Awesome List Updates on Oct 06, 2018
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- RaspiBlitz (⭐2.5k) - Fastest and cheapest way to get your own Lightning Node running.
2. Awesome Flutter
- Rendering Engine Tutorial - Flutter's Rendering Engine: A Tutorial by AbdulRahman AlHamali
3. Awesome Ruby
Gem Generators
- Gemsmith (⭐466) - A command line interface for smithing new Ruby gems.
4. Awesome Ember
Packages / Videos
Packages / YouTube playlists
5. Awesome Gbdev
Tools / Graphics utilities
- vtGBte (⭐33) - A minimalistic ncurses tile editor.
6. Awesome Nextjs
- csprance/next-smrt (⭐56) - A minimal boilerplate with redux, styled-components, material-ui and typescript with a custom express server.
7. Awesome Vscode
ReasonML / Smarty Template Support
- ReasonML - Intellisense, code formatting, refactoring, code lens and more
8. Awesome Db Tools
- Pgweb (⭐8.7k) - Web-based database browser for PostgreSQL, written in Go and works on macOS, Linux and Windows machines.
- ipython-sql (⭐1.8k) - Connect to a database for issue SQL commands within IPython or IPython Notebook.
Schema / Changes
- gh-ost (⭐13k) - Online schema migration for MySQL.
Schema / Code generation
- ddl-generator (⭐275) - Infers SQL DDL (Data Definition Language) from table data.
9. Awesome Ethereum
Blockchain Utilities
- Etherscan - Ethereum block explorer with other useful block utilities.
10. Awesome Bigdata
Time-Series Databases
- M3DB - a distributed time series database that can be used for storing realtime metrics at long retention.
11. Awesome Malware Analysis
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- mac-a-mal (⭐82) - An automated framework for mac malware hunting.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- CryptoKnight (⭐38) - Automated cryptographic algorithm reverse engineering and classification framework.
12. Awesome Code Review
- How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human Techniques that treat the code review as not only a technical process but a social one as well.
13. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- pop-os/popsicle (⭐678) - GTK3 & CLI utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel
14. Awesome Swift
Auto Layout / Barcode
- DeviceLayout (⭐166) - AutoLayout can be set differently for each device.
- Prev: Oct 07, 2018
- Next: Oct 05, 2018