Awesome List Updates on Oct 05, 2018
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
- NetOffice (⭐704) - .NET wrapper assemblies for Microsoft Office applications.
2. Awesome Ethereum
- Solidity Documentation - Programming language of choice for smart contracts.
- Vyper Documentation - Experimental smart contract programming language intended to replace Solidity.
- MetaMask - Browser extension that can interact with Remix IDE and send transactions to different testnets.
- MyEtherWallet - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
- Mist (⭐7.4k) - Official Ethereum wallet - Browse and use Ðapps on the Ethereum network.
- MyCrypto - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
3. Awesome Osint
Domain and IP Research / Steam
4. Awesome Diversity
- 1 Million Women To Tech (⭐627) - Organization whose mission is to offer free coding education to 1 million women by 2020. Has free (DIY) and paid (certification) courses.
- AnyKey - Organization whose mission is to help create fair and inclusive spaces in esports for marginalized members of the gaming community.
- Black Girl Gamers - A safe space that supports black girl gamers. Also found on:
- Girl Gamers - Community for ladies to discuss gaming, women in geek culture, and experiences that occur as a result of gender.
- Girls In Tech Global Classroom - Organization that offers tech related courses, such as 3-D Tinkercad design, to girls and women, at no cost.
- Gaming While Black: Casual Racism To Cautious Optimism - By Jessica Conditt.
5. Awesome React Native
Books / Navigation Demos
- Fullstack React Native - The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to React Native.
6. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / APIs
- Lighthouse (⭐3k) - An up and coming GraphQL library for Laravel
7. Awesome Cpp
Memory Allocation
- Hoard (⭐1.1k) - Fast, Scalable, and Memory-efficient Malloc for Linux, Windows, and Mac. [Apache-2.0] website
- jemalloc (⭐9.8k) - General purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support. [BSD] website
8. Tips
Visualize the tree including commits that are only referenced from reflogs
git log --graph --decorate --oneline $(git rev-list --walk-reflogs --all)
9. Tools
10. Awesome Mac
Utilities / System Related Tools
- coconutBattery - Shows live information about the battery in your Mac. Includes: manufacture date, capacity, cycle count, battery status, temperature, discharging power.
11. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
12. Awesome Android
- AnyChart (⭐2k) - Data visualization library, Interactive charts.
- YuanaItemSettingView (⭐15) - Customizable Item Setting View for Android.
13. Awesome Vscode
Laravel / More
- Laravel Model Snippets - Quickly get models up and running with Laravel Model Snippets.
14. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- altair - Declarative statistical visualizations, based on Vega-Lite.
- Prev: Oct 06, 2018
- Next: Oct 04, 2018