clipboard.
6. Awesome Draft Js
Standalone Editors Built on Draft.js
- Z-Editor (⭐125) - Online Z-notations editor.
Common Utilities
- Sticky (⭐7) - A simple note taking and clipboard managing desktop application
7. Awesome Mastodon
Hosting / Français
- - Fully managed Mastodon hosting.
8. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- Lumos (⭐155) - An easy-to-use API for Objective-C runtime functions.
9. Awesome Cl
i18n / Third-party APIs
- cl-i18n - an i18n library. Load translations from GNU gettext text or binary files or from its native format. Localisation helpers of plural forms. LLGPL.
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- SmartSql (⭐1.1k) - SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
11. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Tools
- vscode-extension (⭐116) * An Aurelia extension for the VS Code editor that provides HTML syntax highlighting, statement completion and CLI integration.
12. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- NDepend - is a Visual Studio and VS Team Services extension that estimates your .NET code quality and Technical-Debt, that lets create code rules with C# LINQ syntax, visualize code structure and focus on changes and evolution. [$]
13. Awesome Ros2
Operating systems / Build system (ROS2)
- RIOT (⭐4.5k) - RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system (...,) real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, (...) API offers partial POSIX compliance.
Papers / ROSCon 2015
14. Awesome
- fselect (⭐3.3k) - Command-line tool to search files with SQL-like queries.
15. Awesome Cpp
- CppCon 2018 Presentation Materials (⭐1.4k) - CppCon 2018 Presentation Materials.
- C++Now 2018 Presentations (⭐126) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2018.
16. Awesome List
- Software Patreons (⭐495) - Fund individual programmers or the development of open source projects.
17. Awesome Vscode
Shell / More
18. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- pop-os/system76-power (⭐607) - Linux power management daemon (DBus-interface) with CLI tool.
- Prev: Oct 09, 2018
- Next: Oct 07, 2018